View Full Version : Michael Jordan Punches Steve Kerr In The Face (cartoon version)

03-04-2014, 02:06 AM

I lol'd at the Phil Jackson rings.

03-04-2014, 02:28 AM
MJ tested people's mettle to see if he could go to battle with them or not. If they were soft. If they stood their ground, or bounced back he had all the respect in the world for them. As he did Kerr here. He'd also build the guy back up ego wise if they deserved it. Old School leadership.

03-04-2014, 02:30 AM
MJ tested people's mettle to see if he could go to battle with them or not. If they were soft. If they stood their ground, or bounced back he had all the respect in the world for them. As he did Kerr here. He'd also build the guy back up ego wise if they deserved it. Old School leadership.

Truth. Kobe approaches leadership the same way. Westbrook does as well based off of everything I've seen.

I could watch cartoon stories of MJ moments like this (voiced over by MJ is a plus) all day. Someone needs to make that into a series.

03-04-2014, 02:33 AM
Truth. Kobe approaches leadership the same way. Westbrook does as well based off of everything I've seen.

I could watch cartoon stories of MJ moments like this (voiced over by MJ is a plus) all day. Someone needs to make that into a series.
That chick's panties had slug trails in them talking about Jordan's alpha-ness.

03-04-2014, 02:33 AM
MJ tested people's mettle to see if he could go to battle with them or not. If they were soft. If they stood their ground, or bounced back he had all the respect in the world for them. As he did Kerr here. He'd also build the guy back up ego wise if they deserved it. Old School leadership.
I'm not going to say you should ever punch a teammate in the face. Especially not a guy as humble and nice as Kerr but I do agree with your point.

03-04-2014, 02:39 AM
this is a perfect example of michael jordan media influince

woman "its ok. your michael jordan... hes ( ugly frown ) steve kerr!?. its perfectly ok for you to punch him in the face whenever you want! :) "

if kobe punched fisher in his fat head... the media would send kobe to the deepest darkes pit of disrespect and lashing the likes of which jesus christ himself never seen

i could see it now

skip bayless - "you know i've given kobe the benefit of the doubt. but what he did there is inexcusable. the shred of respect i once had for this man. is now gone. he was never the man jordan was. and this proves it"

steven A - "jordan punched kerr"

skip bayless - "its ok. your michael jordan... hes ( ugly frown ) steve kerr!?. its perfectly ok for you to punch him in the face whenever you want! :) "

this is why guys like mj and bron have so many mvps

anything they do gets forgotten within a year

anything kobe does is dragged with him through mud for life

03-04-2014, 02:40 AM
I'm not going to say you should ever punch a teammate in the face. Especially not a guy as humble and nice as Kerr but I do agree with your point.
Kerr was talking shit, being physical standing up to Jordan. I don't agree with punching him, but dude that sets a major standard on the team. He established a hardline alpha status.

Everyone was fearful to disappoint him, yet eager to get his praise if they did perform well. He had an innate alpha aura where people fell in line to his leadership.

But like I said he'd build a guy back up if he deserved it. Those witty, sniping comments to teammates was to motivate, or weed out the meek. That's great leadership.

03-04-2014, 02:51 AM
Kerr was talking shit, being physical standing up to Jordan. I don't agree with punching him, but dude that sets a major standard on the team. He established a hardline alpha status.

Everyone was fearful to disappoint him, yet eager to get his praise if they did perform well. He had an innate alpha aura where people fell in line to his leadership.

But like I said he'd build a guy back up if he deserved it. Those witty, sniping comments to teammates was to motivate, or weed out the meek. That's great leadership.
i don't agree with him punching him, but.......
All of this comment was bullshit and stop calling others kids when you believe what you just wrote.

03-04-2014, 02:55 AM
stop calling others kids when you believe what you just wrote.:biggums:

Lamar Odumbb
03-04-2014, 02:56 AM
Kobe punched Samaki Walker in the face I remember.

Shaq punched Kobe in the face during Kobe's rookie year.

03-04-2014, 03:08 AM
I had no idea the Bulls locker room was a glorified prison and wolf pack amalgamation.

03-04-2014, 03:21 AM
I had no idea the Bulls locker room was a glorified prison and wolf pack amalgamation.
Have you played competitive, organized sports? Let alone pro sports? Ever have beef with someone at your job or office because you spend so much time around them? Now dump tons of ego, money and testosterone into the equation. Being with each other for like 8 months straight, especially on the road. Tempers will flare.

03-04-2014, 03:23 AM
you know you do that regularly, don't you?
Anyone who punches a team mate in front of the whole team when that guy wasn't even doing anything wrong is a douche. The only thing that made jordan the leader of that team was that he was the best player on the team by a good margin. Everything else is BS. How many players did russel punch? how many did magic punch? how many did wade punch when he won in 2006?
tim duncan has won 4. Bulls were so lucky social media and camera phones didn't exist because that team was a mess off the court and mostly it was jordan who was the cause. The media wasn't half as big as it is now.
Horace Grant even accepted that in his latest interview with Grantland.

03-04-2014, 03:24 AM
Have you played competitive, organized sports? Let alone pro sports? Ever have beef with someone at your job or office because you spend so much time around them? Now dump tons of ego, money and testosterone into the equation. Being with each other for like 8 months straight, especially on the road. Tempers will flare.
you are such an idiot. Jordan was lucky that he was the most talented player of all time. it ends there. Leadership already comes with being the best player. You have to actually act like full beta to not be a leader when you are the best player on the team by a big margin.
No one needs to punch a team mate to be a leader. he probably was even luckier he punched kerr. Just imagine him punching a player like Reggie miller if he played for the bulls.

03-04-2014, 03:30 AM
you know you do that regularly, don't you?
Who did I call "kid"?

Anyone who punches a team mate in front of the whole team when that guy wasn't even doing anything wrong is a douche.
Um do you know the context of the situation? They were getting physical with each other all practice. MJ warned him multiple times, anger erupted, and he hit him. Big deal.

The only thing that made jordan the leader of that team was that he was the best player on the team by a good margin. Everything else is BS.
No it isn't. That very Horace Grant interview you cite, he states exactly that. He says MJ's competitiveness as leader weeded out the meek on the roster whom he couldn't play with.

How many players did russel punch? how many did magic punch? how many did wade punch when he won in 2006?
tim duncan has won 4.
How many did Bob Knight choke, or physically intimidate? Didn't he get the most out of his players, but through the use of fear? Are you telling me Bob Knight was a bad leader / coach?

Don't be such a sissy. There is more one way to skin a cat in regards to leadership tactics. MJ wasn't relentlessly mean. He built teammates up. Pippen also served as good cop to MJ's bad cop too. It was effective.

The media wasn't half as big as it is now.
Horace Grant even accepted that in his latest interview with Grantland.
Then the world would know how big of an asshole Jordan was when it came to competition?

Oh no, shocking reveal. What's worse is Magic Johnson. His goody two shoes public persona, the smile, when behind the scenes he was quite the self serving, egotistical asshole by all accounts.

MJ was just a fierce competitor. His charisma was natural as gravity. His cool factor was why he could be a fierce leader to his teammates, but they still wanted to follow him. And didn't alienate himself ala Kobe.

Teammates wanted MJ to lead them.

03-04-2014, 03:33 AM
Tells me I need to stop calling others "kids" ... as if I do it regularly, as if it's super offensive.

Then says this:

you are such an idiot.


03-04-2014, 03:41 AM
Who did I call "kid"?

Um do you know the context of the situation? They were getting physical with each other all practice. MJ warned him multiple times, anger erupted, and he hit him. Big deal.

No it isn't. That very Horace Grant interview you cite, he states exactly that. He says MJ's competitiveness as leader weeded out the meek on the roster whom he couldn't play with.

How many did Bob Knight choke, or physically intimidate? Didn't he get the most out of his players, but through the use of fear? Are you telling me Bob Knight was a bad leader / coach?

Don't be such a sissy. There is more one way to skin a cat in regards to leadership tactics. MJ wasn't relentlessly mean. He built teammates up. Pippen also served as good cop to MJ's bad cop too. It was effective.

Then the world would know how big of an asshole Jordan was when it came to competition?

Oh no, shocking reveal. What's worse is Magic Johnson. His goody two shoes public persona, the smile, when behind the scenes he was quite the self serving, egotistical asshole by all accounts.

MJ was just a fierce competitor. His charisma was natural as gravity. His cool factor was why he could be a fierce leader to his teammates, but they still wanted to follow him. And didn't alienate himself ala Kobe.

Teammates wanted MJ to lead them.
you must be a kid or really bad at your job to think like this. unless someone is a the best in his field, no one takes any kind of shit from them. If jordan was a lets say a reggie miller level player, no one would take shit from him and call him a child. Jordan's talent compensated for him being a child. He is a child even now.

03-04-2014, 03:43 AM
Tells me I need to stop calling others "kids" ... as if I do it regularly, as if it's super offensive.

Then says this:

you are the one who just wrote that even though you don't like that jordan punched kerr, it was a sign of him having leader ship skills. That is sign of being an idiot or someone who doesn't know how real world and people think.
How about after Jordan put down Cartwright infront of his teammates and Bill told him if he ever did it again he would break both his legs and he would never play again? Did jordan lose his leader ship skills then?

03-04-2014, 03:46 AM
I had no idea the Bulls locker room was a glorified prison and wolf pack amalgamation.
nicely put.
you'd see this behavior more from people who treat some athlete/actor/celebrity as god. Swish is a great example of that. He can't accept that Jordan was a douche for punching kerr.

Mr Feeny
03-04-2014, 03:46 AM
:biggums:He's right though. Show more respect to others. Cheers

03-04-2014, 03:59 AM
michael jordan doesn't have a small ***** and isn't a douche for punching steve mf kerr in the face. LMAO @ these clowns straight reaching.

03-04-2014, 04:01 AM
michael jordan doesn't have a small ***** and isn't a douche for punching steve mf kerr in the face. LMAO @ these clowns straight reaching.
Your avy is so punchable.:banghead:

03-04-2014, 01:12 PM
Sometimes as the Alpha you have to do those things...

Clearly Kerr was in the wrong....he was going a little too hard on the Alpha of the pack...

MJ put him in his place....:confusedshrug:

Kerr learned a valuable lesson that day.

03-04-2014, 01:19 PM
Sometimes as the Alpha you have to do those things...

Clearly Kerr was in the wrong....he was going a little too hard on the Alpha of the pack...

MJ put him in his place....:confusedshrug:

Kerr learned a valuable lesson that day.
Alphawolf24 sure has a lot of credibility talking about this topic:roll: :roll: :roll: :facepalm

03-04-2014, 01:28 PM
lol Samurai in here justifying giving a teammate a black eye is "Alpha leadership" :lol

03-04-2014, 01:49 PM
You do realize fights happen in training camp or practices all the time right. Are you guys this dense? Some of them just get leaked, but most of them don't. Especially when every one is going hard.

03-04-2014, 03:11 PM
It's only a story because it's mike and nice guy kerr. This happens all the time in sports :facepalm

Violence is not acceptable but it happens. Deal with it.

03-04-2014, 03:18 PM
The real reason MJ punched him was because he saw what Kerr as working with in the shower ...

03-04-2014, 03:22 PM
People are still overreacting to that situation. If you ever played competitive sports you'd know that these things happen regularly, though obviously people don't always punch eachother, but it happens. They grew from that experience and it turned out to be positive for them.

When you're playing hoops with your friends 1 on 1 and you're both going at it hard, things like this happen. Elbows get thrown, hard fouls, etc. It's all a part of the game and MJ understood it more than anyone, he tested every single one of his teammates in that regard.

03-04-2014, 03:25 PM
Cheapshot by hot-head thug Michael Jordan on a ****ing teammate. :facepalm

And people get on to Westbrook for "Throwing tantrums during the game"


Westbrook has much more self control than this idiot thug MJ.

03-04-2014, 03:35 PM
michele beadle is back

03-04-2014, 03:44 PM
i don't agree with him punching him, but.......
All of this comment was bullshit and stop calling others kids when you believe what you just wrote.


MJ must be like a hardcore childhood hero of his and he has no objectiveness left.

The real reason MJ punched him was because he saw what Kerr as working with in the shower ...

oh lawd here we go again. :lol

"Doesn't mean MJ isnt packin."

03-04-2014, 03:48 PM

03-04-2014, 03:58 PM
steve kerr is a annoying little rat face f.uck who just hates on the lakers, disrespects jordan, and dick rides this homo of bran bran

03-04-2014, 04:07 PM
diffrent times but then again i can't picture how it would look like if lebron would've punched mike miller in the face for physical play in practice.