View Full Version : WOW D'Antoni is a horrible coach.

03-16-2012, 10:25 PM
I think these two nukes on the Blazers and Pacers prove that. Just a totally different team, they seem so much more comfortable with each other. D'Antoni was really weighing this team down and cost the Knicks a lot of games. Woodson does everything right that D'Antoni didn't and he's not even known as an Elite coach! I can't imagine what the Zen Master would do for this team.

D'Antoni was a selfish little asshole not wanting to adjust his "system" when he had players of this caliber. Nash made D'Antoni, ITS A FACT.

If Woodson was the coach from the beginning of the season Knicks would be AT LEAST top 6 in the East.

The Ownage
03-16-2012, 10:27 PM
Only two games

03-16-2012, 10:28 PM
Can we please stop overreacting? It was two games AT HOME, one of them isn't even an NBA team right now.

The 6 game losing streak was mostly on road against tough teams.

03-16-2012, 10:29 PM
The Blazers beat the Bulls tonight in Chicago, without Crash and Camby.

Coaching matters.

03-16-2012, 10:29 PM
Can we please stop overreacting? It was two games AT HOME, one of them isn't even an NBA team right now.

The 6 game losing streak was mostly on road against tough teams.


03-16-2012, 10:29 PM
after two games :roll: :roll: :roll:

03-16-2012, 10:30 PM
The Blazers beat the Bulls tonight in Chicago, without Crash and Camby.

Coaching matters.

No Rose or Hamilton, but yeah, what an amazing feat! :oldlol:

03-16-2012, 10:31 PM
No Rose or Hamilton, but yeah, what an amazing feat! :oldlol:

the Bulls minus that frontcourt beat the Heat

03-16-2012, 10:32 PM
No Rose or Hamilton, but yeah, what an amazing feat! :oldlol:

The Bulls just beat the Heat without Rose and Rip.

03-16-2012, 10:32 PM
Only two games

Next game: Only three games!

03-16-2012, 10:34 PM
Nets won 10 games in a row after they fired Byron Scott. How does Byron Scott still have a job?

03-16-2012, 10:34 PM
Just end the season tonight and hand the Knicks their championship trophy.

03-16-2012, 10:36 PM
The Bulls just beat the Heat without Rose and Rip.

Yeah because that's what would happen in a 7 game series. :facepalm

9 times out of 10 the Heat dismantle Chicago without Rose and/or Hamilton.

03-16-2012, 10:38 PM
Knicks probably would have won these two games with D'Antoni also, probably not with 30 point leads on both of them, but i see them come with the win also.

That doesn't change the fact that firing D'Antoni was a major step forward in the right direction.

03-16-2012, 10:41 PM
Yeah because that's what would happen in a 7 game series. :facepalm

9 times out of 10 the Heat dismantle Chicago without Rose and/or Hamilton.
9 times out of 10 the Heat dismantle Chicago WITH Rose and Hamilton...

03-16-2012, 10:41 PM
It's not just we won them. It's the way we won them.

We started both games strong and effort was there for the all 48 minutes.
You couldn't have seen that with D'Antoni as our coach.
Also our defense was better than ever.

03-16-2012, 10:43 PM
With MDA gone, I turned Christian.

03-16-2012, 10:51 PM
I know.

Mike Woodson is undefeated as a coach. That is unbelievable. Give him the coach of the year.

03-16-2012, 11:31 PM
Yeah but when the Knicks lose two games badly they get ripped on. Try to get some balance in, don't just hate on the team all the time.

03-16-2012, 11:46 PM
Dead coach bounce. (http://basketbawful.blogspot.com/2008/11/word-of-day-dead-coach-bounce.html)

03-16-2012, 11:50 PM
The defense they played tonight looked ELITE, I mean the Pacers could not even get shots off in most possessions in the first half, pretty amazing

03-17-2012, 12:26 AM
It's not just we won them. It's the way we won them.

We started both games strong and effort was there for the all 48 minutes.
You couldn't have seen that with D'Antoni as our coach.
Also our defense was better than ever.

Like he said, some players weren't buying into his playbook. Who you blame for that varies from person to person.

03-17-2012, 12:32 AM
Yeah but when the Knicks lose two games badly they get ripped on. Try to get some balance in, don't just hate on the team all the time.
When D'antoni had the team on winning streaks you weren't starting threads to show off your ball gargling ability (which is excellent btw, were you in a sorority?). Where's the balance?

The truth is Melo was intentionally dogging it and sabotaging D'antoni's schemes to get him canned. It's obvious now. :confusedshrug:

BTW, he only scored 12 points tonight. I guess D'antoni was really holding him back. :facepalm

03-17-2012, 02:08 AM
BTW, he only scored 12 points tonight. I guess D'antoni was really holding him back. :facepalm
To me, that's the most worrisome aspect of this new "streak". Carmelo is playing defense and hustling out his @ss, but he's scored less than 20 in the two games.

Seriously, how long can we expect this to continue? At time point, he's going to want to get way more touches and points.

And, since he eventually has problems with all authority figures, how long will it be before he's clashing behind the scenes with Woodson?

03-17-2012, 02:26 AM
It's not just we won them. It's the way we won them.

We started both games strong and effort was there for the all 48 minutes.
You couldn't have seen that with D'Antoni as our coach.
Also our defense was better than ever.
Some bitches don't play as hard as they should because they want their coaches out. When they do that, they start playing like they should.

I play professional basketball in argentina and let me tell you, some players are just mother****ers.

03-17-2012, 02:27 AM
Teams that fire their coach ALWAYS go on a little win streak. I'm telling you, it NEVER fails. The brief burst of energy and enthusiasm will wear off and the Knicks will suck again.

03-17-2012, 02:31 AM
And Knick fans wonder why our owners are so trigger-happy.

D'Antoni had to go and maybe Woodson is a good choice for this team. Whatever. Doesn't change the fact that people are just complaining to complain.

03-17-2012, 02:32 AM
mike is not a horrible coach, but he lost the team, and it became a strained relationship. i have supported him, but sometimes around the loss to the spurs it became evident this is not the team for him. he wants to play his system, and he's not good at handling rotations. that's bad for our team because melo don't fit the system (and neither does amar'e if he's not playing center with a "stretch" four or two small forwards) and one of our biggest strengths is our depth.

his system is great when it clicks, but he is a little too much of a slave to it. sticking amar'e and melo on the wings was never a good idea. give him a team with a good pick and roll point guard and an athletic big man with shooters/hustle players and you will see great things.

03-17-2012, 04:12 AM
whaa-- whhhaaatt ha-happened?

03-17-2012, 05:28 AM
Again. The problem is Carmelo. Had he played with a team conscious (work hard on D, share the ball, etc.), the team would easily be just as good with D'antonio as proof by the Lin win streak.

This is without a shadow of doubt proof Carmelo is a cancer and needs to be a non-factor for the Knicks to be legit.

03-17-2012, 05:44 AM
It's woodsanity

03-17-2012, 05:49 AM
Like he said, some players weren't buying into his playbook. Who you blame for that varies from person to person.
You can't buy in into something that he doesn't preach.
There's a reason why every D'Antoni's team played poor defense.

03-17-2012, 06:01 AM
Can we please stop overreacting? It was two games AT HOME, one of them isn't even an NBA team right now.

The 6 game losing streak was mostly on road against tough teams.

03-17-2012, 06:41 AM
lol at post 4, 7, 8, 9...

03-17-2012, 06:51 AM
It's woodsanity

That made me laugh :)

03-17-2012, 06:55 AM
It's not just we won them. It's the way we won them.

We started both games strong and effort was there for the all 48 minutes.
You couldn't have seen that with D'Antoni as our coach.
Also our defense was better than ever.

Because player(s) conspired to play worse. Get a clue.

03-17-2012, 07:05 AM
You can't buy in into something that he doesn't preach.
There's a reason why every D'Antoni's team played poor defense.

He's had average defensive teams before.

Plus Woodson was supposed to be in charge of the defense this year no? Even so, Melo has been a terrible defender for 9 years, way way before D'Antoni.

To me everything starts with players giving 100%, some clearly weren't. I don't care if Hitler was your coach, if you're being paid some 20million dollars you better bring the effort. Then if stuff doesn't work at 100% you should look for something else.

People here like to blame coaches for players not giving the effort, but in this case it was only 1 or 2 players who where dogging it. Some of these guys are so fking selfish it's unbelievable, I hope Melo never wins a championship, he doesn't deserve it.

On most good teams the coach has some power so they can hold players accountable. Mike got stuck in a very bad situation when Dolan overruled Walsh and traded for Melo, a player Mike didn't want in the first place.
What was he supposed to do? Bench him and chew him out? That would have sit really well with Dolan.
Mike did the right thing, he asked that they try and trade him, Dolan said no and Mike said fkuck it.

Eric Cartman
03-17-2012, 07:07 AM
Lawrence Frank effect. Get a clue losers.

03-17-2012, 07:28 AM
Can we please stop overreacting? It was two games AT HOME, one of them isn't even an NBA team right now.

The 6 game losing streak was mostly on road against tough teams.

Yeah that Blazer team just took down Chicago. :oldlol:

03-17-2012, 07:40 AM
Yeah that Blazer team just took down Chicago. :oldlol:

different players different coach + rose didn't play

03-17-2012, 07:47 AM
Last year's team before Melo trade was giving even less effort.
Players also conspired against D'Antoni back then ?

03-17-2012, 07:55 AM
Last year's team before Melo trade was giving even less effort.
Players also conspired against D'Antoni back then ?

Oh yeah, who do you think where deliberatly dogging it then?

And make sure you don't confuse level of talent with level of effort.

There's also a huge difference between a player like Melo dogging it vs a guy like Nate Robinson or whatever.

03-17-2012, 08:17 AM
Teams always play above their head after they fire the coach. Then they come back down to earth and start sucking again.


03-17-2012, 08:31 AM
different players different coach + rose didn't play

The BUlls without Rose have (had ?) a better win % than with Rose on the team.

03-17-2012, 08:32 AM
i dont think it means we are some super team but it does clearly show that it was more than one person tired of the D'Antoni scheme. Personally i think the pace made it hard to play defense if you are running like a psycho on offense.

03-17-2012, 08:45 AM
Well Antoni really is a bad coach.
In PHX he never tried to develop a bench,the Suns were always 7-8 man deep,he called time outs too late and well Nash was the one who controled the whole Suns' game.
In NY it just didn't work out because they never had a playmaker of Nash's caliber

03-17-2012, 09:30 AM
Oh yeah, who do you think where deliberatly dogging it then?

And make sure you don't confuse level of talent with level of effort.

There's also a huge difference between a player like Melo dogging it vs a guy like Nate Robinson or whatever.
No one was deliberatly dogging it. D'Antoni sucks,that's the point.
He goes as far as his point guard takes him.
When Duhon,Felton and Lin had a nice stretch they were winning games.When they got cold (to their normal level of play) the Knicks were a sub .500 team.

D'Antoni should send 50% of his paycheck to Steve Nash,he's the one who made a "coach" out of him.

03-17-2012, 09:33 AM
No one was deliberatly dogging it. D'Antoni sucks,that's the point.
He goes as far as his point guard takes him.
When Duhon,Felton and Lin had a nice stretch they were winning games.When they got cold (to their normal level of play) the Knicks were a sub .500 team.

D'Antoni should send 50% of his paycheck to Steve Nash,he's the one who made a "coach" out of him.

Melo was deliberatly dogging it, that's the point. If anything is clear from watching these last two games that is it.

03-17-2012, 09:35 AM
Melo was deliberatly dogging it, that's the point. If anything is clear from watching these last two games that is it.
It doesn't even matter.
10-11 Knicks were giving even less effort and there was no Melo and no Nate to make things tougher for D'Antoni.

D'Antoni's teams don't play hard. They give effort once in every 5 games.

And it's not just about effort. He doesn't call timeouts when he needs to,he has no set plays and always gets outcoached.

03-17-2012, 09:37 AM
So... Where's that guy that didn't believe in me when i talked about D'Antoni Stans...

He's had average defensive teams before.

Plus Woodson was supposed to be in charge of the defense this year no?, way way before D'Antoni.

To me everything starts with players giving 100%, some clearly weren't. I don't care if Hitler was your coach, if you're being paid some 20million dollars you better bring the effort. Then if stuff doesn't work at 100% you should look for something else.

People here like to blame coaches for players not giving the effort, but in this case it was only 1 or 2 players who where dogging it. Some of these guys are so fking selfish it's unbelievable, I hope Melo never wins a championship, he doesn't deserve it.

On most good teams the coach has some power so they can hold players accountable.Mike got stuck in a very bad situation when Dolan overruled Walsh and traded for Melo, a player Mike didn't want in the first place.
What was he supposed to do? Bench him and chew him out? That would have sit really well with Dolan.
Mike did the right thing, he asked that they try and trade him, Dolan said no and Mike said fkuck it.
1. Yes Melo has been a terrible defender for 9 years, you're no retarded for saying so.
2. Yes he doesn't deserve to win because it's not D'Antoni that is a joke of a coach, it's all Melo fault
3. Yes, on most teams the coach have some power, not in the Knicks with D'Antoni, poor guy, because LOOKING AT AMARE PLAYING DEFENSE YOU CAN REALLY SEE HOW D'ANTONI HOLDS HIS PLAYERS ACCOUNTABLE.
4. Yes, Walsh was overruled, because he is that kind of guy, instead of bolting and saying, i have nothing to do with this, he stayed like a overruled bitch and was there presenting Melo with a smile on his face. IT

03-17-2012, 09:39 AM
Melo was deliberatly dogging it, that's the point. If anything is clear from watching these last two games that is it.
I see more effort in all players. But i guess it was only Melo dogging it


03-17-2012, 10:28 AM
It doesn't even matter.
10-11 Knicks were giving even less effort and there was no Melo and no Nate to make things tougher for D'Antoni.

D'Antoni's teams don't play hard. They give effort once in every 5 games.

And it's not just about effort. He doesn't call timeouts when he needs to,he has no set plays and always gets outcoached.

Nah man there was definitely more effort from last years team than there was during the last two losoing streaks with Melo, you're just making stuff up. I responded to this in an earlier post.

03-17-2012, 10:47 AM
So... Where's that guy that didn't believe in me when i talked about D'Antoni Stans...

1. Yes Melo has been a terrible defender for 9 years, you're no retarded for saying so.
2. Yes he doesn't deserve to win because it's not D'Antoni that is a joke of a coach, it's all Melo fault
3. Yes, on most teams the coach have some power, not in the Knicks with D'Antoni, poor guy, because LOOKING AT AMARE PLAYING DEFENSE YOU CAN REALLY SEE HOW D'ANTONI HOLDS HIS PLAYERS ACCOUNTABLE.
4. Yes, Walsh was overruled, because he is that kind of guy, instead of bolting and saying, i have nothing to do with this, he stayed like a overruled bitch and was there presenting Melo with a smile on his face. IT’s all MElo and Dolan fault.
5. Yes, D'Antoni didn't wanted Melo, that's what great coaches do, they reject some of the best talent available on the league. And you clearly missed the link that i posted 10 times already, from april 2011, after an almost Melo triple-double, where D'Antoni publicly salivates about the things he can do with Melo, like running the offense through him and stuff.
6. Pretty sure D’Antoni didn’t wanted Chandler also, Knicks would be playing Amare at center still, if it was him… Damn you Knicks FO!! It’s Melo, Dolan And Glen fault.
7. Yes Mike did the right thing, finally the Knicks have some future.
8. And Mike? Do you know him in real life? Or it's just a habit from all your Mike D'Antoni fantasies where you end up sucking his c0ck?

2. He doesn't deserve to win because he's got a me first attitude, he's a bitch.

3. What? So George Karl doesn't have any say in Denver because melo was a bad defender there?

4. Walsh was overruled because Dolan is that kind of owner.

5. D'Antoni had to try and run it through melo now that Dolan gave him a fat small forward who doesn't defend instead of a player that fit D'Antoni's offense. Top talent in the league? the guy hasn't played defense for a decade, top talent plays defense.

6. D'Antoni was playing both Mozgov and Turiaf as starters last year because he wanted a center in there next to Amare.

8. You sound very stupid and immature. I write Mike instead of D'Antoni because the apostrophe is in a uncomfortable space on my keyboard.

You got this whole insecurity thing going with the "yeah it's all melo's fault", it's not all Melo's fault, I never said it was. And by no means is D'Antoni a perfect coach. But like I said: Melo's effort is and will always be on him, and his effort is half ass, just like his NBA career is half ass, at least if you consider him a top tier player. The whole fact that he's all pudgy and out of shape should tell you alot about him as a pro athlete.

03-17-2012, 10:50 AM

it's clearly not exclusively dantoni's fault or melo's fault

just an issue of the pieces not fitting. Melo had problems with george karl too so it's not like he's an extremely easy to coach player, despite his proclaims to the contrary.

Melo's still got to show more, he's still not playing like the "superstar" that he was suppose to be. the fact ppl are giving him credit for playing with energy just shows how low we set the bar for this guy

Real Men Wear Green
03-17-2012, 10:59 AM
It took 5 games for Lin to be an elite pg. Why can't Woodson be a great coach in 2?

03-17-2012, 11:01 AM
Nah man there was definitely more effort from last years team than there was during the last two losoing streaks with Melo, you're just making stuff up. I responded to this in an earlier post.
No,I'm not. I watched every Knicks game last season and I perfectly know what I'm talking about.
Teams were scoring well above 100 on us on regular basis. They weren't so bad defensively but they weren't even trying most of the night.

You're the one making stuff up to protect D'Antoni who is a bad coach.

Get over it man. HE SUCKS

There's a reason why Steve Kerr wanted him to hire a defensive assistant.

03-17-2012, 11:12 AM
No,I'm not. I watched every Knicks game last season and I perfectly know what I'm talking about.
Teams were scoring well above 100 on us on regular basis. They weren't so bad defensively but they weren't even trying most of the night.

You're the one making stuff up to protect D'Antoni who is a bad coach.

Get over it man. HE SUCKS

Like I said in the other post, don't confuse lack of talent with lack of effort.

03-17-2012, 11:18 AM
It took 5 games for Lin to be an elite pg. Why can't Woodson be a great coach in 2?
I'm wondering that as well.

03-17-2012, 11:18 AM
Like I said in the other post, don't confuse lack of talent with lack of effort.
In some games they were just standing around and allowing Bucks or teams like that to score 120 points at MSG while against elite opponents they actually played solid defense.

It's called EFFORT.

To be an elite defensive team you need talent.
But solely effort is enough to avoid being a poor defensive team which Knicks often were under D'Antoni.

When you see players standing around it's not because they are not talented,it's because they don't try.
And this thing goes long way before Melo came here.

Now when D'Antoni is gone the Knicks might have a future.

longtime lurker
03-17-2012, 11:34 AM
D'Antoni isn't a horrible coach, but his problem is that he's never willing to adjust to his personnel. D'Antoni would rather lose playing his way than win adjusting to his precious system. He lost the team and it's no coincidence the Knicks are winning, especially how they're winning now that the tension is gone from the locker room

03-17-2012, 11:38 AM
mike is not a horrible coach, but he lost the team, and it became a strained relationship. i have supported him, but sometimes around the loss to the spurs it became evident this is not the team for him. he wants to play his system, and he's not good at handling rotations. that's bad for our team because melo don't fit the system (and neither does amar'e if he's not playing center with a "stretch" four or two small forwards) and one of our biggest strengths is our depth.

his system is great when it clicks, but he is a little too much of a slave to it. sticking amar'e and melo on the wings was never a good idea. give him a team with a good pick and roll point guard and an athletic big man with shooters/hustle players and you will see great things.

Exactly :applause:

03-17-2012, 11:57 AM
D'Antoni isn't a horrible coach, but his problem is that he's never willing to adjust to his personnel. D'Antoni would rather lose playing his way than win adjusting to his precious system. He lost the team and it's no coincidence the Knicks are winning, especially how they're winning now that the tension is gone from the locker room


03-17-2012, 02:05 PM
2. He doesn't deserve to win because he's got a me first attitude, he's a bitch.

Talking about Melo or Mike? I'm lost here. Seeing how Mike put proving his "system" could win above everything, i guess u are talking about him.

3. What? So George Karl doesn't have any say in Denver because melo was a bad defender there?
No one can seriously and without bias, compare Melo and Amare defensively... seriously.

4. Walsh was overruled because Dolan is that kind of owner.

No he wasn't.

5. D'Antoni had to try and run it through melo now that Dolan gave him a fat small forward who doesn't defend instead of a player that fit D'Antoni's offense. Top talent in the league? the guy hasn't played defense for a decade, top talent plays defense.
I'm sorry but the concept of Mike not having a choice running the offense through Melo because Melo at SF would've been even worse, it's so idiotic. And since when does D'Antoni care about defense?
But yeah poor D'Antoni Melo+Amare+Chandler, plus one of deepest rotations on the league, not enough.

6. D'Antoni was playing both Mozgov and Turiaf as starters last year because he wanted a center in there next to Amare.
Lies, Lies... Turiaf 21 GS, 17mpg, Mozgov 14 GS, 13mpg. Seriously Who are you? Mozgov spent most of the season buried in the bench, even after the 23\14 Detroit game.

8. You sound very stupid and immature. I write Mike instead of D'Antoni because the apostrophe is in a uncomfortable space on my keyboard.

You got this whole insecurity thing going with the "yeah it's all melo's fault", it's not all Melo's fault, I never said it was. And by no means is D'Antoni a perfect coach.

It's no insecurity it's called having fun.

But like I said: Melo's effort is and will always be on him, and his effort is half ass, just like his NBA career is half ass, at least if you consider him a top tier player. The whole fact that he's all pudgy and out of shape should tell you alot about him as a pro athlete.

I've seen the game yesterday and i've seen nothing wrong with how he looks.. i don't think you understand what's the goal of game, you probably don't understand how Corey Magette isn't the MVP every year, guy is so ripped.

Yep more muscle did wonders to Amare.

03-17-2012, 02:15 PM
D'Antoni isn't a horrible coach, but his problem is that he's never willing to adjust to his personnel. D'Antoni would rather lose playing his way than win adjusting to his precious system. He lost the team and it's no coincidence the Knicks are winning, especially how they're winning now that the tension is gone from the locker room
He definitely is a gimmick coach and was severely exposed as such when Knicks stopped running. Knicks offense was absolutely atrocious since. I cringe every time i hear people talking about D

03-17-2012, 02:25 PM
No one can seriously and without bias, compare Melo and Amare defensively... seriously.
They both suck. One of them has somehow duped some of his fans into thinking otherwise.

No he wasn't.
That's about as obvious as anything that's happened with the Knicks since Dolan went into hiding however many years ago. Don't be an idiot, it represents Knicks fans poorly. Walsh and D'antoni didn't want Melo (at least not at the price they paid) and they were overruled. By the way, considering the team went from over .500 to under it since that trade, I'd say the lesson learned is that it's important to listen to people who know basketball. People who aren't Isiah Thomas.

I'm sorry but the concept of Mike not having a choice running the offense through Melo because Melo at SF would've been even worse, it's so idiotic.
He had to run the offense through Melo because, until Jeremy Lin showed up, none of the point guards on the roster were fit for this league. Toney Douglas couldn't even bring the ball up court and get it into Amar'e or Melo's hands.

And since when does D'Antoni care about defense?
Well, since the team played good D in February, I'd say the coaching is there. With Amar'e and Carmelo, the execution wasn't. But so far they're trying hard for Woodson, so we're back to the, "he was dogging it" conclusion.

But yeah poor D'Antoni Melo+Amare+Chandler, plus one of deepest rotations on the league, not enough.
Three guys who have almost the same game, with varying levels of efficacy. Chandler doesn't have a post up game, neither does Amar'e. Melo does, but he's the small forward, and with all three of them going at the rim, it's a logjam. It's all midrange, turn-and-face, run-and-catch. You can see Woodson is having similar problems integrating them all, as evidenced by the scoring distribution.

Lies, Lies... Turiaf 21 GS, 17mpg, Mozgov 14 GS, 13mpg. Seriously Who are you? Mozgov spent most of the season buried in the bench, even after the 23\14 Detroit game.
Turiaf was never healthy, he played whenever he was. Mozgov started off the season as the starter until it was evident that he wasn't ready to help them win games. People say D'antoni doesn't make adjustments, well that's one adjustment that led to a prolonged winning streak. Mozgov got decent playing time after he came back in the Detroit game and showed improvement. Now he's starting for Denver. Posts like this make me think you didn't watch many games last year.

I like this new smiley.

I've seen the game yesterday and i've seen nothing wrong with how he looks.. i don't think you understand what's the goal of game, you probably don't understand how Corey Magette isn't the MVP every year, guy is so ripped.
You know he shot 33% yesterday, right? Right around 40% on the year. How about all the layups he's been blowing this year? The guy has clearly lost a step; hopefully it's temporary.

03-17-2012, 02:46 PM
the "d'antoni system" with these knicks was two plays (apart from isos):

- high pick'n'roll
- "the novak"


longtime lurker
03-17-2012, 04:01 PM
It's amazing how much rope people give D'Antoni considering that guy has done absolutely nothing in his tenure as the Knicks coach. Melo and Amare definitely have their faults, but there's no reason a team with this much talent should be struggling to make the playoffs.

03-17-2012, 04:38 PM
2 games at home are nothing to go nuts about. How about we get over .500 first before we celebrate a "new era" :banghead:

03-17-2012, 04:42 PM
2 games at home are nothing to go nuts about. How about we get over .500 first before we celebrate a "new era" :banghead:
There's a long way to go to get to .500

03-17-2012, 04:43 PM
teams often come together and play well after a coaching change or when the roster gets gutted. lets see if the knicks and blazers are still winning big games in 3 weeks from now when the dust has settled.

03-17-2012, 04:46 PM
I think these two nukes on the Blazers and Pacers prove that. Just a totally different team, they seem so much more comfortable with each other. D'Antoni was really weighing this team down and cost the Knicks a lot of games. Woodson does everything right that D'Antoni didn't and he's not even known as an Elite coach! I can't imagine what the Zen Master would do for this team.

D'Antoni was a selfish little asshole not wanting to adjust his "system" when he had players of this caliber. Nash made D'Antoni, ITS A FACT.

If Woodson was the coach from the beginning of the season Knicks would be AT LEAST top 6 in the East.
I agree 100% with this assessment. He's a product of one of the players he was lucky enough to have on his team. Players make coaches in a few cases and this is one of them. D'Antoni and his bizarre system can't win championships even with a player like Nash. Jeremy Lin will never be Nash. D'Antoni is a dumbass and nobody should hire him, although his system might work well with the Clippers. Players have to know when to go along with his system and say "**** the system." He's not a positive coach at all though and gives to much shit to his players. I don't like the guy. Maybe he'll find a job as an assistant coach, but who will hire his uppity ass?

03-17-2012, 04:49 PM
Most of you posters have absolutely NO CLUE about basketball.

The mere fact of a coaching change is bringing this fire. It has nothing to do with Mike Woodson or the fact that D'antoni is gone.

They are doing the same thing with D'antoni's system with some new sets mixed in.

03-17-2012, 05:06 PM
Real life. Listen up you people that have no clue.


D'antoni adjusted to melo with isolation plays, but they were 8-15. Lin came in and brought dantoni's system and they were rolling. You know how Lin, dantoni, and the other players were mentioning how everybody is "buying into the system?" Melo came back and he never bought into the system. His effort wasn't there on the defensive end and when your star doesn't buy in or give full effort, it effects everybody. Dantoni wasn't going to give into melo, so he quit.

Melo never liked dantoni and wanted him gone.

Now that dantoni is gone, the Knicks are looking more together. You have to wait for the high to wear down and let them lose some games to get back to reality and see where they settle to.

03-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Most of you posters have absolutely NO CLUE about basketball.

The mere fact of a coaching change is bringing this fire. It has nothing to do with Mike Woodson or the fact that D'antoni is gone.

They are doing the same thing with D'antoni's system with some new sets mixed in.
It doesn't change his character. Anyway, I haven't seen the last Knicks game. I was commenting on D'Antoni's coaching ability. :kobe:

03-17-2012, 05:19 PM
Real life. Listen up you people that have no clue.


D'antoni adjusted to melo with isolation plays, but they were 8-15. Lin came in and brought dantoni's system and they were rolling. You know how Lin, dantoni, and the other players were mentioning how everybody is "buying into the system?" Melo came back and he never bought into the system. His effort wasn't there on the defensive end and when your star doesn't buy in or give full effort, it effects everybody. Dantoni wasn't going to give into melo, so he quit.

Melo never liked dantoni and wanted him gone.

Now that dantoni is gone, the Knicks are looking more together. You have to wait for the high to wear down and let them lose some games to get back to reality and see where they settle to.

yeah that part is bullshit. Melo gave some effort on defense, and it's not like D'Antoni's system requires people's effort on defense. Melo just went through a horrible shooting stretch where they were using him a spot-up shooter.

03-17-2012, 06:21 PM
yeah that part is bullshit. Melo gave some effort on defense, and it's not like D'Antoni's system requires people's effort on defense. Melo just went through a horrible shooting stretch where they were using him a spot-up shooter.

did you even watch the Knicks games? how many times did melo spot up and shoot from pnr? he was posting up while lin was calling for screens and thinking wtf is melo doing.

btw, where did you read dantoni's system doesn't require defense? i can tell you read that from some clueless writer because woodson has been in charge of defense this year and they are ranked top half of league in defense.

03-17-2012, 06:44 PM
I have to give on thing to D'Antoni, the level of homerism he commands is on par with Lebron and Kobe... it's kinda hard to believe but it's pure reality.

The idea that Walsh was being overruled is in itself, idiotic, but now, not only was he overruled, Walsh never wanted Melo!! :lol

I can't care less. There are a lot of people talking to [Dolan]. I couldn't care less

Guess who said that.

"Now you've got two guys that can take over a game, and one of them took it over last night," team president Donnie Walsh said. "In the past, if Amare had fouled out, we could've won the game, but not in that fashion."

Walsh with a overruled bitch smile talking about Melo.