View Full Version : Dwight & CP3 to join forces in Houston

05-04-2013, 02:05 PM
Its foregone conclusion.

The First Round Exiters are heading to Houston as Rockets can offer 2 max contracts.

Its the perfect fit for both.

D-12 is 27
Paul is 27
Harden is 23

Lin will be traded to Clippers.

Once CP3 is traded.

D-12 will take 4 yrs $88 million or sign & trade 5 yrs $118 million & will be a rocket.

With McHale around as head coach, the best post up player of his gen. He also got Hakeem around there too.

also, Both CP3 & Dwight will easily avoid MIA trio till finals by not being Net or Hawk.

this is it.

D-12 is a Rocket
CP3 is a Rocket.

All Net
05-04-2013, 02:09 PM
Bit of a pipedream really...

05-04-2013, 02:10 PM
What's up with the Bank of Cuban? How come the Mavs are not a destination?

05-04-2013, 02:11 PM
Wouldn't bother me in the least. Also, I know you're just trolling, but I was unaware the Lakers can do sign and trades, being over the cap limit and all. (unless Houston initiates, maybe)

05-04-2013, 02:13 PM
This actually sounds like a good idea. They would be number 1-2 in the West easily. OKC with Westbrook back and this new Rockets team would be the only two power house teams in the West.

05-04-2013, 02:14 PM
What's up with the Bank of Cuban? How come the Mavs are not a destination?

Houston is where its @.

OKC series proved that. Houston could hang with big boys but Dwight-CP3-Harden trio will put them #1 West Conf. favorites for 5-6 yrs straight till 2018.

D-12: 27
CP3: 27
Harden: 23.

-imperfect but very good defensive center!
-perfect runner up MVP PG
-non chucking SG

youth on their side.

LAL in huge decline.
SAS in decline cuz of age

OKC in trouble with westbrook's pi$$ poor shot selection & full retardism.

Houston can easily make run for NBA Finals as early as next yr.

D-12 & Paul are headed their as free agents or sign & trade.

05-04-2013, 02:14 PM
I don't think Paul wants to join forces with Dwight. Dwight blows.

All Net
05-04-2013, 02:15 PM
BTW Nobody is taking that Lin contract to help them get both.

05-04-2013, 02:17 PM
cp3 going to knicks

05-04-2013, 02:17 PM
I don't think Paul wants to join forces with Dwight. Dwight blows.

dont judge dwight by just single season as he is recovering from back surgery.

He has never been 100%

2014 dwight will be fully back. & ready to play 82+ games at age 28 as a Rocket.

05-04-2013, 02:17 PM
cp3 dirk dwight >>>>>>>

05-04-2013, 02:18 PM
i don't think harden and cp3 fit very well together. both are too ball dominant.
cp3 + dirk + dwight is a much better fit. but then again, dirk's time is running out.
realistically though, both cp3 and dwight will stay where they are

The Real JW
05-04-2013, 02:19 PM
Rockets can offer 2 max contracts.

No. They can't.

05-04-2013, 02:20 PM
BTW Nobody is taking that Lin contract to help them get both.

2 years / 19 million left... I'm sure someone would if T-Rob or Terrence Jones was included in it.

But I'm pretty they can only offer 1 max deal. Don't know how they get both unless they get rid of Asik's & Lin's contract. I don't think teams can sign and trade max contracts anymore either...

05-04-2013, 02:21 PM
i don't think harden and cp3 fit very well together. both are too ball dominant.
cp3 + dirk + dwight is a much better fit. but then again, dirk's time is running out.
realistically though, both cp3 and dwight will stay where they are

Dirk will be 35 yrs old next yr. same age as Kobe.

If I were Dwight & Paul, I wanna team up with 23 yrs old Harden who got to First round & did well than 35 yrs old Dirk.

05-04-2013, 02:23 PM
and they'll probably be about as successful as the TMAC-YAO-FRANCHISE days, give or take.

Would be interesting seeing Harden play alongside ball-dominant Chris Paul. Wonder if he'd get flashbacks to playing with huge ego'd Russell Westbrook.

and Dwight would be on his third franchise in which he's constantly overshadowed by a past great C... Only the Rockets' defensive culture of the 90's and now are dramatically different.

05-04-2013, 02:23 PM
No. They can't.

yes they can. Lin & Asik will be out. LAC will take both in a heart beat if Paul despirately wants out as sign & trade.

I see Rockets getting both Dwight & Paul.

05-04-2013, 02:24 PM
You keep saying sign and trade. Are not both the Lakers and Clippers over the cap? It was my understanding teams over the cap cannot do sign and trades under the new CBA, or is that just with other teams over the cap? Either way, I don't see Houston with enough good pieces, excluding Harden because in your scenario he's still on the team, to sign and trade for both CP3 and D12. Other teams would have to be involved. What teams would willingly help create another powerhouse? I just don't see it. It's nice to dream though I guess.

05-04-2013, 02:25 PM
and they'll probably be about as successful as the TMAC-YAO-FRANCHISE days, give or take.

Would be interesting seeing Harden play alongside ball-dominant Chris Paul. Wonder if he'd get flashbacks to playing with huge ego'd Russell Westbrook.

and Dwight would be on his third franchise in which he's constantly overshadowed by a past great C... Only the Rockets' defensive culture of the 90's and now are dramatically different.

Come talk to me when Yao wins 3 x DPOY titles

Come talk to me when Yao takes ORL to NBA Finals by himself.

sick of these armchair critics.

05-04-2013, 02:27 PM
I actually agree, if they're going to team up, Houston is the place..
Dirk is getting old and the rest of the roster is shitty in Dallas.

05-04-2013, 02:28 PM
Harden has experience being the third option , and people saying Harden and Cp3 wont fit well.. Take a look at OKC few years back. I dont think anyone would expect Westbrook and Harden to be able to play together. But Harden finally got to be the franchise player on a team and if the cp3 + dwight deal happens. He would probably feel abit weird but at the same time its championship contender..oh wait so was the Thunder and he left them.

05-04-2013, 02:31 PM
Come talk to me when Yao wins 3 x DPOY titles

Come talk to me when Yao takes ORL to NBA Finals by himself.

sick of these armchair critics.

:oldlol: "by himself"

that's a fun little way of exaggerating the the 2009 Magic's lack of talent

Come talk to me when Howard ever becomes as offensively competent as Yao Ming.

05-04-2013, 02:32 PM
wow thats is bullcraps that the do these cheat super teams ... and dont not say maimi to these the were old then harden when the do these and the give to there team a chance

05-04-2013, 02:32 PM
Paul is 27? He's younger than me! Why does it seem like he's so much older?

05-04-2013, 02:37 PM
Paul is 27? He's younger than me! Why does it seem like he's so much older?

Surprised too he's only 27. Thought he's 29-31 years old.

Also, I find it hilarious that the only way to win in today's NBA is to team up with other superstars! :oldlol: BOS/MIA really fukked things up in the NBA!

05-04-2013, 02:44 PM
Rockets arent that good dude. Just because they're young doesn't mean they're guaranteed to get better.

05-04-2013, 02:54 PM
:bowdown: :bowdown: It's gon happen.


05-04-2013, 03:00 PM
I don't think anyone will take Lin's contract unless they get Parsons as well. Rockets are going to have to give up something. I am not fond of losing Parsons unless getting two stars is guaranteed.

This is a pipe dream though. So many variables to work out, either way Houston will have an interesting off-season.

05-04-2013, 03:01 PM
Rockets arent that good dude. Just because they're young doesn't mean they're guaranteed to get better.Have you seen what the Rockets have done with all these young under valued players? You don't think with a legit max player they would be a great team?

Not only was this year's Rockets team really young, but not a single player on the Rockets have played with each other before. It is an entirely new team.

They will improve next year just from playing together for a second year. Plus they will improve because they are young and will improve their individual games.

05-04-2013, 03:02 PM
None of these guys will leave LA. They love Hollywood. They've both been on tv shows like Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel, they won't be leaving that life anytime soon.

But if they do, they should go to Atlanta. Those two with Horford and maybe Josh Smith? Damn, they can almost steal a game or 2 from Miami in ECF :lol

Lou Williams
Josh Smith

Bur then, it will be hard to convince oldies to take min vet and live in ATL as they do to live in Miami, LA and NY.

Mr. Jabbar
05-04-2013, 03:10 PM
All-NBA choke team :bowdown: :bowdown:

Fallen Angel
05-04-2013, 03:14 PM
A Dwight-Asik front court would beast! Try getting a rebound with those two guys out there. :lol

Reverend Hoops
05-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Bur then, it will be hard to convince oldies to take min vet and live in ATL as they do to live in Miami, LA and NY.


05-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Come talk to me when Yao wins 3 x DPOY titles

Come talk to me when Yao takes ORL to NBA Finals by himself.

sick of these armchair critics.

You know he was referring to Hakeem, right?

05-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Lin to the Lakers??

05-04-2013, 03:47 PM
and they'll probably be about as successful as the TMAC-YAO-FRANCHISE days, give or take.

Would be interesting seeing Harden play alongside ball-dominant Chris Paul. Wonder if he'd get flashbacks to playing with huge ego'd Russell Westbrook.

and Dwight would be on his third franchise in which he's constantly overshadowed by a past great C... Only the Rockets' defensive culture of the 90's and now are dramatically different.

The Tmac/Yao days could have been very successful if they both managed to stay healthy. They were the most injury prone duo.

You dont think a CP3/Howard/Harden trio would surpass the Yao/Tmac days? It wouldnt be hard to surpass given they never won a playoff series together. ONly time was when Tmac was out and Yao went down in the playoffs. They would def. surpass that era.

05-04-2013, 03:49 PM
Would be great for Houston if it happened. I'm one of those Laker fans who doesn't care for Dwight and would rather keep Pau. I also doubt CP3 resigns with the Clippers over that playoff debacle. I'd rather they go to Houston than Dallas, since I'm still butthurt about the Mavs ending the Kobe/Gasol era. :lol

05-04-2013, 04:01 PM
I liked the sound of it too at first. Joining up with a young Harden sounds way better than Dirk who will retire in 2-3 years.

But think about this. Harden has shown to be inconsistent. A beast one game and disappear another. Dwight isn't an offensive beast and his defense has be questionable this year even with recovering from back injury. CP3 as great as he is hasn't shown to be a deep playoff threat "winner". It might as well be a team of mediocrity.

At least with Dallas, Dirk is a leader and will come clutch at the end of games. He just needs someone decent in the middle to defend the paint and get rebounds. Not sure Dwight is that but he has shown to have that ability since his post game is crap. Even when Dirk comes off the books or gets a lesser salary to come off the bench, they could afford better talent. If they all took less 15 mil or so..they could even get Igoudala to join them.

05-04-2013, 04:19 PM
The era of the super team is over.


This isn't happening unless these guys are willing to substantially undervalue themselves and that's not going to happen.

05-04-2013, 04:25 PM
The era of the super team is over.


This isn't happening unless these guys are willing to substantially undervalue themselves and that's not going to happen.

Did they not say the same about Miami not being able to take two max contracts? Then what happen? Oh right, they all took a little less to be winners. Both CP3 and D12 had somewhat competitive teams yet both failed to get out of the first round this year. If they wanted max money, Dwight would still be in Orlando and Chris would still be a Hornet. No sh!t they have to sacrifice some money if they want to win.

05-04-2013, 04:28 PM
chris paul and dwight on the same team?

the all fggt team

05-04-2013, 04:28 PM
All-NBA choke team :bowdown: :bowdown:
that too

05-04-2013, 04:30 PM
I liked the sound of it too at first. Joining up with a young Harden sounds way better than Dirk who will retire in 2-3 years.

But think about this. Harden has shown to be inconsistent. A beast one game and disappear another. Dwight isn't an offensive beast and his defense has be questionable this year even with recovering from back injury. CP3 as great as he is hasn't shown to be a deep playoff threat "winner". It might as well be a team of mediocrity.

At least with Dallas, Dirk is a leader and will come clutch at the end of games. He just needs someone decent in the middle to defend the paint and get rebounds. Not sure Dwight is that but he has shown to have that ability since his post game is crap. Even when Dirk comes off the books or gets a lesser salary to come off the bench, they could afford better talent. If they all took less 15 mil or so..they could even get Igoudala to join them.

Well Harden carries the offensive load. Things change when you have talent on your team. He was pretty consistent on OKC with Durant and Westbrook. His overall consistency would improve with guys who command so much attention like Dwight and Paul.

Dwight actually had a excellent defensive season. His offense was not consistent but he changed the Lakers when he was in on defense. I think that is one aspect he did very well this season. His D was top notch.

Chris Paul has not been a deep playoff threat because of the talent he has played with. He has played with some decent players, but no superstars. Best player he has played with is probably Griff or David West.

You are pointing out weaknesses which are simply not true or are a result of the teams they have played on.

05-04-2013, 04:33 PM
Did they not say the same about Miami not being able to take two max contracts? Then what happen? Oh right, they all took a little less to be winners. Both CP3 and D12 had somewhat competitive teams yet both failed to get out of the first round this year. If they wanted max money, Dwight would still be in Orlando and Chris would still be a Hornet. No sh!t they have to sacrifice some money if they want to win.

Not entirely true. Those guys are superstars, they can get max money elsewhere. They can get max money on better teams than they were currently on.

05-04-2013, 04:35 PM
As a fan of both teams I say the Rockets can have them.

05-04-2013, 04:35 PM
Houston can't even afford one right now, let alone both.

05-04-2013, 04:38 PM
Did they not say the same about Miami not being able to take two max contracts? Then what happen? Oh right, they all took a little less to be winners. Both CP3 and D12 had somewhat competitive teams yet both failed to get out of the first round this year. If they wanted max money, Dwight would still be in Orlando and Chris would still be a Hornet. No sh!t they have to sacrifice some money if they want to win.

That was before the new CBA. The new CBA will punish teams for building the super teams. Which is why many believe the Heat have 1-2 more years together before they have to blow it up (perfect timing given that their stars will all be free agents after next season).

05-04-2013, 05:04 PM
I actually agree, if they're going to team up, Houston is the place..
Dirk is getting old and the rest of the roster is shitty in Dallas.


I actually think Coach McHale is the next Coach Rivers in the making.

I just like Kevin McHale's demeanor & how he handles situations. He comes out classy as hell like Coach Doc & Coach Bird.

Both D-12 & CP3 should look at this.

Dallas can sign both of them but there is nothing there.

Houston is looking like a team of the future much like OKC.

Both LAL & SAS are in eternal decline cuz of aging

& if Dwight & CP3 join forces in West Conf. vs the East Conf. They'll avoid MIA & future CHI till NBA Finals every year.

OKC will live & die by Westbrook jumpers & poor shot selection. Houston can live with that.

noob cake
05-04-2013, 05:07 PM
If CP3 and Dwight are both rational, this would create a team that can rival the Heats

05-04-2013, 05:08 PM
Houston can barely offer one max contract

05-04-2013, 05:09 PM
They're coming to the Hawks. It's a better fit. And the only team in the league able to afford both.

05-04-2013, 05:13 PM
If CP3 and Dwight are both rational, this would create a team that can rival the Heats


there is no better time for both of them to be RATIONAL as you put it.

Both are currently sore loosers. First Round drop outs!

Both have age on this side like LBJ & Bosh only being 27.

If they go next 5 yrs together taking a paycut & join Houston, they have up & coming excellent coach in Mchale who was king of Post Up game which could anormously help Dwight.

also, The Dream will always be available in case if he comes up short in NBA Finals again.

Both D-12 & CP3 should play together for next 5 yrs together till both turn 32.

I dont care where but preferebly Houston or BKL.

MAVS will never get to NBA Finals again. Houston are legit 2nd Rounders next yr even without D-12 & CP3 IMO.

05-04-2013, 05:18 PM
I love how apparently the Lakers and Clippers do sign and trades to let go of franchise talent and take back whoever Houston gives them since they would apparently have all of the momentum in the situation. Maybe, maybe Houston could do that to the Lakers with Dwight but the Clippers will have some cap space with some of their contracts and already have Bledsoe so they don't really need Lin if Paul walks. Not to mention that with Lin's production this past year not even close to his Linsanity levels, they'd be better off just signing a PG FA for less money.

Maybe it could happen but not in the way that you're thinking up. Even if you do that, you're going to trade away those same young pieces in order to be able to create this team if it were possible. With the majority of cap space gone, who are they going to get as a bench to replace them? Houston should just focus their efforts on Dwight. Harden is a playmaker already so Paul is kind of unnecessary overall outside of his closing ability.

05-04-2013, 05:31 PM
CP3 + Harden is a recipe for disaster.

05-04-2013, 06:39 PM
Would be great for Houston if it happened. I'm one of those Laker fans who doesn't care for Dwight and would rather keep Pau. I also doubt CP3 resigns with the Clippers over that playoff debacle. I'd rather they go to Houston than Dallas, since I'm still butthurt about the Mavs ending the Kobe/Gasol era. :lol

The Kobe/Gasol era was ended by Kobe being injured, Gasol playing like a soft primadona and Phil being old/tired and sick. No need to hate on Dallas. They took the opportunity and made the best of it + Dirk got his ring - deserved.

Reverend Hoops
05-04-2013, 07:20 PM
They can't even get Howard (for the max) as of now:

Via Larry Coon (Cap Expert)

The Rockets

Houston currently has $54,951,158 committed for 2013-14, which includes $100,000 remaining for Tyler Honeycutt, who cleared waivers. They have 15 players signed for next season. Adding Howard would take them to $75,464,336 — which is well above the projected cap. At first glance it appears there’s no way the Rockets can offer Howard a competitive deal.

But if you’ve studied the league you know that Rockets GM Daryl Morey likes to keep his options open. He has done exactly that heading into this summer, by utilizing team options as non-guaranteed salary as follows:

Francisco Garcia: Team option ($6.4 million)
James Anderson: Non-guaranteed
Patrick Beverley: Non-guaranteed
Aaron Brooks: Non-guaranteed
Carlos Delfino: Non-guaranteed
Tim Ohlbrecht: Non-guaranteed
Chandler Parsons: Partially guaranteed ($600,000)
Greg Smith: Non-guaranteed
Some of these players’ guarantee amounts change to full on July 1 or October 31, so let’s assume Morey declines Garcia’s team option, and waives the remaining players before July 1 in order to maximize his cap room.

The remaining seven players would then total $39,338,522, before accounting for cap holds for empty roster spots and first round draft picks. As a result of earlier trades the Rockets are slated to keep their first round pick if it’s in the top-14, and lose it otherwise. As of right now they’d wind up with the 19th pick, so let’s assume they lose it and that we don’t need to account for it. We only need to account for five empty roster spots at $490,180 each, bringing the team’s total to $41,789,422.

If we add Howard to this total their team salary would be $62,302,600. So even if Morey clears the team’s roster as much as possible he still won’t be able to offer Howard the max. The largest contract he could offer would start at $16.7 million to $18.2 million.