View Full Version : Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players of all-time

05-29-2013, 10:35 AM
As a lifelong Spurs fan, I think Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players in NBA history. He’s probably top 10 in terms of accomplishments, but in terms of 5-7 year prime/peak span, I don’t think he was ever better than Ewing, Hakeem, or Robinson – all of whom I think were light years better than him. They all split All-NBA and All-Defensive selections during the primes of their respective careers.

I never really watched Ewing too closely, but Robinson was literally better than Duncan at everything. He was bigger, stronger, and faster. He was way quicker and had more offensive power. On defense, he was comparable to Wilt. Hakeem abused Ewing, Shaq, and Robinson in their primes. I don’t think I need to say anymore.

Even in his own generation, he was neck and neck with Garnett, yet we don't hear anyone placing KG top 10. I’m hesitant to compare him to Dirk since their games are different (and when you factor in the defense, I think you have to give the nod to Duncan). I just don’t want to place too much emphasis on team accomplishments when ranking players (although titles are important).

By the same token, I don’t need Lebron to win 5 titles to know that he’s better than Kobe at every asset of the game. His 5th best season rivals Kobe’s best season and that’s being generous. Has anyone ever talked about Kobe like they’ve talked about Lebron these past few years, vehemently declaring him the greatest player in the world? No.

The slippery slope here is that “hey, maybe it’s not the surrounding cast, but rather, Duncan was just that good”. This is not to say that I don’t think he’s not a top ten player because it’s hard to find 10 more players with a better resume than he does.

05-29-2013, 10:44 AM
You should probably just take out that Lebron and Kobe part. Unless you want this thread to become about that. And if that's what you wanted to talk about then you might as well take out the top part about Duncan/D Robinson/Ewing/KG and rename the thread Lebron vs Kobe.

Once you take it out, I'll edit this post right here and delete this part. And I'll insert in what I think of Duncan/Ewing/D Robinson /KG.

05-29-2013, 10:52 AM
[QUOTE=onhcetum]As a lifelong Spurs fan, I think Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players in NBA history. He

05-29-2013, 10:53 AM

I stopped reading after the 1st sentence.

05-29-2013, 10:54 AM
Stupid thread. I love the Admiral, but he was just an athletic freak. Duncan had more efficient and consistent production because he was so fundamentally sound. Duncan deserves all his accolades.

Mr. I'm So Rad
05-29-2013, 10:55 AM
[QUOTE=onhcetum]As a lifelong Spurs fan, I think Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players in NBA history. He

05-29-2013, 10:58 AM
That is all well and good, but if you don't have the results to match up to the talent or whatever you are talking about...then maybe said player isn't as good as you think he is.

Just a thought. If Lebron really is that much better than Kobe...and I actually don't disagree right now...then the results will ultimately show that. But if Lebron chokes again or fails to win this year...it gets harder to make that argument. Especially if he plays so laid back like he did last night at times.

Whether you want to give him credit or not is simply not relevant. Kobe did play a key role on 5 teams that won the title. Yea...he was blessed to have Shaq and loaded teams with PJ coaching...but he actually turned it into 7 finals appearances and 5 titles. That matters.

So Lebron needs to turn his great team into results as well. He has done a great job overall for his career in this area so far outside of 11...and even then he still got his team to the finals before he choked.

The point is that what a player does with his circumstances matter. Expectations are there for a reason. People would be hating on old Kobe for not winning it all with the kind of help Lebron has. So..yea...we should hate on Lebron if he can't get it done with this group. It's just simple.

05-29-2013, 11:24 AM
As a lifelong Spurs fan

I think Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players in NBA history.He’s probably top 10 in terms of accomplishments, but in terms of 5-7 year prime/peak span, I don’t think he was ever better than Ewing, Hakeem, or Robinson – all of whom I think were light years better than him.

Even in his own generation, he was neck and neck with Garnett, yet we don't hear anyone placing KG top 10. I’m hesitant to compare him to Dirk since their games are different
A lifelong Spurs fan who knows nothing about Duncan and the Spurs,creates a thread to disparage Tim after reaching the NBA Finals.Makes sense.

By the same token, I don’t need Lebron to win 5 titles to know that he’s better than Kobe at every asset of the game. His 5th best season rivals Kobe’s best season and that’s being generous.
I get it

You're an alt who wants to prop up LeBron's stock at the expense of Duncan and Kobe

05-29-2013, 11:38 AM


05-29-2013, 11:42 AM
I was never a Duncan fan, but now its easy to look back and see the value of consistent excellence, year after year.

The list of the All-NBA and All-Defensive teams he made is ridiculous.

Fallen Angel
05-29-2013, 11:43 AM


WTF troll account exposed.

05-29-2013, 11:44 AM



dam... obvious troll account is obvious.

05-29-2013, 11:49 AM
I'm by no means saying Duncan isn't good, but in three of his four rings he had manu and ginobili, who are Hall of Famers international players.

And this year, he has a productive splitter who can match up well against the other team best big man and set good screens of offense, taking a little of the load of his shoulders.

And of course, he is lucky to play in a great organization, with a great coach, and great draft picks.

Look at their draft picks:

Manu ginobili: 57th overall
Tony parker: 28th overall
Tiago splitter: 28th overall

05-29-2013, 11:53 AM


Shut down

05-29-2013, 11:58 AM
This doesn't mean I don't think he's a great player. Whatever I said in that post doesn't contradict what I said here. I didn't know Hakeem, Ewing, and Robinson were post-Jordan ERA...

I still believe he was better than Kobe and Shaq (but these guys are considered top 10), but I don't believe he was ever better than Hakeem or Robinson, which is why this is gonna be a mess... since you guys would have a cow over dropping Kobe and Shaq out of the top ten.

05-29-2013, 12:01 PM
This doesn't mean I don't think he's a great player. Whatever I said in that post doesn't contradict what I said here. I didn't know Hakeem, Ewing, and Robinson were post-Jordan ERA...

I still believe he was better than Kobe and Shaq (but these guys are considered top 10), but I don't believe he was ever better than Hakeem or Robinson, which is why this is gonna be a mess... since you guys would have a cow over dropping Kobe and Shaq out of the top ten.

How can you consider Robinson better than Shaq?

05-29-2013, 12:03 PM
Shaq > robinson, but duncan > shaq
but objectively, robinson > duncan

05-29-2013, 12:04 PM
Shaq > robinson, but duncan > shaq
but objectively, robinson > duncan

****ed up logic

05-29-2013, 12:15 PM
I'm not a big stats geek but there was like two games in the WCF against the Lakers where Duncan outscore the entire Lakers in the first half.

You don't have to be an athletic freak to be awesome.

Doubting your fan status too. Probably just trolling.

05-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Stopped reading onhcetum's shitty post when he said Ewing was better than Duncan.

:oldlol: .517 TS% in the playoffs
:oldlol: infamous choke artist
:oldlol: Ewing theory created because the Knicks played better without him
:oldlol: overrated due to nostalgia

05-29-2013, 01:19 PM
Shaq > robinson, but duncan > shaq
but objectively, robinson > duncan

OH! So what you are saying is that not only are you a troll, but you are also a retard. Thanks for clearing that up for us.

05-29-2013, 01:30 PM
I've always wondered why people assume that because Tim Duncan isn't flashy and doesn't average 30, his rings aren't due to his level of play.

Tim Duncan is one of the most dominant individual players ever. I repeat, one of the most dominant individual players ever. In his peak, he played the game almost perfectly. He was unstoppable, had almost no weakness. You guys need to rewatch the 2003 Finals.

05-29-2013, 01:34 PM
I would get killed for saying Robinson was better than Shaq (since 4 > 2 LOLOLOL), but Robinson was every bit as good on offense and was head and shoulders better on defense. In my opinion, Duncan and Robinson > Shaq because of defense. And Robinson was a much prolific scorer than Duncan and was better defensively. Robinson > Shaq + Duncan. There I said it

05-29-2013, 01:54 PM
Duncan plays way smarter than Robinson, he always knows what to do with the ball, and unlike Robinson, Duncan did increase his production during the playoffs, especially in crucial games,

There really is no argument to support that someone like Robinson or Ewing are better than Duncan.

05-29-2013, 02:00 PM
So you think Duncan is higher than Shaq, whereas most people have Duncan BELOW Shaq...meaning you have Duncan rated higher than most people. But you think Duncan is overrated

Add in your f*cked up math of Shaq > Robinson but Duncan > Shaq but Robinson > Duncan and I think we can all agree to throw this thread in the trash :oldlol:

05-29-2013, 02:02 PM
Duncan has got his deserved props when it comes to informed basketball fans in general, but I would argue he's the most underrated great of all time to the general public. His 2003 Finals performance was unreal. Robinson was a prolific scorer who could score at will in his prime no doubt, but he always ran into the Jazz or Rockets and couldn't find a way to press through when the stakes were high. I've been watching basketball since a year or two before Robinson came into the league and as a lifelong Spurs fan, always thought of him as the best in the league outside of Jordan and in retrospect, Hakeem. But Duncan (especially in his early years) could also score at will and defend any big in the league. The problem seems to be that because of his lack of flash in general, his stats, even though comparable with Robinson's (and often better) definitely lacked the flash the Admiral had because of his sheer athleticism. I'm with you in comparing prime DRob to prime Duncan both offensively and defensively, but I'm definitely not with you when you say Duncan is one of the most overrated players of all time. I would argue the exact opposite.

05-29-2013, 02:04 PM
[QUOTE=onhcetum]I would get killed for saying Robinson was better than Shaq (since 4 > 2 LOLOLOL), but Robinson was every bit as good on offense and was head and shoulders better on defense. In my opinion, Duncan and Robinson > Shaq because of defense. And Robinson was a much prolific scorer than Duncan and was better defensively. Robinson > Shaq + Duncan. There I said it

05-29-2013, 02:09 PM
If Duncan had played the exact same and had the same success for the Knicks, Celtics, or Lakers...he'd honestly be put into the Kareem/Russell/Wilt class of big man

You are starting to see that a little now, but it would have happened years ago.

His team has essentially never won less than 50 games. 37-13 in the lockout year is the only time it happened.

It's insane the kind of consistent success he's had and I don't care what the circumstances are....to win 4 titles with the kind of help he's had is unreal as well.

You can come up with reasons why, but the dude has essentially the best win percentage ever...the longest over 50 win streak of all time. 4 rings as the man. One of the best individual and team defenders ever. He's unselfish and willing to take on different roles...etc.

I didn't get a chance to watch Russell or Wilt or prime Kareem...but in my lifetime only two players would I take over Duncan to start a team. MJ and Magic. That is it. And honestly...this year with Duncan doing this in year 16 is having him inch closer to Magic for me.

05-29-2013, 02:17 PM
Duncan is totally underrated by dickheads here on ISH. He was better than Robinson at every facet of the game except athleticism. I've watched his entire career, including college and it's pretty clear that by his second year he was the best player on the team. You might not see that in the stats, but he clearly made a bigger impact on the floor than Robinson. And, he is better than Ewing ever could hope to be.

05-29-2013, 03:06 PM
You can come up with reasons why, but the dude has essentially the best win percentage ever...the longest over 50 win streak of all time. 4 rings as the man. One of the best individual and team defenders ever. He's unselfish and willing to take on different roles...etc.

Look at what he did this year. The last few seasons the Spurs have had a sub par defense (compared to their past standards), mainly because they were playing small ball. They were excellent on defense when they played Duncan and Splitter together but the offense wasn't there because they both prefer to work closer to the basket and the spacing in general on offense was awful. In the previous two seasons they played something like less than 300 minutes combined together.

What does Duncan do? He takes his gave further out shooting more mid range jumpers than he has during his entire career (and being one of the best in the league at it no less). This cleared out space inside for Splitter to work on offense allowing the Spurs best defensive big combination to play more than 800 minutes together this season.

05-29-2013, 03:35 PM
Tim Duncan overrated???? No overrated player is capable of playing like him at 37 years old. If he was overrated he'd be exposed by now and what we're seeing by him is exposing truly overrated big men. Either that or he's just so damn fundamentally sound and so damn good at basketball

05-29-2013, 03:39 PM


Damn... :oldlol:

05-29-2013, 05:12 PM
I agree that he has become overrated by die hards who want to overcompensate for his lack of media spotlight in the mainstream (understandable though due to his boring personality and game) ...

He's a center, who EVERYONE calls a PF. Guy is basically a 7 foot, low block player. He's a center.

And as a center he's not better than two players I've seen: Hakeem and Shaq. All had longevity, with even more clear dominating peaks in comparison.

History tells me at the center position that Wilt, Russell, and Kareem are better as well.

If he is considered a power forward in the era before him, and during his era I've seen comparable level talent, who weren't blessed with his roster (2003 aside) and coaching staff.

Barkley, Malone, KG, all are comparable IMO ... is Duncan definitively better than Moses Malone, even?

Hell, on his own franchise, I'd argue David Robinson was a better player during his peak / prime than Duncan. A more devastating defender, and a more dominant offensive player. He just played with a weaker roster, coaching staff and in an era where there was more centers, and MJ / Hakeem led teams snatching up rings.

Duncan is in my top ten, based off his resume. If it was based solely off dominance or game, I don't know if he'd be in there to be honest. In that sense, yes he's very overrated.

Guy never even took SA to back to back Finals appearances. People also love to sweep under the rug how atrocious he was in the 2004 Olympics. Literally, pathetic. On a team where he should've been the best player, he was outperformed by Iverson and Marbury. All those "big fundamentals" didn't do shit for him then.

05-29-2013, 05:12 PM
I agree that he has become overrated by die hards who want to overcompensate for his lack of media spotlight in the mainstream (understandable though due to his boring personality and game) ...

He's a center, who EVERYONE calls a PF. Guy is basically a 7 foot, low block player. He's a center.

And as a center he's not better than two players I've seen: Hakeem and Shaq. All had longevity, with even more clear dominating peaks in comparison.

History tells me at the center position that Wilt, Russell, and Kareem are better as well.

If he is considered a power forward in the era before him, and during his era I've seen comparable level talent, who weren't blessed with his roster (2003 aside) and coaching staff.

Barkley, Malone, KG, all are comparable IMO ... is Duncan definitively better than Moses Malone, even?

Hell, on his own franchise, I'd argue David Robinson was a better player during his peak / prime than Duncan. A more devastating defender, and a more dominant offensive player. He just played with a weaker roster, coaching staff and in an era where there was more centers, and MJ / Hakeem led teams snatching up rings.

Duncan is in my top ten, based off his resume. If it was based solely off dominance or game, I don't know if he'd be in there to be honest. In that sense, yes he's very overrated.

It doesn't matter what position a player plays. Never understood why people care. We all know MJ was better than Shaq...so the position point is useless.

And yes...Duncan has been definitively better than Moses Malone in my opinion. But that is just my opinion.

I find it hard to believe that anyone actually watching Robinson and Duncan throughout their careers would say Robinson was a better player during his prime. But honestly I think that speaks to Duncan's boring style more than anything.

Like I said before. He would be getting legit Kareem, Wilt, Russell talk if he played for the Celtics, Lakers, or Knicks. Just the way these things go.

05-29-2013, 05:16 PM
:facepalm [QUOTE=onhcetum]As a lifelong Spurs fan, I think Tim Duncan is one of the most overrated players in NBA history. He

05-29-2013, 05:17 PM
Look at what he did this year. The last few seasons the Spurs have had a sub par defense (compared to their past standards), mainly because they were playing small ball. They were excellent on defense when they played Duncan and Splitter together but the offense wasn't there because they both prefer to work closer to the basket and the spacing in general on offense was awful. In the previous two seasons they played something like less than 300 minutes combined together.

What does Duncan do? He takes his gave further out shooting more mid range jumpers than he has during his entire career (and being one of the best in the league at it no less). This cleared out space inside for Splitter to work on offense allowing the Spurs best defensive big combination to play more than 800 minutes together this season.

Yea. Forget all the team success and people making excuses for that.

Duncan is a career 22/12/3 (with 3 blocks)55%TS per game guy for his career in the playoffs. Career....15 years in the playoffs and those are his career averages. It's unreal when you combine that with his elite individual and team defense.

05-29-2013, 05:19 PM
I agree that he has become overrated by die hards who want to overcompensate for his lack of media spotlight in the mainstream (understandable though due to his boring personality and game) ...

He's a center, who EVERYONE calls a PF. Guy is basically a 7 foot, low block player. He's a center.

And as a center he's not better than two players I've seen: Hakeem and Shaq. All had longevity, with even more clear dominating peaks in comparison.

History tells me at the center position that Wilt, Russell, and Kareem are better as well.

If he is considered a power forward in the era before him, and during his era I've seen comparable level talent, who weren't blessed with his roster (2003 aside) and coaching staff.

Barkley, Malone, KG, all are comparable IMO ... is Duncan definitively better than Moses Malone, even?

Hell, on his own franchise, I'd argue David Robinson was a better player during his peak / prime than Duncan. A more devastating defender, and a more dominant offensive player. He just played with a weaker roster, coaching staff and in an era where there was more centers, and MJ / Hakeem led teams snatching up rings.

Duncan is in my top ten, based off his resume. If it was based solely off dominance or game, I don't know if he'd be in there to be honest. In that sense, yes he's very overrated.

Guy never even took SA to back to back Finals appearances. People also love to sweep under the rug how atrocious he was in the 2004 Olympics. Literally, pathetic. On a team where he should've been the best player, he was outperformed by Iverson and Marbury. All those "big fundamentals" didn't do shit for him then.

Shaq and Duncan are debatable with myself leaning a little towards the Shaq side but Duncan>>Hakeem all time.

05-29-2013, 05:21 PM
It doesn't matter what position a player plays.
It matters to me when they call him "the greatest PF ever" ... when he's a center.

I find it hard to believe that anyone actually watching Robinson and Duncan throughout their careers would say Robinson was a better player during his prime.
Did you actually watch David Robinson in his prime? I'm not talking about post 1999 hurt, decrepit David Robinson. I'm talking about uber athletic, dominant on both ends of the floor David Robinson. David Robinson was amazing.

I still find it odd Duncan was never able to lead SA to back to back Finals appearances. And I still remember him being absolute ass in the 2004 Olympics.

but Duncan>>Hakeem all time.
Ewww, no. Even in his two back to back titles, Hakeem was more impressive. His '94 run was like Duncan's 2003, but on steroids.

05-29-2013, 05:22 PM
People also love to sweep under the rug how atrocious he was in the 2004 Olympics. Literally, pathetic. On a team where he should've been the best player, he was outperformed by Iverson and Marbury. All those "big fundamentals" didn't do shit for him then.
Gotta confess, I had forgotten all about that disaster.

05-29-2013, 05:23 PM
He gets overrated because love him and his persona so much. He's seen as quiet,humble, respectful, unselfish and all that other stuff so people are going to be inclined to praise him for all the good stuff and ignore all the bad. He doesn't get held to same standards other superstars do, so when he has a post-season where he's terribly inefficient (50% TS) like he's having this season nobody says anything. And when he plays like crap nobody cares. And when his team continues to chug out 60+ win seasons even he falls off a cliff and is little more than a role-player...people still find ways to give him all the credit.

You'll see this in the Finals. If the Spurs win, he'll get a ton of credit no matter how he plays. And if they lose? Nobody says anything.

05-29-2013, 05:24 PM
It doesn't matter what position a player plays. Never understood why people care. We all know MJ was better than Shaq...so the position point is useless.

And yes...Duncan has been definitively better than Moses Malone in my opinion. But that is just my opinion.

I find it hard to believe that anyone actually watching Robinson and Duncan throughout their careers would say Robinson was a better player during his prime. But honestly I think that speaks to Duncan's boring style more than anything.

Like I said before. He would be getting legit Kareem, Wilt, Russell talk if he played for the Celtics, Lakers, or Knicks. Just the way these things go.

One of the rare post I actually agree with you. I have no clue how someone could say Robinson>Duncan if you actually saw them play. Robinson was very good but he lacked everything Duncan excelled at which was post season play. If your impact doesn't translate to success then you can't be ranked among the GOAT's.

05-29-2013, 05:32 PM
It matters to me when they call him "the greatest PF ever" ... when he's a center.

Did you actually watch David Robinson in his prime? I'm not talking about post 1999 hurt, decrepit David Robinson. I'm talking about uber athletic, dominant on both ends of the floor David Robinson. David Robinson was amazing.

I still find it odd Duncan was never able to lead SA to back to back Finals appearances. And I still remember him being absolute ass in the 2004 Olympics.

Ewww, no. Even in his two back to back titles, Hakeem was more impressive. His '94 run was like Duncan's 2003, but on steroids.

No they were both good runs and I give more credit to Hakeem for bringing in a back to back but that isn't overcoming Duncan lol.
I'll give the back to back titles a 3 title level grading but that isn't seeing 4/4 in the finals with a fifth appearance yet to be determined. Hakeem made an early finals and lost, he needed to grab that one while he had the chance regardless of competition. If you make it to the finals no excuses. Then he won his back to back when Jordan was gone? C'mon man that isn't better than Duncan possibly bringing home 5 titles.

05-29-2013, 05:33 PM
Kobe is the most OVERRATED player of all time.

Duncan is one of the most overrated player of all time.

I dont see Duncan passing Sir. Charles or even Malone in golden era.

05-29-2013, 05:35 PM
Kobe is the most OVERRATED player of all time.

Duncan is one of the most overrated player of all time.

I dont see Duncan passing Sir. Charles or even Malone in golden era.

Your not so smart. First of all DUncan is better then Charles and Malone.
Charles and Malone defense is not as good as duncans and duncan can play offense as well. and Kobe is not overrated.
thats stupid talk

05-29-2013, 05:36 PM
Your not so smart. First of all DUncan is better then Charles and Malone.
Charles and Malone defense is not as good as duncans and duncan can play offense as well. and Kobe is not overrated.
thats stupid talk

so where Dominique & Clyde.

Charles is better player than Duncan can ever be.

plain & simple.

05-29-2013, 05:38 PM
so where Dominique & Clyde.

Charles is better player than Duncan can ever be.

plain & simple.

And Kobe is better than all of them. You're a troll and a known bias hater.

05-29-2013, 05:48 PM
He gets overrated because love him and his persona so much. He's seen as quiet,humble, respectful, unselfish and all that other stuff so people are going to be inclined to praise him for all the good stuff and ignore all the bad. He doesn't get held to same standards other superstars do, so when he has a post-season where he's terribly inefficient (50% TS) like he's having this season nobody says anything. And when he plays like crap nobody cares. And when his team continues to chug out 60+ win seasons even he falls off a cliff and is little more than a role-player...people still find ways to give him all the credit.

You'll see this in the Finals. If the Spurs win, he'll get a ton of credit no matter how he plays. And if they lose? Nobody says anything.

The problem with some is that they see basketball as only offense, forgetting that defense is half of the game. Who do you think defended Dwight Howard and Zach Randolph? In 2 of the 3 series (the 2 sweeps I might add), it's been the containment of the big men that's won the series. But I guess 17.8 pts / 9.2 rebs / 1.7 blks in 34 mins isn't anything to sneeze at (2nd in scoring, 1st in rebounds and blocks on the team).

Admit it - any of you haters would just love to have a 37 year old on your team performing as Duncan has this year for only $9.6 million.

05-29-2013, 05:54 PM
And Kobe is better than all of them. You're a troll and a known bias hater.

1 consolation MVP in 17 yrs dont say that.

Kobe = Duncan = Dominique = Clyde

Different era & winning franchises led kobe, duncan having better legacy.

Dominique was a FREAKISH scorer too like Kobe.

Charles is slightly better than Kobe, duncan because of his efficiency. He can rebound & score like hell.

Kobe, duncan cant do that. Kobe can score like hell. thats it.

05-29-2013, 06:00 PM
1 consolation MVP in 17 yrs dont say that.

Kobe = Duncan = Dominique = Clyde

Different era & winning franchises led kobe, duncan having better legacy.

Dominique was a FREAKISH scorer too like Kobe.

Charles is slightly better than Kobe, duncan because of his efficiency. He can rebound & score like hell.

Kobe, duncan cant do that. Kobe can score like hell. thats it.

No you're out your mind. Kobe played great defense early in his career and has been a superior playmaker and facilitator than all of them period. Dominique could score yeah but did nothing in post season play other than a few series. Kobe is clearly better than all of them.

05-29-2013, 06:36 PM
He gets overrated because love him and his persona so much. He's seen as quiet,humble, respectful, unselfish and all that other stuff so people are going to be inclined to praise him for all the good stuff and ignore all the bad. He doesn't get held to same standards other superstars do, so when he has a post-season where he's terribly inefficient (50% TS) like he's having this season nobody says anything. And when he plays like crap nobody cares. And when his team continues to chug out 60+ win seasons even he falls off a cliff and is little more than a role-player...people still find ways to give him all the credit.

You'll see this in the Finals. If the Spurs win, he'll get a ton of credit no matter how he plays. And if they lose? Nobody says anything.

Because Duncan's defense is still and always has been his number 1 attribute. Of course his efficiency matters...just not as much as a perimeter scorer because what Duncan does defensively just matters so much more.

If Dirk was shooting 50% TS...it would matter a ton. With Duncan...not nearly as much...you'd of course like to see it higher, but it doesn't impact his value as much as it does with a guy like Dirk or Wade or Melo or Kobe..etc.

Young X
05-29-2013, 06:54 PM
I don't agree with this thread, but I don't understand how when KG finally had a comparable supporting cast to Duncan, not only did he almost unanimously win MVP over him, but was better statistically in the RS/playoffs AND his team went further, yet I'm supposed to believe KG wasn't comparable to him?