View Full Version : In this thread, fans scream at each other about new Lebron James stuff

12-13-2011, 07:07 AM
...mind-bogglingly ridiculous. what an uber-douche.

From world famous photographer Walter Ioos Jr.

We rented the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, where the Lakers and the Clippers used to play, and there were 53 people on my crew-including hair and makeup artists, production people, a stylist. I had $10,000 in Hollywood lighting. It was huge. When LeBron arrived, it was as if Nelson Mandela had come in. Six or seven blacked-out Escalades pulled up, a convoy. LeBron had bodyguards and his masseuse. His deejay was already there, blasting. This for a photo shoot that was going to last an hour, tops.

This is how crazy it was: I wasn't even allowed to talk directly to LeBron. There was a liaison, someone from Amar'e Stoudemire's family. I would say to him, "O.K., have LeBron drive right," and then he'd turn to LeBron and say, "LeBron, go right."

LeBron had guards in the portals on the mezzanine level, talking into their hands. Really, what was going to happen? And then at the end of the shoot they all got in the Escalades. My God, I've been around Michael Jordan, but with him nothing even came close to this. Unimaginable.

Now the decision all seems to make sense.

Chosen1 :roll:


12-13-2011, 07:27 AM

No one is saying he sucks (except for his own d!ck), but you're just gonna overlook this ridiculous display of ego? Brush it under the rug? Fkn hell, POTUS doesn't even do that. Won't talk to directly to people. That's some narcissistic, egotistical bullsh*t.

Quit acting like Lebron is the only athlete to ever have a Big Ego.
Jordan had a huge Ego and Kobe has the biggest Ego the world has ever seen and you rarely if ever see people bitching about it.

How is complaining about it gonna help anything? Does it make you feel better to say : hey look lebron was being an Egotistical Jerk.

Do you really think your gonna convert people who like him over to your side or worsen the hate of the people who already dislike him?

The truth is the only people who dislike Lebron are Kobe/Laker Fans or Cleveland People and 99% of the other people either appreciate his game or just ignore him entirely.

12-13-2011, 07:32 AM
I saw Kobe in the mall today, I asked him for an autograph and he completely ignored me!

What a jerk.. someone make a thread.

This is worse then if he raped me!

12-13-2011, 07:34 AM
Same could be said about Lebron fans when it comes to Kobe, so I really wouldn't bring that up if I were you:facepalm

Naw.. Kobe has haters around the world.

Due to his arrogance and lack of appreciation for things he has received.

Also certain people hate him for raping that girl but I am not one of them.

Honestly Lebron doesn't have 1/100th of the Pure Arrogance that reeks from Kobe's skin although its obvious he has a big Ego also.

Arrogance bothers me more then having a big Ego although I suppose the two go hand in hand in some ways.

12-13-2011, 07:36 AM
This guy is probably exaggerating, why would he have a liaison?

12-13-2011, 07:37 AM
Naw.. Kobe has haters around the world.

Due to his arrogance and lack of appreciation for things he has received.

Also certain people hate him for raping that girl but I am not one of them.

Honestly Lebron doesn't have 1/100th of the Pure Arrogance that reeks from Kobe's skin although its obvious he has a big Ego also.

Arrogance bothers me more then having a big Ego although I suppose the two go hand in hand in some ways.

Yeah cuz Lebron just screams humility by talking about himself in the third person like he's supposed to be The Rock or something.....right?!:wtf:

Like I just previously said NON BASKETBALL RELATED REHASHED HOT GARBAGE.:rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way, if arrogance bothered you that much, then you really wouldn't be a Lebron fan. It's either that, or you truly have no clue what the word really means, and it can't be both.:no:

12-13-2011, 07:37 AM
Dude get off his nuts.

Who cares what Lebron does he is a damn basketball player and he is getting paid if you hate or love him.

The people who appreciate his game will continue to enjoy watching him and the ones who hate him for his personality or things that dont effect the average person will continue to hate him and pretend he sucks.


He is already arguably one of the 5 or 6 best players of this generation and the 3rd best Guard/Wing player after Jordan and Wade.

off his nuts? stfu clown, it is an interesting story, if you caught feelings I am sorry, next time I will flag it so your delicate sensibilities won't be harmed.

And if you ever call me a Kobe or Laker fan again I will reach through your f*cking laptop, rip off your balls and jam them down your throat.

12-13-2011, 07:37 AM
Like the 10 gazillion and 1 threads about how Kobe raped some girl(who ONLY Lebron fans remember and CONSTANTLY have to talk about even though this was over 8 years ago) had something to do with basketball:facepalm
True but the kobe haters don't really stay up to date with everything he does off court like the lebron haters do. Kobe haters bringing up the rape incident is similar to the lebron and Delonte west incident. They get brought up but not as frequent. Kobe haters use the rape thing as that's the only thing they can use against kobe. With lebron there is loads more, that's mainly lebron's fault but things like this are just meaningless and is cherry picking.

12-13-2011, 07:40 AM
This guy is probably exaggerating, why would he have a liaison?

Cus he has enough money to troll people in real life.


12-13-2011, 07:41 AM
True but the kobe haters don't really stay up to date with everything he does off court like the lebron haters do. Kobe haters bringing up the rape incident is similar to the lebron and Delonte west incident. They get brought up but not as frequent. Kobe haters use the rape thing as that's the only thing they can use against kobe. With lebron there is loads more, that's mainly lebron's fault but things like this are just meaningless and is cherry picking.

no, that is bullshit. it is an interesting story about the biggest player in the game and his over-inflated ego, an ego that has come into question before and has been the center of many of his poorer decisions, like 'The Decision'.

Not everything about LeBron or Kobe is started by one camp to harm the other, I like LeBron a lot more than Kobe when push comes to shove (I am the OP BTW) but stories like this just make me cringe. Especially after someone has had a truly tragic and humbling 12 months.

it is interesting, and if your rooting interests fall on one side of the fence that may not be as cushy, then hard f*cking cheese.

12-13-2011, 07:42 AM
Guy is a complete joke. All that stuff is the kind of things a 10 year old would think is cool if he won the lottery.

12-13-2011, 07:43 AM
:lol who cares...at this rate lebron will be broke by time he hits 40

12-13-2011, 07:46 AM
True but the kobe haters don't really stay up to date with everything he does off court like the lebron haters do. Kobe haters bringing up the rape incident is similar to the lebron and Delonte west incident. They get brought up but not as frequent. Kobe haters use the rape thing as that's the only thing they can use against kobe. With lebron there is loads more, that's mainly lebron's fault but things like this are just meaningless and is cherry picking.

Y'all really need to get over yourselves and that b.s. Laker/Kobe fans could care less about that crap with Lebron's mom and all that that cuz we ACTUALLY know something about basketball and know how to have a strictly basketball conversation. Y'all Lebron fans are the ones who ALWAYS have to bring up some off the court bs. or bring up one of Kobe's fault the minute somebody says something bad about Lebron, so stop tryna act. Like doing all that is SOMEHOW gonna make him develop a post game.:rolleyes:

Try again:facepalm

12-13-2011, 07:48 AM
But you care that he had an escort to some random photo shoot and didnt talk to some random dude?

12-13-2011, 07:51 AM
off his nuts? stfu clown, it is an interesting story, if you caught feelings I am sorry, next time I will flag it so your delicate sensibilities won't be harmed.

And if you ever call me a Kobe or Laker fan again I will reach through your f*cking laptop, rip off your balls and jam them down your throat.
Damn that's kinda ****ed up.:lol

I don't know why people keep answering to this Lebron nut hugger when he obviously has an agenda. He is probably ashbelly/pauk/pleezebelieve anyways the biggest troll here.

12-13-2011, 07:51 AM
Quit acting like Lebron is the only athlete to ever have a Big Ego.
Jordan had a huge Ego and Kobe has the biggest Ego the world has ever seen and you rarely if ever see people bitching about it.

How is complaining about it gonna help anything? Does it make you feel better to say : hey look lebron was being an Egotistical Jerk.

Do you really think your gonna convert people who like him over to your side or worsen the hate of the people who already dislike him?

The truth is the only people who dislike Lebron are Kobe/Laker Fans or Cleveland People and 99% of the other people either appreciate his game or just ignore him entirely.

I wasn't trying to convert anyone, just responding to you. You think you're converting anyone saying get off LeBron's nuts or any of the other arguments you have? Not a Laker, Kobe, or Cleveland fan, and I know a sh*tload of people who dislike LeBron because of the crap he's pulled (see: The Decision, tweets about people's boring lives, liaison go-betweens, etc.). I guess you didn't notice the Raptors logo as my avatar? Observant you are not.

Also, when has MJ or Kobe ever made someone talk through a liaison when they were in the same room as the person they're supposed to be interacting with. That's just ridiculous.

12-13-2011, 07:54 AM
But you care that he had an escort to some random photo shoot and didnt talk to some random dude?

Ah....the reverse psychology bit when they realize how stupid they made themselves look. Lebron fans are so predictable:applause:

Good luck with that by the way since I never once posted those words:rolleyes:

12-13-2011, 07:54 AM
I wasn't trying to convert anyone, just responding to you. You think you're converting anyone saying get off LeBron's nuts or any of the other arguments you have? Not a Laker, Kobe, or Cleveland fan.

Also, when has MJ or Kobe ever made someone talk through a liaison when they were in the same room as the person they're supposed to be interacting with. That's just ridiculous.

I am sure Kobe has refused to speak to people countless times. He may have also spoken to people through a liaison who knows?
I see no difference between the two honestly.

My whole point is that threads like these are retarded. No one cares what Kobe and Bron are doing on their time off or if they ignored some random person.

12-13-2011, 07:55 AM
Ah....the reverse psychology bit when they realize how stupid they made themselves look. Lebron fans are so predictable:applause:

Good luck with that by the way since I never once posted those words:rolleyes:

That wasn't really directed at you but the OP.

Still you were saying Kobe fans dont bring up useless things about Bron's personal life and its obvious they do.

12-13-2011, 07:57 AM
That wasnt really directed at you but the OP.

Still you were saying Kobe fans dont bring up useless things about Bron's personal life and its obvious they do.

Notice how he didn't even bother trying to prove that little theory of his?

Keep trying:rolleyes:

12-13-2011, 07:57 AM
:lol :lol

There are some really sensitive people on these forums. Its quite sad really, how in today's world of sports people will focus more on what players do off the court rather than the amazing things they do on court. Look sensitive females, the point I was making was that things lebron does off court get way more attention compared to kobe or any superstar for that matter. Instead of separating the two people will allow themselves to lose sleep over what a player does in their spare time. My question is how does this affect you?

12-13-2011, 07:59 AM
If you follow Lebron or Kobe at all you know what their personality's are.

The fact that Lebron ignored some random dude or had an entourage with him is not worthy of being posted anywhere as a story or as news.

No one cares.


12-13-2011, 08:01 AM
I am a stupid douchebag who hates Lebron and has no life.

I was just trying to get attention and hate on someone because I have nothing better to do.

I will probably make more pointless and stupid topics in the future.



12-13-2011, 08:02 AM
:lol :lol

There are some really sensitive people on these forums. Its quite sad really, how in today's world of sports people will focus more on what players do off the court rather than the amazing things they do on court. Look sensitive females, the point I was making was that things lebron does off court get way more attention compared to kobe or any superstar for that matter. Instead of separating the two people will allow themselves to lose sleep over what a player does in their spare time. My question is how does this affect you?

AGAIN, with the PREDICTABLE reverse psychology bit:rolleyes:

The only "sensitive females' on ANY sports forum are you Lebron fans who AUTOMATICALLY start cryin' the minute somebody says something bad about Lebron, so again, stop tryna act. The minute somebody says "Lebron needs a post game to be deadly in the post. Instead of a basketball response, we usually get "oh....Kobe's old and needs to retire," like that has anything to do with anything.

It's NOT the other way around no matter how you try and spin it.

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:03 AM
Seems like a "Sensitive Female" would cry over the fact that Big Bad Lebron ignored some random dude and had an entourage with him.

Get a life kidz.


12-13-2011, 08:06 AM
Just gotta love it how Lebron fans(13-18 year olds) keep trying to call other people kids:roll:

Oh, and by the way, that would be the very definition of the word "arrogance." Isn't that the same person who just said that arrogance bothers them?!:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:12 AM
AGAIN, with the PREDICTABLE reverse psychology bit:rolleyes:

The only "sensitive females' on ANY sports forum are you Lebron fans who AUTOMATICALLY start cryin' the minute somebody says something bad about Lebron, so again, stop tryna act. The minute somebody says "Lebron needs a post game to be deadly in the post. Instead of a basketball response, we usually get "oh....Kobe's old and needs to retire," like that has anything to do with anything. It's not the other way around no matter how you try and spin it.

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm
:roll: Calm down buddy I don't care what you say about lebron. I'm not him so why do I have to worry. I'm not losing sleep over what anybody thinks of any player off court so relax :oldlol: . It's not my concern what lebron fans say about kobe, they can do as they please. People that make fun of your favourite player are doing it for attention and will continue since fanboys are so emotionally attached to their favourite players.

12-13-2011, 08:13 AM
I like to sitdwn on big dildos.



12-13-2011, 08:14 AM
Seems like a "Sensitive Female" would cry over the fact that Big Bad Lebron ignored some random dude and had an entourage with him.

Get a life kidz.


some random dude?


Walter Iooss Jr. is the most famous and likely (if there is such a thing) greatest sports photographer EVER. Anyone with a passing knowledge of sports knows who he is and what he has accomplished.

12-13-2011, 08:15 AM


What's the matter don't like what people have to say about someone you don't know?? :lol :lol

12-13-2011, 08:15 AM
:roll: Calm down buddy I don't care what you say about lebron. I'm not him so why do I have to worry. I'm not losing sleep over what anybody thinks of any player off court so relax :oldlol: . It's not my concern what lebron fans say about kobe, they can do as they please. People that make fun of your favourite player are doing it for attention and will continue since fanboys are so emotionally attached to their favourite players.

Uh huh....yet another dude telling me about me without knowing anything about me to begin with huh?!:rolleyes:

STILL with the reverse psychology bit that hasn't worked on anybody....huh?!:facepalm

Good luck with that.:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:16 AM
some random dude?


Walter Iooss Jr. is the most famous and likely (if there is such a thing) greatest sports photographer EVER. Anyone with a passing knowledge of sports knows who he is and what he has accomplished.

If I had 200 Million in the Bank I probably wouldn't care who he was.

I mean I wouldn't ignore the dude but if Lebron doesn't want to speak to him directly why does he have to?

If this guy is so famous I doubt he was very upset about it.

And if he was he needs to get a life.

12-13-2011, 08:17 AM
If I had 200 Million in the Bank I probably wouldn't care who he was.

I mean I wouldn't ignore the dude but if Lebron doesn't want to speak to him directly why does he have to?

If this guy is so famous I doubt he was very upset about it.

he wasn't upset, IF you read the link, you'd know he kind of laughed at it smirking at how pathetic LeBron's view of himself is.

12-13-2011, 08:20 AM
he wasn't upset, IF you read the link, you'd know he kind of laughed at it smirking at how pathetic LeBron's view of himself is.


He views himself as an amazing person who is respected and loved by many people.

He is constantly surrounded by adoring fans and people who love him.

That doesnt sound pathetic to me.
I dont think he really cares much about you or any of his other haters.

Like he said : you gotta go back to your shitty lives while he relaxes on the beach.

12-13-2011, 08:21 AM
I think it's pretty sad that LeBron or anyone for that matter would ever feel too good to speak to someone directly. That's really messed up.

12-13-2011, 08:22 AM
Uh huh....yet another dude telling me about me without knowing anything about me to begin with huh?!:rolleyes:

STILL with the reverse psychology bit that hasn't worked on anybody....huh?!:facepalm

Good luck with that.:facepalm
But you know it's true as soon as I mentioned Kobe you guys swarmed in for the attack. It's Ok bro, Kobe is just a basketball player like every other in the league don't get worked up on what others say about the dude.

12-13-2011, 08:23 AM

He views himself as an amazing person who is respected and loved by many people.

He is constantly surrounded by adoring fans and people who love him.

That doesnt sound pathetic to me.
I dont think he really cares much about you or any of his other haters.

Like he said : you gotta go back to your shitty lives while he relaxes on the beach.

Dude please, stop embarrassing yourself. Cuz if you really had it like that, you'd have better things to do than sit on here, defending yo boy Lebron.:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:25 AM
Dude please, stop embarrassing yourself. Cuz if you really had it like that, you'd have better things to do than sit on here, defending yo boy Lebron.:facepalm

I dont have much.. just a decent job and my mate but that's enough for me and I am happy.

Also who said he is my "boy"?

12-13-2011, 08:26 AM
But you know it's true as soon as I mentioned Kobe you guys swarmed in for the attack. It's Ok bro, Kobe is just a basketball player like every other in the league don't get worked up on what others say about the dude.

Dude, the reverse psychology "I meant to do that" bit ISN'T working on anybody besides you.:no:

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:28 AM
I dont have much.. just a decent job and my mate but thats enough for me and I am happy.

.....but yet for some strange and yet STILL unknown reason, you're STILL on here TRYING to act like you're some rich, ultra famous celebrity?!:wtf:

Oh yeah...that's right...it's time for the "oh....I'm really not a Lebron fan which is exactly why I defend him and everything he does like a Lebron fan. But say I'm not just to sound objective" bit....right?!

Try again:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:28 AM
Dude, the reverse psychology "I meant to do that" bit ISN'T working on anybody besides you.:no:

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm
Keep trying to read in-between the lines. I ain't trying to play mind games with you.

12-13-2011, 08:29 AM
I dont have much.. just a decent job and my mate but that's enough for me and I am happy.

Also who said he is my "boy"?

"decent job" online equates to no job usually....

That why you're so mad all the time?:(

Was Kobe somehow the catalyst for your current job situation?

12-13-2011, 08:31 AM
"decent job" online equates to no job usually....

That why you're so mad all the time?:(

Was Kobe somehow the catalyst for your current job situation?

I am an assistant to a Real Estate Broker in Manhattan.

I make 600 a week with no benefits.

When am I mad?? :oldlol:

I just think Kobe is overrated and arrogant so I enjoy arguing against people who overrate him.

I dont dislike Kobe and I never say bad things about him.
I can appreciate him and I consider him one of the GOAT and one of the top 2-5 SG ever.

12-13-2011, 08:31 AM
"decent job" online equates to no job usually....

That why you're so mad all the time?:(

Was Kobe somehow the catalyst for your current job situation?
:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-13-2011, 08:32 AM
Keep trying to read in-between the lines. I ain't trying to play mind games with you.

Really?! So....you were TRYING to spin it and TRY to make it look like Laker/Kobe fans CONSTANTLY talk about Lebron, when it's REALLY the other way around, cuz you had nothing better to do then....huh?!:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:35 AM
I am not really a "Lebron Fan" but I respect and enjoy watching him play the game.

I dont care if he succeeds or fails.

I do however dislike the op since he is a loser with an obvious agenda making pointless topics about something no one cares about.

12-13-2011, 08:35 AM
I am an assistant to a Real Estate Broker in Manhattan.

I make 600 a week with no benefits.

When am I mad?? :oldlol:

I just think Kobe is overrated and arrogant so I enjoy arguing against people who overrate him.

I dont dislike Kobe and I never say bad things about him.
I can appreciate him and I consider him one of the GOAT and one of the top 2-5 SG ever.

For the last time: Lebron speaking about himself in the third person = ARROGANCE.

Oh, and by the way, the whole "oh....I have this job and i do this but I still HAVE ALL THIS FREE TIME to come online and say stupid stuff to try and get to people" bit makes you look like a troll with nothing better to do, so I'd stop saying that if I were you:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:38 AM
For the last time: Lebron speaking about himself in the third person = ARROGANCE.

Oh, and by the way, the whole "oh....I have this job and i do this but I still HAVE ALL THIS FREE TIME to come online and say stupid stuff to try and get to people" bit makes you look like a troll with nothing better to do, so I'd stop saying that if I were you:facepalm

So what?

You dont see me making threads about all the arroganct douchey things Kobe does on a day to day basis.
You know why?? because no one cares.

And why cant I tell people about my job? :facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:40 AM
Really?! So....you were TRYING to spin it and TRY to make it look like Laker/Kobe fans CONSTANTLY talk about Lebron, when it's REALLY the other way around, cuz you had nothing better to do then....huh?!:facepalm
Even if I did (which I didn't) you you went out of your way to defend the lebron haters. So explain to me how you're not sensitive about your favourite player again? I said lebron haters are greater in numbers compared to kobe haters and that the reason it's easier to joke on lebron is because he get's more attention off court.

12-13-2011, 08:41 AM
So what?

You dont see me making threads about all the arroganct douchey things Kobe does on a day to day basis.
You know why?? because no one cares.

And why cant I tell people about my job? :facepalm

Right.....sure. But since you Lebron fans ALWAYS, HAVE TO MUST, AUTOMATICALLY bring that stuff up, I'd say y'all do care. It's either that or y'all truly know nothing about basketball and clearly have nothing to do.

You choose:D

12-13-2011, 08:43 AM
Right.....sure. But since you Lebron fans ALWAYS, HAVE TO MUST, AUTOMATICALLY bring that stuff up, I'd say y'all do care. It's either that or y'all truly know nothing about basketball and clearly have nothing to do.

You choose:D

I rarely if ever talk about things related to Kobe that dont actually involve his play on the court.

Who cares what he does or who he rapes?

Not my business.

12-13-2011, 08:43 AM
Even if I did (which I didn't) you you went out of your way to defend the lebron haters. So explain to me how you're not sensitive about your favourite player again? I said lebron haters are greater in numbers compared to kobe haters and that the reason it's easier to joke on lebron is because he get's more attention off court.

Keep trying dude....just keep trying. Still TRYING to tell me about me when you know nothing about me to begin with....huh?!:wtf:

Good luck with that:rolleyes:

12-13-2011, 08:47 AM
I rarely if ever talk about things related to Kobe that dont actually involve his play on the court.

Who cares what he does or who he rapes?

Not my business.

Yeah....cuz when you say stuff like this:

Originally Posted by 32Dayz
I am an assistant to a Real Estate Broker in Manhattan.

I make 600 a week with no benefits.

When am I mad??

I just think Kobe is overrated and arrogant so I enjoy arguing against people who overrate him.

it means that's ONLY in reference to his game on the court....right?!

Try again:facepalm

12-13-2011, 08:48 AM
Keep trying dude....just keep trying. I'm STILL amazed at how people who know nothing about you always seem to want to be trying to tell you about you

Good luck with that:rolleyes:
Ikr :D It's amazing indeed.

12-13-2011, 08:53 AM
Ikr :D It's amazing indeed.

Yeah....it sure it. Especially since you're the only one here who's ACTUALLY stupid enough to believe that NORMAL people would buy into your hot garbage. Especially since you didn't even bother trying to prove any of it:roll:

Stop embarrassing yourself:facepalm

Yung D-Will
12-13-2011, 08:56 AM
Dude get off his nuts.

Who cares what Lebron does he is a damn basketball player and he is getting paid if you hate or love him.

The people who appreciate his game will continue to enjoy watching him and the ones who hate him for his personality or things that dont effect the average person will continue to hate him and pretend he sucks.


He is already arguably one of the 5 or 6 best players of this generation and the 3rd best Guard/Wing player after Jordan and Wade.

You're coming dangerously close to my ignore list

12-13-2011, 09:02 AM
You're coming dangerously close to my ignore list

I think when all is said and done Kobe will rank behind Lebron and Wade as players on my GOAT List.

If you wanna ignore me because I hold that opinion thats fine with me but I dont see why its a big deal.

12-13-2011, 09:04 AM
Yeah....cuz when you say stuff like this:

"I think Kobe is overrated."

it means that's ONLY in reference to his game on the court....right?!


12-13-2011, 09:06 AM

Love it how he's trying to haul a** from his own post now, cuz he owned himself as a bandwagon Lebron fan fanboy.:facepalm

Originally Posted by 32Dayz
I am an assistant to a Real Estate Broker in Manhattan.

I make 600 a week with no benefits.

When am I mad??

I just think Kobe is overrated and arrogant so I enjoy arguing against people who overrate him.

Nice try:applause:

12-13-2011, 09:07 AM
What the hell does my job have to do with Kobe?


12-13-2011, 09:08 AM
What the hell does my job have to do with Kobe?


Ah....now it's the idiot mode bit....huh?!

Carry on:applause:

12-13-2011, 09:10 AM
Ah....now it's the idiot mode bit....huh?!

Carry on:applause:

Kobe is arrogant.. I said it and I believe it and thats why I never liked him as a person.

But I keep it to myself and I am not making topics to talk about it.

I dont use that to degrade his game on the court though.
I respect his greatness as a basketball player and wont do stupid things like disregarding his legacy or his place on GOAT lists because of how I perceive him as a person.

12-13-2011, 09:12 AM
Kobe is arrogant.. I said it and I believe it and thats why I never liked him as a person.

But I keep it to myself and I am not making topics to talk about it.

I dont use that to degrade his game on the court though.
I respect his greatness as a basketball player and wont do stupid things like disregarding his legacy or his place on GOAT lists because of how I perceive him as a person.

ARROGANT = Lebron speaking about himself in the third person

Originally Posted by 32Dayz
I am an assistant to a Real Estate Broker in Manhattan.

I make 600 a week with no benefits.

When am I mad??

I just think Kobe is overrated and arrogant so I enjoy arguing against people who overrate him.

Uh huh:facepalm

12-13-2011, 09:14 AM
ARROGANT = Lebron speaking about himself in the third person

Yea.. and even the most casual fan knows it.

Thats why this whole topic is so dumb and pointless.

It's like making a topic : I looked up today and saw clouds in the sky, isnt it funny how clouds always block the sun and create shade.



12-13-2011, 09:15 AM
An athlete would not need that kind of protection unless... yes you are right unless he knew he was hated by everyone.

12-13-2011, 09:16 AM
Yea.. and even the most casual fan knows it.

Thats why this whole topic is so dumb and pointless.

It's like making a topic : I looked up today and saw clouds in the sky, isnt it funny how clouds always block the sun and create shade.



Right back into idiot mode....AGAIN....huh?!.:rolleyes:


12-13-2011, 09:18 AM
It's so funny seeing lebron and Kobe fans bicker.

It's like watching Lady Gaga fans argue with Britney Spears fans. Too comical.

12-13-2011, 09:39 AM
I wonder how common it is for Iooss to come in contact with situations like that. He makes it sound unique, but I'm betting he's come across some weird things involving athletes. Either way, it's an interesting anecdote. I mean, it has to be a little weird to be running a photo shoot and having to go through an interpreter. I wonder if that's how Mike Brown had to coach LeBron during his last years in Cleveland.

"LeBron, you gotta come hard off that screen!"


"Mo! Tell LeBron he's gotta pop up off that screen!"

"LeBron, Coach Mike Brown has a message for you. Do you accept?"


12-13-2011, 09:41 AM
"LeBron, Coach Mike Brown has a message for you. Do you accept?"



12-13-2011, 09:52 AM
I wonder how common it is for Iooss to come in contact with situations like that. He makes it sound unique, but I'm betting he's come across some weird things involving athletes. Either way, it's an interesting anecdote. I mean, it has to be a little weird to be running a photo shoot and having to go through an interpreter. I wonder if that's how Mike Brown had to coach LeBron during his last years in Cleveland.

"LeBron, you gotta come hard off that screen!"


"Mo! Tell LeBron he's gotta pop up off that screen!"

"LeBron, Coach Mike Brown has a message for you. Do you accept?"


Now that is comedy gold right there.

12-13-2011, 09:56 AM
I really don't see what the problem is.

This "incident" in the article is coming RIGHT AFTER "The Decision" which was the peak of his notoriety from....THE MEDIA.

Of course after being vilified, in his mind I'm sure he wouldn't want to speak to any media heads at that time.

He probably just wanted to be left alone considering the guy was receiving death threats and sh*t just cause he left a team as a FA (though it coulda been done way differently).

Can't blame him for that.

DJ Leon Smith
12-13-2011, 10:11 AM
I really don't see what the problem is.

This "incident" in the article is coming RIGHT AFTER "The Decision" which was the peak of his notoriety from....THE MEDIA.

Of course after being vilified, in his mind I'm sure he wouldn't want to speak to any media heads at that time.

He probably just wanted to be left alone considering the guy was receiving death threats and sh*t just cause he left a team as a FA (though it coulda been done way differently).

Can't blame him for that.

Except he'd dealt with that photographer several times in the past and he's pretty much one of the greatest photographers of all-time. It's not like he's going to take a photo of LeBron on his cell phone and email it to TMZ.

Bottom line, LeBron's a douche. He's still a great player, even if he did have one of the worst NBA Finals for a superstar ever and has zero self-awareness. He's a douche. End of story.

P.S. LeBron fans are starting to make Kobe fans look good, I thought this was an impossible task. Then again, I also though Jason Terry outscoring LeBron in an NBA Finals series was impossible too.

12-13-2011, 10:14 AM
Except he'd dealt with that photographer several times in the past and he's pretty much one of the greatest photographers of all-time. It's not like he's going to take a photo of LeBron on his cell phone and email it to TMZ.

Bottom line, LeBron's a douche. He's still a great player, even if he did have one of the worst NBA Finals for a superstar ever and has zero self-awareness. He's a douche. End of story.

P.S. LeBron fans are starting to make Kobe fans look good, I thought this was an impossible task. Then again, I also though Jason Terry outscoring LeBron in an NBA Finals series was impossible too.

All of this:applause:

12-13-2011, 10:17 AM
Except he'd dealt with that photographer several times in the past and he's pretty much one of the greatest photographers of all-time. It's not like he's going to take a photo of LeBron on his cell phone and email it to TMZ.

Bottom line, LeBron's a douche. He's still a great player, even if he did have one of the worst NBA Finals for a superstar ever and has zero self-awareness. He's a douche. End of story.

P.S. LeBron fans are starting to make Kobe fans look good, I thought this was an impossible task. Then again, I also though Jason Terry outscoring LeBron in an NBA Finals series was impossible too.

If his ones of the greatest photographers of all time why did he feel the need to bitch like a little girl....

12-13-2011, 10:22 AM
this is a douche bag:


12-13-2011, 10:41 AM
Lol at u guys arguing over two guys ego. Smh. But to be honest u dont really hear ish like this about Kobe

DJ Leon Smith
12-13-2011, 10:44 AM
If his ones of the greatest photographers of all time why did he feel the need to bitch like a little girl....

How it it bitching when the story he's telling is from a career retrospective for the latest issue of Sports Illustrated? Do you think he just randomly blogged about this for no reason? In the article he lists all his experiences with athletes he's photographed.

The whole article is here, not that you'll read it - http://tinyurl.com/dy8v9ms

12-13-2011, 11:01 AM
If his ones of the greatest photographers of all time why did he feel the need to bitch like a little girl....


I'm a rep you on that one.

The guy comes off like he's casting stones at LeBron (who had already brought on the self-inflicted "hate") but I mean damn...

He's a photographer w/ an "illustrious" 50 yr career (according to the article) so we are talking about a grown man here who is complaining about a 25-26yr old immature man.

On top of that it's business, it's not like they're friends til the end.

It's a guy who took LeBron's pics.

12-13-2011, 11:01 AM
But you know it's true as soon as I mentioned Kobe you guys swarmed in for the attack. It's Ok bro, Kobe is just a basketball player like every other in the league don't get worked up on what others say about the dude.

Don't respond to LakersReign dude....he's an obvious troll looking for someone to love him...He literally would follow me everywhere i'd go in these forums talking about Lebron, even when no one was talking about Lebron....He's simply a Kobe homer in fear of Lebron's potential.

12-13-2011, 11:05 AM
this is a douche bag:



That's a playa.

Unless you were the girl.

12-13-2011, 11:05 AM
Wow reading this thread was an insult to my intellect

12-13-2011, 11:10 AM
If you follow Lebron or Kobe at all you know what their personality's are.

The fact that Lebron ignored some random dude or had an entourage with him is not worthy of being posted anywhere as a story or as news.

No one cares.


yea the fact is that the photographer was just another random dude.

12-13-2011, 12:01 PM

12-13-2011, 12:18 PM
...mind-bogglingly ridiculous. what an uber-douche.

From world famous photographer Walter Ioos Jr.

Now the decision all seems to make sense.

Chosen1 :roll:


Overboard? Yes. But, when you have people telling you that you're a king your whole life, what do you expect?

The dude has never had much adversity to overcome. When he was young he was poor, but everyone saw how gifted he was so he was getting hand outs his whole life.

Doesn't surprise me at all. I doubt the guy knows how to balance a check book, call customer service, or anything like that.

12-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Yo you guys are mad gay, if I was LeBron I would have 8 liaisons numbered 1 through 8 and no liaison would be allowed to talk to a liaison that is more than one number away from him, and people would only be able to talk to liaison number 1 and only liaison number 8 could talk to me, lebron. So if a person wants to communicate to me, they would have to talk to the first liaison, and that liaison would tell it to liaison #2 and then he would talk to liaison #3 and etc.. until it gets to me. That shit would be ill yo

I wish I had that too. Everything will be lost in translation I'd be surprised I'd get what I wanted. :D

12-13-2011, 02:31 PM
i hate lebron. mostly because of his face

12-13-2011, 02:50 PM
youre the one that comes into every lebron thread with sand in your ******.

youre like one of the bitches who pretends she doesnt care about her man having a new girlfriends but inside you're crying deeply and puttin up facebook messages like 'im thru wid diss. cant trust nobody'.

go gargle a bag of dikks. no one cares what you think.

Says Lebron's bitch. I at least make it obvious that I hate him.

You call others "Lebron fans" without admitting you're one of his biggest co*cksuckers.

12-13-2011, 02:59 PM
Says Lebron's bitch. I at least make it obvious that I hate him.

You call others "Lebron fans" without admitting you're one of his biggest co*cksuckers.

i give two shits about lebron. im not a heat fan, never was, never will be. not a cavs fan or former supporter of him either.

this forum lacks the creative juices to post about anything other than one or the other.

12-13-2011, 06:18 PM
''a low self esteem prostitute who wishes to see much more women engaged in prostitution''

that's Lebron and his jockers

Lebron is the prostitute of the NBA
his jockers are the prostitutes of ISH