View Full Version : An article about the Greg Oden, Brandon Roy and the Blazers medical staff

04-13-2012, 02:19 PM


[QUOTE]Both players could still get back on the court and yes, Brandon Roy

04-13-2012, 02:24 PM
Brandon Roy have said that he misses the game and that he is thinking of a comeback.

04-13-2012, 02:25 PM
I really hope Brandon Roy comes back. He was a good player, very fun to watch.

04-13-2012, 02:26 PM
Brandon Roy have said that he misses the game and that he is thinking of a comeback.

I miss Roy.

So many outstanding moments in the Blazers. In his great days.. up there with Wade and Bryant as the best two guard in the league. He played well in the clutch always.

04-13-2012, 02:26 PM
Would it be a waste of Phoenix' time if they picked up Oden and set to work with him?

I feel bad for Blazers fans, their medical staff sound stuck in their ways, unwilling to accept new techniques and ideas.

04-13-2012, 02:29 PM
How long before it becomes a norm for all teams to have that chryo-something or other...that the suns have?

04-13-2012, 02:31 PM
As i noted in that quote, both players with the right care could definitely play again. I see no reasons why they wouldn't go in a team with great medical stuff (like the Suns) etc.

04-13-2012, 02:31 PM
Read of all of it wow...no player should ever sign in Portland unless they overhaul their medical team/decision makers. It's sad to see the end of 2 potential HOFers end because a few dumb asses shrugged/laughed off some results. Truly saddening.

Side note: could you imagine if both signed with Phoenix and became even 70% of the players they were? Suns would make the playoffs easily.


04-13-2012, 02:37 PM
The Suns medical staff is proven to have less injuries, less time missed with similar injuries, and best "comeback from injury" seasons in the league, by far.

If your team isn't starting to adopt their techniques, you are a fool of an owner.

If you are an injured player without a team, you are a fool to not sign with the Suns.

04-13-2012, 02:39 PM
If you are an injured player without a team, you are a fool to not sign with the Suns.

So true

04-13-2012, 02:56 PM
The Suns medical staff is proven to have less injuries, less time missed with similar injuries, and best "comeback from injury" seasons in the league, by far.

If your team isn't starting to adopt their techniques, you are a fool of an owner.

If you are an injured player without a team, you are a fool to not sign with the Suns.


04-13-2012, 03:00 PM
Brandon Roy have said that he misses the game and that he is thinking of a comeback.


04-13-2012, 03:02 PM
Shit, Michael Redd has been resurrected from the dead after half a season with the Suns' medical staff.

T-Mac should have gone there for the minimum instead of the Hawks.

04-13-2012, 03:05 PM
Shit, Michael Redd has been resurrected from the dead after half a season with the Suns' medical staff.

T-Mac should have gone there for the minimum instead of the Hawks.

Suns medical staff are bringing players back to life.

Grant Hill logged for most games in his career in his days as a member of the Suns despite being 35+.

04-13-2012, 03:06 PM
:facepalm at some of these responses.

Did nobody actually read the article? The writer, a qualified kinesiologist calls out the entire portland athletic staff (probably paid x3+ his own salary) for being grossly incompetent. And people are all drooling about a Roy comeback? The idolization of these players are ridiculous. Go worship your Gawd.

04-13-2012, 03:13 PM
Shit, Michael Redd has been resurrected from the dead after half a season with the Suns' medical staff.

T-Mac should have gone there for the minimum instead of the Hawks.

Probably scared of being on the same team with Hill again :lol

04-13-2012, 03:26 PM
wow. that was a very informative read. i always suspected the Blazers medical team was a bunch of no-good dipshits. i mean, when you look at the injury history of that team, you'd really have to ask: is there something in the water of Portland or is it the medical team?

also, a poster on the blog questioned the kinesiologist's background in having the ability to prescribe treatments. kinesiology is just one subject in physical therapy, obviously, that doesn't make you an expert on the subject. the writer also admitted that much of his analysis came from the AI of his machine and all he had to do was evaluate the results.

i was also wondering how come he can publish Greg Oden's medical data. unless Greg signed a waiver allowing him to publish it.

also, the writer's claim that Roy can still play is just ludicrous. unless there's new technology allowing meniscus to be grown back, or even a mechanical knee to replace a bad one, Roy will never be able to play competitive sports again.

04-13-2012, 03:29 PM
:facepalm at some of these responses.

Did nobody actually read the article? The writer, a qualified kinesiologist calls out the entire portland athletic staff (probably paid x3+ his own salary) for being grossly incompetent. And people are all drooling about a Roy comeback? The idolization of these players are ridiculous. Go worship your Gawd.

income is not directly correlated to skill

04-13-2012, 04:09 PM
Too many doctors think they know everything and their ego gets in the way. It seems like this was another case of it. They forget that science is always open to new information.

As for income, race/ethnicity, etc... I hope you're joking

04-13-2012, 04:22 PM
I believe that guy. Oden could be healthy if they would have listened. I was going to post this in the other Oden thread. It's just pathetic that they didn't do everything they could to get Oden in the best shape. The organization is a disgrace if this guy is really telling the truth.

04-13-2012, 04:38 PM
Well, I don't know if it's true. I wouldn't be surprised, because it seems like there's unfortunately a lot of arrogant people in Portland.

But, Roy had suspect knees before he ever stepped foot on an NBA court. People were concerned about Oden's knees before he ever stepped foot on an NBA court.

Could they have been saved/fixed? I like to think that any obstacle can be overcome. Did they blow this guy off? We're just taking his word at face value. I don't know if they did or didn't.

04-13-2012, 08:31 PM
There was another article with an unnamed source from the Blazers medical staff that said management was warned about certain players being high injury risks, but management always ignored them. They went as far as to mark one recent player (maybe roy, maybe Oden) as a red flagged risk, not to be taken with any pick the team had. But the Blazers ignored it and drafted him anyways.

04-13-2012, 08:47 PM


04-13-2012, 08:54 PM
How long before it becomes a norm for all teams to have that chryo-something or other...that the suns have?

Its not just that, the Suns have access to some world-class strength training facilities and therapy centers that really play a big part in how they're able to successfully rehabilitate players. There's no reason however why teams like the Knicks and several others couldn't do the same.

04-13-2012, 08:58 PM
Would it be a waste of Phoenix' time if they picked up Oden and set to work with him?

I feel bad for Blazers fans, their medical staff sound stuck in their ways, unwilling to accept new techniques and ideas.

That depends on Oden, if he's got any interest in playing basketball ever again, it would be in his best interests to go out, hat in hand to the Suns organization, take the vet minimum and see what happens.

04-15-2012, 02:02 AM
This is a fascinating article. I'd love to have something like these tests run on me just to see what's happening. Stuff like this should be implemented into team staffs or tests ran each season, it just makes sense.

:facepalm at some of these responses.

Did nobody actually read the article? The writer, a qualified kinesiologist calls out the entire portland athletic staff (probably paid x3+ his own salary) for being grossly incompetent. And people are all drooling about a Roy comeback? The idolization of these players are ridiculous. Go worship your Gawd.

Portland's staff is clearly inept and we all know it. Don't act like that's news.

04-15-2012, 02:32 AM
Call me a skeptic. Of both sides.

Zig strikes me as an opportunist. Obviously, he brings a unique perspective that needs to be considered and his logic for his theory is sound. But he also strikes me as the kind of guy who won't consider other explanations. This works in his favor. He wants to sell his name. It's snake oil.

He strongly believes Roy can make a comeback and play for another 10 years? Unless Roy can grow back the meniscus in his knees, I don't think following Zig's advice will change a thing.

Not to say I trust the Portland medical staff either. For example, letting Oden add 30 lbs of muscle while rehabilitating from his injury was the most idiotic thing I can think of. Short term, it's not good to stress his knees with extra weight. Long term, it added strength that might've contributed to his second major knee injury (Houston game) where Oden's leg muscles were so strong, they snapped his knee in half. On top of that, the Blazers front office's past and present mistreatment and disregard to Zig only makes them look foolish in the process.

The Blazers front office is, however, correct that Portland has a world class medical staff. But that's like saying the Wizards are a world class basketball team when there are at least 28 world class teams better than them. Supposedly, Channing Frye spoke in awe about the Phoenix medical staff and said the Blazers staff was below average in comparison.

04-15-2012, 02:34 AM
He strongly believes Roy can make a comeback and play for another 10 years? Unless Roy can grow back the meniscus in his knees, I don't think following Zig's advice will change a thing.

I don't necessarily believe that either, but the motion tests and data regarding force on each leg, etc. is valid information that trainers should use.

04-15-2012, 03:10 AM
I didnt expect Blazers med. staff to be this bad, and I really liked Roy :(

What Roy/Oden needs is Suns treatment, pay to those medical magicians twice their fee if needed, such stars careers a worth tens (if not hundreds) of millions.

04-15-2012, 04:19 AM
too long to read............give us the reason why portland med staff is bad, and why the suns staff is so good..........according to this

04-15-2012, 04:24 AM
b.roy comeback for 2k13 lol...

Eric Cartman
04-15-2012, 04:37 AM
So basically he had a really f*cked up right leg & damaged his left leg trying to overcompensate. The difference in the length of the legs was a attributing factor. And when this guy told Portland medical staff that they should make him a custom lift shoe or whatever they just laughed it off as if he were coco for cocoa puffs.

Yung D-Will
04-15-2012, 10:25 AM
I remember something very similar to this treatment when Al Jefferson just got traded to the Jazz after he was still recovering from his Acl surgery. Apparently he was overcompensating on one leg and trainers put him through a lot of drills to help him distribute weight evenly.

01-17-2014, 12:19 AM
I really despise and hate their medical staff. Just look at Oden right now he's no longer feeling the soreness of his knees.