View Full Version : Jeff F***ING Green

02-23-2013, 12:23 AM
31 points, 7 boards, 4 assists, 2 steals, 5 (!) blocks on 11/14 from the field, 3/5 from the arc, 8/9 from the line.


Over his last 13 (including tonight) he's averaging 15.7/4.2/1.8/0.6/1.6 on 55/45/90.

Good to see him playing to his ability after the surgery.

02-23-2013, 12:24 AM
He's being more consistent. If he keeps this play up he may be worth his contract

02-23-2013, 12:26 AM
:bowdown: Best game I've ever seen him play. That's a Lebron like statline.

02-23-2013, 12:29 AM
When he's aggressive he is a very effective player and can get that big play that will swing momentum. It would be amazing for the celtics if he could be consistently a 22/7/4 with great defense type of player.

02-23-2013, 12:29 AM
Man, one of my fantasy team's is having an epic night thanks to Green among others

I have Jeff Green, Russell Westbrook, Andre Miller, Wilson Chandler, Kevin Martin, Eric Gordon and Marc Gasol among others on my team, all of them are having epic nights.

My starters numbers tonight - 56% FG, 92% FT's, 12 Threes, 207 points, 53 rebounds, 38 assists, 13 steals, 14 blocks.


02-23-2013, 12:31 AM
When he's aggressive he is a very effective player and can get that big play that will swing momentum. It would be amazing for the celtics if he could be consistently a 22/7/4 with great defense type of player.

I'd be happy with 19/5/3 with slightly above average D. He'll probably max out as a 3rd option guy just based on his personality traits I've seen... If he finds his fire and improves fundamentals though he could be a good 2nd option.

02-23-2013, 12:34 AM
I'd be happy with 19/5/3 with slightly above average D. He'll probably max out as a 3rd option guy just based on his personality traits I've seen... If he finds his fire and improves fundamentals though he could be a good 2nd option.

Dude, I'd be happy with 15/4/2/1/1 with good D. I do think he can be better than that, though. Earlier this year any sign of aggression from Green was seen as a success on his part.

02-23-2013, 12:36 AM
I'd be happy with 19/5/3 with slightly above average D. He'll probably max out as a 3rd option guy just based on his personality traits I've seen... If he finds his fire and improves fundamentals though he could be a good 2nd option.I agree, I see him as a 3rd option as well. He doesn't seem to have that "take over" mentality. Him and Rondo are going to be the core post Pierce/KG. If they could find a big man they could be competitive again in a few years.

02-23-2013, 12:37 AM
i've been repping jg all season long. people have been so impatient with him...he is just getting his legs back under him fully maybe 2-3 weeks ago

Look at his statline for Feb now (this is BEFORE tonight's game):
15.1 ppg
51.7% fg
47.4% 3pt fg
4.1 reb
1.7 blk
30.8 mpg

they play him 39 minutes tonight...extrapolate his monthly avgs from his usual 31 minutes to 39 and you get these numbers

19.1 ppg
5.2 reb
2.2 blk

and again that is pretending like tonight didn't even happen. dude is legit

additional edit: i see other posters saying they'd be happy with 19/5/3...well, you give him the minutes and he gives you just that on high %'s

02-23-2013, 12:38 AM
Man, one of my fantasy team's is having an epic night thanks to Green among others

I have Jeff Green, Russell Westbrook, Andre Miller, Wilson Chandler, Kevin Martin, Eric Gordon and Marc Gasol among others on my team, all of them are having epic nights.

My starters numbers tonight - 56% FG, 92% FT's, 12 Threes, 207 points, 53 rebounds, 38 assists, 13 steals, 14 blocks.


Haha nice bro. All you're missing is Isaiah Thomas' sick statline and your night would have been complete.

I have him on my team and he dropped 30/9/6 on 50% with 4 threes. He was also 8/9 from the line; broke his streak of like 50 straight FTM, but a great night, nonetheless.

02-23-2013, 12:38 AM
He's a beast. Maybe an allstar one day.

02-23-2013, 12:45 AM
Dude, I'd be happy with 15/4/2/1/1 with good D. I do think he can be better than that, though. Earlier this year any sign of aggression from Green was seen as a success on his part.

No doubt. He won't peak for another couple of seasons. If he put up the numbers you said, that'd be great until he develops.

I agree, I see him as a 3rd option as well. He doesn't seem to have that "take over" mentality. Him and Rondo are going to be the core post Pierce/KG. If they could find a big man they could be competitive again in a few years.

Yeah he only has that aggressive look maybe 1 out of 3 games. He needs to one-dribble drive a lot more. That should be his go to move because he's quick and athletic. His jumper off the dribble and footwork are shaky.

02-23-2013, 02:44 AM
I laughed when the guy was traded and people on this forum neg'd him for being lifeless...
If you saw one Thunder game , it was understandable this guy had another level once he got older and had the right team...

He will be the starter SF, replacing the Truth when he retires in a year.

I am not surprised at the stat sheet tonight , but I am surprised at how well the Celtics are doing without Rondo ...

Speculation ... when Rondo comes back ,, you may see trade.

02-23-2013, 06:42 AM

He needs to keep starting.

02-23-2013, 07:01 AM
Once Rondo went down Jeff Green was able to play to his strengths more. Good to see him playing well. I suspect though if he's a Celtic next season he's going to regress back once Rondo comes back and holds the ball more.

02-23-2013, 07:21 AM
Starting to think Sam Presti is an idiot, lol.

02-23-2013, 07:40 AM
the c's played great the ball rotation is amazing .. honestly its like watching the spurs move the ball ... in some spurts but overall celtics showed that sharing the basketball is great...

jeff green has always been a good player to my eyes.. he can be a legit 2nd scoring option ....

02-23-2013, 10:26 AM
Maybe Rondo can learn from his absence that he shouldn't handle the ball too much and not try to be 100% accountable for the C's offense. I love the way the ball moves without Rondo pounding the ball all the time. Instead of waiting for things to happen when Rajon was around, guys are running around and passing, screening to and for each other. It's just beautiful to watch

02-23-2013, 10:45 AM
As I was one of the early haters of him, I am now in the middle. Some games I saw he impressed me like the grades I got for mathematical analysis class(it was surprisingly good) and those good games now come more often than not. If he keeps it up, it will be a great addition to 2R.

02-23-2013, 11:14 AM
Maybe Rondo can learn from his absence that he shouldn't handle the ball too much and not try to be 100% accountable for the C's offense. I love the way the ball moves without Rondo pounding the ball all the time. Instead of waiting for things to happen when Rajon was around, guys are running around and passing, screening to and for each other. It's just beautiful to watch

The future of the team depends on this - we've got a lot of good pieces on the perimeter and the addition of a good pick and roll big guy and this offense should be here to stay. If Rondo can't fit, he might have to go.

02-23-2013, 12:51 PM


02-23-2013, 12:56 PM
Maybe Rondo can learn from his absence that he shouldn't handle the ball too much and not try to be 100% accountable for the C's offense. I love the way the ball moves without Rondo pounding the ball all the time. Instead of waiting for things to happen when Rajon was around, guys are running around and passing, screening to and for each other. It's just beautiful to watch

Doc Rivers?

I thought it was his idea?

02-23-2013, 01:14 PM
This Celtics team is gonna be very exciting to watch in the playoffs :D

02-23-2013, 01:16 PM
Jeff Green in February: 16.7 ppg, 4.4 reb, 2.3 ast. 2 blk, 55.3% FG, 50% 3pt (12-24). 87.2% FT

02-23-2013, 01:49 PM
The original James Harden

02-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Once Rondo went down Jeff Green was able to play to his strengths more. Good to see him playing well. I suspect though if he's a Celtic next season he's going to regress back once Rondo comes back and holds the ball more.
If he keeps playing like this then he's more valuable than Rondo.

02-23-2013, 02:50 PM
If he keeps playing like this then he's more valuable than Rondo.

Alright, yeah, if he drops 31/7/4 every night, he's more valuable than Rondo. But I don't see that happening. An aggressive Jeff Green is a good player to have, but don't count me among the people that think Rondo's worthless just because they've won without him.

Rondo averaged 13.7/11.1/5.6/1.8 this year. It's gonna be tough for Green to have more of an impact than that, even if his D remains strong compared to Rondo's declining impact on that end of the court.

02-23-2013, 04:52 PM
Doc Rivers?

I thought it was his idea?

Seriously. I just went and watched a couple of Celtics games from the 2008 team and Rondo did not hold the ball. They moved the ball and overpassed at times. Rondo didn't start holding it until Doc made a point of it being 'his team'.

It really is Doc.

02-23-2013, 05:01 PM
Man, one of my fantasy team's is having an epic night thanks to Green among others

I have Jeff Green, Russell Westbrook, Andre Miller, Wilson Chandler, Kevin Martin, Eric Gordon and Marc Gasol among others on my team, all of them are having epic nights.

My starters numbers tonight - 56% FG, 92% FT's, 12 Threes, 207 points, 53 rebounds, 38 assists, 13 steals, 14 blocks.


damn, your night couldn't get much better.
I happened to sign Jeff Green yesterday before his game, it was too late to get any of his stats, but I felt really good about the signing after that Phoenix performance.

He has looked really good lately, way more aggressive than I've ever seen.
I always thought he was a talented player who completely lacked "it", but perhaps we are seeing him tap into the potential that made him a lottery pick :confusedshrug:

02-23-2013, 05:11 PM
On my fantasy team, having better week than Durant it seems.

04-04-2013, 02:13 AM
Dropped a cool 34 points, 6 boards, 1 assist, 1 steal, 4 blocks on 13-19, 3-4 from the arc, 5-7 from the line.

Since Garnett has been out, Green has started, averaging 21.4 points/6.1 boards/3.7 assists/1 steal/1.3 blocks and 2.3 turnovers on 0.533/0.500/0.722 splits.



Very exciting to see him play this well. F*ck Coach Nick. Every NBA analyst owes this guy an apology.

04-04-2013, 02:18 AM
he is quite nightmare offensively but he needs to work on his defense ... but i think he is ok to be a #3 than a PF....

04-04-2013, 03:03 AM
I honestly don't get it...he has an average first step AT BEST, terrible footwork, an average to an above average jump shot, and decent finishing ability but teams are letting him work him over. It just makes no sense. He's a 2nd option on a bad team and a 3rd option on a good team at his best.

04-04-2013, 03:20 AM
I honestly don't get it...he has an average first step AT BEST, terrible footwork, an average to an above average jump shot, and decent finishing ability but teams are letting him work him over. It just makes no sense. He's a 2nd option on a bad team and a 3rd option on a good team at his best.

This is something that's been puzzling me, as well.

Having watched him as often as I do, I think it's his deceptive length. He's not incredibly fast (although he can cover ground in the open court), but he can get so far off of two steps and then finish with his long arms in a way that defenses just don't seem to expect.

That, and his jumper has been on. Seriously. The man is hitting outside jumpers like nothing.

04-04-2013, 03:51 AM
OKC is incredible at drafting... if they just kept all their draft picks...


That would be a small line-up, but probably still be the best team in the league.

04-04-2013, 04:02 AM
Seems like he must have real big hands as he is able to really extend and still have great control over the ball.

04-04-2013, 04:10 AM
This is something that's been puzzling me, as well.

Having watched him as often as I do, I think it's his deceptive length. He's not incredibly fast (although he can cover ground in the open court), but he can get so far off of two steps and then finish with his long arms in a way that defenses just don't seem to expect.

That, and his jumper has been on. Seriously. The man is hitting outside jumpers like nothing.

Either way he is a good Player and I pull for him cause I had same(similar) heart Surgery as him.

All Net
04-04-2013, 08:01 AM
Playing great ball lately..

04-04-2013, 08:30 AM
OKC is incredible at drafting... if they just kept all their draft picks...


That would be a small line-up, but probably still be the best team in the league.
Boston drafted Green, and it wasn't made on OKC's behalf too

04-04-2013, 08:39 AM
One one the best small forwards in the league. Unless your name is LeBron, Durant, Carmelo, or Pierce, keep moving. :D

Seriously, GREEN is GOOD.

Burgz V2
04-04-2013, 08:45 AM
Boston drafted Green, and it wasn't made on OKC's behalf too

of course it was, they were trying to get Ray Allen. Green was supposed to go later in the lottery but got picked early, it was a pre-worked deal dont be naive

04-04-2013, 09:13 AM
He's a smart player. The footwork is noticeable but his lack of an explosive first step (tho it's decent) is exaggerated. He's smart. He's talented. Too much is made nowadays of athleticism. He's a very good finisher. He knows how to play.

La Frescobaldi
04-04-2013, 10:09 AM
Once Rondo went down Jeff Green was able to play to his strengths more. Good to see him playing well. I suspect though if he's a Celtic next season he's going to regress back once Rondo comes back and holds the ball more.
If this turns out to be true.... And he gets the ball anywhere near as often as he does now...... then he has a severe weakness that may not be fixable.

04-04-2013, 02:44 PM
I honestly don't get it...he has an average first step AT BEST, terrible footwork, an average to an above average jump shot, and decent finishing ability but teams are letting him work him over. It just makes no sense. He's a 2nd option on a bad team and a 3rd option on a good team at his best.
His length, athleticism and he IS a good finisher. Leave that footwork crap for Pierce :rockon: