View Full Version : Pat Riley to Lebron : Stay "if you've got the guts"

06-19-2014, 02:18 PM
"This stuff is hard. And you got to stay together, if you've got the guts. And you don't find the first door and run out of it."

Shots fired :rockon:

06-19-2014, 02:19 PM
He's gone:lol

06-19-2014, 02:20 PM
Riley needs LeBron more than LeBron needs Riley.

Seems desperate to me.

06-19-2014, 02:22 PM
dam son.... this is going to be an interesting off season.

06-19-2014, 02:23 PM
Riley needs LeBron more than LeBron needs Riley.

Seems desperate to me.

I disagree. Riley is in his 70s and can retire at any point as arguably the greatest mind ever in basketball management (coach/exec).

He doesnt need Bran for anything. Whereas Bran cannot just go to a team run by David Khan or James Dolan if he wants to keep competing for titles. Bran needs Riley far more at this point than Riley needs him. Riley can retire whenever he feels like it and will go down as arguably the greatest.

06-19-2014, 02:23 PM
:lol. Pat Riley did not take a shot.

Riley began his news conference with a sermon: “We need to have perspective about things. Everybody needs to get a grip, media, Heat players, organization, all of our players. All of our fans have to get a grip on greatness and on teams. I’ve been here for 45 years in the NBA. I’ve witnessed dynasties and great teams. The 80s Lakers five championships in 12 years. Seven times they didn’t win. You’ve got to deal with it.

“Celtics – 12 years together in the 1980s, 3 wins, 9 losses. The Chicago Bulls 11 times – in 11 years, 6 titles. That’s five times Michael Jordan, Horace and Scottie lost. Kobe’s Lakers won five, lost 12 times. Spurs in 17 years won five titles. Lost 12 times.

### Then Riley delivered this message, which he said he will share with his players: “This stuff is hard. You’ve got to stay together if you’ve got the guts. You don’t find the first door and run out of it. This is four years into this era. Four Finals. It’s only been done three other years before and two championships, from day one to the end it was like a Broadway show that sort of run out of steam. We need to retool. We don’t need to rebuild. And that’s what we’re going to do. I’ve been a leader and decision maker and that’s been my level of expertise. I will do what I can to retool the team. Everyone get a grip. It’s been a great run.

“That cements a forever bond is going through what we went through this year and staying the course. I’ve been through that experience. 1982, when we beat Philadelphia, they came back the next year and got us.

“We’re going to find out what we’re made of here. It’s not about options or free agency. It’s about what we have built over four years here. Losing is just as much a part of it as winning is. If you’re a team you deal with it.

“There is no hugging, no high fiving. It’s looking around the room and seeing who’s going to stand up. What are you going to do to come back and make the team better? We have a long-term opportunity for long-term success.

“That’s my message to players. They’re hearing it right now. Take accountability to your own actions and not lat it off on somebody else.

“I had 15 exit meetings the other day and you learn a lot in exit meetings with players after you win. I had kisses all over my face when we won. Yesterday was just a good handshake."

### On LeBron not committing yet: “It’s a present day mentality of all players in the league. They have the inalienable right when they have options in the contract, they have the right to pursue those options. I don’t take anything away from what LeBron has to say. He has the right to do whatever he wants to do --- He said, ‘Give me a week before I can be coherent with my thoughts.' I’m confident we have an organization that’s been strong.’

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/2014/06/an-entertaining-55-minutes-everything-notable-pat-riley-had-to-say-in-thursday-news-conference.html#storylink=cpy

or did he ?

Im so nba'd out
06-19-2014, 02:24 PM
"This stuff is hard. And you got to stay together, if you've got the guts. And you don't find the first door and run out of it."

Shots fired :rockon:

06-19-2014, 02:25 PM
I disagree. Riley is in his 70s and can retire at any point as arguably the greatest mind ever in basketball management (coach/exec).

Fair enough. I guess it's pretty remarkable that he even got those 3 together.

06-19-2014, 02:26 PM
LeBron already gave Riley two more rings, he's performed his due diligence. No one should have a problem with him leaving as long as there is no Decision II.

06-19-2014, 02:26 PM
Isn't this what Riley asked Lebron to do to start with?

LBJ 23
06-19-2014, 02:27 PM
Somehow Lebron haters always throwing out those quotes out of context or straight up lying :facepalm

06-19-2014, 02:30 PM
The whole reason he got Lebron in the first place was because Lebron ran out the door taking the path of least resistance:confusedshrug:

am I missing something?

shouldn't Riley say " stay and I will get Melo"

06-19-2014, 02:33 PM
Riley began his news conference with a sermon: “We need to have perspective about things. Everybody needs to get a grip, media, Heat players, organization, all of our players. All of our fans have to get a grip on greatness and on teams. I’ve been here for 45 years in the NBA. I’ve witnessed dynasties and great teams. The 80s Lakers five championships in 12 years. Seven times they didn’t win. You’ve got to deal with it.

“Celtics – 12 years together in the 1980s, 3 wins, 9 losses. The Chicago Bulls 11 times – in 11 years, 6 titles. That’s five times Michael Jordan, Horace and Scottie lost. Kobe’s Lakers won five, lost 12 times. Spurs in 17 years won five titles. Lost 12 times.

### Then Riley delivered this message, which he said he will share with his players: “This stuff is hard. You’ve got to stay together if you’ve got the guts. You don’t find the first door and run out of it. This is four years into this era. Four Finals. It’s only been done three other years before and two championships, from day one to the end it was like a Broadway show that sort of run out of steam. We need to retool. We don’t need to rebuild. And that’s what we’re going to do. I’ve been a leader and decision maker and that’s been my level of expertise. I will do what I can to retool the team. Everyone get a grip. It’s been a great run.

“That cements a forever bond is going through what we went through this year and staying the course. I’ve been through that experience. 1982, when we beat Philadelphia, they came back the next year and got us.

“We’re going to find out what we’re made of here. It’s not about options or free agency. It’s about what we have built over four years here. Losing is just as much a part of it as winning is. If you’re a team you deal with it.

“There is no hugging, no high fiving. It’s looking around the room and seeing who’s going to stand up. What are you going to do to come back and make the team better? We have a long-term opportunity for long-term success.

“That’s my message to players. They’re hearing it right now. Take accountability to your own actions and not lat it off on somebody else.

“I had 15 exit meetings the other day and you learn a lot in exit meetings with players after you win. I had kisses all over my face when we won. Yesterday was just a good handshake."

### On LeBron not committing yet: “It’s a present day mentality of all players in the league. They have the inalienable right when they have options in the contract, they have the right to pursue those options. I don’t take anything away from what LeBron has to say. He has the right to do whatever he wants to do --- He said, ‘Give me a week before I can be coherent with my thoughts.' I’m confident we have an organization that’s been strong.
Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sport...#storyThe GOdfather has spoken...

06-19-2014, 02:34 PM
it's really "gutsy" for lebron to stay on this team? this team is still great

06-19-2014, 02:36 PM
shouldn't Riley say " stay and I will get Melo"No it's "just try and leave and I'll... I'll.. replace you with Melo!" :lol :lol

06-19-2014, 02:37 PM
Heres the rest:

### On LeBron not committing yet: “It’s a present day mentality of all players in the league. They have the inalienable right when they have options in the contract, they have the right to pursue those options. I don’t take anything away from what LeBron has to say. He has the right to do whatever he wants to do --- He said, ‘Give me a week before I can be coherent with my thoughts.' I’m confident we have an organization that’s been strong.’

“We have great coaching, great leadership. I didn’t come down here 19 years ago for a quick trip to South Beach to get a suntan and I don’t think they did either. All those guys who have come here got exactly what they wanted --- the best competition on the biggest stage. We won two of the last three.”

### On Wade: "I would be very surprised if he was anywhere else but a Heat uniform next season. Dwyane is a champion, a Miami Heat for life. He is examined more than anyone else. It really is time for everyone to take heed of the message sent to us by the Spurs. They went home and looked at themselves. We’re judged a lot more harsher [than the Spurs]. You can criticize him on his performance. But he isn’t a what have you done for me lately guy or a Johnny do nothing! That’s an insult for a guy since 2003 who has made magic for us.

"Does he have to reinvent himself? Absolutely. Does Erik have to reinvent himself a little bit? Yes he does. It’s going to take execution and coming back with a great resolve.”

### “We have a lot of room for flexibility depending on what happens…I don’t feel any pressure at all. I don’t think we need to recruit Chris and LeBron and Dwyane again. Four trips to the Finals, two world championships. I’m not dropping championship rings on the table for those guys. They can drop their own. We will have good conversations with them on what we need to do to improve.”

### Would owner Micky Arison pay the mid-level exception and thus increase his luxury tax bill? “He will do anything to get those guys to come back. There has been a perception he doesn’t want to pay the tax. That’s BS. He's never asking anyone to take a cut to avoid paying the tax."

"That’s a voluntary thing from the player. We are not asking them to do that. Micky will do whatever he has to do to keep this team together."

Riley said it's not their responsibility to take pay cuts: "Their responsibility is for them to take the best deal they can take from a monetary standpoint.”

### Riley said: “We have two young players we like in James Ennis and Justin Hamilton. The team has to be layered with some young guys. We have high hopes [on Ennis].”

### On why Mike Miller was amnestied: “We had extreme duplication at Mike Miller’s position. The prime motivation was to be in a better position this year. We wanted flexibility. We all love Mike.”

### If his Big three all leave: “Worst case, we could have most room in the history of the NBA. I’m not planning on that.”

### On Chris Andersen: “Chris had one of the best seasons he ever had until he suffered an incredibly painful injury vs. Indiana. That might have had an impact. He also started to get game planned. Teams started to put bodies on him, wouldn’t let him roll to the rim and catch and finish. They looked at Chris like he was a star and somebody we have to neutralize.”

### Riley said Ray Allen did not give him an idea if he wants to retire but will “be in touch…. We probably asked a little bit too much of him.”

### “The four years we had with LeBron we hope turns into another 8 or 10. All three of them have opt outs. They created the flexibility. They will think about. We’re not walking around on eggshells anymore and not talking about it. We need to talk about it now.

“I love LeBron. He knows how we feel about him. You need to give him time to get away. I sent an email to everybody after the game. This storm will pass. There are a lot of broken pieces on the ground and we will leave them there.”

### What would he prefer the Big Three do as far as opt outs? “Whatever they want to do. However we can keep those guys together, Bird McHale Parish together, Worthy, Johnson, Abdul-Jabbar, Duncan, Ginobili, Parker together. All those guys stayed together and in their worst moments, they allowed management to re-tool."

### Can the Heat add a fourth star? "That’s a pipe dream but everybody thought 2010 was a pipe dream, too. I don’t harbor that thought. That’s not where we are headed. That’s not what we’re thinking about."

Would Riley ask players to take a pay cut? Riley said: “I’m not going to get down on my knees. I wouldn’t do that to a player.”

### On Wade: “What does he have to do mentally and spiritually to get him to another level at that age of 32. He does have pain but he doesn't have the debilitating injury that could end his career. Is there something that would allow him to become physically better? He’s too smart, too good, too talented to not play a major role for years to come.”

Wade coming off the bench “has not been discussed. We would probably have to get in a room with boxing gloves to have that discussion, which I would not want to do."

### RIley said "One of the things that was a common thread that came out of most of the meetings" with players was this: "Mentally exhausted, mentally fatigued. I understand that. I don’t accept it. If you go to the Finals four years in a row, maybe they didn’t know how to prepare themselves for 4 years in a row in the Finals.

"If that’s something of an excuse or you use that as a crutch, then that’s what it takes --- a real special team and it takes a special mentality to be able to do that and also win a championship. If players are saying this was a tough year and grind every day and every night, well welcome to the NBA and the world of world championship basketball. They should have a discussion with Bill Russell about winning eight straight championships. I saw that in the team. I saw the mental fatigue. I thought we were hitting stride when we beat Indiana in Game 6. When we had two games in San Antonio. I said we’re in a good place. And then we ran into a buzzsaw.

### On Greg Oden: “We talked about it and we know him physically better than anybody else would. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Greg. Next year we would raise protocol on him. You don’t want to walk away from that kind of a talent.” He said the plan was for Oden to play eight minutes a game until he suffered a "severe" back injury in March.

### On Spoelstra: “Take stock in what happened this year, take stock in the last four years. Take stock in your offense. Take stock in your defense. We were a top five defensive team. He comes from a defensive background. We were down in the middle of the pack most of the season. History shows you anybody down that low very rarely wins a championship. You've got to have a dynamic defense first that rebounds the basketball and you've got to have a dynamic offense in today's game. Erik is a student. He will go to work on this and study it. He’s got somebody he can talk to that knows something about coaching. He will reinvent himself in some way, shape or form to help this team become better.”

### On free agent Mario Chalmers: "We all have our days. Mario, God bless him, we don’t beat OKC [without him]. We have great respect for Mario. He had a tough, rough Finals. A lot of players have had tough, rough Finals. It’s reason for him to get motivated and better. He’s six years in the program. He’s a starting point guard on four consecutive Finals teams. He’s going to have to take stock in what happened and why it happened and study it and come back better."

### He said his message (expressed at the top of this post) "will get back" to players. "You leave them alone for 10 days. Why they were inept? Why they didn’t get it done? They played against a team playing at a very high level? They’ll get the message."

### “All of a sudden, people say we need to improve at every position. We need to get our core back. We need to organically grow from within. The Spurs made one move --- they got Marco Belleneli. It was Patty Mills from within their organization."

### He said a player signed to the mid-level "better be able to play and prove he can play and is a starter. The players we decided on were in their prime and slipped out of their prime. Ray was off the charts. I still prefer the in-his-prime veteran who simply wants to move, come here and win a championship and have a great impact on the team. We would love to have players that are young and would grow into major roles.”

### He said every member of the Big Three doesn’t need to be at the same salary.

### On his relationship with LeBron: “I’m an arms distance guy. It’s a texting relationship, a short meeting in the hallway or at practice. I don’t bring him in for long dissertations. He would probably yawn on me in five minutes or 10. He knows I love him. He knows I respect him. You don’t pander and you don’t punish. There’s a fine line in between. Players today are different in how they think and how they think. I’ve always felt I have a great relationship with LeBron. He was restless [in our meeting]. He wanted to go away with his family and decompress.”

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/2014/06/an-entertaining-55-minutes-everything-notable-pat-riley-had-to-say-in-thursday-news-conference.html#storylink=cpy

06-19-2014, 02:41 PM
He sounds desperate

06-19-2014, 02:42 PM
The whole reason he got Lebron in the first place was because Lebron ran out the door taking the path of least resistance:confusedshrug:

am I missing something?

shouldn't Riley say " stay and I will get Melo"

Interesting point :lol

Riles knew who he was getting- a guy who is allergic to anything that's not easy.

I heard that when LeBron was in elementary school and he had a tough test coming up, instead of studying his ass off for it, he just changed schools. Had a big hour long announcement at recess and everything.

06-19-2014, 02:42 PM
"This stuff is hard. And you got to stay together, if you've got the guts. And you don't find the first door and run out of it."

Shots fired :rockon:

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: Oh Pat if you weren't such an OG I'd call you a fakkit.

06-19-2014, 02:46 PM
Lebron needs to get out of there, for the only reason being that we as fans are bored of this Miami sh*t.

It's pretty boring watching these guys. Lebron hardly ever goes for 40 anymore.

He needs to go to the Bobcats or something.

06-19-2014, 02:52 PM
it's definitely out of context...but let's play a reverse role on the whole Lebron situation.

say he does leave...you have Bosh and Wade signed, being they opt-in, and leaves you with about 18-20 mil of Lebron's contract to spend on 2 valued star players.

Drumond, Hayward, Lowry, Parsons are all FAs (among many more)...Miami will still be attractable with the core of Bosh and Wade, and if they can sign 2 in this fashion, they're still in a really good spot for Finals contention.

the other option is if Lebron leaves, Riley can go as is (as he did with Wade in those 3 years up until 2010) and shoot for a blockbuster 2015 FA again.

nevertheless...faith's in Riley with Lebron Wade and Bosh restructuring. :rockon:

06-19-2014, 02:53 PM
Interesting point :lol

Riles knew who he was getting- a guy who is allergic to anything that's not easy.

I heard that when LeBron was in elementary school and he had a tough test coming up, instead of studying his ass off for it, he just changed schools. Had a big hour long announcement at recess and everything.

real talk....

I hate bashing Lebron ...I think he is a real good dude.

I know he had a rough childhood without no Father....single mom and they made it somehow someway.

But Basketball wise.....he left a good team in Cleveland ( his hometown team with his hometown fans )....and I don't think that is right.

when pat Riley starts spewing about being "tough" or not "quitting".....it's stoopid.

Basketball wise we all know Lebron ....if he can easily leave Cleveland.....he can easily leave Miami.....

- Lebron is Loyal to his family and friends( the most important)......basketball wise...he is loyal to himself.

Don't bring loyalty into BBall Pat.....not with LBJ.....bring in superstars who make highlight plays for Bron to look goooood.

06-19-2014, 02:57 PM
Hope LeBron leaves this shit team.
All Riley did after getting the big three is filling the roster spots with borderline retards and washed up clowns.
couldnt find a decent rim protector or rebounder in 4 seasons.
what a joke
LeBron shouldnt waste more prime years on this shit roster

06-19-2014, 02:58 PM
real talk....

I hate bashing Lebron ...I think he is a real good dude.

I know he had a rough childhood without no Father....single mom and they made it somehow someway.

But Basketball wise.....he left a good team in Cleveland ( his hometown team with his hometown fans )....and I don't think that is right.

when pat Riley starts spewing about being "tough" or not "quitting".....it's stoopid.

Basketball wise we all know Lebron ....if he can easily leave Cleveland.....he can easily leave Miami.....

- Lebron is Loyal to his family and friends( the most important)......basketball wise...he is loyal to himself.

Don't bring loyalty into BBall Pat.....not with LBJ.....bring in superstars who make highlight plays for Bron to look goooood.

06-19-2014, 02:59 PM
No it's "just try and leave and I'll... I'll.. replace you with Melo!" :lol :lol

That would be interesting if it happened, as unlikely as it is. The best player of the era replaced at his peak with a top 3 player at his position (not a D-Leaguer :lol )...how much of a drop-off in wins would there be?

06-19-2014, 03:01 PM
That would be interesting if it happened, as unlikely as it is. The best player of the era replaced at his peak with a top 3 player at his position (not a D-Leaguer :lol )...how much of a drop-off in wins would there be?

Replace bran with melo and the heat still easily make the finals. The east is pathetic remember..

Im so nba'd out
06-19-2014, 03:03 PM
Interesting point :lol

Riles knew who he was getting- a guy who is allergic to anything that's not easy.

I heard that when LeBron was in elementary school and he had a tough test coming up, instead of studying his ass off for it, he just changed schools. Had a big hour long announcement at recess and everything.

06-19-2014, 03:03 PM
:lol. Pat Riley did not take a shot.

or did he ?

I don't see how Riley took a shot at all. That quote looks perfectly reasonable. Further, Lebron would be a grade-A jackass to leave now. They made history with that string of finals appearances.

06-19-2014, 03:04 PM

06-19-2014, 03:10 PM
Good read. Pat was pretty candid with these answers and as much as possible, he's trying to get in front of the media shitstorm that is begging Lebron to be a free agent and give them another summer's worth of stories and editorials like the Decision summer.

06-19-2014, 03:15 PM
LeBron already gave Riley two more rings, he's performed his due diligence. No one should have a problem with him leaving as long as there is no Decision II.
And Riley had nothing to do with Lebron winning those rings? Having a top-drawer front office is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to putting together a championship team - look at the Spurs, and the Lakers until recently. They might have great players but it takes a great front office to make a great team.

Riley is the GOAT salesman. If Bron leaves to some franchise he doesn't know, or that joke of a franchise in Cleveland, i wouldn't be surprised if he never wins another championship.

06-19-2014, 03:17 PM
Interesting point :lol

Riles knew who he was getting- a guy who is allergic to anything that's not easy.

I heard that when LeBron was in elementary school and he had a tough test coming up, instead of studying his ass off for it, he just changed schools. Had a big hour long announcement at recess and everything.


Comedy ain't your thing, Dadda

06-19-2014, 03:28 PM
Hope LeBron leaves this shit team.
All Riley did after getting the big three is filling the roster spots with borderline retards and washed up clowns.
couldnt find a decent rim protector or rebounder in 4 seasons.
what a joke
LeBron shouldnt waste more prime years on this shit roster
jesus, what the hell is wrong with you? 4 trips to the finals, 2 chips (would've been 3 if not for Lebron choke) and here you are acting like you could build a better championship team than Pat Riley.

Just kill yourself already, you're not worth the oxygen you breathe.

06-19-2014, 03:29 PM
all pat riley is saying is that lebron and company have to trust him to build the heat back into champions. gonna be tough tho considering wade wants the max...i think they gonna have to dump bosh tho for a draft pick and try and get randle or the kid from indiana in the draft....no way u can build around bosh,bron and wade and be happy about your from 4 years from now..wade is passed his prime...and bosh isnt a reliable second option...very good player but on a team with championship aspirations bosh is a poor mans pau gasol with a better long range jumper..nothing more nothing less...

with that being said bosh is still a very capable player and imo is worth a max deal from any other team out there just off his experience alone....still very talented player too just dont think he is the right fit for the heat moving forward.

06-19-2014, 03:44 PM
I don't see how Riley took a shot at all. That quote looks perfectly reasonable. Further, Lebron would be a grade-A jackass to leave now. They made history with that string of finals appearances.


At least there's still a few people here on ish who somewhat has high reading comprehension.

These Lebron haters act like Lebron is such a shallow person who will ring chase from one team to another. Get a grip like Riles says:rolleyes:. Me thinks Lebron will stick it out, raise his kids in Miami and finish his career as a Heat.

06-19-2014, 03:51 PM
The Heat are still LeBron's best option, I don't see him leaving Miami.

06-19-2014, 03:53 PM
He is absolutely right. If Lebron leaves, it would be the ultimate Bitchmove.

06-19-2014, 04:06 PM
I don't see how Riley took a shot at all. That quote looks perfectly reasonable. Further, Lebron would be a grade-A jackass to leave now. They made history with that string of finals appearances.

In other words it would be typical Lebron.

06-19-2014, 04:13 PM

Comedy ain't your thing, Dadda

Or maybe you just got way too butthurt by what was said :lol

06-19-2014, 04:19 PM
it's really "gutsy" for lebron to stay on this team? this team is still great

Right? It's astounding to me how a team that makes 4 Finals in 4 years and just came off a back-to-back is all of sudden not good enough for a player that turns nearly every team into the NBA into a contender.

This is worse than the decision, which never bothered me much other than the ridiculous amount of press it got. LeBron barely had enough in Cleveland. He has more than enough in Miami. If he leaves, I don't know how anyone can respect him.

SOD 21
06-19-2014, 04:27 PM
Very smartly played by Pat Riley.

LeBron, you either have guts and stay while we retool to build a new championship team around you or you run away and your gutless like a little girl.

Well said, Pat.

SOD 21
06-19-2014, 04:29 PM
Of course, remember what LeBron James did when Chicago gave him those Air Jordans and challenged him to step into Michael Jordan shoes when he was a free-agent four years ago.

He ran away from that challenge because those are seen as he was afraid to fill.

Lord Bean
06-19-2014, 04:33 PM
Admirable effort by Riley, but Lebron's gone. Lebron cannot handle being the #1 for a consistent period of time. He needs someone to take him over the hill, carry him in crunch time. I'm guessing he goes to play with Carmelo somewhere else, considering Wade's contract is going to screw them in Miami.

Hey Yo
06-19-2014, 04:34 PM
real talk....

I hate bashing Lebron ...I think he is a real good dude.

I know he had a rough childhood without no Father....single mom and they made it somehow someway.

But Basketball wise.....he left a good team in Cleveland ( his hometown team with his hometown fans )....and I don't think that is right.

when pat Riley starts spewing about being "tough" or not "quitting".....it's stoopid.

Basketball wise we all know Lebron ....if he can easily leave Cleveland.....he can easily leave Miami.....

- Lebron is Loyal to his family and friends( the most important)......basketball wise...he is loyal to himself.

Don't bring loyalty into BBall Pat.....not with LBJ.....bring in superstars who make highlight plays for Bron to look goooood.
If you look at it that way, then all players should want to play for their hometown team.

Why didn't Kobe demand to play for Philly (his hometown team) instead of LA?
Magic should have demanded to play for Detroit??

Hey Yo
06-19-2014, 04:40 PM
Admirable effort by Riley, but Lebron's gone. Lebron cannot handle being the #1 for a consistent period of time. He needs someone to take him over the hill, carry him in crunch time. I'm guessing he goes to play with Carmelo somewhere else, considering Wade's contract is going to screw them in Miami.
Funny coming a Colby fan.

He was the #1 for only 3yrs before he cried for help and then ran to media demanding to be traded.

06-19-2014, 04:40 PM
If you look at it that way, then all players should want to play for their hometown team.

Why didn't Kobe demand to play for Philly (his hometown team) instead of LA?
Magic should have demanded to play for Detroit??

Alpha has been in every Lebron thread trying to prop that Cleveland team as some wonderful team when Lebron was there, and would have had a BETTER display as opposed to the Heat :wtf: really unsure of his motive or foundation seeing the Heat are 4-years in with 4 Finals appearances and 2 titles. :confusedshrug:

Cleveland wasn't getting anywhere close to that!

06-19-2014, 05:03 PM
Riley, Bosh, and Wade all need LeBron more than LeBron needs them.

Such power by LeBron over this whole team :bowdown:

06-19-2014, 05:12 PM
Alpha has been in every Lebron thread trying to prop that Cleveland team as some wonderful team when Lebron was there, and would have had a BETTER display as opposed to the Heat :wtf: really unsure of his motive or foundation seeing the Heat are 4-years in with 4 Finals appearances and 2 titles. :confusedshrug:

Cleveland wasn't getting anywhere close to that!

Miami wouldn't have gotten close to that either if they faced the Boston teams that Lebron faced with the Cavs. They definitely wouldn't have gotten to the finals this year.

The Cavs had back to back 60+ win seasons, something the Heat haven't done. The Cavs just had tougher competition.

06-19-2014, 05:14 PM

Comedy ain't your thing, Dadda


06-19-2014, 05:16 PM
Alpha has been in every Lebron thread trying to prop that Cleveland team as some wonderful team when Lebron was there, and would have had a BETTER display as opposed to the Heat :wtf: really unsure of his motive or foundation seeing the Heat are 4-years in with 4 Finals appearances and 2 titles. :confusedshrug:

Cleveland wasn't getting anywhere close to that!

they were close to that...

in the Finals in 2007, Lost to the Champion Spurs:confusedshrug:

2008 lost to the Champion Celtics ( no one was beating the Celts that year)

2009 won 66 games and lost to the Magic who were in the Finas

2010 won 61 games and lost to Boston again ( who were in the Finals)

2011 Heat won 58 games and lost to the Mavs ( Lebron disappears again just like in Cleveland)

( Lebron james works in the offseason on his mid range jumper/outside shot)

come back stronger in 2012....his ability to keep the defense honest helps Miami win a title.

comes back stronger.

also looking at how weak the east has been the last few years.....Lebrons Cavs teams would have easily beat the Pacers. Pacers are essentially a worse version of the 09' Cavs.

The cold hard facts are.....the Cavs were a very good team that had back 2 back HCA / best record in the NBA.If Bron from 2012 was on those teams....they could have climbed to the mountain top.

instead he left:confusedshrug:

06-19-2014, 05:18 PM
If you look at it that way, then all players should want to play for their hometown team.

Why didn't Kobe demand to play for Philly (his hometown team) instead of LA?
Magic should have demanded to play for Detroit??

why...Philly had their chance and they chose Iverson....who became an Icon.

Cleveland chose Lebron and gave him everything he wanted....treated him like a Gawd.

06-19-2014, 05:19 PM
Miami wouldn't have gotten close to that either if they faced the Boston teams that Lebron faced with the Cavs. They definitely wouldn't have gotten to the finals this year.

The Cavs had back to back 60+ win seasons, something the Heat haven't done. The Cavs just had tougher competition.

Um..how about no.

The this current Heat core was most definitely not losing the 2009 Orlando Magic or 2010 Boston team that those Cavs lost to. You must be joking.

06-19-2014, 05:22 PM
Um..how about no.

The this current Heat core was most definitely not losing the 2009 Orlando Magic or 2010 Boston team that those Cavs lost to. You must be joking.

they Lost to the Mavs....:lol

06-19-2014, 05:22 PM
Cleveland chose Lebron and gave him everything he wanted....treated him like a Gawd.

No not really.

They let Carlos Boozer foolishly hit unrestricted free agency in 2004. And then they drafted Luke Jackson with their sole lottery pick of the LeBron James era.

They gave LeBron a dumpster fire. And he did the best he could do with it.

06-19-2014, 05:24 PM
lol alpha in here actually trying to compare the cleveland organization to miami that's hilarious

06-19-2014, 05:25 PM
they Lost to the Mavs....:lol

Ya, the team who destroyed your boy Kobe and the Lakers in a sweep. Remember that?

Miami has only lost to the champions in these past four years. The Cavs were losing to the runner up.

Also, there's no way in hell Miami is losing any series with LeBron putting up 38-8-8 like he did against Orlando. No way in hell.

06-19-2014, 05:25 PM
Bran will join the warriors after they get love.

06-19-2014, 05:29 PM
No not really.

They let Carlos Boozer foolishly hit unrestricted free agency in 2004. And then they drafted Luke Jackson with their sole lottery pick of the LeBron James era.

They gave LeBron a dumpster fire. And he did the best he could do with it.

I thought Boozer gave them his word he was gonna resign....then he left at the last minute.

you guys keep Bashing Cleveland because they didn't have DWade and Bosh on the team...

they did have some good players...and some great role players/Hustle players.

remember the HEAT lost twice to teams with no name guys playing huge roles....Tyson Chandler?...JJ Barea?....who thought Kwai Leonard and Boris Diaw , Patty mills would murk Bron , Wade and Bosh.

Lebron had Mo Williams Leon Powe, Big Z, Ben Wallace , Shaq , Jamison, Anderson and a slew of other guys who played hard and did the dirty work...

Lebron kinda left them hanging in 2010.

06-19-2014, 05:39 PM
Ya, the team who destroyed your boy Kobe and the Lakers in a sweep. Remember that?

Miami has only lost to the champions in these past four years. The Cavs were losing to the runner up.

Also, there's no way in hell Miami is losing any series with LeBron putting up 38-8-8 like he did against Orlando. No way in hell.

yes I remember....the Lakers lost to the Mavs after appearing in 3 straight Finals.:lol

Cavs lost to the Spurs who were Champions

Cavs lost to the Celts who were Champions.

Cavs lost to the Runner ups

Cavs lost to the Runner ups

Heat lost to the Mavs who were Champions

Heat lost to the Spurs who were Champions

in 2014 if they were in the West....the Heat would have prolly not even been in the Finals.

again...Lebron was a much better midrange player in 2012...if he played like that in 09' and 10'...the Cavs easily get to the Finals.

09' Orlando was a great 3 point shooting team...Lebron just lost to another great 3 point shooting team.:confusedshrug:

06-19-2014, 05:42 PM
I have always wondered why KG had that dude on his lap:wtf:

06-19-2014, 05:46 PM
I have always wondered why KG had that dude on his lap:wtf:

Funny how their heads move the same way

06-19-2014, 05:48 PM
yeah, wanting to drag this cemetery full of player corpses through another season would surely take guts

06-19-2014, 05:49 PM
Riley should get more help for Bran if he has the guts

TheReal Kendall
06-19-2014, 05:52 PM
After reading that Pat Riley excerpt I feel like the Heat are gonna come back better than ever and win the Championship next season.

06-19-2014, 05:53 PM
Damage control 101. Riles must be feeling PJ and Melo's breath on the back of his neck. "Damn - Phil's gonna do it to me again".

You want a challenge, Bronzy? Come to NYC and win a chip with Melo and MJ's old coach. Wanna see a parade?

:roll: awright - bring on the hate!:roll:

06-19-2014, 05:54 PM
Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to the dark side!!:roll: :applause:

Hey Yo
06-19-2014, 06:07 PM
why...Philly had their chance and they chose Iverson....who became an Icon.

Cleveland chose Lebron and gave him everything he wanted....treated him like a Gawd.
Kobe could have played for the Nets (which is close enough) but they were told not to waste their time drafting him. He wouldn't sign with them.

LeBron did the opposite of what Kobe did. Signed with a historical garbage franchise, while Kobe wanted to play with the 2nd best NBA franchise in history.

Hey Yo
06-19-2014, 06:18 PM
LeBron James reportedly doesn’t want to take a salary cut in order to save Heat owner Micky Arison money. That’s apparently not a new concern.

It’s been festering.

The Heat paid the luxury tax the previous two years, and they’ll pay it again this season. But in the last year, they’ve really dialed back their spending.

They amnestied Mike Miller.

Instead of using a draft pick to upgrade their roster, they used it as a sweetener to unload Joel Anthony’s contract.

They didn’t use the mid-level exception, their primary tool for adding another rotation-caliber player.

Miami has allowed its roster to stagnate and age, creating a lack of depth really showed in the Finals.

If the Heat had spent more to build a deeper team, maybe they’d be NBA champions – and not waiting on a mum LeBron.


06-19-2014, 06:41 PM
[QUOTE=Hey Yo]LeBron James reportedly doesn

06-19-2014, 07:38 PM
Riley needs LeBron more than LeBron needs Riley.

Seems desperate to me.

Pretty much this.

06-19-2014, 08:16 PM
Riley is doing classic blame deflection, trying to make the subject about Lebron when the spotlight should really be about Riley

Its up to Riley to get the team younger and to make Wade and Bosh take a paycut

You dont think that would make LeBron stay? Riley should worry about fixing the team before he calls out LeBron.

Riley is trying to make LeBron seem guilty for thinking about leaving, when he really should be doing his job to build a better roster

There's 29 other GM's but only 1 LeBron

06-19-2014, 08:18 PM
There's no better organization that Lebron can join - he's in the East (almost guaranteed trip to the Finals) and probably wants to stay BUT if Wade opts in, there's not much Heat can do to improve the roster with Wade taking up $20mil. And it just wouldn't be right for Lebron and Bosh to take further pay cuts if Wade doesn't - that'd cause massive tension between them.

Heat fans, why didn't Spo play Beasley, James Jones and Oden? A team must have help from the supporting cast - stars can't win alone.

beasely defense sucked thats y...but the east will be way more competitive next year..thats y pat riley so pissed...bulls,wizards,raptors,nets,pacers...all five of those teams will have ecf/nba finals aspirations and then u have surprise teams like pistons,hornets and MAYBE the magic.....way more competition

the wise man
06-19-2014, 08:18 PM
**** Riley!!

How long till I can have an avatar and make threads?

06-19-2014, 08:21 PM
Damn, before Riley's press conference, I was almost 100% sure James was a Heat player, now I'm not so sure. Riley seemed to publically implore and challenge James to stay. Doesn't seem like Riles himself doesn't know what James is gonna do. Contrary to what most folks think here, the Heat aren't a move or two away from being chip contenders. I honestly believe this Heat team in WC don't sniff the Finals. If Wade doesn't opt out, they'll be hard pressed to sign quality help where they need it. The Heat just got old fast and in alot of positions. The Spurs showed us just how hard the Heat have fallen. Ever team out west challenged the Spurs more than the Heat. That wasn't a coincidence.

Yo LeBron, dump that decrepit roster and join ours, how many chips can you add? :pimp:

06-19-2014, 08:28 PM
I totally agree with Riley. Look, I supported Lebron leaving Cleveland. Although how he went about it stunk Please about that supporting cast in Cleveland.

The Miami organization has three rings since 2006. One without Lebron. How many does Cleveland have-none. Look how bad they got when Lebron left.

I think Riley company and have proven time and again they know how to win/build teams.

Sometimes teams are going to lose and you do need to stick with them. Look at Tim and frankly look at Kobe too. If you have an organization that has shown they know how to build Championship teams. Don't you give them some benefit of the doubt? I don't think the right answer is leaving the first time you can if you lose.

The thing of the matter is too. How is Lebron going to convince anyone to come play with him if he shows that he'll leave the first time things go wrong.

The owner is paying the luxury tax but he gets to be discerning about how he pays it.

In a couple of years if Miami doesn't build up again, fine we will talk. But I think the organization deserves the benefit of the doubt.

06-19-2014, 08:33 PM
Damn, before Riley's press conference, I was almost 100% sure James was a Heat player, now I'm not so sure. Riley seemed to publically implore and challenge James to stay. Doesn't seem like Riles himself doesn't know what James is gonna do. Contrary to what most folks think here, the Heat aren't a move or two away from being chip contenders. I honestly believe this Heat team in WC don't sniff the Finals. If Wade doesn't opt out, they'll be hard pressed to sign quality help where they need it. The Heat just got old fast and in alot of positions. The Spurs showed us just how hard the Heat have fallen. Ever team out west challenged the Spurs more than the Heat. That wasn't a coincidence.

Yo LeBron, dump that decrepit roster and join ours, how many chips can you add? :pimp:

lebron,rose,gibson,noah, butler and thibs


amazing defense , shooters and playmaking. lebron would be the unanimous GOAT within 3 years :bowdown:

06-19-2014, 08:37 PM
why doesnt dwyane wade just go away?

I was watching espn first take, talking about chris bosh maybe leaving and releasing some cap space - its not chris bosh screwing them over its DWYANE WADE

if you replace wade with a another player like him and healthier, then we have a lebron, wade type player (maybe melo?) and chris bosh, the big 3 is replaced

06-20-2014, 12:59 AM
Damn, before Riley's press conference, I was almost 100% sure James was a Heat player, now I'm not so sure. Riley seemed to publically implore and challenge James to stay. Doesn't seem like Riles himself doesn't know what James is gonna do. Contrary to what most folks think here, the Heat aren't a move or two away from being chip contenders. I honestly believe this Heat team in WC don't sniff the Finals. If Wade doesn't opt out, they'll be hard pressed to sign quality help where they need it. The Heat just got old fast and in alot of positions. The Spurs showed us just how hard the Heat have fallen. Ever team out west challenged the Spurs more than the Heat. That wasn't a coincidence.

Yo LeBron, dump that decrepit roster and join ours, how many chips can you add? :pimp:

Damn I just watched Sportscenter...

Riley looks legit Jimmies rustled....

wonder what Bron did?

besides... If Lebron and Bosh had "guts" they would not have left the Cavs or Toronto.

Deal wit it Riley.....You wanted em' you got em'.....lol

06-20-2014, 01:27 AM
Riley jumped ship from the Knicks by fax....
Lebron jumped ship from the Cavs....
Bosh jumped ship from the Raps...

According to Riley's press conference all 3 of these guys are pretty gutless...

I cant wait for Wade to opt into that 2 year 40mill contract and ruin the Heat for the next 2 years...

06-20-2014, 02:21 AM
if james leaves, he's going to become even more of a joke than he already is .. it'll be more than obvious that he has no 'fight in him' .. that he becomes a bitch at the first sign of any hardship .. no surprise though seeing some of his chokejobs and meltdowns .. the guy's always been a mental midget

06-20-2014, 02:30 AM
Bran's gone.

Probably won't leave the Leastern conference. Nikka knows he won't get out of the 1st round in the West. No Bobcats to beat on. :oldlol:


06-20-2014, 02:53 AM
[B]Riley jumped ship from the Knicks by fax....
Lebron jumped ship from the Cavs....
Bosh jumped ship from the Raps...

According to Riley's press conference all 3 of these guys are pretty gutless...

I seriously began to think I was the only one who thought this while Riley was up there preaching.

So, it's only gutless when you leave the Heat, but it's completely cool to leave your franchise and jump ship otherwise?

FOH :oldlol:

06-20-2014, 03:27 AM
Michael Jordan

"f&ck this bull shit, I'm going to become an NBA owner"

06-20-2014, 07:11 AM
Riley jumped ship from the Knicks by fax....
Lebron jumped ship from the Cavs....
Bosh jumped ship from the Raps...

According to Riley's press conference all 3 of these guys are pretty gutless...

I cant wait for Wade to opt into that 2 year 40mill contract and ruin the Heat for the next 2 years...

Glad I'm not the only one who sees it this way.

All respect to Pat for his career, but homeboy seems to think jumping ship only applies when you might jump HIS ship.

All Net
06-20-2014, 07:16 AM
Bold statement to make.

06-20-2014, 07:24 AM
Kobe could have played for the Nets (which is close enough) but they were told not to waste their time drafting him. He wouldn't sign with them.

LeBron did the opposite of what Kobe did. Signed with a historical garbage franchise, while Kobe wanted to play with the 2nd best NBA franchise in history.

Kobe thought he was going to the Clippers, not the Lakers. The Clippers liked him but finally they told him that they couldn't draft him. They said nobody would take them seriously if they drafted a guy straight out of high school.


06-20-2014, 09:58 AM
Riley didn't say that shit when he coerced him from Cleveland. Riley hasn't done crap in the off season last two years.

06-20-2014, 10:01 AM
Where can I see this "speech" ?

06-20-2014, 10:17 AM
Stop this madness already. I agree with Riles get a f_ckin grip of yourselves..

Everybody is talking bout the Heat and what they are going to do. What about all these other weak ass teams with younger players who couldn't get out of the 1st an 2nd rounds? I think whoever was in this finals should be the least of everybody's worries.

If Wade is washed up, what about KD and Westbrick? They lost too, are they washed up? What about the whole Portland team, are they washed up to? What About the big expectation for the Rockets, cant even get out 1st round. Are they washed up to? What about the the Clippesr? They barely made it out the 1st round but didn't get far after that. Are they washed up to? Need we go on. When was the last time Golden state got out of the 1st round? And what about bum ass Sacramento sorry for their fans :oldlol:. Minnesota? Memphis? Dallas? Need I go on! I will! What about the whole eastern conference, the Nicks, the Nets? Miami has been to the finals 4 straight times and dont give me that weak ass conference shit. To me thats a big feat.

When you are top everyone is your friend, when you are not, you get criticized even when you do something right that sorry kind of mentality we have :rolleyes:.
There are plenty of other teams to talk about, so get off Miami's jock to y'all hatin fools out here..

06-20-2014, 10:21 AM
Stop this madness already. I agree with Riles get a f_ckin grip of yourselves..

Everybody is talking bout the Heat and what the're going to do. What about all these other weak ass teams with younger players who couldn't get out of tha 1st an 2nd rounds? I think who ever was in this finals should be tha least of everybody's worries.

If Wade is washed up, what about KD and Westbrick? They lost too, are they washed up? What about tha whole Portland team, are they washed up to? What About the big expectation for the Rockets, cant even get out 1st round. Are they washed up to? What about the the Clipper? They barely made it out the 1st round but didn't get far after that. Are they washed up to? Need we go on. When was the last time Golden state got out of the 1st round? And what about bum ass Sacramento sorry for their fans :oldlol:. Minnesota? Memphis? Dallas? Need I go on! I will! What about the whole eastern conference? Miami has been to the finals 4 straight times and dont give me that weak ass conference shit. To me thats a big feat. When you are top everyone is your friend, when you are not, you get criticized even when you do something right that sorry kind of mentality we have :rolleyes:.
There are plenty of other teams to talk about, so get off Miami's jock to y'all hatin as fools out here..

Seriously, you think people are saying Wade is washed because 'he' lost? :rolleyes:

Get a ****in' grip... have you been around these last 3 years? The finals have been the icing on the cake, and made us realize what will happen from now on.. This was my last hope, I saw Wade perform in the RS, all needed was to bring that in the Finals... He didn't.

He's become a full time pump fake show. No jumper, either. How many more games does he want to sit out? If he doesnt, he'll be a 15 ppg player come playoff time.. nice role player, off the bench. That's it. Be real.

06-20-2014, 10:30 AM
Stop this madness already. I agree with Riles get a f_ckin grip of yourselves..

Everybody is talking bout the Heat and what they are going to do. What about all these other weak ass teams with younger players who couldn't get out of the 1st an 2nd rounds? I think whoever was in this finals should be the least of everybody's worries.

If Wade is washed up, what about KD and Westbrick? They lost too, are they washed up? What about the whole Portland team, are they washed up to? What About the big expectation for the Rockets, cant even get out 1st round. Are they washed up to? What about the the Clippesr? They barely made it out the 1st round but didn't get far after that. Are they washed up to? Need we go on. When was the last time Golden state got out of the 1st round? And what about bum ass Sacramento sorry for their fans :oldlol:. Minnesota? Memphis? Dallas? Need I go on! I will! What about the whole eastern conference, the Nicks, the Nets? Miami has been to the finals 4 straight times and dont give me that weak ass conference shit. To me thats a big feat.

When you are top everyone is your friend, when you are not, you get criticized even when you do something right that sorry kind of mentality we have :rolleyes:.
There are plenty of other teams to talk about, so get off Miami's jock to y'all hatin fools out here..

You took what he said wrongly.

He didn't mean that people should get a grip and stop thinking about Miami and start thinking about the other teams in the league.

He meant that the Miami Heat community (fans/players/media) should calm down and realize that even the legendary teams like the 80's Lakers didn't win every single year, but they stayed together and kept fighting.

06-20-2014, 10:45 AM
You took what he said wrongly.

He didn't mean that people should get a grip and stop thinking about Miami and start thinking about the other teams in the league.

He meant that the Miami Heat community (fans/players/media) should calm down and realize that even the legendary teams like the 80's Lakers didn't win every single year, but they stayed together and kept fighting.

I know what he said! I do have high reading comprehension compared to most people here you know. I am just talking about the whole media basketball commenters in general. I mean I'm sick tired of all this people talking about how the Heat failed and washed up and old and they're done.:rolleyes: and no! Lebron is not leaving the HEat, contrary to the general shallow opinion of some people here.

06-20-2014, 10:53 AM
Riley knows that lebron is a coward. He's trying to dare lebron to stay, but everyone knows that lebron is always looking for the easy way out.

06-20-2014, 11:39 AM
Seriously, you think people are saying Wade is washed because 'he' lost? :rolleyes:

Get a ****in' grip... have you been around these last 3 years? The finals have been the icing on the cake, and made us realize what will happen from now on.. This was my last hope, I saw Wade perform in the RS, all needed was to bring that in the Finals... He didn't.

He's become a full time pump fake show. No jumper, either. How many more games does he want to sit out? If he doesnt, he'll be a 15 ppg player come playoff time.. nice role player, off the bench. That's it. Be real.

Calm down there buddy! No need to get grumpy:rolleyes:? We're on the same side I think. To say the Heat underperformed this finals is the understatement of the year. As disappointed as you are and I cant wait to see Heat get their revenge next year and I'm positive they will.

My honest opinion on Wade?

Truth is, Wade aged quite a bit in 4 seasons but four straight finals? Lots of minutes and games? No need to bash the guy when his down. He performed great in the previous series. Guess if "not showing" in the final makes you old, then Bosh, Chalmers, Cole, Allen, Haslem, and the rest of them are geezers too. Is Wade what he was? No. Are his legs done? maybe. But start watching close. Even Lebron is showing wear and starting to be handled by younger players. Wade is still one the smartest most productive players on that team who fills the void when one of the other two don't have it. Every other team in the NBA would find a spot for him. I dont know what's gonna happen to him and his contract but in the end the Heat can still find a way to keep him. He just needs to reinvent himself and the Heat needs to be creative in using him.

All in all, the 4 straight run to the finals should still make the big 3 happy and make them want to come back for more...

07-11-2014, 03:26 PM


07-11-2014, 03:27 PM
Riley knows that lebron is a coward. He's trying to dare lebron to stay, but everyone knows that lebron is always looking for the easy way out.

Pretty much this. LeBron bailed because it was getting too hard in Miami and would be tougher in the future.

07-11-2014, 03:44 PM
Pretty much this. LeBron bailed because it was getting too hard in Miami and would be tougher in the future.

I thought miami was the most stacked team of all time?

07-11-2014, 03:45 PM
I thought miami was the most stacked team of all time?

4 years ago sure, but they were facing a little adversity with a slightly aging roster.

Rather than stick around he bailed out to go running to a team with three 1st round picks.

San Antonio deserves a lot of credit for their stars sticking it out even when a lot of people had written them off a few years ago.

07-11-2014, 03:46 PM
I thought miami was the most stacked team of all time?

2011 and 2014 showed that even stacked teams don't guarantee rings for LeBron.

07-11-2014, 03:46 PM
I thought miami was the most stacked team of all time?

They got beat by this guy.


07-11-2014, 03:50 PM
I guess he doesnt. I feel no longer inclined to defend him. I won't be afraid to bash him.

07-11-2014, 03:53 PM
yet pat riley flew to vegas like a beta hoe to beg the King

u feel that sting white boy? that's YO PRIDE NI99A!

07-11-2014, 04:00 PM
They got beat by this guy.


So disrespectful to the amazing spurs team :facepalm

scum fans