View Full Version : Anyone feel like they are above others and treat them like shit?

Nick Young
10-08-2011, 07:06 AM
This is the attitude I have right now, it's not the attitude I want to have in the end game of my life but right now I genuinely feel above certain people and don't feel bad when I talk down to them.

Like for example last night I was walking with my friend to meet up somewhere for my friend's birthday.

These two ugly chicks and a gay dude followed me and my friend for like 5 minutes trying to start conversation then i go into a store to get chocolate and come out and SHIT my friend is in conversation and even gaming one of the chicks (he gave me the signal)

The girls were fat and ugly like a 3.5 and a 2 and the gay guy was your standard hipster homo. They try a few boring conversations like "do you have x-box live?" "O i love your accent where are you from" and I didnt want to be outright d*ck so atfirst was kind of nice

but what i learned is if you be too nice to loser or ugly girl then they cling on even harder. They asked me for some chocolate and was like "wtf are you serious?" then they started asking where i was from, what i did then asked for chocolate again, hell no these losers arent getting my food. I was starting to fed up and even did the cardinal wrong of c*ckblocking my wingman by being a c*ck to these ugly chicks and gay dude until finally I just walked away saying nothing after they kept trying to chat me up and get a piece of chocolate. F*CKING FAT BITCH AND GAY DUDE GET THE MESSAGE IM NOT GIVING YOU SHIT.

Eventually they realized I was treating them like shit and started trying to attack me "Ooo loook at your dirty shoes you're not an investment banker! blah blah blah" and i just stood there not giving a f*ck or laughing.

At this point the ugly ho my friend was chatting up tried to get some chocolate too.

And it was c*ckblocking my wingman but from a 3.5 so that doesnt even count because getting fat ugly chicks is too easy and he's better than that.

Anyone else just be complete c*cks to uglies and losers who try to chat you up?

If they were hot girls I would have enjoyed the attention and given them chocolate lol it's not correct to say but it's truth

I used to be nice to these kinds of people and give them polite conversation and probably would have even given chocolate but now I can't even be f*cked to waste my time giving them false hope or my food.

10-08-2011, 07:09 AM
I used to be like dat now I'm trying to change. It makes so many enemies

Nick Young
10-08-2011, 07:11 AM
I used to be like dat now I'm trying to change. It makes so many enemies
I used to be like that but too many of my "friends" and other people would try to walk on me and take advantage so I just started focusing on me and what I want and now hardly anyone f*cks with me, and when they try to I end it instantly but also at the same time I can tell I give off an intimidating and superior attitude sometimes which isn't good in say, my graphic design class. need to journey towards the middle path

10-08-2011, 07:18 AM
I don't feel higher. Though, I do remain quiet and I think this makes people think I'm stuck-up and higher than others.

But truthfully, it's just hard for me to trust people. I just try to be careful. Some people out there will just use you for their own benefits. They'll give you something nice and then bring it up later when they want you to do something for them.

10-08-2011, 07:22 AM
This is the attitude I have right now, it's not the attitude I want to have in the end game of my life but right now I genuinely feel above certain people and don't feel bad when I talk down to them.

Like for example last night I was walking with my friend to meet up somewhere for my friend's birthday.

These two ugly chicks and a gay dude followed me and my friend for like 5 minutes trying to start conversation then i go into a store to get chocolate and come out and SHIT my friend is in conversation and even gaming one of the chicks (he gave me the signal)

The girls were fat and ugly like a 3.5 and a 2 and the gay guy was your standard hipster homo. They try a few boring conversations like "do you have x-box live?" "O i love your accent where are you from" and I didnt want to be outright d*ck so atfirst was kind of nice

but what i learned is if you be too nice to loser or ugly girl then they cling on even harder. They asked me for some chocolate and was like "wtf are you serious?" then they started asking where i was from, what i did then asked for chocolate again, hell no these losers arent getting my food. I was starting to fed up and even did the cardinal wrong of c*ckblocking my wingman by being a c*ck to these ugly chicks and gay dude until finally I just walked away saying nothing after they kept trying to chat me up and get a piece of chocolate. F*CKING FAT BITCH AND GAY DUDE GET THE MESSAGE IM NOT GIVING YOU SHIT.

Eventually they realized I was treating them like shit and started trying to attack me "Ooo loook at your dirty shoes you're not an investment banker! blah blah blah" and i just stood there not giving a f*ck or laughing.

At this point the ugly ho my friend was chatting up tried to get some chocolate too.

And it was c*ckblocking my wingman but from a 3.5 so that doesnt even count because getting fat ugly chicks is too easy and he's better than that.

Anyone else just be complete c*cks to uglies and losers who try to chat you up?

If they were hot girls I would have enjoyed the attention and given them chocolate lol it's not correct to say but it's truth

I used to be nice to these kinds of people and give them polite conversation and probably would have even given chocolate but now I can't even be f*cked to waste my time giving them false hope or my food.

never disrespect no n*gga.

I feel you should show everyone respect regardless of appearances. In your case Nick Young, you def should at least answered there questions. If you didn't want to talk to them, you should have excused yourself politely.

But I know people who def feel more entitled to something. Mainly due to their parents financial status, and where the live, what school they go to etc.

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 07:27 AM
Where I'm from talking down to people like that could get you a pumpkin head. It's best to treat everyone with respect and if you feel like you can't just excuse yourself like the homie said.

You not better than anyone else, maybe more fortunate, but not better.

Nick Young
10-08-2011, 07:35 AM
Where I'm from talking down to people like that could get you a pumpkin head. It's best to treat everyone with respect and if you feel like you can't just excuse yourself like the homie said.

You not better than anyone else, maybe more fortunate, but not better.
Yeh I know but this is how my mindset was last night, need to work on changing it

I was better dressed
I wasn't fat, infact in shape and 6 packed
I don't follow people desperately and keep flirting with people while being ignored
I don't have boring chat up lines and don't give boring ass conversation like they were giving.
I don't beg for chocolate when a guy says no I don't want to share
If I was gay I wouldnt keep hitting on a dude when it was clear he had no interest and I wouldnt start dissin his shoes once rejected.

That's why I felt better than them.

My boy afterwards was disappointed and was like "imagine how those people must feel they were being nice and flirting and you slap em in the face, how do you feel when a hot girl straight up rejects you for no reason" and yeh that's crushing but at the same time honestly I can't remember a time in the last 3 years I have been straight up rudely rejected by a lady, of course I must have loads of times just I dont remember it and didnt take it personal.

But at the same time I didn't feel guilty I was a d*ck to these people, ordinarily I would, I need to start showing compassion to everyone like jesus

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 07:41 AM
I was better dressed
I wasn't fat, infact in shape and 6 packed
I don't follow people desperately and keep flirting with people while being ignored
I don't have boring chat up lines and don't give boring ass conversation like they were giving.
I don't beg for chocolate when a guy says no I don't want to share
If I was gay I wouldnt keep hitting on a dude when it was clear he had no interest and I wouldnt start dissin his shoes once rejected.

That's why I felt better than them.

That's your problem. In the grand scale of things no one cares about your clothes and 6-pack other than you. The fact that you felt they were following you around is interesting, but maybe they were just bored. I'm sure they didn't beg you for chocolate, maybe they asked persistently to get you to warm up. Just because you would do something and another person wouldn't (in a ceratin situation) doesn't really attest to your status or worth.

Prestige is an illusion my man.

10-08-2011, 07:42 AM
yes, you should think you are better then some ppl, but not all. You dont want the people that are better then you down talking you would you. Now what i really hate is someone that thinks there better then you try to talk down to you but in reality you are better then them. For example Some fat ugly chick that worked at homedepot actually had the balls to laugh at me while i was walking out. 1 your fat as ****, 2 your ugly as ****, 3 you work at homedepot and by the looks of it you have no real future....and your laughing at me?

Nick Young
10-08-2011, 07:51 AM
yes, you should think you are better then some ppl, but not all. You dont want the people that are better then you down talking you would you. Now what i really hate is someone that thinks there better then you try to talk down to you but in reality you are better then them. For example Some fat ugly chick that worked at homedepot actually had the balls to laugh at me while i was walking out. 1 your fat as ****, 2 your ugly as ****, 3 you work at homedepot and by the looks of it you have no real future....and your laughing at me?
Yeh my mindset I'm better than others must also mean i see other people out there i feel are better and above me and f*ck that. Time to meditate on this and fixup my currrent mindset.

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 08:03 AM
I feel you my manz... but you need to get off your black pride racist steez... I know you in your own mind don't think you're racist against anyone else... but dude... you are... esp whites.

Time for YOU ... my e-ga a grown man to flush your past BS experiences or whatever down the camoooooooDE ... ON SOME Al Bundy sheet ... hehe He from the Chy too 'ya dig?

So please kind sir, stop the racist sheet.

Stfu talkin to me chump. Ain't no one racist you just mad because I said Hip-Hop was my culture and not yours.

Give it a rest.

Nothing I said in this thread, in the thread I made about wine, in the comments I made to NY in the other thread; had anything to do with black pride. You bring it up more than me.

10-08-2011, 08:09 AM
its normal for your age (assuming you are somewhere between 21-27 years old).

you're an angry young man, it is a phase people go through, even though you might be quite happy and content, you are still an angry young man.

this is not an insult, it is just the phase of life that older college students, and college graduate young adults go through. you feel like you know everything, everyone else is f*cked and you constantly see anecdotal evidence (case in point your story) that leads you to believe your superior to others.

being a c0cksucker towards others though is a slippery slope, because you are going to run into retards all your life, you will need to deal with them all your life (the world is full of them) and some people will think you are a retard. it is best to develop a deft touch, handle people politely and learn to subtly deal with/manipulate them. you'll get ZERO respect in a few short years for being a prlck and probably not much today.

there are so many metrics for measuring success, intelligence and happiness that everyone runs the risk of becoming completely jaded, and thus useless to the world. don't be that guy.

don't live life like we all like to post around here. my biggest worry about society is that we will all become walking internet news story 'comment sections' and lose our ability to be diplomatic.

information is now free, our EQ is the only thing that will separate it, don't cripple yourself.

10-08-2011, 08:14 AM
Stfu talkin to me chump. Ain't no one racist you just mad because I said Hip-Hop was my culture and not yours.

Give it a rest.

Nothing I said in this thread, in the thread I made about wine, in the comments I made to NY in the other thread; had anything to do with black pride. You bring it up more than me.

who's would you say is the best rapper in the game today?

10-08-2011, 08:17 AM
I don't even know what to say....the people that ruin society with racism is the ones that hide it

10-08-2011, 08:21 AM
Information is now free... LOL ... yeah... well, that is until it's not. Before long, censored interwebz... news outlets even more than it is today... etc...

I know J I know... it's all us conspirazy nootz losing thy mindz.

Well bro... you don't see what's about to go down... but I think deep inside you know itz coming and you just can't accept it.


Tell me I'm lying.

the demand side has no solution for the supply side in this situation, doomed for failure. and BTW are you saying I am Ass Dan? why does everyone think that?

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 08:25 AM
Well... first off you don't tell me to STFU. That's my call to you, not yourz to minez, ya dig?

Now... being past that... I'm not trying to start sheet ... I'm just trying to help you ... and help make our society better.

On here, we can argue whatever... rap music, culture, whatever... dont matter... but beyond these ISH walls... you don't need to be on your black power, papz from Africa black pride we the true onez not the whitez BS ... it aint about race man... and you'd be the first to bring up some whites made slaves from black bullshit....

Time to get past that... time to be smarter than that... yeah, we can't ignore what happened in the past... but man it's time to rize up... as ONE ... not as different...

So please stop pretending like you not already on that level 'cause dude you not... you still got a chip on your shoulder for white folks... or at a minimum anyone who aint black.

That my friend... is racist. Just stop.

You're so far from the truth it's funny.

I work for Mormons, with Mormons. My boss tells me my best quality is how I relate to our mostly white clients. I stay in Utah because I'm sick of dumb negroes shooting up ****. I won't move back until I can afford a house in Hyde Park (downtown Chicago) or in a cushy suburb because I don't like gang activities. I could move back and move into one of my family's houses but I choose to stay in the middle of Mormonville because I LIKE the city they've built here (nestled) in the valley. It's one of the most "white bread" places in America...

So if I hated whites I'd have been long gone.

I was hip to the fact that some "brothers" are white, latin, asian, whatever, and some black men ain't "brothers" at all since I was a teen.

I'm not angry at whites, at my lot in life, or at the police (like you:oldlol: ).

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 08:36 AM
who's would you say is the best rapper in the game today?

Depends on what your criteria is. THe best arguments are for T.I,, Wayne, and Em in my opinion and I'm not really a fan of any of them outside of prime T.I.

10-08-2011, 09:38 AM
Wow. So its ok to disrespect people and put them down because you think they are ugly?

You learn something new everyday.

10-08-2011, 09:41 AM
Hey hippoz ... LOL if not ... nevermindz you can't get it. Otherwise, let me ask you a personal ?

Do Indian chicks shave they pitz... and I mean both arm... and the legz part if you get what I'm saying.


LOL... WTF am I saying... hippoz would do that same shit too

:roll: :roll: :roll:

10-08-2011, 09:45 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

You find that funny? :(


10-08-2011, 09:50 AM
You find that funny? :(


im sorry he just be trolling hard though, trying to get a reaction

10-08-2011, 09:53 AM
OK, now it's obvious... a new comer would not use teh emoticons like that.

Go back to being purple ch0de... he left all a sudden... now here you are... after you tried to plant the seed of you on some career shit.

LOLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll

no one buyin' dude.

game over ... go back to the drawing board.

New gimmick will be approved in some week or so.


A chich from India would not have put... India in their location slot... wouldnt even care, too hard hippoz

dis n1gga killin em :lol

10-08-2011, 10:35 AM
5 star posting with a 5 star thread. Honestly, I do feel like I'm cooler than most people. And it's a habit, I'm trying to change. But damn, I sympathize with the op. smh@ being fat and still trying to ask for chocolate. The nerve of that wilder beasts. I too ignore fat people.

10-08-2011, 11:27 AM
Nope. The kushy and liquor keep me on my leve. I'm just chill

Go Getter
10-08-2011, 11:40 AM
Yeah... OK... you ain't fooling me. and really popz, no one else either. You're already the resident older black dude who hatez whites in these parts. All this posting you are doing now can't back track and erase all the sheet you done posted in the past...

You might want to go back and edit or erase all that garbage ... LOL

ready... set ... GO ... go GETTER!


I don't really hate you as a person man, no one is perfect... we're all fault full of sheet people... but here on this message board man, you just suck, hard.
Yeah and you're a gem buddy...a real gem who has earned the right to read people.

IRL you'd be on my dick more than my girl you bald witless psycho ward patient you. i've seen your pics man....you can't see me.

*I look and am younger than you.
*My hair is longer and thicker than yours.
*I have real friends so I don't have to stress e-rep.
*I work 2 jobs.
*I can take full body pics in my own place while you apparently can't.
*I only need ONE account to express myself.
*I've accomplished more in life than you, been to more places, spent more bread, own more land, and **** colder broads than you.
*I've planted my seed and have an adoring son while you're a lonely dipshit.
*And, after all that I post better than you hoe.

You talk all big and bad but in these past few weeks you've exposed yourself, pulled your own pretty pink dress up and let all of OTC know that you a bitch-made loon that would rather diss people and start fires/sock accounts/fake tirades for attention than act like a ****in' man and use the board to communicate in a venerable manner with other human beings...

I truly pity you.

10-08-2011, 11:45 AM

LOJ getting roasted by all the black posters. First B-low now go getter


10-08-2011, 11:52 AM
Nick, I don't have any problem with it as long as you suffer the consequences of being seen as an a-hole. Which extends to people ostracizing you, same people f*cking you over if you were ever, by chance in, danger, people cringing at your behavior, and you being denied a shot as being seen as an "upstanding citizen" with the virtue of "community".. But you're already used to that. The stallions always are.

You know that quote "The measure of a man is the way he treats those who do nothing for them.". You're giving a big f*ck u to that, and IDK if that's bold or treachery. I follow this maxim by a T, (kind to those just for the sake of being kind), but I realized that this is to assuage my ego and declare myself a good person. Every day evolutionary psych is being more and more the rule of the land. I don't have it in me to treat other people like sh!t [at least for no good reason] due to a strong sense of empathy, but by that definition, that stems out of incompetence and incapability, not out of some higher virtue. And it's very, very important to MAKE. THAT. DISTINCTION. Also the world would be a better place if less people were like this. THis type of callous attitude ought to be reserved for the most efficient business leaders who simply don't have time to engage in courteousness.

With that said, arrogance and status are both EARNED. Either by treachery, tyranny, and sheer good luck (inheritance + genes), or by climbing to the top some other way.. academically, politically, socially, physically... Reap the rewards while you can :) You busted your azz off studying architecture, you're a funny guy, well-travelled and by all means your social value is higher. You can outright reject these people and tell them to f*ck off. Proceed with caution though.

The world's cold, dark and will beat you down till you bleed. You're gonna want the company of cool guys and hot girls in this life. Carry on young one.

El Kabong
10-08-2011, 01:49 PM
I don't feel higher. Though, I do remain quiet and I think this makes people think I'm stuck-up and higher than others.

But truthfully, it's just hard for me to trust people. I just try to be careful. Some people out there will just use you for their own benefits. They'll give you something nice and then bring it up later when they want you to do something for them.
I know exactly what you mean. I'm quiet around most people unless I really know them well and trust 'em. Most times I just like to listen to people I don't know so I can get a feel for them before I jump into conversation with them. But as you said people often take offense to it, thinking you're being rude, you don't like them for whatever reason, or they think you're not enjoying yourself and constantly ask you "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

I remember last time I went out with friends and a girl I didn't know ended up hanging out with us and I ended up getting kinda quiet for awhile. By the end of the night I was making out with her and after said to me "I thought you hated me at first because you weren't talking that much when I came over".

10-08-2011, 01:51 PM
Easy solution: Don't be a douche.

El Kabong
10-08-2011, 01:54 PM
I feel like I'm below others and deserve to be treated like shit.
Shut the **** up....OOOOHHHH YEA!!!

pete's montreux
10-08-2011, 02:08 PM
As a fat person I feel like I'm better than skinny people. I'm way better at eating food.

10-08-2011, 02:23 PM
As a fat person I feel like I'm better than skinny people. I'm way better at eating food.

To be frank, it makes sense to look down upon others who don't have them appetites. They ought to be teased and ridiculed.

These full after a slice of pizza buffoons would get eaten alive way back when. They can't swim in cold water. They require more technology to help them sustain long winters. And they are sometimes just unpleasant to look at.

10-08-2011, 09:03 PM
This is the attitude I have right now, it's not the attitude I want to have in the end game of my life but right now I genuinely feel above certain people and don't feel bad when I talk down to them.

Like for example last night I was walking with my friend to meet up somewhere for my friend's birthday.

These two ugly chicks and a gay dude followed me and my friend for like 5 minutes trying to start conversation then i go into a store to get chocolate and come out and SHIT my friend is in conversation and even gaming one of the chicks (he gave me the signal)

The girls were fat and ugly like a 3.5 and a 2 and the gay guy was your standard hipster homo. They try a few boring conversations like "do you have x-box live?" "O i love your accent where are you from" and I didnt want to be outright d*ck so atfirst was kind of nice

but what i learned is if you be too nice to loser or ugly girl then they cling on even harder. They asked me for some chocolate and was like "wtf are you serious?" then they started asking where i was from, what i did then asked for chocolate again, hell no these losers arent getting my food. I was starting to fed up and even did the cardinal wrong of c*ckblocking my wingman by being a c*ck to these ugly chicks and gay dude until finally I just walked away saying nothing after they kept trying to chat me up and get a piece of chocolate. F*CKING FAT BITCH AND GAY DUDE GET THE MESSAGE IM NOT GIVING YOU SHIT.

Eventually they realized I was treating them like shit and started trying to attack me "Ooo loook at your dirty shoes you're not an investment banker! blah blah blah" and i just stood there not giving a f*ck or laughing.

At this point the ugly ho my friend was chatting up tried to get some chocolate too.

And it was c*ckblocking my wingman but from a 3.5 so that doesnt even count because getting fat ugly chicks is too easy and he's better than that.

Anyone else just be complete c*cks to uglies and losers who try to chat you up?

If they were hot girls I would have enjoyed the attention and given them chocolate lol it's not correct to say but it's truth

I used to be nice to these kinds of people and give them polite conversation and probably would have even given chocolate but now I can't even be f*cked to waste my time giving them false hope or my food.
your life is a joke

10-08-2011, 09:06 PM
Yeh I know but this is how my mindset was last night, need to work on changing it

I was better dressed
I wasn't fat, infact in shape and 6 packed
I don't follow people desperately and keep flirting with people while being ignored
I don't have boring chat up lines and don't give boring ass conversation like they were giving.
I don't beg for chocolate when a guy says no I don't want to share
If I was gay I wouldnt keep hitting on a dude when it was clear he had no interest and I wouldnt start dissin his shoes once rejected.

That's why I felt better than them.

My boy afterwards was disappointed and was like "imagine how those people must feel they were being nice and flirting and you slap em in the face, how do you feel when a hot girl straight up rejects you for no reason" and yeh that's crushing but at the same time honestly I can't remember a time in the last 3 years I have been straight up rudely rejected by a lady, of course I must have loads of times just I dont remember it and didnt take it personal.

But at the same time I didn't feel guilty I was a d*ck to these people, ordinarily I would, I need to start showing compassion to everyone like jesus
you must have a very low self esteem

10-08-2011, 09:08 PM
its normal for your age (assuming you are somewhere between 21-27 years old).

you're an angry young man, it is a phase people go through, even though you might be quite happy and content, you are still an angry young man.

this is not an insult, it is just the phase of life that older college students, and college graduate young adults go through. you feel like you know everything, everyone else is f*cked and you constantly see anecdotal evidence (case in point your story) that leads you to believe your superior to others.

being a c0cksucker towards others though is a slippery slope, because you are going to run into retards all your life, you will need to deal with them all your life (the world is full of them) and some people will think you are a retard. it is best to develop a deft touch, handle people politely and learn to subtly deal with/manipulate them. you'll get ZERO respect in a few short years for being a prlck and probably not much today.

there are so many metrics for measuring success, intelligence and happiness that everyone runs the risk of becoming completely jaded, and thus useless to the world. don't be that guy.

don't live life like we all like to post around here. my biggest worry about society is that we will all become walking internet news story 'comment sections' and lose our ability to be diplomatic.

information is now free, our EQ is the only thing that will separate it, don't cripple yourself.
:oldlol: :roll: :lol :facepalm

10-08-2011, 09:10 PM
5 star posting with a 5 star thread. Honestly, I do feel like I'm cooler than most people. And it's a habit, I'm trying to change. But damn, I sympathize with the op. smh@ being fat and still trying to ask for chocolate. The nerve of that wilder beasts. I too ignore fat people.
stop talking to yourself u fukn ******

10-08-2011, 11:26 PM
I feel like I'm below others and deserve to be treated like shit.

Are u being sarcastic?

Bc I feel the exact same way.

10-08-2011, 11:49 PM
stop talking to yourself u fukn ******
listen to this backward d1ck sucking fakkit try to go at me. I'll smack the paste of your monkey ass if you ever step to me with this b1tch made attitude you passion fruit fakkit. Fukk wit me again.

10-08-2011, 11:52 PM
listen to this backward d1ck sucking fakkit try to go at me. I'll smack the paste of your monkey ass if you ever step to me with this b1tch made attitude you passion fruit fakkit. Fukk wit me again.
You are too good for this forum. We already agreed on this in your thread. Why keep lowering yourself to this shit?

10-08-2011, 11:56 PM
You are too good for this forum. We already agreed on this in your thread. Why keep lowering yourself to this shit?
I'm kind of drunk right now, so I'll reply to anything. I'm sipping some Bombay all by myself in the dark listening to The Doors.

10-08-2011, 11:57 PM
I was being sarcastic. I am pretty introverted but I don't think I 'm below people or deserve to be treated like shit.
Shut the **** up.

10-11-2011, 01:52 AM
you gotta realize everyone's different and learn to treat others the way you want to be treated

10-11-2011, 02:09 AM
What if you want to be treated like shit?

10-11-2011, 09:01 AM
i go into a store to get chocolate

Stopped reading there.:facepalm

10-11-2011, 09:34 AM
yes i do

08-18-2016, 12:31 PM

08-18-2016, 01:01 PM

You once had this attitude I'm sure J$.

08-18-2016, 01:32 PM
You once had this attitude I'm sure J$.

Irregardless, we are all prone to arrogance and we all need to attain humility and honor the spirit of equality and fraternity that is natural to man.

And for starters that means quitting the racist threads on ISH.

I know you are
08-18-2016, 01:46 PM
All I learned from this thread is that the OP is so poor he can't afford clean shoes.

08-18-2016, 03:16 PM
People almost always treat me with respect and I return the favor. The only time I treat people like shit is when they try to scam me.

I do a lot of traveling and I stand out as an obvious foreigner in some places being a tall white Adonis. I always know the regular prices of local goods wherever I am, and when someone tries to rip me off, I let them have it

For example if I ever went to the Philippines and that midget Louie tried to scam me for some shrimp, I'd certainly let him know in a less than cordial manner

08-18-2016, 03:33 PM
You guys are fcking douchebags :facepalm

08-18-2016, 03:40 PM
This is no suprise comming from a suspected white supremacist, this is how most of them feel. :lol

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 03:58 PM

But seriously folks, if I can be serious for a minute:
5 years later I have changed a lot. I still dislike the types of interactions I described in my OP. Instead of being instantly rude however, I have learned to avoid these kinds of social interactions completely. When annoying and persistent people do appear, I have learned to act aloof and stupid in order to make them go away, or sometimes I politely say I am busy. I also no longer believe myself to be better than anyone!

What simple common sense solutions I have learned to problems that previously plagued me. Hopefully within the next 5 years I level up again!

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 03:59 PM
This is no suprise comming from a suspected white supremacist, this is how most of them feel. :lol
I spent more time writing AGAINST racism than you have spent thinking about it.

08-18-2016, 04:11 PM

But seriously folks, if I can be serious for a minute:
5 years later I have changed a lot. I still dislike the types of interactions I described in my OP. Instead of being instantly rude however, I have learned to avoid these kinds of social interactions completely. When annoying and persistent people do appear, I have learned to act aloof and stupid in order to make them go away, or sometimes I politely say I am busy. I also no longer believe myself to be better than anyone!

What simple common sense solutions I have learned to problems that previously plagued me. Hopefully within the next 5 years I level up again!

:rockon: :cheers: :D Insha'allah Brotha! Awesome progress man. Far more impressive than a 300 lb bench

So let's not go yappin bout whose racist and Clinton's mental issues. Let's discuss REAL knowledge :pimp:

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 04:18 PM
:rockon: :cheers: :D Insha'allah Brotha! Awesome progress man. Far more impressive than a 300 lb bench

So let's not go yappin bout whose racist and Clinton's mental issues. Let's discuss REAL knowledge :pimp:
I didn't yap. I just posted a map of racism.

Not to shame any group of people. Mostly just for worldly context. For example, many people are upset about racism in America. I believe it would be helpful for these people to see how racism America compares to other nations.

Many people do not know what true racism looks like until they leave America and see and witness it for themselves.

Often times my posts are taken out of context and a sinister agenda is assumed and projected on to me. I find this amusing. Based on the poster you ask, I have several different contradicting evil agendas I am apparently trying to promote.

This is what generally happens when people see and read things they don't want to see and read about. They get upset and lashout and pick a scapegoat to blame.

Many of my posts were and are an experiment to see how people interact with knowledge that goes against their narrative. Generally what I predicted would happen has been happening. I guess you can describe many of these threads as psychological studies. For example, look what the "Map of racism" thread devolved in to :lol

I often read about studies and ways to control mass groups of people, and try to test these studies out for myself. I always learn a lot when I do. :cheers: I am also able to see the true nature of several different personalities of ISH due to these "studies".

08-18-2016, 06:17 PM
ationalization or rationalisation (also known as making excuses[1]) is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable—or even admirable and superior—by plausible means.[2] It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.[3]

Rationalisation happens in two steps:

A decision, action, judgement is made for a given reason, or no (known) reason at all.
A rationalisation is performed, constructing a seemingly good or logical reason, as an attempt to justify the act after the fact (for oneself or others).

Your reasoning behind why you post this things is that it's a psychological experiment. So here's some psychology and some Scripture.

1) If someone's family is fat, directing their attention to more obese people is not a viable solution. Actually making proactive steps to fix one's own condition is.

2) "Controlling mass populations."
"People telling me I have sinister motives and I find that amusing."
Please tell us that by researching mass control your intention is to set people under hypnosis from the media, free.

It would not be nice if you went down this road:

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."
Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

what Allah made obligatory and doubt His religion, even though He does not accept a deed from anyone except with faith in His religion and certainty of its truth. The hypocrites also lie to the believers by saying contrary to the doubt and hesitation their hearts harbor. They give as much aid as they can, against Allah's loyal friends, and support those who deny Allah, His Books and His Messengers. This is how the hypocrites commit mischief on earth, while thinking that they are doing righteous work on earth.''

Which explanation is more sound?

People flip out when their narrative is what they don't want.

And We did certainly give Moses the Torah and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit. But is it [not] that every time a messenger came to you, [O Children of Israel], with what your souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And a party [of messengers] you denied and another party you killed.

And when it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah has revealed," they say, "We believe [only] in what was revealed to us." And they disbelieve in what came after it, while it is the truth confirming that which is with them. Say, "Then why did you kill the prophets of Allah before, if you are [indeed] believers?"

And then lying to the people about eternal Hell, calling two Abrahamic religions after "corrupt off-shoots"

And they say, "Never will the Fire touch us, except for a few days." Say, "Have you taken a covenant with Allah ? For Allah will never break His covenant. Or do you say about Allah that which you do not know?"

Calling Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) a warlord, when his whole life he made peace and only brought forth the HIGHEST QUALITY of Concentrated Wisdom to each and every one of his interactions.
Calling me "radicalized" when I don't even hurt mosquitos.

Great job, Nick, from "innocently" learning about psychology, you just worsened the condition of thousands of actually impressionable people on ISH.

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 06:42 PM
Mohammad didn't make peace his whole life.

Before he began his conquest of the Arab peninsula, he had poets and musicians executed who wrote satirical songs and poems about him. He also ethnically cleansed an entire tribe of Jews out of existence.

Remember, this was before his violent conquest of the Arab peninsula. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_career_of_Muhammad)

The last 10 years of Mohammad's life were 10 years of violent warmongering. Many battles were fought in the name of spreading Mohammad's message, under the direct orders of Mohammad himself.

الفتوحات الإسلامية‎‎

Great job, Nick, from "innocently" learning about psychology, you just worsened the condition of thousands of actually impressionable people on ISH.
If you truly believe that my "troll posts" (ie stating the fact that Mohammad was a violent war lord) are "worsening the condition of thousands" you are attributing way too much power to me.

You also are indirectly stating your own shaky beliefs about the religious message you have been indoctrinated in to following. If I have the power to damage the "message" through shitposting on ISH, it must not be a very strong message in the first place.

A truly strong belief system would have no problem with people like me speaking out against it. A weak belief system is one where dissenters must be silenced. You fear people like me speaking out and sharing the truth about Islam because you are afraid that your belief system will not hold up if the truth of the religion was more widely known.

Similar to how followers of Scientology become upset when you talk about the sci fi mythology that forms the basis of their religion.

Mohammad was a warmongerer and a conquerer. He also married a 9 year old. These are all facts.

Do these facts invalidate the more positive messages found in Islam? In my opinion they don't, but that is up to each person's individual interpretation. I personally believe that Islam has brought a lot of good to this world, but that doesn't mean I am going to pretend that violent military conquests in the name of Islam never occurred, because historically they did.

08-18-2016, 07:01 PM
I don't think you should think of yourself as "above others", but you should totally think you're better than other people in some aspects