View Full Version : OKC 3-5 Since Westbrooks Return

03-09-2014, 06:24 PM
I don't watch the most OKC games, but what do you guys think, cause for concern heading into the playoffs? Their offense didn't have much flow today and a whole lot of 1-on-1 ball.

Looks like they might lose out on the top seed in the west, and going deep in the playoffs I think HCA will be important.

Westbrook has always been questionable when it comes to bball IQ. He's a great talent but I think he needs to shore up his decision making skills to lead the team as far as they can go.

03-09-2014, 06:26 PM
Dude is averaging 21/5/7/2 on 65% TS. Can't blame his defense either, as he's a monster on that end.

03-09-2014, 06:27 PM
They should trade him. Get any pass first PG, it's obvious they will never even win a playoff game with him :facepalm

03-09-2014, 06:28 PM
I don't watch the most OKC games, but what do you guys think, cause for concern heading into the playoffs? Their offense didn't have much flow today and a whole lot of 1-on-1 ball.

Looks like they might lose out on the top seed in the west, and going deep in the playoffs I think HCA will be important.

Westbrook has always been questionable when it comes to bball IQ. He's a great talent but I think he needs to shore up his decision making skills to lead the team as far as they can go.

It always takes a while to get back in a flow of things. They literally played 30 games or so without him and had to adjust and now they have to readjust. They are also missing Sefolosha.

03-09-2014, 06:28 PM
I don't watch the most OKC games, but what do you guys think, cause for concern heading into the playoffs? Their offense didn't have much flow today and a whole lot of 1-on-1 ball.

Looks like they might lose out on the top seed in the west, and going deep in the playoffs I think HCA will be important.

Westbrook has always been questionable when it comes to bball IQ. He's a great talent but I think he needs to shore up his decision making skills to lead the team as far as they can go.

It always takes a while to get back in a flow of things. They literally played 30 games or so without him and had to adjust and now they have to readjust. They are also missing Sefolosha.

Westbrook missed a lot of make-able layups today.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
03-09-2014, 06:29 PM
Dude is averaging 21/5/7/2 on 65% TS. Can't blame his defense either, as he's a monster on that end.
Are u ****ing kidding:roll: :roll: :roll:
monster on defense:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: do u even watch basketball:facepalm

03-09-2014, 06:31 PM
Are u ****ing kidding:roll: :roll: :roll:
monster on defense:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: do u even watch basketball:facepalm
Did you watch Durant try to cover Bazemore today?

:roll: :roll:

03-09-2014, 06:33 PM
I don't think Westbrook has much to do with it. The Thunder have been missing 2 of the best pick and roll defenders in the league during that stretch as well and the numbers they are giving up on defense speak volumes about what Perk and Thabo contribute to that end of the floor. I also blame Brooks who is horrible at making adjustments. If the lineup and rotation isn't exactly the way he wants it, the Thunder look lost. Meanwhile Popovich can roll with any lineup and win. If Brooks doesn't turn this ship around soon I think he should be gone next year.

03-09-2014, 06:34 PM
losing goatkins and thabo doesnt help either

together the big 3 goatkins thabo brooks anchor the defense

03-09-2014, 06:34 PM
Are u ****ing kidding:roll: :roll: :roll:
monster on defense:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: do u even watch basketball:facepalm
Westbrook is a good defender. Do you watch basketball?

03-09-2014, 06:36 PM
Are u ****ing kidding:roll: :roll: :roll:
monster on defense:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: do u even watch basketball:facepalm
The teams best perimeter defender by FAR.

Westbrook is a good defender. Do you watch basketball?
He doesn't watch the plays. He likes to rub it out KD's bald spot during games.

03-09-2014, 06:36 PM
Dude is averaging 21/5/7/2 on 65% TS. Can't blame his defense either, as he's a monster on that end.
He's not. He gambles way too often is not good at rotations. The steals dont make up for the points he gives up.

03-09-2014, 06:37 PM
They are missing their 2 best defensive players.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
03-09-2014, 06:42 PM
He's not. He gambles way too often is not good at rotations. The steals dont make up for the points he gives up.
Someone who understands the game:applause: :applause: :applause:

03-09-2014, 06:57 PM
Someone who understands the game:applause: :applause: :applause:

Do you want OKC to trade him in the off season? Would you trade Wiggins or Parker for Westbrook.

Go Getter
03-09-2014, 07:02 PM
7/23 with 8 turnovers and the loss isn't just a little bit his fault? Jodie Meeks going off wasn't even a wee-bit on him?

22 points a game on 44% shooting and 4 t/o per game is ok I guess but he needs to learn how to play off of KD better.

Dude played 11 less minutes than Durant but took 4 more shots than him....OKC can't win like that.

03-09-2014, 07:03 PM
He's not. He gambles way too often is not good at rotations. The steals dont make up for the points he gives up.
He does, but he actually stay in front of the defenders. He too quick and too strong for any PG in the league. He's also one of the better defenders in the league at the PG position. He does make boneheaded plays sometimes, but his positives far outweigh the negatives. Also, he's OKC's best perimeter defender BY FAR.

03-09-2014, 08:36 PM
I don't think Westbrook has much to do with it. The Thunder have been missing 2 of the best pick and roll defenders in the league during that stretch as well and the numbers they are giving up on defense speak volumes about what Perk and Thabo contribute to that end of the floor. I also blame Brooks who is horrible at making adjustments. If the lineup and rotation isn't exactly the way he wants it, the Thunder look lost. Meanwhile Popovich can roll with any lineup and win. If Brooks doesn't turn this ship around soon I think he should be gone next year.

Yea, I guess since I'm taking about the offensive flow, he's the main guy I look to. He doesn't seem to be running the team. Other than Fisher they don't seem to have a true PG. Reggie Jackson definitely seems to be shoot first, there were multiple possessions in the third where he came down and just jacked a shot. Actually, I saw that with a bunch of guys, that's not running an offense. And it's definitely not going to get it done in the playoffs.

If they succeed in the playoffs I think its because of the incredible talent of KD and Westbrook, not because they play necessarily smart basketball.

On a defensive note, I was watching the suns game and the Suns commentator was saying that someone in team USA basketball said during practices that nobody could even dribble the ball up the court against Westbook outside for Kyrie Irving. That right there should tell you about what kind of defender he CAN be.

03-09-2014, 08:40 PM
I still for the life of me cannot understand why Westbrook defenders go hard for him:confusedshrug:

He is and has always been an incredibly sketchy player. He's the epitome of inconsistency and bad IQ.

He belongs coming off the bench, his talents are better suited as a 6th man. OKC will NEVER win a chip with him as the starting PG..... NEVER.

Go ahead and bookmark this page.

03-09-2014, 08:53 PM
I still for the life of me cannot understand why Westbrook defenders go hard for him:confusedshrug:

He is and has always been an incredibly sketchy player. He's the epitome of inconsistency and bad IQ.

He belongs coming off the bench, his talents are better suited as a 6th man. OKC will NEVER win a chip with him as the starting PG..... NEVER.

Go ahead and bookmark this page.
That, I agree with.

Very inconsistent.

His energy and competitiveness is always there, but he just wasn't blessed with great basketball talent. Terrible touch. Still can't finish consistently.

I'd still take him over any PG not named Chris Paul.

03-09-2014, 09:02 PM
That, I agree with.

Very inconsistent.

His energy and competitiveness is always there, but he just wasn't blessed with great basketball talent. Terrible touch. Still can't finish consistently.

I'd still take him over any PG not named Chris Paul.

which is why he doesn't belong as a starter for a contending team. What you mentioned would be a great asset to have coming off the bench where there's less pressure on him. Imagine the havoc he'd create coming off the bench?

All you need is a stable point guard, doesn't have to even be an all star caliber player. Just a solid consistent pg that can funnel the offense through KD, hit the open jumper and play solid defense.

Then bring in Westbrook off the bench and leave him in if he's not causing any damage, sit him down as soon as he does. KD can do the rest for his team without anybody stepping on his shoes.

Sad thing is, I think the league knows this, I think the Thunder coaching staff knows this as well.

03-09-2014, 09:05 PM
Probably also coincides with the loss of the other 2 starters, but they've been terrible defending the 3 since he's been back. You can't get away with that type of defense against some of these elite shooting teams in the playoffs.

03-09-2014, 09:07 PM
which is why he doesn't belong as a starter for a contending team. What you mentioned would be a great asset to have coming off the bench where there's less pressure on him. Imagine the havoc he'd create coming off the bench?

All you need is a stable point guard, doesn't have to even be an all star caliber player. Just a solid consistent pg that can funnel the offense through KD, hit the open jumper and play solid defense.

Then bring in Westbrook off the bench and leave him in if he's not causing any damage, sit him down as soon as he does. KD can do the rest for his team without anybody stepping on his shoes.

Sad thing is, I think the league knows this, I think the Thunder coaching staff knows this as well.
As long as he plays the majority of the second half, I don't really care.

Thing is, OKC is notorious for starting poorly and Westbrook's energy and urgency has always helped them in that regard, so I don't know if you're making up much ground with him coming off the bench.

Doesn't help with the Westbrook/Durant chemistry if they're not playing together. Just causes more problems long-term. They're the best players on the team by far and the more they play together the better, because that's what it will be like in the playoffs which is the only time that really matters.

Jackson and D-Fish are booty for the most part anyway. Dudes would get eaten alive by starting PG's on a night to night basis.

The problem isn't Westbrook starting, the problem is Durant and Westbrook have NEVER benefited each others games. Never. They've won despite having poor chemistry and will continue to win despite it.

longtime lurker
03-09-2014, 09:10 PM
Great typical ISH overreaction thread OMG OMG OMG Thunder must be better without him! 3-5 after Westbrook playing himself into shape. Both him and Durant were responsible for the loss today. They both talk poor shots and kept shooting jumpers instead of attacking the Lakers interior.

03-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Great typical ISH overreaction thread OMG OMG OMG Thunder must be better without him! 3-5 after Westbrook playing himself into shape. Both him and Durant were responsible for the loss today. They both talk poor shots and kept shooting jumpers instead of attacking the Lakers interior.
That's the thing, they both played like absolute shit. Westbrook literally missed like 10 layups and Durant missed like 10 threes.

As usual, OKC gets absolutely no help down low and Westbrook and Durant are forced to make difficult shots because Ibaka, Adams, Collision, and Jones can't get easy baskets in the paint to save their ****ing life.

All we need is ONE competent big man. ONE. And not some jump shooting, inconsistent, butterfinger ass n*gga like Ibaka.

03-09-2014, 10:05 PM
everyone can turn on Westbrook now but the bandwagon will be full when you try to get back on

longtime lurker
03-09-2014, 10:24 PM
That's the thing, they both played like absolute shit. Westbrook literally missed like 10 layups and Durant missed like 10 threes.

As usual, OKC gets absolutely no help down low and Westbrook and Durant are forced to make difficult shots because Ibaka, Adams, Collision, and Jones can't get easy baskets in the paint to save their ****ing life.

All we need is ONE competent big man. ONE. And not some jump shooting, inconsistent, butterfinger ass n*gga like Ibaka.

Presti will be the down fall of OKC. Smh at him sitting on his hands again at the trade deadline. OKC picking up a competent move them from being contenders to favorites. Especially considering that is Miami's biggest weakness :facepalm

03-09-2014, 10:30 PM
Presti will be the down fall of OKC. Smh at him sitting on his hands again at the trade deadline. OKC picking up a competent move them from being contenders to favorites. Especially considering that is Miami's biggest weakness :facepalm
I was beating my meat at the idea of picking up Big Baby but obviously that didn't work out.

Clippers have BG, Jordan, and Big Baby. **** those n*ggas.

Would be a ****ing miracle if OKC won without a big man down low. Chris Anderson is better than anything OKC has and that's not even a joke. He finishes at a high rate.

I don't give a **** how hard Collision plays, he ****ing sucks. Perkins sucks. Ibaka is a jump shooting bitch. Jones is a jump shooting bitch. Adams is an all around hustle geek/uncoordinated butterfinger ass bitch/slow as ****/go back to New Zealand and work on your game f*ggot/overrated bitch.
