View Full Version : Amare the cancer? Why do knicks lose (or almost lose) to crappiest teams in league?

02-18-2012, 06:27 AM
Why do they almost lose to raptors..and lose the the hornets with AMARE back in lineup?

Must be his terrible defense..?

02-18-2012, 06:30 AM
that last minute where amare hedged too far out and left his man compeltely wide open towards the basket:facepalm

prior that, Lin had a steal and scored. it was a 2 pt game. He could have won that game if Amare had any iq

02-18-2012, 06:33 AM
His defense is extremely bad.

We could somehow get over it if he was scoring 30 points a game or something close but he sucks at offense too this season.
Not exactly "sucks" but playing well below standard for him.

Trade his ass,not Melo's.
He's a much bigger defensive liability and he's the one who's regressing out of those two.
Last season he at least blocked some shots. Look at him now. 0.8 blocks per game.

02-18-2012, 06:41 AM
there were a couple of plays where he fukked up defensively.
the knicks looked better with jeffries!!!
but to be honest, new york would have won if chandler could hit free throws and somebody could hit an open three.

A globe-trotter
02-18-2012, 06:44 AM
He plays absolutely no defense.

02-18-2012, 06:45 AM
Amare just sucks this season on both ends.

02-18-2012, 06:45 AM
let's not forget shump's three brainfart turnovers and "and1"-foul.

02-18-2012, 06:47 AM
I don't think you can blame this loss on Amar'e... What about Lin's 9 turnovers? Also Amar'e is not the only one on the team who struggles on defense.

A globe-trotter
02-18-2012, 07:05 AM
I don't think you can blame this loss on Amar'e... What about Lin's 9 turnovers? Also Amar'e is not the only one on the team who struggles on defense.

It was just an overall bad game for the knicks.

02-18-2012, 07:08 AM
Amare just sucks this season on both ends.
he's a great offensive player.

02-18-2012, 07:13 AM
Knicks fans talking like they did not know Amare was a disastrous defender from the get go. Let's face it, you Knicks fans are the worst type of fans in the NBA and deserve this mediocre team you got.

02-18-2012, 07:18 AM
Knicks fans talking like they did not know Amare was a disastrous defender from the get go. Let's face it, you Knicks fans are the worst type of fans in the NBA and deserve this mediocre team you got.
man, that really hurt.:violin:

02-18-2012, 07:23 AM
Surely everyone knows by now what to expect from STAT.
Yeah he's gonna screw up on D but he's also a game changer on offence.
Been that way his entire career, why would it change now?

I know everyone has rose-coloured glass on when it comes to Lin right now and don't get me wrong, I like the kid too. However he's not ready to be a PG(note PG, not player) in the NBA. His playmaking abilities are sorely lacking as a whole.
Great scorer, would be a nasty small SG, PG? Not yet.

02-18-2012, 07:41 AM
he is too busy getting shit tattoos

02-18-2012, 07:49 AM
I don't think you can blame this loss on Amar'e... What about Lin's 9 turnovers? Also Amar'e is not the only one on the team who struggles on defense.
No one is blaming this loss solely on Amare.

Whole team played horrible and somehow we only lost by a few points.

Lin was turning the ball over too much,Shumpert made a bunch of stupid decisions,Novak was missing wide open threes,Fields was horrible,Walker couldn't have hit an ocean.

Basically the whole team except Tyson and Jeffries played as bad as they possibly can.

Amare wasn't bad on offense but his defense cost us the game. But so did Lin's 9 turnovers,Novak's missed threes,Shumperts bonehead decisions...

All Net
02-18-2012, 07:50 AM
He has struggled this season, he was fine until Melo got there (averaging 25 points per game)...read into that what you will.

02-18-2012, 07:52 AM
He has struggled this season, he was fine until Melo got there (averaging 25 points per game)...read into that what you will.
He hasn't played anything better without Melo.

He just sucks this season. Period.

02-18-2012, 07:59 AM
Hrrrrm nope. Stoudemire scored 26 points on 50%+ FG, 12 Rebound 5 of which were Orebound. And 1 Stl.

Stat was the best player in the team. Bar none. Blame Lin for the TO and Fields for breaking so many shot 1/8 FG for **** sake. Chandler shot 50% from FT too. Costed the game.

Stoudemire is the ONLY player who had a good game.

02-18-2012, 08:07 AM
Hrrrrm nope. Stoudemire scored 26 points on 50%+ FG, 12 Rebound 5 of which were Orebound. And 1 Stl.

Stat was the best player in the team. Bar none. Blame Lin for the TO and Fields for breaking so many shot 1/8 FG for **** sake. Chandler shot 50% from FT too. Costed the game.

Stoudemire is the ONLY player who had a good game.
He had a good game offensively but he almost gave up all the points he scored on the defensive end

And for those who say Melo is the problem:


17.8 points , 7.6 rebounds , 44% shooting


18.5 points , 8.4 rebounds , 45% shooting

Can we end this nonsense ?

02-18-2012, 08:22 AM
Untrue. He played Defense as shown by his number of rebounds. Let's stick to facts and not be blinded by past deeds.

02-18-2012, 08:28 AM
Untrue. He played Defense as shown by his number of rebounds. Let's stick to facts and not be blinded by past deeds.
eh. lost his man on two key possessions.
he had a good game overall.

02-18-2012, 08:30 AM
So ? Still not his fault if they lost the game. He is the least to blame here.

02-18-2012, 08:33 AM
Untrue. He played Defense as shown by his number of rebounds. Let's stick to facts and not be blinded by past deeds.
Because defense and rebounding are the same thing :facepalm

Watch the phucking game

02-18-2012, 08:35 AM
he's a great offensive player.
not this season

02-18-2012, 08:36 AM
Because defense and rebounding are the same thing :facepalm

Watch the phucking game

Err yes catching defensive rebound is part of D. What sport were you watching until now ?

02-18-2012, 08:38 AM
Err yes catching defensive rebound is part of D. What sport were you watching until now ?
barely, is kevin love a great defender now?

02-18-2012, 08:39 AM
>Stopping the other team from getting second chance points
>Barely part of D

That's just wrong. Amare is the least to blame for the loss. He had aa good game be it in Offense or in Defense. You guys just want to blame him because he had a meh season.

02-18-2012, 08:41 AM
not this season

18.4 points on 45% shooting isn't that great for a power forward who plays 34 minutes,especially if you know that he averaged 25.3 points on 50% shooting a year before.

List of power forwards who average more points than him this season: Love,Bargnani,Aldridge,Griffin,Lee,Nowitzki and Bosh (most of them on much better percentage).

He isn't hurt so he doesn't really have an excuse for his poor play.

>Stopping the other team from getting second chance points
>Barely part of D

That's just wrong. Amare is the least to blame for the loss. He had aa good game be it in Offense or in Defense. You guys just want to blame him because he had a meh season.
I said earlier that I don't blame this loss solely on Amare because whole team played badly.

But we can't tolerate his shitty play much more.
He needs to step up on both ends of the floor.

02-18-2012, 08:42 AM
Not only he had no PG to work with during the season explaining his numbers, he didn't play bad this match. You guys really are trying to pin the blame on him. Hilarious.

02-18-2012, 08:43 AM
Why do they almost lose to raptors..and lose the the hornets with AMARE back in lineup?

Must be his terrible defense..?
What happened to the Kings game?

Idiots will be idiots.

02-18-2012, 08:45 AM
Oh Clutch please you really are stupid if you believe you can pin any amount of bad play on Stoudemire for this game. He's been averaging 24 points on 50+% FG by the way since his return. But hey let's say he plays shitty so we don't have to actually think about what made the Knicks lose.

Hint: It's not Stoudemire.

02-18-2012, 08:48 AM
Not only he had no PG to work with during the season explaining his numbers, he didn't play bad this match. You guys really are trying to pin the blame on him. Hilarious.
He had a good game offensively but his defense is what bothers me the most.

If he's going to play such a bad defense then he should score 25 points on 50% shooting.

If he's going to average 18 points on 45% shooting then he should start playing some damn defense because his offense just isn't enough to forget all the bad things he does on defense.

Even before we complained about his horrible defense but we gave him a pass because he was playing out of his mind on offense.
Now that he isn't dominant on offense as before he's not getting a free pass and deservingly so.

If he's going to continue to play like this I want him gone,especially because he has a really bad contract in case he regresses badly.

02-18-2012, 08:54 AM
If he's going to average 18 points on 45% shooting then he should start playing some damn defense because his offense just isn't enough to forget all the bad things he does on defense.

Even before we complained about his horrible defense but we gave him a pass because he was playing out of his mind on offense.
Now that he isn't dominant on offense as before he's not getting a free pass and deservingly so.

If he's going to continue to play like this I want him gone,especially because he has a really bad contract in case he regresses badly.

Oh so you're just babbling about something that didn't happen. All of that didn't happen for Stoudemire. Just so you know he actually got the score you want him to. So what's your beef ? Why are you acting like he caused the team to lose this game ?

Hint: he didn't.

02-18-2012, 08:56 AM
maybe this overrated cancer needs another visit to israel

02-18-2012, 09:03 AM
Amare wasn't the problem last night. It was just LIN by himself decided he wanted to lose so he gave the game away by having a record-setting turnover night.

longtime lurker
02-18-2012, 09:04 AM
I agree rebuild the team around Lin, Fields and Jared Jefferies :rockon:

02-18-2012, 09:08 AM
the other night in toronto when he just let barbosa drive right past him angered the dragon

02-18-2012, 09:12 AM
Oh so you're just babbling about something that didn't happen. All of that didn't happen for Stoudemire. Just so you know he actually got the score you want him to. So what's your beef ? Why are you acting like he caused the team to lose this game ?

Hint: he didn't.
Hint: I already said the team as whole played poorly and I'm blaming this loss on each one of them.

If you're a slow and skinny 6'8 white guy I can understand that you can't play defense.

But if you're a 6'11 beast (as he likes to call himself) and one of the most athletic power forwards to ever play the game of basketball and you still play such a horrible defense there are only 2 explanations:
a) He doesn't try
b) He's retarded

Pick your answer.

02-18-2012, 09:12 AM
Yeah let's rebuild around the same field who shot 0,125 last night. Dat team.


Only thing is that he didn't play terrible D. The 13 rebounds are enough proof of that. And Stoudemire didn't play poorly. So in the end you are whining about something that did NOT happen during the match.

02-18-2012, 09:14 AM
novak missed a bunch of wide open 3s, ariza converted his

02-18-2012, 09:16 AM
Yeah let's rebuild around the same field who shot 0,125 last night. Dat team.


Only thing is that he didn't play terrible D. The 13 rebounds are enough proof of that. And Stoudemire didn't play poorly. So in the end you are whining about something that did NOT happen during the match.
You need to get glasses.

And apparently Kevin Love is the GOAT defender by your standards.

02-18-2012, 09:17 AM
novak missed a bunch of wide open 3s, ariza converted his
It was unusual to see Novak missing all those wide open looks,especially after he hit 2 in a row at the start.

02-18-2012, 09:18 AM
There is a world between terrible D, okay D, good D, really good D, GOAT D. Maybe you just can't into nuance but don't blame Stoudemire. Especially on this match.

02-18-2012, 09:20 AM
There is a world between terrible D, okay D, good D, really good D, GOAT D. Maybe you just can't into nuance but don't blame Stoudemire. Especially on this match.
Can you answer my question ?

If a 6'11 athletic beast plays such a bad defense is that because he's not trying or because he's retarded ?

02-18-2012, 09:22 AM
I answered you "Stoudemire didn't play bad defense (you said terrible by the way) this match".

02-18-2012, 09:25 AM
I answered you "Stoudemire didn't play bad defense (you said terrible by the way) this match".
Even if he didn't play terrible this game he plays terrible defense overall.

So answer my question please.

If you think Amare is a solid defender then I should shut up all Melo haters because he's the GOAT defender.

02-18-2012, 09:33 AM
Clutch: 1
Punpun: 0

next thread please

02-18-2012, 09:52 AM
It's like a Boozer/Gibson situation. We need Amare's offense and Jeffries defense.

If only we could combine those two qualities into one player..........hmmmmmmmm...............evil laughter..............EVIL LAUGHTER.............EVIL LAUGHTER..................

Maybe not.:ohwell:

02-18-2012, 10:12 AM
It's like a Boozer/Gibson situation. We need Amare's offense and Jeffries defense.

If only we could combine those two qualities into one player..........hmmmmmmmm...............evil laughter..............EVIL LAUGHTER.............EVIL LAUGHTER..................

Maybe not.:ohwell:

Imagine Amare with Tyson's defense :eek:

02-18-2012, 10:23 AM
amare's d > jeffries o
but it's close.

02-18-2012, 10:27 AM
yes Lin had 9 turnovers...but the loss to the crappy hornets...and the near loss to the crappy raptors WITH AMARE in the lineup..

Seriously, I do not think Amare is good for ANY team. I mean, his offense isn't even that good...it never was. He's pretty much a 2 dimensional player, gets lots of empty stats and plays next to no defense.

I think that's the main reason NYK suck more with him.

He also disrupts the Knicks offense cause he is an inefficient blackhole.

02-18-2012, 10:29 AM
It is quite evident to me that the reason Amare is not beasting like last year is because they are running the pick n roll with Chandler instead of Amare. Also, Chandler is clogging up the paint making it very though for Amare to drive on his ISO's which is part of the reason why he is settling for jumpers.

02-18-2012, 10:31 AM
Basketball is a team game..it's not about stats.

Maybe Amare stats look good..but the tradeoff is that he makes ALL his other TEAMMATES 5% worse..and that's teh deciding factor in the game.

Maybe his teammates don't mesh well with him..maybe they don't like playing with him..maybe they play less confident and out of sync when he is in the game.

Maybe Amare disrupts flow. It doesn't matter if he is playing well..MAYBE when others play with him, they just don't play as well. The net effect is LOSING.

This is what a cancer is.

Bottom line: Knicks played way better with Amare out. With him and Melo in..they had a 8-15 record.

BBALL not an individual sport..nor is it about the stats. It's about chemistry and whether everything jells. If it doesn't..then..bye bye

02-18-2012, 10:33 AM
swe suns,

I understand what you are saying..but if that's the case amare has to play better in OTHER ways and adapt to the situation and do what the team needs.
right now, Knicks are better with Jeffries playing. They are winning with Jeffries..so Amare should adapt or why play him at all?

02-18-2012, 10:46 AM
swe suns,

I understand what you are saying..but if that's the case amare has to play better in OTHER ways and adapt to the situation and do what the team needs.
right now, Knicks are better with Jeffries playing. They are winning with Jeffries..so Amare should adapt or why play him at all?
:lol What a humongous idiot :lol

Again what happened to the kings game? It vanished? :lol Why? Doesn't suit your retarded theory?

Every game on this winning stretch have come down to the wire, a struggle, some the Knicks were behind by a lot and somehow managed to come back, everything went perfect for the Knicks, key basket, key rebound, it didn't happened this game.

In the last game Knicks runs were always with Amare on the court, when he was out, it was the NO that made a run.

You just needed to watch the game to realized that, if you were just a little smart, but hey don't take my word, go see the stats, amare was the only Knicks player from the starting five that had positive net production.

Saying Knicks lost because of Amare it just reveals poor knowledge of the game.

02-18-2012, 10:56 AM
why not blame chandler too. Hes so bad on offense yet hes paid almost the same as amare. I think people just love underdogs or dirty worker thats why they hate amare for not playing defense. The team paid for his offense not his defense. If people would be willing to pay chandler almost max for defense which is half of the game then why cant amare be paid max for half of the game.

Blame melo coz hes the one who gutted the team. We have no center which might be the cause of the injury because of too much playing center and because of that he bulked up coz he thought he would be playing center this season.

02-18-2012, 11:11 AM
amare's d > jeffries o
but it's close.

But Amare's D < Jeffries' D

And what's the point of having Amare on the floor if Lin and other guys are scoring? Especially when Melo and JR Smith comes back.

I've noticed it's when Lin comes off the pick and roll and tries to look for teammates too much, he turns the ball over. When he's concentrating on scoring and putting passing as a second priority, his turnover rate decreases. But the problem is, how is that going to help a team loaded with scorers?

That's why Lin played so well when he has ideal defenders on his lineup.

02-18-2012, 11:12 AM
why not blame chandler too. Hes so bad on offense yet hes paid almost the same as amare. I think people just love underdogs or dirty worker thats why they hate amare for not playing defense. The team paid for his offense not his defense. If people would be willing to pay chandler almost max for defense which is half of the game then why cant amare be paid max for half of the game.

Blame melo coz hes the one who gutted the team. We have no center which might be the cause of the injury because of too much playing center and because of that he bulked up coz he thought he would be playing center this season.

this makes sense.

02-18-2012, 11:14 AM
But Amare's D < Jeffries' D

And what's the point of having Amare on the floor if Lin and other guys are scoring? Especially when Melo and JR Smith comes back.

I've noticed it's when Lin comes off the pick and roll and tries to look for teammates too much, he turns the ball over. When he's concentrating on scoring and putting passing as a second priority, his turnover rate decreases. But the problem is, how is that going to help a team loaded with scorers?

That's why Lin played so well when he has ideal defenders on his lineup.
nobody scored last night.
fields/shump/walker/novak were brutal last night. without amare, it wouldnt have been competitive.

02-18-2012, 11:14 AM
why not blame chandler too. Hes so bad on offense yet hes paid almost the same as amare. I think people just love underdogs or dirty worker thats why they hate amare for not playing defense. The team paid for his offense not his defense. If people would be willing to pay chandler almost max for defense which is half of the game then why cant amare be paid max for half of the game.
Blame melo coz hes the one who gutted the team. We have no center which might be the cause of the injury because of too much playing center and because of that he bulked up coz he thought he would be playing center this season.

Defense is effort based. There's a reason why Jeffries always draws charges and Amare doesn't. And it's not because Amare doesn't have the speed to get in front of the defender quickly enough.

02-18-2012, 11:18 AM
nobody scored last night.
fields/shump/walker/novak were brutal last night. without amare, it would havent even been competitive.

Agreed, last night they played bad. However, we've seen them play well on offense as well. We have not seen Amare play well on defense, like.. ever.

But when JR and Melo start along with Amare and Lin, you're going to see teams light up that Knicks line up. With the way Amare plays defense on the pick and roll, I could hit those open shots that Calderon and Gustavo where hitting. It's just wide open jumpers at the old college 3 point line.

Lin is going to feel even more pressure to distribute and create (I honestly don't think he's a pass first point guard, more of a play-maker like Parker/Wade) and he's going to turn the ball over. Against fast teams like the Bulls / Heat that's going to translate into blowouts.

02-18-2012, 11:22 AM
Agreed, last night they played bad. However, we've seen them play well on offense as well. We have not seen Amare play well on defense, like.. ever.

vs toronto 4th quarter
vs kings 1st quarter
vs hornets he switched on kamann after chandler got lit up and slowed him considerably

02-18-2012, 11:28 AM

02-18-2012, 11:45 AM
If Amare was right for the team..and if he's such a game changing player...

Why do the knicks SUCK more or play the same?

Amare ain't special..

02-18-2012, 11:58 AM
vs toronto 4th quartervs kings 1st quarter
vs hornets he switched on kamann after chandler got lit up and slowed him considerably

Lol no way... That's the same quarter where Stat switched onto Barbosa and Barbosa just drove right past Amare. Amare flails out his left arm as if that's going to stop his entire man's body from all movement towards the basket.
Then he realizes his inert arm is not enough to withold a 200 lbs man and pulls it back at the last second. :lol

Amare is not a good defender because he doesn't move his feet and he doesn't try. That's cancerous because if I'm Jeffires/Fields/Shumpert, the only value I can really bring to the Knicks is on defense. When I see the captain of our team just goofing around on D like it's a pick up game, I'm not going to sacrifice my body and potentially get injured just so we get blown out by 20 instead of 25.

That's why Lin was able to energize the scrub excuse lineup that the Knicks had. He was never too good to not try on defense and as a result, everybody else gave full effort.

02-18-2012, 12:01 PM
Lol no way... That's the same quarter where Stat switched onto Barbosa and Barbosa just drove right past Amare. Amare flails out his left arm as if that's going to stop his entire man's body from all movement towards the basket.
Then he realizes his inert arm is not enough to withold a 200 lbs man and pulls it back at the last second. :lol

Amare is not a good defender because he doesn't move his feet and he doesn't try. That's cancerous because if I'm Jeffires/Fields/Shumpert, the only value I can really bring to the Knicks is on defense. When I see the captain of our team just goofing around on D like it's a pick up game, I'm not going to sacrifice my body and potentially get injured just so we get blown out by 20 instead of 25.

That's why Lin was able to energize the scrub excuse lineup that the Knicks had. He was never too good to not try on defense and as a result, everybody else gave full effort.
or he simply tried to avoid the and1?
they held the raps to 12 points, he was on the floor. that's good d.

02-18-2012, 12:06 PM
or he simply tried to avoid the and1?
they held the raps to 12 points, he was on the floor. that's good d.

Put me in a Knicks uniform, I promise to play all 48 minutes and not pick up a single and1.

Human Error
02-18-2012, 12:24 PM
He had a good game offensively but he almost gave up all the points he scored on the defensive end

And for those who say Melo is the problem:


17.8 points , 7.6 rebounds , 44% shooting


18.5 points , 8.4 rebounds , 45% shooting

Can we end this nonsense ?
You have no idea how idiotic you look, my boneheaded pal from Croatia.

Knicks with Carmelo 8-15
Knicks without Carmelo 7-1

And today Stoudemire is the last player to get blamed. Carmelo has not contributed anything to the team so far.

02-18-2012, 12:31 PM
Put me in a Knicks uniform, I promise to play all 48 minutes and not pick up a single and1.
you seem to be opinionated about amare and what he can and can't do.
and while i do think amare is an underachieving defender, i dont think every situation can simply be analysed like black and white. whatever you want to read from his defensive behaviour, you must acknowledge the fact that he is part of a defence that very able to get stops in the 4th quarter.
it's the same immature bullshit some people say about pau gasol and dirk nowitzki. they're supposed to be soft, slow, terrible defenders even though they have been part of the best defensive teams for years.
i guess it's too much to think about it than to just give in to existing reputation.

02-18-2012, 12:34 PM
You have no idea how idiotic you look, my boneheaded pal from Croatia.

Knicks with Carmelo 8-15
Knicks without Carmelo 7-1

And today Stoudemire is the last player to get blamed. Carmelo has not contributed anything to the team so far.
Knicks had a better record without Amare (2-1) than without Melo (0-3) until Lin started to play.

Melo never got a chance to play with Lin so you count those games out.

You look foolish,not me.

Human Error
02-18-2012, 12:38 PM
Knicks had a better record without Amare (2-1) than without Melo (0-3) until Lin started to play.

Melo never got a chance to play with Lin so you count those games out.

You look foolish,not me.
Even if what you said is true, Knicks with Melo is 8-12. What a powerhouse juggernaut!

02-18-2012, 12:45 PM
Even if what you said is true, Knicks with Melo is 8-12. What a powerhouse juggernaut!

can you comprehend the fact that Douglas and Shumpert were our starting PGs to start the season? toney f*cking douglas. the worst player in basketball right now. go look at his f*cking numbers on the season and then come back to me.

Human Error
02-18-2012, 12:45 PM
Knicks had a better record without Amare (2-1) than without Melo (0-3) until Lin started to play.

Melo never got a chance to play with Lin so you count those games out.

You look foolish,not me.
And I do not like fans like you, you root for the Knicks only because Carmelo plays for them. Naturally if the Knicks lose you will blame everyone else and if the Knicks win you will give Carmelo all the credit.

02-18-2012, 12:46 PM
can you comprehend the fact that Douglas and Shumpert were our starting PGs to start the season? toney f*cking douglas. the worst player in basketball right now. go look at his f*cking numbers on the season and then come back to me.

What about Bibby da goat?

Human Error
02-18-2012, 12:50 PM
can you comprehend the fact that Douglas and Shumpert were our starting PGs to start the season? toney f*cking douglas. the worst player in basketball right now. go look at his f*cking numbers on the season and then come back to me.
If Carmelo is the best player in the NBA as you think, he would have made the team win regardless of players around him. 8-15 is an inexcusable record.

Do you still think the Knicks will beat the Heat in 7 game series? :oldlol:

02-18-2012, 12:50 PM
And I do not like fans like you, you root for the Knicks only because Carmelo plays for them. Naturally if the Knicks lose you will blame everyone else and if the Knicks win you will give Carmelo all the credit.
I was a Knicks fan long before Melo came.

02-18-2012, 12:51 PM
you seem to be opinionated about amare and what he can and can't do.
and while i do think amare is an underachieving defender, i dont think every situation can simply be analysed like black and white. whatever you want to read from his defensive behaviour, you must acknowledge the fact that he is part of a defence that very able to get stops in the 4th quarter.
it's the same immature bullshit some people say about pau gasol and dirk nowitzki. they're supposed to be soft, slow, terrible defenders even though they have been part of the best defensive teams for years.
i guess it's too much to think about it than to just give in to existing reputation.

Oh please you can't even compare the inepitITude of amare on d with pau or dirk. Both pau and dirk have great length to bother shots at the rim. they are also good at rotating.

It's not an issue of underachieving with amare either. Granted he can try harder at switching on the pick but he's defensively challenged cuz hes 6ft9 with now limited hops and never a really big bodied guy to defend the post.

Some people were calling me crazy when I said I was gonna miss jeffries defensive tenacity and now we back to giving up28 pts to start the game again

Human Error
02-18-2012, 12:55 PM
I was a Knicks fan long before Melo came.
I do not buy it. Then how come you not criticize Carmelo at all even when he does something wrong? :facepalm 40% field goal percentage as a go to scorer who plays the forward position?

02-18-2012, 01:00 PM
If Carmelo is the best player in the NBA as you think, he would have made the team win regardless of players around him. 8-15 is an inexcusable record.

Do you still think the Knicks will beat the Heat in 7 game series? :oldlol:

find one of my posts proclaiming Melo as the best team in the league. that's right, you cant, btch.

it's 8-12, granted the fact that the Knicks had innumerable injuries, including to Melo himself, who felt he had to play through his injuries which is why his FG% is so horrible this year

I think the Knicks will pose a challenge to the Heat. We'll have to see whether the Knicks' pieces can gel

02-18-2012, 01:04 PM
I do not buy it. Then how come you not criticize Carmelo at all even when he does something wrong? :facepalm 40% field goal percentage as a go to scorer who plays the forward position?
Why should I care what do you think ? You're just another troll on this board.

Knicks fans on this board know I've been a Knicks fan before the Melo trade so that's all I care about.

I didn't blame Melo because he was the only one playing well at the beginning of the season.
He was averaging 29 points on 46% shooting until he got injured.

Obviously he was playing injured so I understood his shooting percentage but there were times when I blamed him.

I blame everyone who plays bad,I'm a Knicks fan,not a Melo fan,Amare fan or anyone's else fan.
I just want my team to win and I blame everyone who was responsible for the loss.
Without Melo we wouldn't have even won those few games so I had little reason to blame him. He was forced to play the point forward which he isn't and even though he played poorly since the injury his teammates were even worse.

02-18-2012, 01:05 PM
People arguing with Human error :lol

What a waste of keyboard.

02-18-2012, 01:34 PM
Oh please you can't even compare the inepitITude of amare on d with pau or dirk. Both pau and dirk have great length to bother shots at the rim. they are also good at rotating.

It's not an issue of underachieving with amare either. Granted he can try harder at switching on the pick but he's defensively challenged cuz hes 6ft9 with now limited hops and never a really big bodied guy to defend the post.

Some people were calling me crazy when I said I was gonna miss jeffries defensive tenacity and now we back to giving up28 pts to start the game again
exaggeration of cliches.

02-18-2012, 01:35 PM
Best thing to do now is to trade amare it seems...Chandler can run the PNR fine and melo can be the main scorer.

amare really doesn't bring anything else to the table...his scoring can be compensated by Melo and he's not really existent on defense.

02-18-2012, 01:54 PM
that last minute where amare hedged too far out and left his man compeltely wide open towards the basket:facepalm

prior that, Lin had a steal and scored. it was a 2 pt game. He could have won that game if Amare had any iq

Or if Jeremy didn't turn it over 8 times in the first half. They didn't lose last night's game cause of Amare. He was out there hustling and rebounding too.

02-18-2012, 02:19 PM
Summary of Amare's defense:


02-18-2012, 02:33 PM
amar'e wasn't the only reason the knicks lost last night, but in my opinion unless he really turns it around with his defensive awareness and effort, jared jeffries should play more. knicks looked good on defense without stoudemire. now they look like crap again. hmmmmm. we don't need what he brings on offense as much anymore. we can live without playing him.

A globe-trotter
02-18-2012, 03:51 PM
Summary of Amare's defense:



02-18-2012, 04:01 PM
Because defense and rebounding are the same thing :facepalm

Watch the phucking game

:roll: :roll: :roll:

02-18-2012, 04:09 PM
The Knicks lost this game in the first quarter. They did not lose this game because of Amare Stoudemire. In fact, if not for Amare Stoudemire, the Knicks would have been totally blown out.

02-18-2012, 04:18 PM
Or if Jeremy didn't turn it over 8 times in the first half. They didn't lose last night's game cause of Amare. He was out there hustling and rebounding too.

from now on everything that goes wrong is on Amare, Melo and JR.

02-18-2012, 04:43 PM
Don't forget about Mr. Linover.

el gringos
02-18-2012, 04:57 PM
Best thing to do now is to trade amare it seems...Chandler can run the PNR fine and melo can be the main scorer.

amare really doesn't bring anything else to the table...his scoring can be compensated by Melo and he's not really existent on defense.
That is right- this team is an amare for someone who fits away from a title team
1) The #1 best trade is getting an amare/douglas for Bargnani/calderon swap- toronto would prob want Lin- so lin and amare for bargs/calderon and top 5 protected 2012 1st or just amare and douglas

2)Trade 2 is Amare + jordan + Walker for Spencer Hawes + Vucevic + noccioni

3) Amare for Ryan anderson + turkoglu


02-18-2012, 04:58 PM
you seem to be opinionated about amare and what he can and can't do.and while i do think amare is an underachieving defender, i dont think every situation can simply be analysed like black and white. whatever you want to read from his defensive behaviour, you must acknowledge the fact that he is part of a defence that very able to get stops in the 4th quarter.
it's the same immature bullshit some people say about pau gasol and dirk nowitzki. they're supposed to be soft, slow, terrible defenders even though they have been part of the best defensive teams for years.
i guess it's too much to think about it than to just give in to existing reputation.

There are things an NBA player literally cannot physically do. I understand I cannot expect Amare to phsically slide his feet fast enough to stay in front of PGs all game long when switching off the pick and roll. I get it.

And I'm not even a Knicks fan, people on this forum know that I post mostly in Heat game threads. But when I see someone like Amare not put in effort, in-game and off the court. Then I have a right to be opinionated and disappointed.

You know why Amare had to pull away his arm from Barbosa to avoid the and1? It's because he thought to himself "okay, this dude is fast, I can try to slide my feet and cut him off. But that $hit gets called for a blocking foul about half the time, and frankly I'm kind of tired and it's the fourth quarter. Maybe I'll gamble and just flash my arm and somehow he'll get confused and fumble the ball. Worst case scenario, my man blows by me and scores. But then I'll still get my 20-25 ppg and people on insidehoops who didn't watch the game won't care that I was too lazy to get into position."

It's not because Amare can't play good D. it's because he's not motivated to do it. And that stems from bad habits that have been reinforced by people's ability to overlook it when he jumps high and dunks hard.

The problem is, when your teammates see you not hustling on defense and it directly translates to buckets for the other team, they get demoralized and they don't want to play hard anymore. And they're not going to be inspired to all of a sudden play great D if you score off a few iso's. Basketball just simply doesn't work that way.

That's why I don't have a problem if Lin turns the ball over 8 times a game. As long as he's willing to give up his body on 50-50 calls, I'm okay with that, and so are his teammates.

02-18-2012, 05:03 PM
That is right- this team is an amare for someone who fits away from a title team
1) The #1 best trade is getting an amare/douglas for Bargnani/calderon swap- toronto would prob want Lin- so lin and amare for bargs/calderon and top 5 protected 2012 1st or just amare and douglas

2)Trade 2 is Amare + jordan + Walker for Spencer Hawes + Vucevic + noccioni

3) Amare for Ryan anderson + turkoglu


u want an all white/European team or something?:hammerhead:

02-18-2012, 05:06 PM
u want an all white/European team or something?:hammerhead:

he wants a power forward who can really stretch the floor. i do too. it makes a lot of sense. such a power forward can fit in with d'antoni ball where the pick and roll is run with lin and chandler with everyone else on the wing, but he can also fit in if we want to build our team around carmelo's game with a different coach.

bargnani would be ideal. he has a good perimeter game, but he also has a mid post game so we could play post based offense with him and carmelo.

02-18-2012, 06:10 PM
You know why Amare had to pull away his arm from Barbosa to avoid the and1? It's because he thought to himself "okay, this dude is fast, I can try to slide my feet and cut him off. But that $hit gets called for a blocking foul about half the time, and frankly I'm kind of tired and it's the fourth quarter. Maybe I'll gamble and just flash my arm and somehow he'll get confused and fumble the ball. Worst case scenario, my man blows by me and scores. But then I'll still get my 20-25 ppg and people on insidehoops who didn't watch the game won't care that I was too lazy to get into position."

and it turned out to be the right thing to do, so what's your point?
amare gets himself into situations where he's out of position and loses his man more often than not (like yesterday) but you can't fault him for the play you mentioned.

Human Error
02-18-2012, 06:48 PM
People arguing with Human error :lol

What a waste of keyboard.
I just told them that the Knicks couldn't beat the Heat in a 7 game series and Carmelo isn't the best scorer in the NBA and the Knicks won every game but 1 after Carmelo is out. Am I wrong? :facepalm

02-18-2012, 08:04 PM
Knicks had a better record without Amare (2-1) than without Melo (0-3) until Lin started to play.

Melo never got a chance to play with Lin so you count those games out.

You look foolish,not me.

WEll amare played tougher teams whereas melo played with non playoff teams. And why not compare our record to last year record. Or suns record with denver record when they were still in phoenix/denver. LOL

02-18-2012, 08:05 PM
At the end of the day, 89 points allowed is enough to win you in this league, the main reason why they lost is offense and thats mainly due to role players being dleague players. And the main culprit for this is the one who gutted the team.

02-18-2012, 08:06 PM
At the end of the day, 89 points allowed is enough to win you in this league, the main reason why they lost is offense and thats mainly due to role players being dleague players. And the main culprit for this is the one who gutted the team.

general manager?

02-18-2012, 08:10 PM
Why should I care what do you think ? You're just another troll on this board.

Knicks fans on this board know I've been a Knicks fan before the Melo trade so that's all I care about.

I didn't blame Melo because he was the only one playing well at the beginning of the season.
He was averaging 29 points on 46% shooting until he got injured.

Obviously he was playing injured so I understood his shooting percentage but there were times when I blamed him.

I blame everyone who plays bad,I'm a Knicks fan,not a Melo fan,Amare fan or anyone's else fan.
I just want my team to win and I blame everyone who was responsible for the loss.
Without Melo we wouldn't have even won those few games so I had little reason to blame him. He was forced to play the point forward which he isn't and even though he played poorly since the injury his teammates were even worse.

Oh the injury excuse, theres no one to blame for the injury but himself. Hes still the same person upto now who never cares about conditioning. Who knows, they are trying to lose this game coz melo is now afraid to become the scapegoat again if they lose.

02-19-2012, 05:53 AM
knicksman - absolutely the worst Knicks poster on this board. Says a lot of stupid things and is so inconsistent with his opinion. At times I wonder is he serious or he's just trolling.