View Full Version : kobe says he inspired the new generation to have better work ethics

11-30-2012, 10:44 PM
"Just by observation of some of the younger players that I face now, they wind up having a similar mentality that I had," Bryant said when asked how he has changed the sport during his time as a pro. "Because growing up, they were obviously watching me when I was 21, 22 years old and just kind of by any means necessary get things done, not afraid of the big moment and extremely competitive. They all have these work ethics now and most of them get up at five in the morning to train like I do. It's pretty cool."


11-30-2012, 10:45 PM
if he said he inspired the new generation to ring chase i would have agreed.

11-30-2012, 10:53 PM
lol @ this fool :oldlol:

11-30-2012, 10:55 PM
leaderbe is the first nba player to work hard

11-30-2012, 10:56 PM
Kobe will single-handedly save the economy next.



11-30-2012, 11:12 PM
Jordan did this much more than Kobe.

11-30-2012, 11:17 PM

11-30-2012, 11:27 PM
I see no lies in his statement. Check out all his peers (A.I, McGrady,VC etc), who's still an elite top 3 player 17 years in? Coach K And even Lebron said how watching Kobe prepare during the 08 olympics and how he focused on defense made them Alot better and want to work harder. He's absolutely right.

11-30-2012, 11:29 PM
I see no lies in his statement. Check out all his peers (A.I, McGrady,VC etc), who's still an elite top 3 player 17 years in? Coach K And even Lebron said how watching Kobe prepare during the 08 olympics and how he focused on defense made them Alot better and want to work harder. He's absolutely right.

11-30-2012, 11:31 PM
Kobe has inspired a generation to believe that if you are good at basketball, you can get away with anything and people will continue to adore you.

11-30-2012, 11:33 PM
Leaderbe is right but his ego is as infinite as the universe in which we live... :lol

11-30-2012, 11:33 PM
Kobe has inspired a generation to believe that if you are good at basketball, you can get away with anything and people will continue to adore you.

11-30-2012, 11:34 PM
Kobe, inspired the Spaulding Basketball to bounce!

11-30-2012, 11:35 PM
Kobe has inspired a generation to believe that if you are good at basketball, you can get away with anything ...
Except boning some random white girl in Denver.

As to Kobe's statement, for the most part its true. He's always been known as one of the hardest workers in the game, and 17 years in, he's still elite. That's amazing.

11-30-2012, 11:35 PM
lmao is he serious? i hope he isnt'

11-30-2012, 11:37 PM
now kobe is crossing the line. just retire already.

Yao Ming's Foot
11-30-2012, 11:37 PM
"Two months ago, I wrote that Kobe made a mistake playing in the 2008 Olympics because his biggest threats (LeBron, Paul, etc.) were given a glimpse into what made him him -- how hard he worked, how committed he was, how he was consumed by basketball -- and argued that he inadvertently gave away a competitive advantage. When I mentioned this theory to colleague and longtime Kobe expert J.A. Adande during a recent podcast, Adande respectfully disagreed, saying Kobe NEEDED that experience. He needed to fit in with that crew. He needed to be accepted as one of the guys. He craved that social respect from his peers. He wanted to crack jokes, bust chops and everything else. He would absolutely do it again, Adande maintained."


The most famous Kobe hater years ago criticized him for doing something that today's Kobe haters pretend didn't happen.


11-30-2012, 11:38 PM
Except boning some random white girl in Denver.

He got away with that.

11-30-2012, 11:44 PM
Statements like this just get the Kobe fans more riled up. Thanks Kobe :facepalm

11-30-2012, 11:47 PM
He got away with that.
No jail time, but he obviously paid a huge price on several levels. I don't consider that getting away with it.

11-30-2012, 11:52 PM
Wow something to brag about: working hard. News flash Kobe: my nephew already knows this sh*t, and guess what, he is 8 years old.

12-01-2012, 12:15 AM

If he had said that some of the redeam team players (Lebron, Deron, CP3, Wade, Dwight) upped their work ethic a little bit because of how they were able to see how hard he works at their USA practices or something, it wouldn't be that bad of a statement.

But lol at "They all obviously musta been watching me when i was 21 and 22" and all that stuff about his fearlessness and the other 10 compliments he just gave himself.

12-01-2012, 12:25 AM
"Just by observation of some of the younger players that I face now, they wind up having a similar mentality that I had," Bryant said when asked how he has changed the sport during his time as a pro. "Because growing up, they were obviously watching me when I was 21, 22 years old and just kind of by any means necessary get things done, not afraid of the big moment and extremely competitive. They all have these work ethics now and most of them get up at five in the morning to train like I do. It's pretty cool."

nothing but the truth.. He's really the inspiration of those young players.. They grow up watching him.. They idolize Kobe and want to be like Be coz he's the GOAT just like the day when he was a teen and want to be like Mike.. But later, he realized Mike was only human compared to him, the Savior of Basketball.. Kobe inspired those young players more than Mike in his day.. Kobe is really a true inspirational and role model for all the people playing basketball.. Truly a Great GAWD..

Yao Ming's Foot
12-01-2012, 12:27 AM
"The only thing that matters to me is winning," he said. "I really don't get caught up into people's emotions or how people act or treat you on the court. People respect those who work and win. In basketball, players always know. They know when somebody works on his game or is good.

"You can tell how hard he works by the way he plays. You can tell he's always in the gym. Just hearing stories, talking to (my agents) Arn (Tellem) or B.J. (Armstrong). They were around him when he was at a young age and saw what he was doing. That's why he has those rings."

That's what Rose seeks. It's why he always looks almost out of place at the less-than-serious events. Remember the dog-and-pony show as All-Star starters were announced last February in Los Angeles? The dancing and mugging, the steam rising from the makeshift stage on the court?



12-01-2012, 12:30 AM
No jail time, but he obviously paid a huge price on several levels. I don't consider that getting away with it.

Compared to any average Joe, that is a huge "gets a way with it." That is the part the public sees, and that is why a generation would learn that basketball means you get away with stuff.

12-01-2012, 12:33 AM
What next Kobe? When you were 6 years old, you inspired Jerry Rice's legendary work ethic?

12-01-2012, 12:36 AM
I understand what he was trying to say. He wants to be remembered for his hard work ethic and competitiveness. It was a loaded question anyway.

12-01-2012, 01:00 AM
Jordan did this much more than Kobe.

These jordan loving fagggooots jesus christ.... The guys coming into the league these days were 5 years old in 1998... THEY NEVER EVEN WATCHED THE ****IN GUY

12-01-2012, 01:07 AM
Kobe's ego know no bounds. Didn't his mother ever teach him not to toot his own horn?

12-01-2012, 01:08 AM
It appears Kobe Bryant thinks pretty highly of himself. Who would have ever guessed that?

12-01-2012, 01:14 AM
I heard Kobe Bryant was the first basketball player to exercise.

Noob Saibot
12-01-2012, 01:14 AM
Kobe also inspired kids to jump over cars and a pool of snakes.

12-01-2012, 01:59 AM
kobe inspired the new generation of fans to troll anything basketball related.

anyways idk about the new generation of basketball players, but i do see kids nowadays trying to be the next kobe and working hard at refining their skills. can't deny his impact and the good he's done beyond the league.

Mr. Jabbar
12-01-2012, 02:08 AM
kobe also inspired theoo to make inspiritional quotes :bowdown: :bowdown: , nvm that was jordan...

12-01-2012, 02:12 AM
What next Kobe? When you were 6 years old, you inspired Jerry Rice's legendary work ethic?

Even if this one of those more sarcastic posts, I'll take a stab anyway.

Don't even mention Kobe and Jerry Rice in the same sentence. Jerry Rice is the greatest wide receiver of all time and arguably, the best NFL player of all time. His legendary work ethic was no joke..

12-01-2012, 02:32 AM
As if Duncan, Dirk or KG didn

12-01-2012, 02:32 AM
Kobe is saying things like he might be retiring soon. He saying all of these legacy related type of things. Shaq was saying things like "you guys are going to miss me when I'm gone" (unfortunately, Dwight started dominating and clowning like him). Kobe is really considering hanging up the gloves.

12-01-2012, 02:33 AM
Kobe inspiring league players , but not his team :biggums:

12-01-2012, 02:57 AM
First it was inspiring people to fight homelessness.

Now, it's inspiring a new breed of players.


Mr Exlax
12-01-2012, 07:10 AM
Kobe inspiring league players , but not his team :biggums:

We have a winner folks!

12-01-2012, 07:21 AM
Kobe inspiring league players , but not his team :biggums:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

12-01-2012, 08:34 AM
"Kobe Bryant inspired me to work harder, without him i wouldn't have won 6 rings" - Michael Jordan

12-01-2012, 08:52 AM
Compared to any average Joe, that is a huge "gets a way with it." That is the part the public sees, and that is why a generation would learn that basketball means you get away with stuff.
I see what you're saying, but still don't really agree. In my view, if it were some "average Joe", the case probably would have been dismissed or nothing filed at all.

I mean, what woman who thinks she's been raped goes on to have sex with multiple partners later in the same night? They could have built a sperm bank around what they found in her when she was tested.

In that situation, Kobe's celebrity really hurt him because of the money she knew she could get, and due to the perception problems that public knowledge of a rape accusation brought him.

If he were some regular dude, it would have just been one more screw that night for that garden tool.

To me, "getting away with it", would mean that Kobe skated entirely, and that either no charges were filed, or were dismissed.

12-01-2012, 09:00 AM
Kobe inspired a generation of Brick throwers.




No pun intended.

12-01-2012, 09:10 AM
if he said he inspired the new generation to ring chase i would have agreed.

Yeah... all those teams he hopped to. He sure is a major ring chaser.

12-01-2012, 09:12 AM
This is why Kobe seems contrived. He goes out of his way to show what a hard worker he is, while so many others work really hard but don't do that. Remember the shoot around after that Laker's lost to the Heat? It just seemed so fake.

12-01-2012, 09:13 AM
I see what you're saying, but still don't really agree. In my view, if it were some "average Joe", the case probably would have been dismissed or nothing filed at all.

I mean, what woman who thinks she's been raped goes on to have sex with multiple partners later in the same night? They could have built a sperm bank around what they found in her when she was tested.

In that situation, Kobe's celebrity really hurt him because of the money she knew she could get, and due to the perception problems that public knowledge of a rape accusation brought him.

If he were some regular dude, it would have just been one more screw that night for that garden tool.

To me, "getting away with it", would mean that Kobe skated entirely, and that either no charges were filed, or were dismissed.

All that's true but most people have no idea what happened in that case. They see a black guy, they see a white girl... game over. Not like anyone will know that the cops had to ask her if anything else happened because what she described wasn't rape. Or that the prosecutor almost got disbarred for how horrible the case was. With all the names removed from the case, most of the guys in this thread would have been on Kobe's side of it.

12-01-2012, 11:16 AM
This is why Kobe seems contrived. He goes out of his way to show what a hard worker he is, while so many others work really hard but don't do that. Remember the shoot around after that Laker's lost to the Heat? It just seemed so fake.

maybe he accepts the fact that he's a role model to billions of children and is trying to set an example for them


- working hard and taking things seriously will pay off
- practive makes perfect
- achive success with dedication and motivation

every guy in this thread who thinks any of the fallowing

- that kobe is not that important
- that kobe should not believe he is not the guy rookies watched growing up
- that kobe should not believe that he himself is a role model to many
- that kobe should be humble as a scrub even when hes the most polarizing figure of the last 20 years
- that kobe should ignore the fact that hes a god in china ( where there is more fans of his than the population of the united states )

anyone who thinks any of these things need a wake up call, a reality check.

kobe is that and more to fans. none of these kids growing up watched jordan. maybe some youtube clips. but as for live play and being a fan of current players its kobes generation

the 19 year olds of today were born in 1993

meaning by the time they were 5 years old by the time jordan retired

and 7 years old by the time kobe and shaq won their first title

none of them saw jordan. NONE. he has zero impact on the league anymore except for some dunk contest highlights

his shoe is the only thing kids these days know about the man

kobe is that guy for them. he was that guy. and still is... they sure as heck arnt looking at lebron to learn how to take things seriously. hes a goof ball

12-01-2012, 12:07 PM
i hope so, dude has put in the work to be a force even at his age, deserves some props even from the haters

12-01-2012, 12:12 PM
Yeah Kobe is a role model, he teach Kids when you get into trouble you rat ya teammate out to the cops.

12-01-2012, 12:33 PM
maybe he accepts the fact that he's a role model to billions of children and is trying to set an example for them


- working hard and taking things seriously will pay off
- practive makes perfect
- achive success with dedication and motivation

every guy in this thread who thinks any of the fallowing

- that kobe is not that important
- that kobe should not believe he is not the guy rookies watched growing up
- that kobe should not believe that he himself is a role model to many
- that kobe should be humble as a scrub even when hes the most polarizing figure of the last 20 years
- that kobe should ignore the fact that hes a god in china ( where there is more fans of his than the population of the united states )

anyone who thinks any of these things need a wake up call, a reality check.

kobe is that and more to fans. none of these kids growing up watched jordan. maybe some youtube clips. but as for live play and being a fan of current players its kobes generation

the 19 year olds of today were born in 1993

meaning by the time they were 5 years old by the time jordan retired

and 7 years old by the time kobe and shaq won their first title

none of them saw jordan. NONE. he has zero impact on the league anymore except for some dunk contest highlights

his shoe is the only thing kids these days know about the man

kobe is that guy for them. he was that guy. and still is... they sure as heck arnt looking at lebron to learn how to take things seriously. hes a goof ball

You need help ****ing quick :biggums: :biggums: :biggums: He's just a bball player not a rolemodel.

12-01-2012, 12:43 PM
This is why Kobe seems contrived. He goes out of his way to show what a hard worker he is, while so many others work really hard but don't do that. Remember the shoot around after that Laker's lost to the Heat? It just seemed so fake.

He doesn't HAVE to go out of his way to show how hard of a worker he is when you can blatantly see it. Everyone brags about his immense work ethic, yet it seems contrived? You act like he's never went around and got up shots after a loss. Like the Heat loss was the ONLY time he's ever went back on the court to get shots. Shut up lol.

12-01-2012, 01:32 PM
Compared to any average Joe, that is a huge "gets a way with it." That is the part the public sees, and that is why a generation would learn that basketball means you get away with stuff.
just shut the fck up already. who gives a sht what he got away with off the basketball court, ten years ago. take your hoe asss to the tmz boards.

12-01-2012, 01:47 PM
"Long-time Kobe expert".

:lol how did J.A. Adande get this title?

12-01-2012, 02:09 PM
How the **** is griff of all people getting away with telling people they need a reality check? Dude's the least grounded and realistic person on here. Barkley is right athletes aren't good role models.

12-01-2012, 04:36 PM
off topic but in Rose's freshman year of high school he was 6"2. He left HS 6"3.

1 inch of growth through HS? Did Rose get any sleep

Was probably waking up at 4 in the morn and practicing all throughout the day.

12-01-2012, 08:54 PM
lol @ Kobe...this guy can't be serious..No wonder nobody except Laker fans like this dickhead...

12-01-2012, 09:19 PM
nothing but the truth.. He's really the inspiration of those young players.. They grow up watching him.. They idolize Kobe and want to be like Be coz he's the GOAT just like the day when he was a teen and want to be like Mike.. But later, he realized Mike was only human compared to him, the Savior of Basketball.. Kobe inspired those young players more than Mike in his day.. Kobe is really a true inspirational and role model for all the people playing basketball.. Truly a Great GAWD..
You're the pauk of the Kobetards:lol