View Full Version : Thon Maker, the 7 foot 16 year old terror

03-16-2014, 01:27 PM
Shot 28% from 3 and 46% from the field against High School competition. Another example of the actual play not living up to a highlight film.

03-16-2014, 01:31 PM
Why is a 7 footer shooting 3's? Get in the post and learn some moves.

03-16-2014, 01:34 PM
Just for comparison's sake, Durant shot 65% from the field and 47% from 3 as a 15 year old sophomore. LeBron shot 60% from the field and 39% from 3 as a 16 year old sophomore .

03-16-2014, 01:37 PM
lol @ being scared of a little kid
lol @ bringing up Durant

03-16-2014, 01:44 PM
I'm hoping for the best for this kid. He has a nice touch for a 7 footer. Got an athleticism like KG & a range like Yao. I'm impressed. I love it when there's players like this, such a unique individual/skillset.

I hope he stops growing taller, though.

Johnny Jones
03-16-2014, 01:47 PM
AD averaged 32/22/7 in high school :bowdown:

03-16-2014, 01:51 PM
I'm hoping for the best for this kid. He has a nice touch for a 7 footer. Got an athleticism like KG & a range like Yao. I'm impressed. I love it when there's players like this, such a unique individual/skillset.

I hope he stops growing taller, though.

He has a terrible shot and is shooting 35% on jumpers. It's ridiculous for a 7 footer to be shooting 46% against average high school teams, considering their center is usually 6'5 or 6'6 at best. The team he played for isn't even top 5 in the state of Virginia and outside of the top 300 in the nation for crying out loud.

Uncle Drew
03-16-2014, 01:53 PM
AD averaged 32/22/7 in high school :bowdown:

03-16-2014, 01:53 PM
AD averaged 32/22/7 in high school :bowdown:

And he's a generational talent that will likely end up a top 10 PF all time if he stays healthy, hell I would say that he has top 5 PF all time potential. Davis will likely be the best player of his generation, that is 2010-2015 draft class.

03-16-2014, 01:57 PM
OP insecure as ****

03-16-2014, 01:59 PM

Its high school. Doesnt mean shit.. I think Kobe averaged 18 rebounds in high school

03-16-2014, 02:02 PM
Why is a 7 footer shooting 3's? Get in the post and learn some moves.

Tell that to Durant.

03-16-2014, 02:09 PM
Tell that to Durant.

Last time I checked, Maker isn't 25% of the shooter Durant was as a 7th grader.

03-16-2014, 03:06 PM
Baker > Durant based on the name alone

03-16-2014, 03:08 PM
Thon will be better than KD

03-16-2014, 03:08 PM
This kid will never make it, his IQ is garbage, he has no post game, he cant handle the pressure. He looks like a little kid out there IMO

03-16-2014, 03:24 PM
How old is he and how old are most of the players he's played against?

What's the level of the players he's been up against?

How much has he grown the last year?

How much weight has he put on?

I haven't seen a single game of his let alone the season, but those are valid questions that can affect his performance.

It sounds like they're letting him take a lot of different shots, that's good. If he's still rail thin as in that highlight video of his, then you have to expect low effeciency and general struggle because of the physical level combined with trying to become the type of player he and his coaches want.

I'm assuming that he's a sophmore playing against good juniors and seniors, saw somebody mention KD's sophomore season..

03-16-2014, 03:28 PM
Shot 28% from 3 and 46% from the field against High School competition. Another example of the actual play not living up to a highlight film.
Highlight plays and 2 minute 'hoopmixtape' mixes are destroying peoples perception of what it means to actually be a 'good' basketball player.

Also f*ck the asshole who told that kid to step outside and shoot 3's... exactly what is wrong with Highschool and AAU programs in this era. This is part of the reason why no quality centers for the future of basketball are anywhere in sight.

03-16-2014, 03:39 PM
why is an athletic 7footer shooting jumpers and 3s??

03-16-2014, 03:45 PM
I'm hoping for the best for this kid. He has a nice touch for a 7 footer. Got an athleticism like KG & a range like Yao. I'm impressed. I love it when there's players like this, such a unique individual/skillset.

I hope he stops growing taller, though.7 footers trying to play like guards isn't even unique anymore lol. I'd argue a traditional C with actual post moves is much more rare nowdays.

03-16-2014, 03:45 PM
Highlight plays and 2 minute 'hoopmixtape' mixes are destroying peoples perception of what it means to actually be a 'good' basketball player.

Also f*ck the asshole who told that kid to step outside and shoot 3's... exactly what is wrong with Highschool and AAU programs in this era. This is part of the reason why no quality centers for the future of basketball are anywhere in sight.

If a player is to learn shooting you have to let him shoot, it's the high school 3pt line, nothing but top of the key in the NBA..

It won't matter what percentage he shot as a 16 year old, what matters is that he improves his shooting down the line.

You can't except him to perform post moves if he's banging against players 1-2 years older and 10-40 pounds heavier.

You also have to remember that he's already 7ft at 16 years old, it's a big task in itself for a kid growing that much that young just learning to control his balance and cordination.

If young euro bigs can both shoot and learn post play so can young american bigs. The reason a lot of american bigs haven't been good shooters is because high school coaches are more focused on winning than euro youth club coaches, so they force the biggest players around the basket more than what's optimal for their development.

03-16-2014, 03:47 PM
Highlight plays and 2 minute 'hoopmixtape' mixes are destroying peoples perception of what it means to actually be a 'good' basketball player.

Also f*ck the asshole who told that kid to step outside and shoot 3's... exactly what is wrong with Highschool and AAU programs in this era. This is part of the reason why no quality centers for the future of basketball are anywhere in sight.
Watch eventually C/PF wont even go near the post on offense or D....They'll just roam around the 3 point line for jump shots leaving the guards to rebound and protect the rim... Every once and awhile trying to cross people over and drive throwing up 15 foot floaters

03-16-2014, 03:50 PM
If a player is to learn shooting you have to let him shoot, it's the high school 3pt line, nothing but top of the key in the NBA..

It won't matter what percentage he shot as a 16 year old, what matters is that he improves his shooting down the line.

You can't except him to perform post moves if he's banging against players 1-2 years older and 10-40 pounds heavier.

You also have to remember that he's already 7ft at 16 years old, it's a big task in itself for a kid growing that much that young just learning to control his balance and cordination.

If young euro bigs can both shoot and learn post play so can young american bigs. The reason a lot of american bigs haven't been good shooters is because high school coaches are more focused on winning than euro youth club coaches, so they force the biggest players around the basket more than what's optimal for their development.
I have a video of Wilt's high school coach watching old Wilt footage from high school from one of his games, you know what he said? "We instructed Wilt not to take that shot again" after a time out was called after Wilt attempted a jump shot from mid range... They wanted Wilt in close to get the rebounds and take high percentage shots. Wilt went on to be one of the greatest centers in the history of the game. You don't teach a big man how to be big if he's playing on the perimeter and you don't teach a great player to be great with out some sort of guidance about shot selection and how to take advantage of your tools. This kid will grow up soft if he isn't pressured to avoid the 'easy' uncontested 3's to bang inside and earn a more physically demanding but higher percentage shot, I disagree entirely with the philosophy of just letting a young kid shoot wherever the f*ck he wants, save that shit for the playground if you want. In a basketball program you learn discipline of how to play a structured game and how to capitalize on what physical tools you have. Getting no guidance about where to shoot and why is a bad thing IMO. Not that we know this is the case for Thon... but being that he's taking 3's it may be, if that is the case I think that isn't a smart way to develop him. Just my opinion.

03-16-2014, 03:59 PM
I have a video of Wilt's high school coach watching old Wilt footage from high school from one of his games, you know what he said? "We instructed Wilt not to take that shot again" after a time out was called after Wilt attempted a jump shot from mid range... They wanted Wilt in close to get the rebounds and take high percentage shots. Wilt went on to be one of the greatest centers in the history of the game. You don't teach a big man how to be big if he's playing on the perimeter and you don't teach a great player to be great with out some sort of guidance about shot selection and how to take advantage of your tools. This kid will grow up soft, I disagree entirely with the philosophy of just letting a young kid shoot wherever the f*ck he wants, save that shit for the playground if you want. In a basketball program you learn discipline of how to play a structured game and how to capitalize on what physical tools you have. Getting no guidance about where to shoot and why is a bad thing IMO.

Wilt Chamberlain are you kidding?

Have you seen the guy we are talking about? He is thin as rails and doesn't have that wide a frame.
You don't tell a 16 year old kid to go 1on1 in the post against an 18 year old who's just as/almost as tall and stronger. You teach him that a bit later when he's physically equal to his competition.

It doesn't have to be one or the other, there are some tall players who can become good shooters, it's stupid to deny them that skill.

Wilt never was a good shooter, I bet that cost him at some point missing free throws and what not.

If euro bigs can both learn post 1on1 and shooting, americans should be able to as well, don't you agree?

03-16-2014, 04:00 PM
why is lebron considered one of the best hs players when all these guys are putting up better numbers than him?

03-16-2014, 04:02 PM
Wilt Chamberlain are you kidding?

Have you seen the guy we are talking about? He is thin as rails and doesn't have that wide a frame.
You don't tell a 16 year old kid to go 1on1 in the post against an 18 year old who's just as/almost as tall and stronger. You teach him that a bit later when he's physically equal to his competition.

It doesn't have to be one or the other, there are some tall players who can become good shooters, it's stupid to deny them that skill.

Wilt never was a good shooter, I bet that cost him at some point missing free throws and what not.
Wilt was skinny as a rail in high school too

let's imagine no coach ever pressured him to get inside, grab those rebounds, and not waste possessions shooting outside... Wilt might have been a jump shooting big man who never sniffed a rebound title, and never felt the need to exceed 250lbs from strength training let alone 290. Cause why get inside and wrestle for position when you can just shoot your polished jumper that you developed as a teenager in high school right?

Jump shooting when your 7 foot isn't smart basketball, and it's at his age right now that he should be learning the importance of how, and why to play big given his tools, not when he's older. Again this is just my opinion based on things I've seen, I follow closely how Wilt, Russell, and Kareem were developed. I don't see any similarity to how they were developed in comparison with Thon Maker, and Thon has more similarities to them physically than he does differences, all those guys were also super skinny at his age.

03-16-2014, 04:03 PM
Is he good? Can the heat get him?

03-16-2014, 04:04 PM
Watch eventually C/PF wont even go near the post on offense or D....They'll just roam around the 3 point line for jump shots leaving the guards to rebound and protect the rim... Every once and awhile trying to cross people over and drive throwing up 15 foot floaters

Point guards will lead the league in rebounding!

03-16-2014, 04:26 PM
Wilt was skinny as a rail in high school too

let's imagine no coach ever pressured him to get inside, grab those rebounds, and not waste possessions shooting outside... Wilt might have been a jump shooting big man who never sniffed a rebound title, and never felt the need to exceed 250lbs from strength training let alone 290. Cause why get inside and wrestle for position when you can just shoot your polished jumper that you developed as a teenager in high school right?

Jump shooting when your 7 foot isn't smart basketball, and it's at his age right now that he should be learning the importance of how, and why to play big given his tools, not when he's older. Again this is just my opinion based on things I've seen, I follow closely how Wilt, Russell, and Kareem were developed. I don't see any similarity to how they were developed in comparison with Thon Maker, and Thon has more similarities to them physically than he does differences, all those guys were also super skinny at his age.

Wilt is one of the strongest athletes ever, he was fast and had great cordination for his size. Haven't heard anybody say that about this kid. He's just tall and lanky.

Players can learn both, it's just about effeciency in the order of teaching cordination and skills to a young and growing basketball player.
You can't expect him to go 1on1 back to the basket when he doesn't have the strength yet, he won't learn anything but shoot bail out fade away shots.

It's the same reason you haven't seen Anthony Davis being forced into the post, it's the one part of his game he couldn't perform well enough because he lacked strength. When that's your problem the smart thing to do is hold on on that part untill you've gained strength.

03-16-2014, 04:29 PM
He should be eating a bucket of KFC everyday from today to until he finishes college so he can become 7 foot and 320 pounds like Shaq. Imagine a Shaq who could shoot.

03-16-2014, 04:31 PM
He should be eating a bucket of KFC everyday from today to until he finishes college so he can become 7 foot and 320 pounds like Shaq. Imagine a Shaq who could shoot.
he;s probably less athletic than shaq at 220 lbs, add 100 lbs he probably would be slow as ***

03-16-2014, 04:43 PM
He ain't gonna be no Dirk, Bird or Durant, not even close, I'll tell you that much. Yea he's thin but he's a legit 7 footer and athletic, this dude should be working in the post, I'm not saying don't work on jump-shots and whatnot but mostly get work done down-low :facepalm

03-16-2014, 07:24 PM
He's 17. How many times does it have to be repeated that he's 17 and not 16?

03-16-2014, 07:26 PM
why is an athletic 7footer shooting jumpers and 3s??

Let me guess, you are one of those geniuses that thinks a "point guard" is the guy that brings the ball up the court and hands it off to someone, or that a "play maker" is the same thing as a passer........


03-16-2014, 07:29 PM
called it, lol at 7footer not playing back to basket.

03-16-2014, 08:05 PM
Just for comparison's sake, Durant shot 65% from the field and 47% from 3 as a 15 year old sophomore. LeBron shot 60% from the field and 39% from 3 as a 16 year old sophomore .

where the hell are you getting these stats? post a link

03-16-2014, 08:08 PM
I'd take Thon Maker over KD right now on my team

03-16-2014, 08:09 PM
I'd take Thon Maker over KD right now on my team
wait... where's the white text? :lol

03-16-2014, 08:09 PM

Like someone mentioned, it is a travesty that a 7 footer is trying to play on the perimeter.

03-16-2014, 08:14 PM

Like someone mentioned, it is a travesty that a 7 footer is trying to play on the perimeter.

It's those hoops mix tapes. They take a few clips from a whole season. Do you really think that's accurate?

Look at these same clips of Wiggins. It makes it look like he made 35 dunks a game.

03-16-2014, 08:24 PM
The game is evolving...the three pointer is bigger than ever and everybody, from top to bottom, is being taught how to shoot it.

It's even apparent in rec leagues and pick up ball. I play in a gym with a three point line and we run to 11 (with the 3 point line being 2pts) and I swear all these kids do is jack up threes. And the crazy thing is...it works. Obviously, it's different because it's like they are worth four points (in a REAL game) but still...old school guys like myself are driving to the hoop, trying to get high percentage shots...build up a lead of 3-4 points on hard earned buckets...and these guys are jacking up 10 threes, making 2 of them and bam, game is tied.

The back to the basket center is a dying breed.

03-16-2014, 08:59 PM
The ONLY distance shooting of any a kind a seven-footer should be taking, is practicing FTs ad nauseum. That would be the only area where he could contribute offensively. The rest of his game should be centered around a 10-12 foot radius around the basket, and working on both their right, AND left hand post game.

If I need a 3pt shooter, I will draft a pure shooting guard, like Ray Allen.

03-16-2014, 09:04 PM
BTW, Shaq was basically less than a 40% shooter from 3ft out in the early 00's. Other than FT shooting, does anyone in their right mind believe that Shaq should have been working on his outside game?

03-17-2014, 08:58 AM
The ONLY distance shooting of any a kind a seven-footer should be taking, is practicing FTs ad nauseum. That would be the only area where he could contribute offensively. The rest of his game should be centered around a 10-12 foot radius around the basket, and working on both their right, AND left hand post game.

If I need a 3pt shooter, I will draft a pure shooting guard, like Ray Allen.

If Anthony Davis would have worked like that he would only be a 10-10 type guy..

03-17-2014, 09:07 AM
Comparing high school stats is beyond preposterous. They are literally meaningless.

This kid's potential is off the charts. A year ago he looked awkward, slow and way too thin. He was just another very tall, very young player, and there were many reasons to doubt his future. Fast forward to today and he looks quick, athletic, and with a good frame that will fill out in time. He's already a 7 footer with huge arms, and so far he's growing into his body exactly the right way. Add to that his obvious natural talent and touch, and you've got a highly intriguing NBA prospect. Will he convert? You never know. A lot of it is mental, and mentality doesn't get exposed in high school. But to deny that the tools are there would be stupid.

03-17-2014, 09:10 AM
If Anthony Davis would have worked like that he would only be a 10-10 type guy..
Davis also wasn't 7 feet tall at age 16

03-17-2014, 09:28 AM
Davis also wasn't 7 feet tall at age 16
some things are needed to be good in the post. you need good footwork and to be strong. if you are not strong then you need to have great footwork. good footwork can be achieved with a lot of practice but not great footwork.
Dwight didn't learn anything from hakeem because of this. Lebron knew that he doesn't have the footwork of hakeem as that can't be taught so he took few things from hakeem that he could do and does those in his own way.
Love is great when he shoots jumpers a lot while his post game is above average. He would be a ridiculous offensive weapon in any era along being an elite rebounder. His defense is the only thing letting him down.
Game can be learned in any way as long as it works for the player and team. a 7 footer who is great from mid range and good from 3 point range is a great weapon. get a good slasher and your 7 footer will get the other team's rim protector out of the paint as no one else can stop his mid range shot with him being so tall.
I would tell a 16 yr old 7 footer to try playing in the post and if he looks like he just has no way to be great in the post at that age then i will tell him to get good at jumpers first.

03-17-2014, 09:58 AM
This is a new low for stans.

I've seen all the agenda threads trying to discredit other players that compete with their favorite player (85% of this board) but needing to try to undermine a kid who is 3 years from making the league??? :oldlol: :oldlol:

03-17-2014, 10:28 AM
Davis also wasn't 7 feet tall at age 16

1-2 inches doesn't change how a player should develop, if a player has potential to shoot(not everyone does) you need to work on it and preferably let him shoot some in games.

Think Pau Gasol, great post player but also good mid-range to top of the key, he shoots 3 pointers when he plays internationally.
You think he'd be better if post play was the only thing he did and ever worked on? Pau played point guard up untill he was 14 btw..
What about Dirk? You think he'd be playing anything but german 2nd division if he only had hook shots and up'n unders?

Doesn't matter if you're 6-10 or 7 feet, if shooting is something that comes to you then you should work on it. Telling a player NOT to work on something even though he has potential to do it is stupid stupid stupid and it helps lose motivation and burn out the player.

Shit, even Tim Duncan was making shots from top of the key in his rookie season.

03-17-2014, 10:31 AM
1-2 inches doesn't change how a player should develop, if a player has potential to shoot(not everyone does) you need to work on it and preferably let him shoot some in games.

Think Pau Gasol, great post player but also good mid-range to top of the key, he shoots 3 pointers when he plays internationally.
You think he'd be better if post play was the only thing he did and ever worked on? Pau played point guard up untill he was 14 btw..
What about Dirk? You think he'd be playing anything but german 2nd division if he only had hook shots and up'n unders?

Doesn't matter if you're 6-10 or 7 feet, if shooting is something that comes to you then you should work on it. Telling a player NOT to work on something even though he has potential to do it is stupid stupid stupid and it helps lose motivation and burn out the player.

Shit, even Tim Duncan was making shots from top of the key in his rookie season.
we're not talking a difference of 1-2 inches

03-17-2014, 10:34 AM
That's why they need a hs coach like Coach Carter.

03-17-2014, 10:44 AM
we're not talking a difference of 1-2 inches

I've never heard about anybody being 6-12..

You're arguing so small details it won't matter. I know it's not good for a players development to tell him only to do one thing when he's 16 years old. You're locking the player in and not letting him explore what he can do with his body.
It's not only about shooting but also learning how to drive face up preferably from any distance. You will never learn how to drive by somebody if your jumper isn't good enough so they can just back off.

I know you're probably reading it like I'm saying never to have him post, but that's not the case.