View Full Version : Nobody Talking About Westbrook?

02-01-2013, 02:52 AM
Had a "miscommunication" with Thabeet. Got benched. Pouted for the rest of the game and knocked over a chair like a little baby.

Best point guard in the NBA? :roll:

02-01-2013, 02:54 AM
wasnt it with thabo?

02-01-2013, 02:56 AM
Had a "miscommunication" with Thabeet. Got benched. Pouted for the rest of the game and knocked over a chair like a little baby.

Best point guard in the NBA? :roll:

02-01-2013, 02:56 AM

02-01-2013, 02:57 AM

:biggums: :lol

02-01-2013, 02:58 AM
wasnt it with thabo?

02-01-2013, 02:58 AM

LOL damn Westbrook is a dick when asked about it. Says he handled it like a "man".

02-01-2013, 02:59 AM
i need a video bro

02-01-2013, 02:59 AM
Had a "miscommunication" with Thabeet. Got benched. Pouted for the rest of the game and knocked over a chair like a little baby.

Best point guard in the NBA? :roll:

Nobody thinks he's the best PG in the NBA. :facepalm

With that being said, he needs to get his shit together and he needs to quit being such a pouty little bitch and realize the Thunder are not his team. OKC is Kevin Durant's team and he's merely a cog in the machine. An important cog, but a supporting piece none-the-less.

I fear that he's going to end up bitching to the point where he ends up relocating to a lottery team where he puts up 29/8/5 for the rest of his career as a superstar on a perennial lottery squad.

God damn if he played his cards right he has the potential to put up HOF numbers on a perennial contender, maybe winning a couple of 'ships, as long as he can accept his role as the #2 option on a really, really, really, good team.

02-01-2013, 03:00 AM
Someone get this clown a binky.

02-01-2013, 03:00 AM
Apparently Westbrook yelled at Thabo "Shoot the fu**ing ball!!". Only reason somebody gets that mad over something so trivial is if either A. they are trying to stat pad or B. They have serious anger issues.

02-01-2013, 03:00 AM
i need a video bro

02-01-2013, 03:01 AM
They should trade gasol for westbrook straight up. that would be a great move for the thunder imo

02-01-2013, 03:02 AM
To be clear I'm a pretty big supporter (although not a local or a homer) of the Thunder and more specifically what Westbrook can bring to the table. It just pains me as a fan of high-level ball to see this kind of petty bullshit come out of someone who has a reasonable burden on his shoulders in terms of the Thunder's place in contemporary pro-ball history.

02-01-2013, 03:04 AM
Was Westbrook actually shedding tears? lol.

02-01-2013, 03:04 AM
They should trade gasol for westbrook straight up. that would be a great move for the thunder imo

The Thunder should never trade Westbrook to an in-conference rival.... let along the Lakers.

02-01-2013, 03:04 AM

LOL damn Westbrook is a dick when asked about it. Says he handled it like a "man".
"That's what you said bruh"

"No more questions for you brah!"

Goatbrook "Preston" Russel


02-01-2013, 03:06 AM
"That's what you said bruh"

"No more questions for you brah!"

Goatbrook "Preston" Russel


:applause: :bowdown: we are not worthy.

02-01-2013, 03:06 AM
I didn't see the series that got him upset with Thabo/the team or whatever, but that tantrum right there + the interview afterward with Craig Sager really shows you how immature of a player he is. Needs to be a leader, needs to control himself and be poised.

I'm usually a fan of WB, but I don't like that video at all.

02-01-2013, 03:06 AM

That was such an awkward conversation to be played on national television. :roll:

02-01-2013, 03:07 AM
Thabo does that shit all the time, he passes up wide open shots because he has no balls. Gangsterbrook was just trying to motivate his soldiers.

Remember how he educated his teammates about complex plays out of timeouts?


02-01-2013, 03:07 AM
I think that because he's been called for a 5-second back to the basket violation a few other times this year along with the Thabo deal, is what pushed him over the edge. Still no excuse for how he acted, though. Of course during the game it was misreported that it had to do with something Durant did or said, which just gives reporters an excuse to run with the "Durant/Westbrook feud" angle for the next few days.

I think it also had something to do with where Thabo was spotted-up, not giving Westbrook a kickout option, and he wanted Thabo to cut so he could get rid of the ball. But, like I said, that doesn't excuse his actions. The response and how he acted towards Sager in that locker room postgame interview was embarrassingly immature.

02-01-2013, 03:08 AM
I didn't see the series that got him upset with Thabo/the team or whatever, but that tantrum right there + the interview afterward with Craig Sager really shows you how immature of a player he is. Needs to be a leader, needs to control himself and be poised.

I'm usually a fan of WB, but I don't like that video at all.

Like I said, he needs to get his shit together and understand his role both on the court and also in terms of leadership and as a lockerroom figure.

He's still young, I guess, but man the current Thunder really have a chance to be something special moving forward and I'd hate to see it derailed because of personality issues.

02-01-2013, 03:09 AM
I think that because he's been called for a 5-second back to the basket violation a few other times this year along with the Thabo deal, is what pushed him over the edge. Still no excuse for how he acted, though. Of course during the game it was misreported that it had to do with something Durant did or said, which just gives reporters an excuse to run with the "Durant/Westbrook feud" angle for the next few days.

I think it also had something to do with where Thabo was spotted-up, not giving Westbrook a kickout option, and he wanted Thabo to cut so he could get rid of the ball. But, like I said, that doesn't excuse his actions. The response and how he acted towards Sager in that locker room postgame interview was embarrassingly immature.

I'm not trying to bait you, just saying I sincerely think he was trying to balance out that assist to turnover ratio. I find it hard to believe that he would rage like this on a long time teammate unless he was stressed about stat criticism and padding a bit.

02-01-2013, 03:11 AM
How can you not love this guy? Gives it his all EVERY game...

You guys hating on him because he cares too much? Damn it just doesn't make sense.

02-01-2013, 03:13 AM
How can you not love this guy? Gives it his all EVERY game...

You guys hating on him because he cares too much? Damn it just doesn't make sense.

Troll. :no:

02-01-2013, 03:13 AM
Like I said, he needs to get his shit together and understand his role both on the court and also in terms of leadership and as a lockerroom figure.

He's still young, I guess, but man the current Thunder really have a chance to be something special moving forward and I'd hate to see it derailed because of personality issues.

You can easily say it's age and that he will eventually straighten out in the next couple of years, but as you said it's really tough to watch that kind of behavior and be happy about it. If I were a Thunder fan this would really irritate me, Westbrook should know by now what his role is as a leader and how this impacts the entire squad. He disrespected Mo Cheeks right there who was simply trying to calm him down and also disrespected several teammates. The least you could do after that was be apologetic to the media, but he continues his hissy fit into the post game interviews. I hope KD and Brooks had a talk with him after the game to straighten his ass out. Absolutely unacceptable behavior.

02-01-2013, 03:16 AM
Troll. :no:
What? Literally no amount of trolling in my post. The guy cares more than anyone in the league and his emotions sometimes get the best of him. This somehow warrants hate? And makes me a troll for pointing out such a fallacy? Ok... whatever you say... "Bankshot" :rolleyes:

02-01-2013, 03:17 AM
You can easily say it's age and that he will eventually straighten out in the next couple of years, but as you said it's really tough to watch that kind of behavior and be happy about it. If I were a Thunder fan this would really irritate me, Westbrook should know by now what his role is as a leader and how this impacts the entire squad. He disrespected Mo Cheeks right there who was simply trying to calm him down and also disrespected several teammates. The least you could do after that was be apologetic to the media, but he continues his hissy fit into the post game interviews. I hope KD and Brooks had a talk with him after the game to straighten his ass out. Absolutely unacceptable behavior.

According to a report from the OKC paper some of his teammates are supposedly growing tired of his rage issues. Durant flat out said they had a talk in the locker room about it and resolved it. A team this good who is contending for titles shouldn't be having random blowups like this. Russell had no business turning on innocent teammates and coaches like smacking away Thabeet's hand who tried to show support. Or when Cheeks was trying to talk him down and he explodes.

Over what? Thabo passing up shots and hurting those assist numbers? Then to make it worse he should have apologized post game and owned up, not justified his actions.

02-01-2013, 03:17 AM
What? Literally no amount of trolling in my post. The guy cares more than anyone in the league and his emotions sometimes get the best of him. This somehow warrants hate? And makes me a troll for pointing out such a fallacy? Ok... whatever you say... "Bankshot" :rolleyes:

Your previous post was trollish.

Basketball is his profession, and he proceeded to act extremely unprofessional in several ways. Criticism for his actions is absolutely well deserved.

02-01-2013, 03:21 AM
According to a report from the OKC paper some of his teammates are supposedly growing tired of his rage issues. Durant flat out said they had a talk in the locker room about it and resolved it. A team this good who is contending for titles shouldn't be having random blowups like this. Russell had no business turning on innocent teammates and coaches like smacking away Thabeet's hand who tried to show support. Or when Cheeks was trying to talk him down and he explodes.

Over what? Thabo passing up shots and hurting those assist numbers? Then to make it worse he should have apologized post game and owned up, not justified his actions.
Relax dude, Westbrook will rape Clippers in the playoffs either way, no need to exaggerate irrelevant outbursts. Even an emotionally unstable Westbrook is better than any Clipper player.

02-01-2013, 03:22 AM
Relax dude, Westbrook will rape Clippers in the playoffs either way, no need to exaggerate irrelevant outbursts. Even an emotionally unstable Westbrook is better than any Clipper player.


02-01-2013, 03:23 AM
According to a report from the OKC paper some of his teammates are supposedly growing tired of his rage issues. Durant flat out said they had a talk in the locker room about it and resolved it. A team this good who is contending for titles shouldn't be having random blowups like this. Russell had no business turning on innocent teammates and coaches like smacking away Thabeet's hand who tried to show support. Or when Cheeks was trying to talk him down and he explodes.

Over what? Thabo passing up shots and hurting those assist numbers? Then to make it worse he should have apologized post game and owned up, not justified his actions.

Not sure what's up with Russ. I mean to me it's clear he doesn't want to be #2; if anything he wants to be 1b to KD's 1a, but that doesn't justify his behavior clearly. Was it over his numbers? Small chance, but even if it was that's not something I want to get into at all. Point is this should absolutely validate that KD is the man (not that this was in doubt at any point) and everyone else including WB need to follow suit.

Letting Westbrook roam free and do whatever he wants to do isn't doing the squad any good. As a young player you need to put him on a leash (a phrase I use loosely) and make him learn.

02-01-2013, 03:24 AM
What? Literally no amount of trolling in my post. The guy cares more than anyone in the league and his emotions sometimes get the best of him. This somehow warrants hate? And makes me a troll for pointing out such a fallacy? Ok... whatever you say... "Bankshot" :rolleyes:

It's cool bud, I get the draw of trolling... its just not for me.

You can talk in extremes without substantial critical thought or evidence all you want but it really doesn't mean much in the context of a fruitful discussion about what happened tonight or Westbrook as an individual basketball player or his role on a potential championship team.

Nobody said hate. Claims of fallacy isn't relevant without an explanation. Nice try though, kid. :rolleyes:

02-01-2013, 03:24 AM
Relax dude, Westbrook will rape Clippers in the playoffs either way, no need to exaggerate irrelevant outbursts. Even an emotionally unstable Westbrook is better than any Clipper player.

I'm not criticizing OKC or Westbrook as a player. I'm talking specifically about this situation. I can't understand this blowup, not exaggerating anything.

02-01-2013, 03:24 AM
Relax dude, Westbrook will rape Clippers in the playoffs either way, no need to exaggerate irrelevant outbursts. Even an emotionally unstable Westbrook is better than any Clipper player.

your favorite player is a crybaby. how does that make you feel?

02-01-2013, 03:25 AM
Your previous post was trollish.

Basketball is his profession, and he proceeded to act extremely unprofessional in several ways. Criticism for his actions is absolutely well deserved.
Basketball would not be his "profession" if his extreme emotions didn't drive him in the first place. There's no in-between for guys like Westbrook. You can't suppress that desire. You just can't. And if it means coming off as an immature jerk then so be it. And don't give me that "these guys should act like professionals" bullshit. These guys are entertainers, plain and simple.

02-01-2013, 03:27 AM
your favorite player is a crybaby. how does that make you feel?

02-01-2013, 03:28 AM

02-01-2013, 03:28 AM
Basketball would not be his "profession" if his extreme emotions didn't drive him in the first place. There's no in-between for guys like Westbrook. You can't suppress that desire. You just can't. And if it means coming off as an immature jerk then so be it. And don't give me that "these guys should act like professionals" bullshit. These guys are entertainers, plain and simple.

Drive to success as an athlete has nothing to do with external emotion. If anything most drive to get to the highest level comes from within.

In this situation your line between passion and immaturity is extremely thin.

02-01-2013, 03:28 AM
Idk whos a bigger DIVA westbrook or rondo.lmao

Id trade westbrook for conley,rondo,or lillard right now!!! Well rondo is hurt so cant but i just dont like westbrooks demeanor. Cry baby got mad and they was up... Westbrook abused bayless all night but on one play where he gets called for a 5 second he throw a hissy fit... My b.i.t.c.h.e.s dont even whine over such trivial things.

Dont give me that ohh hes an emotiinal player shit... Its a big difference between enotional and sensitive... Westbrook is sensitive as hell... Durant,cp3,garnett are emotional players.... Westbrook will be the thunders downfall....

F.U.C.K that give me john wall for westbrook... Im sick of westbrook ass....arguably a top 3 pg in the league and he whinin and shit....i hate seeing people so fcukin gifted and act so fcukin stupid...id give both my fcuking balls just to be a fcukin bench warmer in the nba. A FCUKIN BENCH WARMER.

This douche bag has the talent to go down as one of the best pgd to ever pick up a fcukin spalding basketball and he whinin off a fcukin five second call????? Trade his sensitive ass for jrue holiday right now!!!! Lol

Anybody but westbrook. Its not gonna end well thunder fans mark my words.....kd needs a REAL ROBIN... Not a robin that sneaks and wears batman suit from time to time then whines wen he gets caught wearin it.

U know what fcuk this shit give me jeremy lin for westbrook. Whoa!!!! Think im goin to far. Goodnight folks

02-01-2013, 03:28 AM
I'm not criticizing OKC or Westbrook as a player. I'm talking specifically about this situation. I can't understand this blowup, not exaggerating anything.
Gangsterbrook showed up, what can I say. Russell has a multiple personality disorder, you never know which one will show up on any given day. You just have to deal with it.

02-01-2013, 03:29 AM
OKC should trade for DeMarcus Cousins

02-01-2013, 03:29 AM
It's cool bud, I get the draw of trolling... its just not for me.

You can talk in extremes without substantial critical thought or evidence all you want but it really doesn't mean much in the context of a fruitful discussion about what happened tonight or Westbrook as an individual basketball player or his role on a potential championship team.

Nobody said hate. Claims of fallacy isn't relevant without an explanation. Nice try though, kid. :rolleyes:
This team is not a potential championship team without the way Westbrook is/plays. That's what people like you just don't understand. His positives far out weigh his negatives, but somehow this guy's negatives are talked about far more than any other player in the league while at the same time his positives are barely acknowledged. I wouldn't expect a simple minded dude like you to understand though.

Noob Saibot
02-01-2013, 03:29 AM
your favorite player is a crybaby. how does that make you feel?

lol. Everyone and their mama knows that Kobe is the biggest crybaby in today's NBA.

02-01-2013, 03:30 AM

02-01-2013, 03:31 AM
Gangsterbrook showed up, what can I say. Russell has a multiple personality disorder, you never know which one will show up on any given day. You just have to deal with it.
Haha exactly this.

02-01-2013, 03:31 AM

02-01-2013, 03:31 AM
OKC should trade for DeMarcus Cousins

I'll say it now. Sacramento absolutely will not trade DMC while selling the team, and the new ownership absolutely will not trade him.

He's a very rare and valuable talent that simply needs the right coaching staff and supporting cast around him to be successful.

I know its far-fetched, but you but DMC with Coach Pop, an intelligent pass-first PG, and shooters around him, he'd be a sure-fire All-Star for the next ten years EASY

02-01-2013, 03:32 AM
Thabo does that shit all the time, he passes up wide open shots because he has no balls. Gangsterbrook was just trying to motivate his soldiers.

Remember how he educated his teammates about complex plays out of timeouts?


its funny you say that but you post a pick of bodie playing checkers with chess pieces. thats almost as confusing as westbrooks outfit on tonights shaqtin a fool. good fcking god :facepalm

02-01-2013, 03:33 AM
This team is not a potential championship team without the way Westbrook is/plays. That's what people like you just don't understand. His positives far out weigh his negatives, but somehow this guy's negatives are talked about far more than any other player in the league while at the same time his positives are barely acknowledged. I wouldn't expect a simple minded dude like you to understand though.


So OKC is not a potential championship team.... but Westbrooks positives far outweigh his negatives??

So the Westbrook's best, playing with a top-3 superstar, with a well-designed supporting cast, isn't Finals-quality?? :rolleyes:

Please explain???

02-01-2013, 03:33 AM
I'll say it now. Sacramento absolutely will not trade DMC while selling the team, and the new ownership absolutely will not trade him.

He's a very rare and valuable talent that simply needs the right coaching staff and supporting cast around him to be successful.

I know its far-fetched, but you but DMC with Coach Pop, an intelligent pass-first PG, and shooters around him, he'd be a sure-fire All-Star for the next ten years EASY
I only said that because then you would have the 2 most mentally unstable young players in the league :roll:

02-01-2013, 03:33 AM
its funny you say that but you post a pick of bodie playing checkers with chess pieces.
That's the ironic part. :oldlol:

02-01-2013, 03:34 AM
I only said that because then you would have the 2 most mentally unstable young players in the league :roll:
No, trade Westbrook to Knicks. Then you have...

JR Smith

One ball enters, no ball leaves. :oldlol:

02-01-2013, 03:35 AM

So OKC is not a potential championship team.... but Westbrooks positives far outweigh his negatives??

So the Westbrook's best, playing with a top-3 superstar, with a well-designed supporting cast, isn't Finals-quality?? :rolleyes:

Please explain???
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It's pretty late(early)

Re-read my post a couple of times with critical thought and edit your post.

02-01-2013, 03:35 AM
Who else would pay A LOT to see this team. So many brawls.

Russell Westbrook
Tony Allen
Stephen Jackson
Zach Randolph
DeMarcus Cousins


02-01-2013, 03:36 AM
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It't pretty late(early)

Re-read my post a couple of times with critical thought and edit your post.

I saw that and laughed out loud. He was agreeing with you, while arguing with you... :biggums:

02-01-2013, 03:37 AM

LOL damn Westbrook is a dick when asked about it. Says he handled it like a "man".
This is just flat out embarrassing. :facepalm

02-01-2013, 03:37 AM
Who else would pay A LOT to see this team. So many brawls.

Russell Westbrook
Tony Allen
Stephen Jackson
Zach Randolph
DeMarcus Cousins


When has Tony Allen or Z-bo fought?

need MWP in there and fake tough guy matt barnes

02-01-2013, 03:38 AM
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It's pretty late(early)

Re-read my post a couple of times with critical thought and edit your post.

This team is not a potential championship team without the way Westbrook is/plays. That's what people like you just don't understand. His positives far out weigh his negatives, but somehow this guy's negatives are talked about far more than any other player in the league while at the same time his positives are barely acknowledged. I wouldn't expect a simple minded dude like you to understand though.

Please explain "with critical thought" :rolleyes:

02-01-2013, 03:38 AM
Who else would pay A LOT to see this team. So many brawls.

Russell Westbrook
Tony Allen
Stephen Jackson
Zach Randolph
DeMarcus Cousins

6th man: Ron Artest

Coach: Dantoni



02-01-2013, 03:39 AM
When has Tony Allen or Z-bo fought?

need MWP in there and fake tough guy matt barnes

Tony Allen is a G and Zbo has punched teammates in practices if you remember Portland... and has gotten into fights on the court including when he punched out Louis Amundson.

02-01-2013, 03:39 AM
Please explain "with critical thought" :rolleyes:


02-01-2013, 03:40 AM
When has Tony Allen or Z-bo fought?

Z-Bo punched Louis Amundson back in 2010. I know he's been in locker room fights with Ruben Patterson.

I don't remember Tony Allen getting in a fight. I do remember during the 2009 playoffs, some Chicago gangster was sending threats to him during the Celtics vs Bulls First round matchups.

02-01-2013, 03:40 AM

LMFAO at listing D'Antoni as coach. Seriously though :oldlol: :oldlol: . Dude will just bag on his players in the media and fuel the fire. Call players slow and put them on the bench as 3 point specialists.

02-01-2013, 03:42 AM

yadda yadda yadda i get it my bad. either way, budaddis a douchey troll :roll:

02-01-2013, 03:42 AM

Still hasn't hit the guy yet.

edit: now I'm a douche. At least get my name right man

02-01-2013, 03:43 AM
Z-Bo punched Louis Amundson back in 2010. I know he's been in locker room fights with Ruben Patterson.

I don't remember Tony Allen getting in a fight. I do remember during the 2009 playoffs, some Chicago gangster was sending threats to him during the Celtics vs Bulls First round matchups.

Supposedly Tony Allen is a legit G. Not many bad boys at the SG spot so just said what came to mind first.

02-01-2013, 03:47 AM
Another typical gross overreaction to basically nothing, two teammates argued no way!!!! Didn't affect them winning so it won't matter so who cares. How can Thabo go completely blame less in the situation it takes two people to argue. Every week on every single team in practice or on the court players do the same thing we just don't see it.

02-01-2013, 03:47 AM
Supposedly Tony Allen is a legit G. Not many bad boys at the SG spot so just said what came to mind first.

02-01-2013, 03:47 AM

More footage, breakdown by TNT.

02-01-2013, 03:48 AM
Supposedly Tony Allen is a legit G. Not many bad boys at the SG spot so just said what came to mind first.

He and Randolph both are.

I remember the police wanted to speak to Randolph about his MTV Cribs episode, where they went around his house and he was his crew. Apparently, those guys were notorious gang bangers or drug dealers... can't remember the full details, but yeah Randolph rolls with some tight crews.

As for bad boys at the SG spot, young Kobe and young Wade were IMO, at least on camera. They kinda became soft with their whinning to the refs and acting.

02-01-2013, 03:49 AM
He and Randolph both are.

I remember the police wanted to speak to Randolph about his MTV Cribs episode, where they went around his house and he was his crew. Apparently, those guys were notorious gang bangers or drug dealers... can't remember the full details, but yeah Randolph rolls with some tight crews.

Not surprised. Randolph has punched two teammates, punched a player during a game out of the blue, gotten into tons of scuffles, been into trouble with the law countless times. If I remember dude got like two DUI's within 6 months couple years ago.

02-01-2013, 03:50 AM
Not surprised. Randolph has punched two teammates, punched a player during a game out of the blue, gotten into tons of scuffles, been into trouble with the law countless times. If I remember dude got like two DUI's within 6 months couple years ago.

Still a great player who helps his team win even after all that and everyone in Memphis loves him.

02-01-2013, 03:51 AM
Still a great player who helps his team win even after all that and everyone in Memphis loves him.

He's improved a lot and become a MUCH better teammate but he hasn't always been this way.

02-01-2013, 03:52 AM
He's improved a lot and become a MUCH better teammate but he hasn't always been this way.

I don't disagree but even in Portland he was a beast and the team was no better of without him. The team only got better when they got lucky in the lottery like pretty much all teams do that can't sign a superstar.

02-01-2013, 03:53 AM
I honestly doubt Westbrook will change much, he just seems like one of those guys that has too much confidence. I remember when TNT crew criticized him during their 2010 Dallas series, he didn't accept their shit and just said "Ima continue to play the way I play and help my team win". Chuck was like "these young players this days are so sensitive". :oldlol:

02-01-2013, 03:54 AM
Not surprised. Randolph has punched two teammates, punched a player during a game out of the blue, gotten into tons of scuffles, been into trouble with the law countless times. If I remember dude got like two DUI's within 6 months couple years ago.

Well, he also rolled with the "Jail blazers" in Portland. That isn't exactly the best environment to be a model citizen pro-basketball player. :oldlol:

Rasheed Wallace was attacking his own teammates with basketballs and Randolph just followed suit.

02-01-2013, 03:54 AM
I honestly doubt Westbrook will change much, he just seems like one of those guys that has too much confidence. I remember when TNT crew criticized him during their 2010 Dallas series, he didn't accept their shit and just said "Ima continue to play the way I play and help my team win". Chuck was like "these young players this days are so sensitive". :oldlol:

He doesn't need to change his attitude is he stops being fiery, that will take more away from his game than it will do good.

02-01-2013, 03:55 AM
I honestly doubt Westbrook will change much, he just seems like one of those guys that has too much confidence. I remember when TNT crew criticized him during their 2010 Dallas series, he didn't accept their shit and just said "Ima continue to play the way I play and help my team win". Chuck was like "these young players this days are so sensitive". :oldlol:

Charles is a dumb fu** who has no business on TV. When you get him 1 on 1 in like a radio interview he's very insightful and thinks before he speaks but on TV he blurts out w/e the fu** he wants and as stupid as it may be... defends it to the death.

02-01-2013, 03:56 AM
Well, he also rolled with the "Jail blazers" in Portland. That isn't exactly the best environment to be a model citizen pro-basketball player. :oldlol:

Rasheed Wallace was attacking his own teammates with basketballs and Randolph just followed suit.

Rueben Patterson and Bonzi Wells were straight out of the hood too. Now combine Sheed and Zbo with them? Nonstop drama. Not to mention Jeff McGinnis who was a crack head and ran with gangsters.

Mr. Jabbar
02-01-2013, 03:59 AM
The "bynum attitude" westbrook displays wont end good :/

02-01-2013, 04:00 AM
Rueben Patterson and Bonzi Wells were straight out of the hood too. Now combine Sheed and Zbo with them? Nonstop drama. Not to mention Jeff McGinnis who was a crack head and ran with gangsters.

Whats strange tho is once they all left they had drama free good seasons pretty much tho.

Ruban played some good years in Denver, Bonzi went on to have a monster playoff series for the Kings and played a little for Houston I think, Sheed won a title and played the best team ball of his career and Z-Bo the same where as McGinnis just sucked.

02-01-2013, 04:01 AM
The "bynum attitude" westbrook displays wont end good :/
Westbrook/Perkins/Ibaka for Howard/Gasol?

02-01-2013, 04:02 AM
Whats strange tho is once they all left they had drama free good seasons pretty much tho.

Ruban played some good years in Denver, Bonzi went on to have a monster playoff series for the Kings and played a little for Houston I think, Sheed won a title and played the best team ball of his career and Z-Bo the same where as McGinnis just sucked.

It was absolutely related to the environment. It was a toxic team and environment. Although not quite as bad the Clippers of the early 90's had similar issues that I saw. Tons of players not giving a fu** and just playing for the money. Druggies and alcoholics getting high before games. Fist fights in locker rooms.

02-01-2013, 04:02 AM
The "bynum attitude" westbrook displays wont end good :/
Completely opposite attitudes :roll:

My boy WB's attitude is more comparable to your boy Kobe's attitude. (except WB isn't scared to show how he's feeling at all times where as Kobe goes behind the scenes and is very aware of his image)

02-01-2013, 04:04 AM
Rueben Patterson and Bonzi Wells were straight out of the hood too. Now combine Sheed and Zbo with them? Nonstop drama. Not to mention Jeff McGinnis who was a crack head and ran with gangsters.

Damon Stoudamire also there, as well. I'm pretty sure Isiah Thomas got to him (living the "wild life") when he was the general manager in Toronto. He got to Marcus Camby too.

02-01-2013, 04:04 AM

More footage, breakdown by TNT.

What Kenny said is absolutely right, we had a fight on a team I was on, the next practice we were at shit was HELLLLAAA awkward.

02-01-2013, 04:06 AM
Damon Stoudamire also there, as well. I'm pretty sure Isiah Thomas got to him (living the "wild life") when he was the general manager in Toronto. He got to Marcus Camby too.

Yea forgot to mention Mighty Mouse. Although Damon was not a particularly bad influence in comparison to these guys I didn't think?

02-01-2013, 04:25 AM
I honestly doubt Westbrook will change much, he just seems like one of those guys that has too much confidence. I remember when TNT crew criticized him during their 2010 Dallas series, he didn't accept their shit and just said "Ima continue to play the way I play and help my team win". Chuck was like "these young players this days are so sensitive". :oldlol:

If that's what you say brah.

02-01-2013, 04:33 AM
If that's what you say brah.

02-01-2013, 04:36 AM
If you watch the replay....after the ref made the call Thabo, KD, and Ibaka all were pissed at Westbrook....lol! That's probably what set him off.

Check out KD....he just drops his hands like "**** man"


02-01-2013, 04:43 AM
If you watch the replay....after the ref made the call Thabo, KD, and Ibaka all were pissed at Westbrook....lol! That's probably what set him off.

Check out KD....he just drops his hands like "**** man"


Durant knew before they even called it, look at him he is like this ***** ain't gonna pass that shit.

02-01-2013, 05:42 AM
This is just flat out embarrassing. :facepalm

That just shows how immature Westbrook is, he didn't know how to respond.....:facepalm

I remember watching Thunder games last season when he would get pissed at Thabo for :

1. not shooting.

2. or when Thabo is asking him to pass the ball out. WB would typically brick the post j and then complain at Thabo.

Personally I am getting sick and tired of WB taking more shots then KD. I am a big fan of the Thunder and am convinced as much positive and game WB brings, he'll always do something stupid to give the game up at a crucial point. Such as that huge game he had against the heat when he was killing it with his two pointers and fearless drives and then he goes and fouls Chalmers and effectively hand the game over. :banghead:

look for him to do something similar this post season...

02-01-2013, 05:43 AM
Durant knew before they even called it, look at him he is like this ***** ain't gonna pass that shit.

totally agree, KD just stood there looking pissed.

02-01-2013, 06:09 AM
That team has issues that come to the surface from time to time. Westbrook is constantly thrown under the bus for his mistakes like this. He's always the one getting benched, and he's the one everyone targets in the media. You would think the team would understand that he's not exactly a veteran and have his back. Sometimes he gets treated worse than Chalmers does, and even though many nights he's their best player.

02-01-2013, 06:22 AM
I'm not criticizing OKC or Westbrook as a player. I'm talking specifically about this situation. I can't understand this blowup, not exaggerating anything.

Really nothing to understand. It isn't about statpadding or something as silly as that, don't even know how somebody could come to that. People get angry, sometimes they throw fits. At Westbrook's age it's extremely inmature and makes him come off like a crazy person or just a baby. Really would be tiring for teammates .. but seriously just an inmature dude snapping cause he was pissed.

All that being said I pray to god shit turns sour in OKC and they look to deal Westbrook. I'd take him on Denver in a heartbeat and while it's probably wishful thinking in my head I really think Denver could put together the pieces. Russell doesn't strike me as a guy who cares where he plays either, big market or small market I think he's just concerned with being the "man" so to speak and winning games.

02-01-2013, 07:04 AM
for the last 3 playoffs i've actually been watching most of the thunder games. i want to cheer for the thunder, but westbrook seriously pisses me off so much every single playoffs.

if you're a thunder fan, i dont see how you can not get frustrated at him. i guess everyone just wants to do the be nice to everyone, don't blame any individual, we're all young n learning BS. time to cut it out.. if no one gets in WB's face, he's always going to take the thunders out of the games in some crucial playoff games.

02-01-2013, 01:52 PM
lol @ that interview.

Sager's a dick but I like that he's not afraid to get awkward.

Westbrook seems to have significant emotional anger issues.

02-01-2013, 02:08 PM
What? Literally no amount of trolling in my post. The guy cares more than anyone in the league and his emotions sometimes get the best of him. This somehow warrants hate? And makes me a troll for pointing out such a fallacy? Ok... whatever you say... "Bankshot" :rolleyes:

I'd love to see proof of how Westbrick "cares more" than guys like LeBron, Garnett, CP3, Kobe, Durant, Melo. They care every bit as much but unlike him, they're not little immature brats and they channel their emotions into their game and take it out on the opposition not their teammates and coaching staff.

02-01-2013, 02:11 PM
What is there to talk about? The guy is a whiny little b.itch. Hicktown will never win anything until they trade that r.etard

02-01-2013, 02:17 PM
Not happy with his blow up but I have snapped at ppl for less and I don't play professionally. It has a lot to do with how seriously you take the game, and how the other person takes it. He's competitive by nature, you don't change your demeanor just because you're up by 18 pts. Not to compare him to mj, but that guys done worse even before he Ever won his first ring.I'd love to have him on the Knicks with that fire, just sayin'

02-01-2013, 02:24 PM
Had a "miscommunication" with Thabeet. Got benched. Pouted for the rest of the game and knocked over a chair like a little baby.

Best point guard in the NBA? :roll:

no, he

02-01-2013, 02:28 PM
If you watch the replay....after the ref made the call Thabo, KD, and Ibaka all were pissed at Westbrook....lol! That's probably what set him off.

Check out KD....he just drops his hands like "**** man"

I noticed that also, KD was already in a "wtf dude?" pose, 3 seconds before the 5 seconds call.

Didn't watch the game, was this after a timeout? It's obvious OKC was trying to run a play and they failed miserably.

I remember something similar happened in the playoffs, i think Westbrook is not very good at running plays, OKC doesn't run many plays and when they do they fail, and westbrook is getting frustrated... or maybe it was thabo that botched the play and the frog took the blame because he is the PG.

02-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Russell Westbitch

02-01-2013, 06:35 PM
If that's whatchu say bruh :oldlol:

02-01-2013, 06:37 PM
An 8th best PG in the league does not really deserve discussion.

02-01-2013, 06:41 PM
An 8th best PG in the league does not really deserve discussion.
Exactly. All Deron Williams and Jason Kidd threads should be deleted. This forum should be filled with CP3 and Westbrook threads, because they're the obvious top two PG's in the game. Westbrook more so because of his godly durability and stamina.

02-01-2013, 06:55 PM
If you watch the replay....after the ref made the call Thabo, KD, and Ibaka all were pissed at Westbrook....lol! That's probably what set him off.

Check out KD....he just drops his hands like "**** man"


I love how Durant is standing there watching him for like 3 or 4 seconds like "wtf are you doing ni99a?" :roll:

02-01-2013, 07:08 PM
An 8th best PG in the league does not really deserve discussion.
If that's what you say bruh :sleeping

02-01-2013, 07:10 PM
I love how Durant is standing there watching him for like 3 or 4 seconds like "wtf are you doing ni99a?" :roll:

Its like he knew what was going to happen lol

02-01-2013, 11:20 PM
This is going to rear it's ugly head in the playoffs. I much as I love OKC, and think they'll come out of the West, Wesbrick will be the one of the key reasons they don't win the title imho.

All Net
02-02-2013, 04:14 AM
This is going to rear it's ugly head in the playoffs. I much as I love OKC, and think they'll come out of the West, Wesbrick will be the one of the key reasons they don't win the title imho.

Westbrook would be nothing to do with them losing.. Scoring from Martin and ibaka will be the factor.

02-02-2013, 05:48 AM
Thabo does that shit all the time, he passes up wide open shots because he has no balls. Gangsterbrook was just trying to motivate his soldiers.

Remember how he educated his teammates about complex plays out of timeouts?

You got your characters confused brah.

Bodie was actually playing checkers with the chess pieces. It was D'Angelo who showed those two nimrods how the chess pieces move and how they were dumbing down the game.

And, completely by accident, that is an appropriate analogy of how dumb Westbrook looked in this particular incident. Maybe he is Bodie...

02-02-2013, 05:51 AM
What is wrong with him in that interview dude acts like a complete immature child. He is looking at the ground and looks like he is about to cry, on top of that he says he handles the situation "like a man" So sitting on the bench pouting then flipping over some towels and running into the locker room is handling it like a man? :wtf:

che guevara
02-02-2013, 05:55 AM
Dude is a baby back bitch, straight up. It's almost like he's trying to make himself impossible to like, his attitude is insufferable. Seems like one of those guys who would be impossible to be around for more than an hour or two.

02-02-2013, 06:01 AM
they get paid to play basketball, not to be liked by their co-workers.

winning>making friends

sorry if thabo cannot match his intensity. hes still a key cog if okc wants to win it all though.

Cowboy Thunder
02-02-2013, 04:16 PM
Goatbrook gonna outplay Kyrie tonight :rockon:

02-02-2013, 04:22 PM
Man I would hate to be in the Express line with Westbrook and you have a 10 item limit and you grab that pack of gum that puts u at 11. Dude needs to chill out a bit. Holy crap. Get a Snickers bar or something...dang.

Money 23
02-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Westbrook is a punk. An extremely dumb, immature, whiny punk. I do not understand how anyone can like this guy. Such a moronic basketball player, too.

"I handled it like a man" ... pouts, screams, fights with teammate, yells at assistant coach, smacks chair and then dresses up like Urkel on acid, is short / spiteful, and un-intelligent in post game interview with a professional.

Yes, just like a "man" should be. If anything he's as over emotional as they can come. Very feminine like in those qualities. I understand being upset in a competitive situation, keep that behind close doors.

But pouting, arguing, yelling, and kicking a chair over an issue with a teammate in front of everyone? Not to be excused.

Guy is a grade A dip shit, tremendous athleticism, great attacker, but as a basketball player leaves a lot to be desired, and seems like an equally bad dude.

02-02-2013, 04:41 PM
Westbrook is a punk. An extremely dumb, immature, whiny punk. I do not understand how anyone can like this guy. Such a moronic basketball player, too.

"I handled it like a man" ... pouts, screams, fights with teammate, yells at assistant coach, smacks chair and then dresses up like Urkel on acid, is short / spiteful, and un-intelligent in post game interview with a professional.

Yes, just like a "man" should be. If anything he's as over emotional as they can come. Very feminine like in those qualities. I understand being upset in a competitive situation, keep that behind close doors.

Guy is a grade A dip shit, tremendous athleticism, great attacker, but as a basketball player leaves a lot to be desired, and seems like an equally bad dude.
If that's what you say brah.


Money 23
02-02-2013, 04:45 PM
If that's what you say brah.

How do you even feel comfortable repping this guy? Not only does his game not totally justify it. But he's an absolute douche, super emotional, and super feminine. Please tell me what fascinates you about this guy? Can't take criticism, looks extremely un-coachable. Beyond his athleticism, what does he do for you? I must know.

02-02-2013, 04:47 PM
How do you even feel comfortable repping this guy? Not only does his game not totally justify it. But he's an absolute douche, super emotional, and super feminine. Please tell me what fascinates you about this guy? Can't take criticism, looks extremely un-coachable. Beyond his athleticism, what does he do for you? I must know.
He helps the Thunder beast. Did they not get to the Finals last year? Did he not have a big part in it?
His teammates love him, they may fight once in a while. But how can they not like someone who only cares about winning?


Cowboy Thunder
02-02-2013, 04:47 PM
How do you even feel comfortable repping this guy? Not only does his game not totally justify it. But he's an absolute douche, super emotional, and super feminine. Please tell me what fascinates you about this guy? Can't take criticism, looks extremely un-coachable. Beyond his athleticism, what does he do for you? I must know.

Money 23
02-02-2013, 04:49 PM
He helps the Thunder beast. Did they not get to the Finals last year? Did he not have a big part in it?

No one is saying otherwise. He's very talented. His limitations also could hold them back. In his best game, he made a bone head decision that possibly cost them the game. He's an idiot. Terrible attitude.

02-02-2013, 04:54 PM
I like that shirt though. That's a nice shirt. Anybody know where I can find one like it? If it's over $45, don't even bother.

02-02-2013, 04:59 PM
How do you even feel comfortable repping this guy? Not only does his game not totally justify it. But he's an absolute douche, super emotional, and super feminine. Please tell me what fascinates you about this guy? Can't take criticism, looks extremely un-coachable. Beyond his athleticism, what does he do for you? I must know.
He is a character, that's the point. He has a multiple personality disorder that makes it fun to guess which one will show up. He if goofy, hilarious and clowns clowns the Lakers.

But yea I tried picturing Rose acting that way and just couldn't, they are same age but polar opposites. Derrick is always respectful, calm and always gives credit to his teammates even if they play like shit. He doesn't bitch when Thibs benches him nor does he lash out at other players. Rose is ice, Westbrook is fire. Ying and Yang are inseparable.

02-02-2013, 04:59 PM

russell westbrook breakdown. last play :roll:

02-02-2013, 05:10 PM

russell westbrook breakdown. last play :roll:
Funny how you post a coach troll video, when he trolls kobe so much too :roll:

02-02-2013, 05:17 PM
Westbrook is a punk. An extremely dumb, immature, whiny punk. I do not understand how anyone can like this guy. Such a moronic basketball player, too.

"I handled it like a man" ... pouts, screams, fights with teammate, yells at assistant coach, smacks chair and then dresses up like Urkel on acid, is short / spiteful, and un-intelligent in post game interview with a professional.

Yes, just like a "man" should be. If anything he's as over emotional as they can come. Very feminine like in those qualities. I understand being upset in a competitive situation, keep that behind close doors.

But pouting, arguing, yelling, and kicking a chair over an issue with a teammate in front of everyone? Not to be excused.

Guy is a grade A dip shit, tremendous athleticism, great attacker, but as a basketball player leaves a lot to be desired, and seems like an equally bad dude.
Westbrook is one of the most likeable players in the league IMO. The guy is always an underdog and always goes 100%. The other day when he had his little blowup sure he acted like an emotional bitch on the court and later in the postgame with sager but I am sure behind closed doors he will come to an understanding with his teammates, tnt will obviously play up westbrook and sefolosha because drama is good for ratings but these guys have experience playing together and have good chemistry on the court. If they lose it will be for basketball reasons, not because goatbrook cant control his emotions.

His excessive emotional expression is also one the most entertaining draws in the league, watching goatbrook work himself into a frenzy on the court and get into a zone is amazing. The guy never gets credit for what he does for his team and watching him burst a blood vessel on the court in a rage is the reason why he is known as the goatbrook.

02-02-2013, 05:17 PM
No one is saying otherwise. He's very talented. His limitations also could hold them back. In his best game, he made a bone head decision that possibly cost them the game. He's an idiot. Terrible attitude.
:lol GOATbrook makes this guy mad as hell!

Cowboy Thunder
02-02-2013, 05:37 PM
:lol GOATbrook makes this guy mad as hell!
Goatbrook gonna goat

Money 23
02-02-2013, 08:02 PM
:lol GOATbrook makes this guy mad as hell!
I like Westbrook's attacking mentality, I enjoy his athleticism, he competes HARD.


But his attitude, over emotional bitch fest, and piss poor decision making for a floor general is pathetic.

02-02-2013, 08:11 PM
I like Westbrook's attacking mentality, I enjoy his athleticism, he competes HARD.


But his attitude, over emotional bitch fest, and piss poor decision making for a floor general is pathetic.
Well i don't really like Derrick Rose's social awkwardness and low intelligence. And I also dislike his injury prone body. Do you see me obsessively posting about it? The guy has down syndrome, we all get it. But do you see me pushing it down everyone's throat?

Cowboy Thunder
02-02-2013, 08:13 PM
Well i don't really like Derrick Rose's social awkwardness and low intelligence. And I also dislike his injury prone body. Do you see me obsessively posting about it? The guy has down syndrome, we all get it. But do you see me pushing it down everyone's throat?


Money 23
02-02-2013, 08:25 PM
Well i don't really like Derrick Rose's social awkwardness and low intelligence. And I also dislike his injury prone body. Do you see me obsessively posting about it? The guy has down syndrome, we all get it. But do you see me pushing it down everyone's throat?
This thread is about Westbrook, no? I'm not obsessively talking about it, this thread is addressing his bitch like emotions. Leaders don't act like that ... especially not level headed PGs who make good decisions.

Rose isn't retarded, so much as shy. He's proven that and has gotten much better with the media. And if he is slow, at least it's a likable trait. He's got that cute, I want to root for you, Forrest Gump factor.

Westbrook is just flat out dumb and obnoxious. Like him having the game of his LIFE in the NBA Finals and then ruining his entire game, and his team's chance to win by intentionally fouling Mario Chalmers. Rose is shy, but he isn't that dumb on the court.

Remove the sand from your camel toe, bruh. Westbrook is an amazing game changing talent. But he's also a dumb, over emotional bitch who doesn't fit his position, and for as much as he provides to OKC, he also might hold them back with his selfish, bone headed decision making.

I don't care if you don't like Rose, that's your opinion. Not much about the man is un-likable, though. Hell, Westbrook likes the guy. Rose has all of Westbrook's positives, and none of his weakness as a player. Durability, aside.

If you want to like the feminine over emotional bitch that is Urkel Westbrook, so be it. I got no problems with that ... but this thread is about him, so don't mind me if I discuss him. Move along now, salty hoe.

02-02-2013, 08:29 PM
this picture kills me lmao
