View Full Version : Is NBA loosing ground to nfl in interest and popularity?

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 02:54 AM
Overall I'm sure nfl always has generated more money and ratings, but lately seems gap is widening.

Last couple years been noticing I am more into nfl season when nba season starts. Usually once nba season started I was on NBA all the time. Now I'm following football like I did NBA. Nfl seasons better lately? NBA seasons and talent overall down????

12-18-2013, 02:56 AM
If the NBA cleans up the officiating in the playoffs they'll gain some ground but the NFL will always reign supreme. I know like 5-6 people personally that would be huge NBA fans but don't follow it because of the superstar calls, horrid officiating, and superstar bias in general.

We don't think much of it because we've gotten used to it but it's hurt the league a lot more than many people realize.

Mr. Jabbar
12-18-2013, 02:57 AM
eye-test: failed

12-18-2013, 03:14 AM
What are you even talking about? Aren't ratings the highest they've been since Jordan?

NFL is entirely irrelevant outside the US.

12-18-2013, 03:16 AM
If the NBA cleans up the officiating in the playoffs they'll gain some ground but the NFL will always reign supreme. I know like 5-6 people personally that would be huge NBA fans but don't follow it because of the superstar calls, horrid officiating, and superstar bias in general.

We don't think much of it because we've gotten used to it but it's hurt the league a lot more than many people realize.

This is actually true.

If they just let the teams play and win to their best, not try to prop up some fake superstars with calls and make some stupid story lines for each game, games would be more enjoyable.

Let the teams that deserve to win win theirs, basketball is not some superhero story player X scores 25 in the fourth and buries 25 feet jumpers over 2 defenders to kill the visiting team in overtime. Plays are impressive but sometimes they try too hard to prop up players

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 03:18 AM
What are you even talking about? Aren't ratings the highest they've been since Jordan?

NFL is entirely irrelevant outside the US.
We in the us bruh. Anything other Than the US is irrelevant. GTFO.

And we're typing

Patrick Chewing
12-18-2013, 03:19 AM
The NBA needs parity like there is in the NFL.

People get tired of seeing the same team win again and again every year

12-18-2013, 03:20 AM
NFL has been kicking the NBA's ass for way more than a decade, ever since Jordan retired.

12-18-2013, 03:22 AM
The NBA needs parity like there is in the NFL.

People get tired of seeing the same team win again and again every year

Parity means absolutely nothing in terms of interest. Look at club football.

12-18-2013, 03:23 AM
The NBA needs parity like there is in the NFL.

People get tired of seeing the same team win again and again every year

Not true. NFL does not have parity, and people watch it because they love football, not because they love parity. CFB has even less parity than the NBA (every champ is SEC), and it is more popular than the NBA.

People love football, especially in the USA. And just like Bless said, everything else is irrelevant.

12-18-2013, 03:25 AM
People love football, especially in the USA. And just like Bless said, everything else is irrelevant.

Only in the US.

12-18-2013, 03:25 AM
This is actually true.

If they just let the teams play and win to their best, not try to prop up some fake superstars with calls and make some stupid story lines for each game, games would be more enjoyable.

Let the teams that deserve to win win theirs, basketball is not some superhero story player X scores 25 in the fourth and buries 25 feet jumpers over 2 defenders to kill the visiting team in overtime. Plays are impressive but sometimes they try too hard to prop up players

Exactly. In the NFL they have plenty of storylines to cover for plenty of teams and players. It could be the emergence of Nick Foles, Romo the choker, Jamaal Charles exploding for a big game, kicker Justin Tucker hitting a 61 yard game winner. The list goes on and on. You watch ESPN looking for NBA coverage and it's gonna be 95% Miami coverage.

This whole attempt to create a ratings friendly product has dilluted the product a ton leading to a big drop in views/ratings (ironically) since the late 90s. The removal of hand check, the increased whistles, FT's, the slowing the game down, the lack of physicality, the BS technicals, the lack of emotions, the superstar bias, the killing of rivalries (since they won't allow people to show any hatred towards eachother)

The NBA is as dead as it's ever been. There was a 5 second scuffle in an OKC/LAC game and the refs ejected two guys for it. In the 90s thats just a play on. The referees and the league promoting the bias is killing this sport. The CBA and luxury tax system is also only enabling large markets even further. Not to mention the shadyness behind the draft lottery and how certain teams defy plenty of odds and get consistently screwed and stay consistently irrelevant. How are those teams supposed to sell a ton of tickets and make a profit? It's not gonna happen. The lottery system is failing.

People don't wanna get hammered and watch a FT/Flop/Ref takeoever snooze fest in the playoffs with their bros. The NFL is only gonna continue gaining on the NBA if the NBA stays like this and on this path.

Patrick Chewing
12-18-2013, 03:26 AM
Parity means absolutely nothing in terms of interest. Look at club football.

Are you talking about soccer? Yeah I wouldn't include that in this discussion considering how outside of the U.S. Soccer is huge and all that in terms of popularity.

If we are talking about fans within this country, I guarantee you fans are checking out early once their team is out of contention. Since the NFL season is so short, every win or loss has major implications.

12-18-2013, 03:28 AM
Are you talking about soccer? Yeah I wouldn't include that in this discussion considering how outside of the U.S. Soccer is huge and all that in terms of popularity.

I'm not sure you got my point or if I read you wrong.

There is ZERO parity in the major European leagues and the same 2-3 teams are expected to win every single year, yet they're more popular than the combined efforts of all four American sports combined could even dream of approaching.

But yeah, maybe Americans are different?

12-18-2013, 03:29 AM
Football is popular because it's rare. It's on once a week for 16 weeks. Anything that is rare will always have a higher demand than something that is common. If the NFL had an 82 game schedule, then most people wouldn't give a shit about a STL vs Jacksonville game for the 4th time of the season, or some crap like that. But since they only have 16 games, and all teams don't even play each other every year, the rarity of the games makes it into an almost religious type ceremony to watch.

Guy Ledouche
12-18-2013, 03:33 AM
The NBA will never ever, ever, come close to the NFLs popularity in America. Worldwide though, it is more popular.

Patrick Chewing
12-18-2013, 03:35 AM
I'm not sure you got my point or if I read you wrong.

There is ZERO parity in the major European leagues and the same 2-3 teams are expected to win every single year, yet they're more popular than the combined efforts of all four American sports combined could even dream of approaching.

But yeah, maybe Americans are different?

I understand your point, but we are talking about the NBA and the NFL here. Soccer is a blurb on the back pages of the press here. Outside of the states, Soccer is king and I understand the same teams win all the time. However, over here, we've overused the word "dynasty" since the 60's. If I'm a fan of smaller market team (let's say the Bucks), what's my motivation to watch the Heat in the Playoffs?? If fans are tuning the NBA out as of late, I can guarantee you that's the reason why.

Like I said, with the NFL, there's a much better chance that we can have a new champion each and every year.

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 03:40 AM
Exactly. In the NFL they have plenty of storylines to cover for plenty of teams and players. It could be the emergence of Nick Foles, Romo the choker, Jamaal Charles exploding for a big game, kicker Justin Tucker hitting a 61 yard game winner. The list goes on and on. You watch ESPN looking for NBA coverage and it's gonna be 95% Miami coverage.

This whole attempt to create a ratings friendly product has dilluted the product a ton leading to a big drop in views/ratings (ironically) since the late 90s. The removal of hand check, the increased whistles, FT's, the slowing the game down, the lack of physicality, the BS technicals, the lack of emotions, the superstar bias, the killing of rivalries (since they won't allow people to show any hatred towards eachother)

The NBA is as dead as it's ever been. There was a 5 second scuffle in an OKC/LAC game and the refs ejected two guys for it. In the 90s thats just a play on. The referees and the league promoting the bias is killing this sport. The CBA and luxury tax system is also only enabling large markets even further. Not to mention the shadiness behind the draft lottery and how certain teams defy plenty of odds and get consistently screwed and stay consistently irrelevant. How are those teams supposed to sell a ton of tickets and make a profit? It's not gonna happen. The lottery system is failing.

People don't wanna get hammered and watch a FT/Flop/Ref takeoever snooze fest in the playoffs with their bros. The NFL is only gonna continue gaining on the NBA if the NBA stays like this and on this path.

Word. All these flagrant fouls being called on good hard fouls. Too many fouls in general.

I've been a die hard fan since the mid 80's. Used to ALWAYS be locked in to NBA when season started , half into NFL season. Get into nfl playoffs at end but always nba first. It's different

NBA has plenty of super stOars. Maybe missing great rivalry. If Kobe and bron faced each other comsistently in the finals last 7 year or some shit, maybe different. Idk. Overall quality is down I think. Play is different. Give the ball to the superstar and watch. Hopefully teams like Portland and pacers will continue to grow and make transfer as Kobe and bron wind down careers. ?

Maybe all these one and dones making a bland product ? Nfl just more interesting across the board.

It's different. It's like I'm breaking up with my girl of 20 years.

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 03:58 AM
Football is popular because it's rare. It's on once a week for 16 weeks. Anything that is rare will always have a higher demand than something that is common. If the NFL had an 82 game schedule, then most people wouldn't give a shit about a STL vs Jacksonville game for the 4th time of the season, or some crap like that. But since they only have 16 games, and all teams don't even play each other every year, the rarity of the games makes it into an almost religious type ceremony to watch.
Very true. And it always has been that way. I don't know bout you, but up until bout 4,5 years ago, once nba season started I would loosely follow nfl and be on nba. All the time hoops. The gap is widening. I don't know. Maybe Barkley is right. ....

12-18-2013, 03:59 AM
I'm already about fed up with the officiating of games, for Gods sake, these are grown men we'll above average height and the league protects them like babies! They can take hits, let them be feisty, if anything it'll be better for the league because we love seeing that stuff. Instead, players hold back any kind of retaliation towards another player because they don't wanna be slapped with a ridiculous fine...it's a shame what this league is becoming, it's losing fans by the day, bring real basketball back .

12-18-2013, 04:22 AM
Ratings for the NBA are at the highest they've been since Jordan. NFL has always kicked the NBA's ass. Even when Jordan was at his peak

12-18-2013, 04:24 AM
I'm already about fed up with the officiating of games, for Gods sake, these are grown men we'll above average height and the league protects them like babies! They can take hits, let them be feisty, if anything it'll be better for the league because we love seeing that stuff. Instead, players hold back any kind of retaliation towards another player because they don't wanna be slapped with a ridiculous fine...it's a shame what this league is becoming, it's losing fans by the day, bring real basketball back .
You have a James Harden avatar and your saying this?

12-18-2013, 04:26 AM
You have a James Harden avatar and your saying this?

I don't understand this logic. What if he's a lifelong Rockets fan. He's not supposed to root for them because the league coddles one of his players now? It doesn't mean he supports it. I'm an OKC fan and I absolutely despise superstar bias.

12-18-2013, 04:27 AM
The NBA will never ever, ever, come close to the NFLs popularity in America. Worldwide though, it is more popular.

/end thread

12-18-2013, 04:29 AM
I don't understand this logic. What if he's a lifelong Rockets fan. He's not supposed to root for them because the league coddles one of his players now? It doesn't mean he supports it. I'm an OKC fan and I absolutely despise superstar bias.

His joke and point was very obvious.

Why is a person complaining about BS calls while having the poster boy as his avatar. It's ironic.

12-18-2013, 04:31 AM
His joke and point was very obvious.

Why is a person complaining about BS calls while having the poster boy as his avatar. It's ironic.

It was more of a response of the attitude people have towards fans of teams that get the superstar treatment. It's like those fans can't ever question the officials in any setting just because their team gets the calls more often than not.

12-18-2013, 04:47 AM
Very true. And it always has been that way. I don't know bout you, but up until bout 4,5 years ago, once nba season started I would loosely follow nfl and be on nba. All the time hoops. The gap is widening. I don't know. Maybe Barkley is right. ....

What did Barkley say?

Anyway the NBA sucks because theres like 4 teams that actually matter and the rest of the league is meaningless. 82 games is also too much. When theres so many games 1 game doesn't mean shit. Why should I waste 3 hours watching some shit that doesn't even matter. Football on the other hand every game is big and it's more of an event.

12-18-2013, 06:20 AM
Don't know about in the US, but here in Europe is getting more popular every year. I can tell you that much.

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 10:20 AM
Ratings for the NBA are at the highest they've been since Jordan. NFL has always kicked the NBA's ass. Even when Jordan was at his peak
Yes. Of course. I typed in op. My point is the gap is widening.

rock la familia
12-18-2013, 10:23 AM
it's all about the money, gambling money

12-18-2013, 10:28 AM
The NFL is a gladiator sport; it will always draw more interest due to the physical nature of the contest.

12-18-2013, 10:53 AM
The NBA needs parity like there is in the NFL.

People get tired of seeing the same team win again and again every year

"parity" is due to a one game knock-out playoff format, a team can just get hot on any given day...i'm sure if the NFL had a series like they do in the NBA, it would be more of the same teams repeating as they are able to adjust over the games as opposed to fix and correct within those very 4 qtrs

12-18-2013, 11:38 AM
I doubt the nba will ever catch up to the nfl

12-18-2013, 11:42 AM
NFL is more of a coaches game also, not as player driven as the NBA is. There's an appeal to that that makes me watch more NFL games.

12-18-2013, 11:45 AM
Outside of the US NBA is big and NFL is literally nothing.

I can't speak for the US but overall NBA is way more popular.

12-18-2013, 11:47 AM
NFL is entirely irrelevant outside the US.

This pretty much.

12-18-2013, 11:50 AM
I doubt the nba will ever catch up to the nfl\

well yeah,considering just this past year

Oh Game 7 of NBA Finals is this weekend oh but let's talk about NFL Training Camp 95% of the time.

Publicity,Hype,media,and promotion play a huge part.

It's not parity,not one and done,none of that.

Baseball with its 182 games and 7 game series and Boxing were King for a very long time.

From the 40s to 80s,Baseball and Boxing reigned supreme.
There wasn't a day going by that the media wasn't talking about baseball or boxing.They were the two most promoted sports.

And parity no,the Yankees,Sox was domination,Ali,Tyson.

Every little kid growing up wanted to be either a baseball player or boxer,and the stars in those sports were the most famous popular in the us.
Aaron,Ruth,Robinson,McGwire,Sosa,Canseco,Ali,Forem an,Frazier,Louis,Tyson.

You look nowadays,and the media is about football 24/7,all the news is about football 90% of the time.
In NBA games you have advertisements for NFL,commentators talking about it,the SUPERBOWL is heavily Promoted but not the other way around.

You don't see spots for the NBA Finals or World Series.You don't see them being hyped up,you don't see the media talking about them 24/7.

Even with the Heat/Thunder playing last year(the 2 most watched teams,and 2 most popular players as well,story and everything)The Media still talked more aboput the NFL than the NBA Finals.
They promoted fantasy football and training camp over the Finals.

The NFL is basically what baseball was in the 40s to 80s.
Though unlike baseball,today no other sport has even a chance to catch the NFL and football in popularity and its not even given one due to the way the media talks about football and promotes it compared to other sports.

12-18-2013, 12:05 PM
The opposite is true for me. I'm getting sick and tired of the NFL. Roger Goodell is doing a good job making profits for the owners, but the overexposure is too much. Thursday night football, london football, 3 days of draft, fantasy stuff everywhere, etc. Not to mention the rule changes which basically makes defenders useless, the brain damage, the inflated stats due to the rule changes, the murders, etc. My interest in the NFL is disappearing fast.

12-18-2013, 12:09 PM
Is NBA loosing ground to nfl in interest and popularity?

Why would it matter if the NBA is loose or tight?


12-18-2013, 12:24 PM
lmao at this thread.

Some advice on how to do better next time:

Spell check. Then look up anecdotal vs. analytical analysis. Then ask one of the of the worst posters on this board NOT to support you.

It'll work out better.

12-18-2013, 12:27 PM
You do know there is a whole world outside USA right? Where American Football & Baseball is nowhere close to be as popular as NBA/Basketball is..... hell here in Croatia NFL/MLB is as popular as Womens cricket or something....

12-18-2013, 12:52 PM
Not true. NFL does not have parity, and people watch it because they love football, not because they love parity. CFB has even less parity than the NBA (every champ is SEC), and it is more popular than the NBA.

People love football, especially in the USA. And just like Bless said, everything else is irrelevant.

Actually, parity in the NFL is quite robust. Particularly when it pertains to its playoff format. Unlike the NBA, every team that makes the playoffs in the NFL has a shot to walk away with the Lomardi trophy. The last several champions made it to the Superbowl via the Wilcard. That's equalivent to the 7th or 8th seed winning the NBA title for 3 years straight. Unheard of, right? Not for football. And as a fan, knowing that your team simply needs to make it to the dance to have a legit chance to be crowned champion, the intrigue cultivated and emotional investment made by the masses of team fans is of great potency from the start of the season.

There were maybe only 7 or 8 teams in the entire league that didn't have a single chance to get to the Superbowl this year. There are LESS than 7 or 8 teams that have a chance to make it to the NBA Finals this year. Think about that ratio for a second.

You have great turnover every season as well. The previous 3 NFL champs (not including the Ravens) went on to miss the playoffs the year immediately following their championship, if my memory serves me correct. Look at this year - the team with the WORST record in the entire league (the Chiefs) last year came back after a QB and head coaching change and was undefeated for more than half of the season, and had the best record in the NFL until 4 weeks ago. For comparison, that's like the Bobcats coming out and starting the season 20-0 this year. It just wouldn't happen.

There's plenty of parity in the NFL. And though a sports empire does not need parity in its league to be successful, it certainly helps elevate the appeal the NFL has for us avid fans.

By the way, people saying "oh it's the officiating!!!" clearly don't watch much professional football. There hasn't been WORST officiating than this season in the NFL for YEARS. From hits on the quarterback to blatant missed holding calls, there has been a great outcry from fans and NFL analysts on how the officials are doing their job, and how the much maligned Commissioner is allowing such incompetence to taint the game. In some scenarios (like this past weekend), you at least have the NFL downgrade officials when a call missed is THAT egregious. You hardly see that in the NBA. But still, officials have been just as poor to NFL fans, so that doesn't serve as a viable reason.

Also, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Fantast Football. FF's evolution in American culture over the last 20 years has been PROFOUND and can't be understated. It has turned even the most casual fan into a constant source of profit, even if its simply through NFL games on television and other network programming. Fantasy football outmatches all of the other major sports in literally every fashion, and provides the NFL a platform to garner the attention of individuals that may have never watched a NFL game in their life.

The NBA will never catch the NFL in American popularity. It's why establishing a market abroad was so critical for Stern.

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 01:03 PM
You do know there is a whole world outside USA right? Where American Football & Baseball is nowhere close to be as popular as NBA/Basketball is..... hell here in Croatia NFL/MLB is as popular as Womens cricket or something....
No there isn't. We invented basketball and football. That's what thread is about. We don't care bout cricket. Or Croatia. No offense or nothing. B

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 01:05 PM
All points good. I know NBA may never be as popular as nfl. But once again, the gap is getting more and more. Its a shame.

Bless Mathews
12-18-2013, 01:09 PM
What did Barkley say?

Anyway the NBA sucks because theres like 4 teams that actually matter and the rest of the league is meaningless. 82 games is also too much. When theres so many games 1 game doesn't mean shit. Why should I waste 3 hours watching some shit that doesn't even matter. Football on the other hand every game is big and it's more of an event.
Barkley said that he feels sorry for the fans because the players overall are garbage these days. I've always felt that players of this era 6'6" athletic ball handlers would stomp players of past. They're bigger and more athletic.

12-18-2013, 01:09 PM
Not really.

The NFL has always been completely dominant in ratings.

The NBA has gone up and down:

1996-1998: NBA's peak of popularity

1998-2000: Popularity went down fast (MJ retired, there was a lockout, etc)

2000-2003: Popularity went up (due to the Lakers success...and the Kings were fun to watch...and there were some exciting new stars like Vince Carter and Iverson)

2004: Popularity went down (the Shaq/Kobe Lakers broke up, T-mac and Vince Carter got injured, etc)

2008: Popularity went up (Celtics Big 3 formed, Gasol formed a duo with Kobe, etc)

2011: Popularity rose again ("The Decision"...enough said...people who didn't even watch basketball started to tune in)

RIGHT NOW: Popularity probably is going down a little (The Decision hype/hate is dwindling, major stars are injured, etc)

12-18-2013, 01:33 PM
I'm not sure you got my point or if I read you wrong.

There is ZERO parity in the major European leagues and the same 2-3 teams are expected to win every single year, yet they're more popular than the combined efforts of all four American sports combined could even dream of approaching.

But yeah, maybe Americans are different?

You don't know what you're talking about, the NFL is by far the most valuable sports league in the world, worth significantly more than the number two league, the English Premier League.

The NFL is so far ahead of the NBA in terms of value that it's not even worth discussing. It's a different stratosphere. People on this board write off MLB but that's the closest competitor, and even it is more popular than the NBA.

12-18-2013, 01:36 PM
You do know there is a whole world outside USA right? Where American Football & Baseball is nowhere close to be as popular as NBA/Basketball is..... hell here in Croatia NFL/MLB is as popular as Womens cricket or something....
NBA resides in Americuh just like the NFL. Nobody cares about everyone else

12-18-2013, 01:41 PM
Parents are starting to wise up, and are not allowing their children to play football. When i become a parent, i definitely won't allow my child to play. I'm not so sure the NFL is going to be around 50 years from now. Maybe it will, but definitely not in it's current form due to all the deaths and issues with brain damage. The NBA may be less popular, but i think it will outlast the NFL in the long run.

12-18-2013, 02:03 PM
The NFL is popular in the US, and also in Canada. They have their own league up there too and they watch the NFL. Cameron Wake, for an example, played in the CFL before coming to Miami.

The NBA will never be on the NFL's level in the US, but the NBA is bigger outside the US. Basketball is a bigger sport outside the US. There are fans out of the US that love football, especially in England, but it's not close to the popularity of basketball.

12-18-2013, 02:26 PM
You don't know what you're talking about, the NFL is by far the most valuable sports league in the world, worth significantly more than the number two league, the English Premier League.

The NFL is so far ahead of the NBA in terms of value that it's not even worth discussing. It's a different stratosphere. People on this board write off MLB but that's the closest competitor, and even it is more popular than the NBA.

Of course it's worth more. NFL sure as hell doesn't have as many people watching it as the EPL. It' not even close. :oldlol:

Also, NFL and football as a sport will die, for reasons another poster already said.

12-18-2013, 02:35 PM
the NFL is popular due to the social element.........a thing to do on sundays
the game itself is boring as hell, actual gameplay is only a few moments of the 3 hour game, the players use more time setting up plays and just standing around........very unpersonal as well, teams has 30-40 players all wearing huge masks, NFL don

12-18-2013, 02:37 PM
Of course it's worth more. NFL sure as hell doesn't have as many people watching it as the EPL. It' not even close. :oldlol:

Also, NFL and football as a sport will die, for reasons another poster already said.
Lol if boxing hasn't died yet what makes you think the NFL will :oldlol:

12-18-2013, 02:52 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]the NFL is popular due to the social element.........a thing to do on sundays
[B]the game itself is boring as hell, actual gameplay is only a few moments of the 3 hour game, the players use more time setting up plays and just standing around........very unpersonal as well, teams has 30-40 players all wearing huge masks, NFL don

12-18-2013, 02:57 PM
Point OP is making is that NFL ratings KILL NBA ratings. Who cares how popular it is worldwide? He's talking revenue here. Game 7 of the NBA Finals had 15 million people watching. I think an average MNF game has 16 or 17 million

12-18-2013, 02:59 PM
Point OP is making is that NFL ratings KILL NBA ratings. Who cares how popular it is worldwide? He's talking revenue here. Game 7 of the NBA Finals had 15 million people watching. I think an average MNF game has 16 or 17 million

It's always been the case. He's implying the NBA is getting worse in ratings, when that isn't even true.

12-18-2013, 03:06 PM
Football is the greatest game to watch due to the four down format. Every play is important, and is a stepping stone on your team's drive down the field.

And no, there is no way the NFL only dominates because it is a social event. Take away all the people watching at bars and the NFL still dominates in ratings.

[B]of course it does, your team only plays 16 games a year, if the NFL played 82 games the ratings would be the same or under the nba and nhl ratings
most people on the street know lebron and kobe and many other nba stars, i am sure getting people to tell you the names of just 3 non QB

brain drain
12-18-2013, 03:23 PM
For the casual fan, I think that 82 game season and 7 game series do play a role.

The single games are often not important enough and the result over 7 games is often too predictable. Too few surprises.

12-18-2013, 03:26 PM
Overall I'm sure nfl always has generated more money and ratings, but lately seems gap is widening.

Last couple years been noticing I am more into nfl season when nba season starts. Usually once nba season started I was on NBA all the time. Now I'm following football like I did NBA. Nfl seasons better lately? NBA seasons and talent overall down????
so, OP is taking his personal interests/attention and projecting it globally? Seems legit. Both are at their highest interest levels (based on cash money). NFL is still significantly more popular.

12-18-2013, 03:38 PM
1) The NBA regular season is too long. The only reason for 82 games is money (and admittedly it's influential reason). Doesn't help the game in any other way.

2) Loosing? Really, man?

12-18-2013, 03:44 PM
Helps a lot having a team play at least 82 games. Less games, more audiences.

miles berg
12-18-2013, 03:58 PM
The NBA is more popular than MLB these days, the ratings aren't even close.