View Full Version : A Clippers fan's take on the Sterling drama

04-26-2014, 10:12 PM
Honestly I'm more pissed off at TMZ than Sterling. First of all we already know Sterling is a moron. The recent news should not be a deciding factor to an already obvious point.

Now, TMZ decides to release a private phone call to get money out of it. Remember guys, no matter how much you disagree with his opinion, its still supposed to be a PRIVATE phone call. There's plenty of opinions we all have and things that are wrong with us that we would not want revealed with a private phone call.

And TMZ releases this for their own money gain at the Clippers fans/players/supporters expense. Couldn't they at least wait till playoffs were over? I waited this whole year for playoffs and now the Clippers players have to have this in the back of their minds as they play. What a waste. Argue with me however you want but I'm sick of social media ruining the game.

I know Sterling is an idiot and he always has been. And probably always will be. But in the end he's just signing the checks, I don't watch for him I watch for the game.

04-26-2014, 10:15 PM
Let's be honest, Sterling has a history of Racism and getting away with it. It needs to stop by any means necessary. It's just unfortunate the Clippers are at the forefront.

04-26-2014, 10:18 PM
Because TMZ should give a **** about the Clippers?


04-26-2014, 10:18 PM
Let's be honest, Sterling has a history of Racism and getting away with it. It needs to stop by any means necessary. It's just unfortunate the Clippers are at the forefront.

I 100% agree and don't want him to get away with it. I'm just saying the timing was absolutely horrid for me as a fan.

First of all I waited all year for playoffs. Second of all in the last 15 years there hasn't been much playoffs for the Clippers. I cherish these moments :/

04-26-2014, 10:25 PM
OP wants TMZ to sweep racism under the rug :no:

04-26-2014, 10:29 PM
OP wants TMZ to sweep racism under the rug :no:

When the hell did I say that? I said their timing to release a private phone call was bad. For the fans, the players, and the game.

04-26-2014, 10:36 PM
Not the best timing but it needed to be addressed.

This is bigger than a basketball game..

04-26-2014, 10:36 PM
When the hell did I say that? I said their timing to release a private phone call was bad. For the fans, the players, and the game.

"So then he says w-w-what about the fans?!"


04-26-2014, 10:38 PM
Let's be honest, Sterling has a history of Racism and getting away with it. It needs to stop by any means necessary. It's just unfortunate the Clippers are at the forefront.
He shouldn't get away with choosing a girlfriend who doesn't post pictures on her Instagram with black guys? What are you proposing? The NBA choose his girlfriends for him? He's not allowed to choose who he dates or f*cks? :facepalm

04-26-2014, 10:38 PM
Mad at TMZ :lol

04-26-2014, 10:39 PM
He shouldn't get away with choosing a girlfriend who doesn't post pictures on her Instagram with black guys? What are you proposing? The NBA choose his girlfriends for him? He's not allowed to choose who he dates or f*cks? :facepalm
Reading comprehension seems to be a lost art. I said a history.

04-26-2014, 10:44 PM
Reading comprehension seems to be a lost art. I said a history.
The NBA never gave a sh*t about his racism until now, when the media is getting on their case about it, which might cause the league to lose profits. That's all the league cares about. Lost profits. The league doesn't give a sh*t that Sterling and probably a bunch of other owners are racists. They never cared before. They care about bad press and that's ALL.

You can't decide not to do something about Sterling with all the history that he has, and then do something big just because the media gets up in arms about how he wants his girlfriend to behave (which has nothing whatsoever to do with the NBA or the game of basketball).

04-26-2014, 10:46 PM
Honestly I'm more pissed off at TMZ than Sterling.
Stopped reading right there...

04-26-2014, 10:48 PM
I like James Harden's take better.

"Weirdo" - James Harden

04-26-2014, 10:54 PM
The NBA never gave a sh*t about his racism until now, when the media is getting on their case about it, which might cause the league to lose profits. That's all the league cares about. Lost profits. The league doesn't give a sh*t that Sterling and probably a bunch of other owners are racists. They never cared before. They care about bad press and that's ALL.

You can't decide not to do something about Sterling with all the history that he has, and then do something big just because the media gets up in arms about how he wants his girlfriend to behave (which has nothing whatsoever to do with the NBA or the game of basketball).

Way to downplay his comments :facepalm .

Oh, you're wrong. The NBA can as will fix his ass, precisely for the reasons you mentioned. Sterling's despicable behavior was well publicized for years yet Stern did nothing. It will look bad if the NBA, a league that regulates the length of NBA shorts, sweeps this latest incident under rug. You can bet they'll come down hard on this old codger and I wouldn't be surprised if they forced him out of the league

04-26-2014, 10:57 PM
how do you think tmz even ****ing leaked the phone call?

its obvious sterling's girlfriend recorded it and sent it to tmz.

use some common sense:facepalm

el gringos
04-26-2014, 11:16 PM
The part I don't get is that Sterling has to realize that there is a minority in every picture this girl takes with someone.

04-26-2014, 11:32 PM
You're clearly writing this from the vantage point of an exasperated basketball fan opposed to pragmatically. I grasp your frustrations my friend. The timing for something of this magnitude to leak could be no worse but this whole ordeal is bigger than the Clippers playoff aspirations. TMZ is a business and much like any corporation, they're only concern is centred on the bottom line. This story made a monster splash, thus they reap the rewards accordingly.

I sympathize with you because you seem like a decent dude who truly cares about his team/city but you have to recognize that the business world has no heart...

04-26-2014, 11:40 PM
how do you think tmz even ****ing leaked the phone call?

its obvious sterling's girlfriend recorded it and sent it to tmz.

use some common sense:facepalm

Oh it was obviously pre-meditated on the gf's part. Notice she never sounded angry or lost her cool throughout the entire phone conversation - she likely knew she could bait him into saying something stupid and then sold the call to TMZ for profit.

Sterling's always been a racist, this much isn't shocking, but I agree that we shouldn't pretend like the gf was leaking this phone call out because she wanted the world to know how terrible Sterling was. She was ought for $$$

04-26-2014, 11:47 PM
You're clearly writing this from the vantage point of an exasperated basketball fan opposed to pragmatically. I grasp your frustrations my friend. The timing for something of this magnitude to leak could be no worse but this whole ordeal is bigger than the Clippers playoff aspirations. TMZ is a business and much like any corporation, they're only concern is centred on the bottom line. This story made a monster splash, thus they reap the rewards accordingly.

I sympathize with you because you seem like a decent dude who truly cares about his team/city but you have to recognize that the business world has no heart...

Now this is a great post. Thanks man. It's just frustrating. But yeah in the end I guess business is a dog eat dog world

04-26-2014, 11:51 PM
Now this is a great post. Thanks man. It's just frustrating. But yeah in the end I guess business is a dog eat dog world

Indeed it is sir.

The best case scenario is that the team spins this mess into a positive and channels their disdain for their boss into a solid run at the championship. And I could think of no better coach than Doc to man this ship. His remarks in that scrum today couldn't have been better delivered.

04-26-2014, 11:56 PM
When the hell did I say that? I said their timing to release a private phone call was bad. For the fans, the players, and the game.
I think it's the perfect time. It'll show us who really cares to resolve this issue within the league. Couldn't of happened at a better time to see who really wants to do something about it.

04-27-2014, 12:22 AM
Indeed it is sir.

The best case scenario is that the team spins this mess into a positive and channels their disdain for their boss into a solid run at the championship. And I could think of no better coach than Doc to man this ship. His remarks in that scrum today couldn't have been better delivered.

Agreed. Doc is the man. And just because I'm saying it's a private conversation does not mean I agree with him in any way. If love to see a new owner as most Clippers fans would.

04-27-2014, 12:24 AM
I think it's the perfect time. It'll show us who really cares to resolve this issue within the league. Couldn't of happened at a better time to see who really wants to do something about it.

This is a great counter point to my argument. I didn't think of it that way. Good post man.

04-27-2014, 12:28 AM
Let's be honest, Sterling has a history of Racism and getting away with it. It needs to stop by any means necessary. It's just unfortunate the Clippers are at the forefront.


This is by far the best article I've read. Or at least, most relevant to the white fans of the NBA.

04-27-2014, 12:37 AM
It really does suck for the Clippers. The players deserve the support of their fans now more than ever with them potentially poised to make a splash in the playoffs...and now this. They did nothing wrong and they're going to be the ones on the NBA side of it who pay the most dearly unless Sterling is dealt with.

But you can't go blaming TMZ for this. They're a news outlet, or at least what passes as one in this day and age, and their job is to get this stuff out before anybody else does. If they sit on it until the Clips are done, this high-falutin' hoe would have just sold it to someone else...then they paid all that money for her tape and get nothing out of it. They had to release it.

04-27-2014, 12:39 AM
It really does suck for the Clippers. The players deserve the support of their fans now more than ever with them potentially poised to make a splash in the playoffs...and now this. They did nothing wrong and they're going to be the ones on the NBA side of it who pay the most dearly unless Sterling is dealt with.

But you can't go blaming TMZ for this. They're a news outlet, or at least what passes as one in this day and age, and their job is to get this stuff out before anybody else does. If they sit on it until the Clips are done, this high-falutin' hoe would have just sold it to someone else...then they paid all that money for her tape and get nothing out of it. They had to release it.

This is true too. I guess I'm just salty because the team and players I root for are on the butt end of this. I just thought about how she would have sold it to someone else instead too. If TMZ didn't broadcast it, some other news outlet would probably love to.

04-27-2014, 12:44 AM
Honestly I'm more pissed off at TMZ than Sterling


04-27-2014, 01:03 AM
Owners will force him out. Not even look in that direction for any roster deals, good or not.

This team is for sale man!:roll: :roll: Scarred beyond repair!!! From all facets of business operations to performance. All that stuff just hit the fan.

No way this franchise can demand respect and lure employees / competitors with this CEO being at the helm...IN A FRICKING LIBERATED CITY LIKE LOS ANGELES TOO.

LAKERS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-27-2014, 01:10 AM
Shitty franchise with an even shittier owner. Feel bad for all the dedicated Clipper fans...

NOT! This is Lakertown baby! Get this racist POS franchise outta here!

04-27-2014, 01:31 AM
What a perfect time to buy this team. Cheap with some minor fixies.Not much tweeking with it's current roster (this season's payroll fall on Sterling's pockets, instant competitors not a start up rebuilding team, biggest market, instant beloved owner, Staples Center rent paid for. Magic will buy this team too.

04-27-2014, 02:35 AM
I hope sterling loses the team and is forced to sell. Hopefully David geffen is still interested.

04-27-2014, 03:02 AM
Honestly I'm more pissed off at TMZ than Sterling. First of all we already know Sterling is a moron. The recent news should not be a deciding factor to an already obvious point.

Now, TMZ decides to release a private phone call to get money out of it. Remember guys, no matter how much you disagree with his opinion, its still supposed to be a PRIVATE phone call. There's plenty of opinions we all have and things that are wrong with us that we would not want revealed with a private phone call.

And TMZ releases this for their own money gain at the Clippers fans/players/supporters expense. Couldn't they at least wait till playoffs were over? I waited this whole year for playoffs and now the Clippers players have to have this in the back of their minds as they play. What a waste. Argue with me however you want but I'm sick of social media ruining the game.

I know Sterling is an idiot and he always has been. And probably always will be. But in the end he's just signing the checks, I don't watch for him I watch for the game.


TMZ is a BUSINESS. Why the **** would they wait till AFTER the playoffs when NO ONE GIVES A F about basketball? This is prime time for them. They got the recording a month ago or something. As much as I dislike TMZ (I don't really care about them tbh, never go to that site) that was a smart business decision.

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 04:01 AM
But in the end he's just signing the checks, I don't watch for him I watch for the game.

No in the end it's still his team, not yours. He's not just signing checks. The money goes to him first.

04-27-2014, 04:07 AM
Shitty franchise with an even shittier owner. Feel bad for all the dedicated Clipper fans...

NOT! This is Lakertown baby! Get this racist POS franchise outta here!

yet u have a miami heat avy :facepalm

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 04:09 AM
LA is Lakers town once more! WHOO HOO!!!

04-27-2014, 04:15 AM
Honestly, this is overdue. The perfect time to do something to Sterling was back in '05 and '06 when he was found to be discriminating against blacks and Latinos with his apartment buildings. The only reason the NBA didn't do anything about it then was because 1)His real estate business didn't directly affect the NBA and 2)The NBA was still recovering from Detroit so they weren't going to prioritize a 70+ year old racist over a possible repeat of the Malice at the Palace.

Putting TMZ aside for a second, this incident directly affects the NBA as Sterling's comments involve fans attending games. When he was wrongfully evicting people, that didn't directly involve basketball unlike the current fiasco.

SacJB Shady
04-27-2014, 04:16 AM
Would be funny if Coach Jackson had the girl set this up

04-27-2014, 04:42 AM
When the hell did I say that? I said their timing to release a private phone call was bad. For the fans, the players, and the game.
This happened nearly a month ago..now they decide to release this during the playoffs. TMZ will probably get sued because what they did was illegal.

04-27-2014, 04:48 AM
This happened nearly a month ago..now they decide to release this during the playoffs. TMZ will probably get sued because what they did was illegal.

They didn't do anything illegal. In fact, no one did anything illegal.

The woman faces civil liability because California is an all-party-consent state. But no criminal laws were broken.

04-27-2014, 05:36 AM
Well the question is how did this call get obtained, and do they have a right to make it public... Sounds like a set up.

Sterling can believe in whatever he wants.


TMZ is a BUSINESS. Why the **** would they wait till AFTER the playoffs when NO ONE GIVES A F about basketball? This is prime time for them. They got the recording a month ago or something. As much as I dislike TMZ (I don't really care about them tbh, never go to that site) that was a smart business decision.
So you're fine with people doing malicious things as long as it's business?