View Full Version : Wade or Iverson?

05-15-2011, 12:22 AM

Regular season

05-15-2011, 12:28 AM
Such a tough call. I give Iverson bonus points for dominating at his size of 6'0 165 pounds slashing to the rim on prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ben Wallace, Duncan and guys like that. I'd say Wade is the better all around player but Iverson the much better scorer. Wade has a significant advantage over Iverson on defense being 6'4 220.

If I have to take one in their prime it purely depends on what my team needs. If I have a poor or average surrounding cast easily Iverson. If I need a guy who will share with another star player it's Wade.

05-15-2011, 12:31 AM
Wade by a country mile. Wade is a far better all around player than Iverson and much more efficient. I don't really buy the argument that Iverson was a much better scorer than Wade. I think that Wade is a much more willing passer than Iverson and could have averaged similar points if he increased his shots. Wade is on a different level.

05-15-2011, 12:32 AM
If you're talking about scoring, then AI. However, D-Wade is the closes we've seen to MJ in terms of slashing/defense.

05-15-2011, 12:33 AM
Iverson is a great scorer, better scorer than Wade.

If Iverson wasn't such a douche bag and wanted to play a scoring role on my team I'd pick him. But since Wade is very very good and isn't such a douche, then I choose him.

05-15-2011, 12:37 AM
Wade by a country mile. Wade is a far better all around player than Iverson and much more efficient. I don't really buy the argument that Iverson was a much better scorer than Wade. I think that Wade is a much more willing passer than Iverson and could have averaged similar points if he increased his shots. Wade is on a different level.

If you don't understand how or why Iverson was a better scorer than Wade than you are definitely a new basketball fan. Iverson is easily one of the best scorers of all time and that was as a 6'0 165 pound slashing guard with a streaky shot. Iverson is leaps ahead of Wade when it comes to scoring. Wade is more efficient but Iverson was by far the more explosive, consistent and dependable scorer. These 10 point games Wade has occasionally almost never happened with Iverson in his prime.

Wade is a better defender... and rebounder and that has a lot to do with his size and strength. Iverson was a better off the ball defender and better at playing passing lanes. Both equal passers/playmakers but Iverson never played next to an elite talent like just out of prime Shaq or Lebron.

05-15-2011, 12:38 AM
Wade's the better player, but iverson was such an amazing scorer for his size. He used to be one of my favorite players.

05-15-2011, 12:46 AM
Best all around season from both of them...


30.7 ppg, 4 rpg, 8 apg, 2.5 spg. All this while being 6'0 165 and playing in a league with MUCH better competition.


30 ppg, 5 rpg, 7.5 apg, 2 spg, 1.5 bpg.

Wade has a slight edge.. but in a weaker league with all the great shotblockers outside of Dwight gone... and with his size advantage I'd say these two players are a wash. As to who I take as I said has to do with the make up of the team.

05-15-2011, 12:54 AM
Iverson was a "volume" scorer.. who was inefficient and the hijacker of his team type.

Wade is a "pure" scorer.. There is a big difference between pure scorers and volume scorers. The pure ones work better within the team concept, involving everyone.

Iverson just used finesse. Meanwhile, Wade has that finesse, but also Wade has a tremendous amount of power. He can go through you, around you, or over you.. Just look how many times he plows and goes right through 7-footers at the rim.

So Wade can beat you in more ways. Which is why he's in the Top 5 Alltime for most drawn fouls ever on a per game basis. Right there with wilt chamberlain and Shaq in the Top 5 alltime. Because Wade is so hard to stop you have to foul him.

Moreover, Wade is just much better all around as a player. He's the closest to Michael Jordan we have ever seen from the guard positions.

05-15-2011, 12:54 AM
If you don't understand how or why Iverson was a better scorer than Wade than you are definitely a new basketball fan. Iverson is easily one of the best scorers of all time and that was as a 6'0 165 pound slashing guard with a streaky shot. Iverson is leaps ahead of Wade when it comes to scoring. Wade is more efficient but Iverson was by far the more explosive, consistent and dependable scorer. These 10 point games Wade has occasionally almost never happened with Iverson in his prime.

Wade is a better defender... and rebounder and that has a lot to do with his size and strength. Iverson was a better off the ball defender and better at playing passing lanes. Both equal passers/playmakers but Iverson never played next to an elite talent like just out of prime Shaq or Lebron.

I'm not going to penalize Wade for being larger and stronger than Iverson. To do so would be ridiculous. I understand perfectly Iverson's greatness as a scorer, but as great as he was I think Wade is on the same kind of level, despite the difference in scoring totals. Wade is a much more willing passer than Iverson ever was and this reflects his scoring totals. To put up over 30 points per game in a season and shoot 49% is astonishing and something I don't think Iverson could have ever done. Wade's size allows him to do more than Iverson could ever do. Iverson was never equal to Wade as a passer/playmaker.

05-15-2011, 12:56 AM
Best all around season from both of them...


30.7 ppg, 4 rpg, 8 apg, 2.5 spg. All this while being 6'0 165 and playing in a league with MUCH better competition.


30 ppg, 5 rpg, 7.5 apg, 2 spg, 1.5 bpg.

Wade has a slight edge.. but in a weaker league with all the great shotblockers outside of Dwight gone... and with his size advantage I'd say these two players are a wash. As to who I take as I said has to do with the make up of the team.

You can't give Iverson more credit because he is smaller. That's just ridiculous.

05-15-2011, 12:59 AM
AI is my second favorite player ever, but this is easily Wade. There really isn't much of a debate.

05-15-2011, 01:00 AM
You can't give Iverson more credit because he is smaller. That's just ridiculous.

Well even so I can definitely dock Wade some points for playing in a league where refs send you to the line for every touch foul. You need to educate yourself. Iverson got MURDERED on a regular basis and even then didn't always get fouls. If he played in this pus*y D Whistle era where a bump was a foul dude would of averaged 40 ppg. What I also will hold against Wade is... he doesn't have to deal with top defending Centers of all time like prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ratliff, Ben Wallace etc. Unless it's Dwight Howard or MAYBE Bogut.. nobody nowadays has an interior presence like these players did defensively.

So tougher reffing and more difficult competition= Iverson>>>Wade.

05-15-2011, 01:02 AM
Iverson was a "volume" scorer.. who was inefficient and the hijacker of his team type.

Wade is a "pure" scorer.. There is a big difference between pure scorers and volume scorers. The pure ones work better within the team concept, involving everyone.

Iverson just used finesse. Meanwhile, Wade has that finesse, but also Wade has a tremendous amount of power. He can go through you, around you, or over you.. Just look how many times he plows and goes right through 7-footers at the rim.

So Wade can beat you in more ways. Which is why he's in the Top 5 Alltime for most drawn fouls ever on a per game basis. Right there with wilt chamberlain and Shaq in the Top 5 alltime. Because Wade is so hard to stop you have to foul him.

Moreover, Wade is just much better all around as a player. He's the closest to Michael Jordan we have ever seen from the guard positions.

I agree with a lot of this. I'd much rather have a player such as Wade who combines speed/power as opposed to Iverson whose game was based on speed, allusiveness, and finesse. Wade's game is much more in the framework of the team and this impresses me more than Iverson's volume scoring.

05-15-2011, 01:03 AM
AI was a system player. He was also the better scorer.

Wade's game is much more versatile so he can be successful in more situations and contribute in more ways.

I'll go with Wade.

05-15-2011, 01:04 AM
i mean, just look at the final 3 possessions in regulation of game 5 against Boston.

Wade is down low at the rim and protecting the rim. Wade altered all 3 of Boston's final 3 shots there at the rim... all misses because of Wade, and Wade was a big reason why Boston didn't score a single bucket in the final 4 minutes of regulation.. and only had 4 pts in all of overtime.

Iverson can't do those things. And Wade is a beast rebounder in the paint against bigger men,. Moreover Wade is a beast shot blocker and routinely blocks 7 footers at the rim.

Wade is also an excellent post up player so you can't use that for iverson. Wade's post up game has been compared to jordan by coaches in the NBA

Only Jordan played so big as a guard against big men like Wade does.

I can go on and on and list so much more that Wade has over Iverson, it's not even funny.

05-15-2011, 01:04 AM
Anyone who would say it's a clear cut answer or Wade>>>Iverson easily... or even Iverson>>Wade easily... DID NOT watch both players in their prime. I watched the entire prime of Iverson as well as Wade. Btw... Wade is not a better playmaker than Iverson. More unselfish? Yes. Better passer/playmaker? What evidence do you have for this? Both have the same career apg, Iverson a higher prime apg. All this with Iverson playing with FAR less offensive weapons. If you want to get into hypothetical imagine how many assists Iverson would average next to a scoring threat like Shaq or Lebron?

05-15-2011, 01:10 AM
Well even so I can definitely dock Wade some points for playing in a league where refs send you to the line for every touch foul. You need to educate yourself. Iverson got MURDERED on a regular basis and even then didn't always get fouls. If he played in this pus*y D Whistle era where a bump was a foul dude would of averaged 40 ppg. What I also will hold against Wade is... he doesn't have to deal with top defending Centers of all time like prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ratliff, Ben Wallace etc. Unless it's Dwight Howard or MAYBE Bogut.. nobody nowadays has an interior presence like these players did defensively.

So tougher reffing and more difficult competition= Iverson>>>Wade.

Any star player who attacks the basket regularly in today's game is accorded the same treatment as Wade. Kobe, Lebron, Carmelo, Rose, etc. are all treated the same. The D-Whistle nonsense does nothing for your argument, it only makes you look foolish and makes you look like a meatball fan. I also don't buy your Iverson was getting murdered all the time in a much better defensive era argument. It was a bit tougher in Iverson's prime, but the league had already changed drastically since the early 90's. Teams already couldn't play the same way the old pistons and Knick teams played. A large part of Iverson being murdered is because he was so damn small and reckless. He had the same recklessness as wade, except he was 4 inches shorter and 50 pounds or so lighter. This will definitely make him look like he was getting bounced around a lot, which he certainly was. As for him averaging 40 points in today's game, that is simply absurd and is just you using hyperbole to support your flawed argument.

05-15-2011, 01:11 AM
i laugh at some posters here who think Iverson was a better scorer. That just goes to show you how some people watch only the highlights or look at the points in the box scores.


05-15-2011, 01:14 AM
Clippersfan does bring up an interesting point though.. big men back in the early 00s were much, much better rim protectors than those of today and back then there were no soft perimeter rules.. plenty of handchecking + zone defense. Wade exploded after the new rules went into effect making it easier for perimeter players to score and draw fouls.. and what do you know.. wade is the 5th highest foul drawer in the history of the NBA behind the likes of guys like Wilt Chamberlain and Shaquille Oneal.

05-15-2011, 01:15 AM
Any star player who attacks the basket regularly in today's game is accorded the same treatment as Wade. Kobe, Lebron, Carmelo, Rose, etc. are all treated the same. The D-Whistle nonsense does nothing for your argument, it only makes you look foolish and makes you look like a meatball fan. I also don't buy your Iverson was getting murdered all the time in a much better defensive era argument. It was a bit tougher in Iverson's prime, but the league had already changed drastically since the early 90's. Teams already couldn't play the same way the old pistons and Knick teams played. A large part of Iverson being murdered is because he was so damn small and reckless. He had the same recklessness as wade, except he was 4 inches shorter and 50 pounds or so lighter. This will definitely make him look like he was getting bounced around a lot, which he certainly was. As for him averaging 40 points in today's game, that is simply absurd and is just you using hyperbole to support your flawed argument.

Um no dude.. just no. I didn't say only Wade got the treatment. I'm saying this era in general.. is MUCH different than 2001. Refs call every fu**ing bump a foul now even in playoff games. Reckless or not.. Iverson played in a much rougher era. Just like Jordan played in the toughest era of all time it DOES make a difference in production obviously. Do you know how good of paint enforcers/defenders prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ben Wallace and Theo Ratliff were? Imagine 4-5 Dwight Howard caliber bigs in the league that are allowed to be more physical with you?

05-15-2011, 01:17 AM
Anyone who would say it's a clear cut answer or Wade>>>Iverson easily... or even Iverson>>Wade easily... DID NOT watch both players in their prime. I watched the entire prime of Iverson as well as Wade. Btw... Wade is not a better playmaker than Iverson. More unselfish? Yes. Better passer/playmaker? What evidence do you have for this? Both have the same career apg, Iverson a higher prime apg. All this with Iverson playing with FAR less offensive weapons. If you want to get into hypothetical imagine how many assists Iverson would average next to a scoring threat like Shaq or Lebron?

I'm definitely not saying one is clear cut better than the other. I think they're both on the same level, with both possessing advantages over the other. I've seen the entire career of Iverson, from his rookie season in 96-97 to his last days in the league. I've seen Wade since his first playing season for Marquette in 01-02. Wade certainly is the better playmaker. I don't care what the numbers say. Wade was always much better equipped in running a half court offense than Iverson.

05-15-2011, 01:17 AM
If some of you cant see that Iverson is a chucker and infinitely worse than Wade than :facepalm Check his peak years as far as poitns go, his fg % was under 40 one year and barely over 40 the next. As to wear Wade's peak is 50. Iverson is overrated to hell and back on this site

05-15-2011, 01:18 AM
Clippersfan does bring up an interesting point though.. big men back in the early 00s were much, much better rim protectors than those of today and back then there were no soft perimeter rules.. plenty of handchecking + zone defense. Wade exploded after the new rules went into effect making it easier for perimeter players to score and draw fouls.. and what do you know.. wade is the 5th highest foul drawer in the history of the NBA behind the likes of guys like Wilt Chamberlain and Shaquille Oneal.

All I'm trying to say here. Thank you! I'm not even saying Iverson is better. I'm saying Iverson is better scorer, Wade all around better but who I'd pick depends on teammates and system around them. When someone tried to say Iverson wasn't a better scorer or that Wade was light years better is what I had a problem with.

05-15-2011, 01:21 AM
AI led his team to the finals, what has wade done

05-15-2011, 01:21 AM
Um no dude.. just no. I didn't say only Wade got the treatment. I'm saying this era in general.. is MUCH different than 2001. Refs call every fu**ing bump a foul now even in playoff games. Reckless or not.. Iverson played in a much rougher era. Just like Jordan played in the toughest era of all time it DOES make a difference in production obviously. Do you know how good of paint enforcers/defenders prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ben Wallace and Theo Ratliff were? Imagine 4-5 Dwight Howard caliber bigs in the league that are allowed to be more physical with you?

I understand this and it is a valid point, but I think Wade would have had similar success regardless. There were no big men that were going to stop Wade in any era. This goes for all truly great players. None of those big men, Ratliff, Mutombo, etc. were going to stop wade.

05-15-2011, 01:22 AM
lol iverson was not a better scorer than wade.

wade is better at getting to the ring.
better from midrange.
equal from 3.
better in the post.
and better off the catch and shoot.

what makes iverson the better scorer? id love to hear the reasons for the people claiming so.

05-15-2011, 02:10 AM
AI led his team to the finals, what has wade done
:lol Won one..

05-15-2011, 02:22 AM
Anyone who would say it's a clear cut answer or Wade>>>Iverson easily... or even Iverson>>Wade easily... DID NOT watch both players in their prime. I watched the entire prime of Iverson as well as Wade. Btw... Wade is not a better playmaker than Iverson. More unselfish? Yes. Better passer/playmaker? What evidence do you have for this? Both have the same career apg, Iverson a higher prime apg. All this with Iverson playing with FAR less offensive weapons. If you want to get into hypothetical imagine how many assists Iverson would average next to a scoring threat like Shaq or Lebron?

Nice try. Wade's highest assist season was in 09 (7.5 apg) when he had neither Shaq nor LeBron. And in 07, before he got hurt after the all-star game, he was averaging 8 apg (along with 29 ppg) and Shaq missed half of the year-- basically, 80% of the games that were the ones Wade played.

This is Wade, and it's not in the least bit close. Fifty percent shooters are better than fourty percent shooters unless the 40% shooters do other things better. And Iverson does almost nothing better than Wade or even nearly as well.

You may compare Allen Iverson and Derrick Rose. Reserve Dwyane Wade for comparisons that are worthy of him, please.

05-15-2011, 03:42 AM
Wade, he is not a team cancer.

05-15-2011, 04:38 AM
give me iverson he is a fighter and better than wade on O
wade is better on D though

05-15-2011, 04:53 AM
I'm not going to penalize Wade for being larger and stronger than Iverson. To do so would be ridiculous. I understand perfectly Iverson's greatness as a scorer, but as great as he was I think Wade is on the same kind of level, despite the difference in scoring totals. Wade is a much more willing passer than Iverson ever was and this reflects his scoring totals. To put up over 30 points per game in a season and shoot 49% is astonishing and something I don't think Iverson could have ever done. Wade's size allows him to do more than Iverson could ever do. Iverson was never equal to Wade as a passer/playmaker.

Well said! I think that whatever Iverson was great at Wade was better at. No knock on AI even though I think playmaking passer wise they are very close. And scoring wise they are very close. I just think Wade is a better defender and more efficient a scorer. But AI being 6'0 or even smaller can only do so many things size wise compared to Wade. For example Wade can check PG, SG, or many SF's defensively. AI can't do that. I realize AI catches heat for his FG%. But AI played on many teams where he had to put up those many shots for his team to win. But in any event I gotta go Wade over AI. But both are amongst the top SG's of all time.

05-15-2011, 04:59 AM
Nice try. Wade's highest assist season was in 09 (7.5 apg) when he had neither Shaq nor LeBron. And in 07, before he got hurt after the all-star game, he was averaging 8 apg (along with 29 ppg) and Shaq missed half of the year-- basically, 80% of the games that were the ones Wade played.

This is Wade, and it's not in the least bit close. Fifty percent shooters are better than fourty percent shooters unless the 40% shooters do other things better. And Iverson does almost nothing better than Wade or even nearly as well.

You may compare Allen Iverson and Derrick Rose. Reserve Dwyane Wade for comparisons that are worthy of him, please.


This comparison to Iverson is just an insult to Wade. Wade has a much higher benchmark than Allen fvckin Iverson, and in so many ways it's ridiculous to even get into too deeply. It just shows the lack of basic basketball knowledge by some of the posters here.

05-15-2011, 05:03 AM

This comparison to Iverson is just an insult to Wade. Wade has a much higher benchmark than Allen fvckin Iverson, and in so many ways it's ridiculous to even get into too deeply. It just shows the lack of basic basketball knowledge by some of the posters here.
we should compare him to jordan right
iverson is a fair comparison

che guevara
05-15-2011, 05:06 AM
Wade easily. Much more efficient scorer, more willing passer, far more committed to defense.

05-15-2011, 05:24 AM
Well im just glad I got to watch Iverson play on a regular basis during his prime.:bowdown:

Its hard to explain, and comparing stats just cant do it. But he was just amazing to watch. Played with so much heart and went all out every game.. His 76ers teams were pretty average at best, but watching him take a game over was just awesome...

Comparing players like this is BS, but obviously if you had to take one it would be Wade because of his size, defence etc... Iverson is probably one of my favourite all time players though and its an unfair comparison IMO...

05-15-2011, 05:53 AM
lol iverson was not a better scorer than wade.

wade is better at getting to the ring.
better from midrange.
equal from 3.
better in the post.
and better off the catch and shoot.

what makes iverson the better scorer? id love to hear the reasons for the people claiming so.

3 50 points + in playoff out of 71 games for AI (won all 3 games)
0 50 points + in playoff out of 72 games for Dwhistle in high scoring avg and more favorable scoring rule
1 50 points + in playoff out of 208 games for Kobe overrated Bryant

talking about best scoring sg post jordan-era

here's ur answer for those who never watch AI played, or pretend to be like they watched before

05-15-2011, 05:55 AM
If some of you cant see that Iverson is a chucker and infinitely worse than Wade than :facepalm Check his peak years as far as poitns go, his fg % was under 40 one year and barely over 40 the next. As to wear Wade's peak is 50. Iverson is overrated to hell and back on this site

that kb24 in ur profile pic is biggest choker 1 out 208 lol

we all know kb can put up big # when the game that's really not matter lol

05-15-2011, 05:58 AM
3 50 points + in playoff out of 71 games for AI (won all 3 games)
0 50 points + in playoff out of 72 games for Dwhistle in high scoring avg and more favorable scoring rule
1 50 points + in playoff out of 208 games for Kobe overrated Bryant

talking about best scoring sg post jordan-era

here's ur answer for those who never watch AI played, or pretend to be like they watched before

yeah and jamal crawford having more 50 point games than carmelo makes him a better scorer.

05-15-2011, 06:29 AM
I'll take Wade. Even tho AI got way more balls.

05-15-2011, 06:59 AM
3 50 points + in playoff out of 71 games for AI (won all 3 games)
0 50 points + in playoff out of 72 games for Dwhistle in high scoring avg and more favorable scoring rule
1 50 points + in playoff out of 208 games for Kobe overrated Bryant

talking about best scoring sg post jordan-era
here's ur answer for those who never watch AI played, or pretend to be like they watched before

can u shut up with that shit?

this whole post is pretty idiotic.

05-15-2011, 07:10 AM
Thread pretty much sums up the overall intelligence level of the "fans" on this forum. People just post up stats without even looking at percentages.

Wade is FAR more efficient than Iverson was and also much more of a factor playing defense.

Iverson was an amazing one-on-one scorer and ballhandler, but Wade is a better player and it isn't really debatable, sorry.

05-15-2011, 07:33 AM
Wade's game is built for more success in a variety of scenarios. There's only one kind of team that was successful around prime Iverson: surround him with defensive players with marginal offensive skills, and let Iverson shoot all day and night. I got caught up in Iverson's hype too when he first came out, and I"ll give him credit for what he did in his prime. But Wade is the better all-around player, and that's not really debatable to be honest.

05-15-2011, 07:40 AM
Thread pretty much sums up the overall intelligence level of the "fans" on this forum. People just post up stats without even looking at percentages.

Wade is FAR more efficient than Iverson was and also much more of a factor playing defense.

Iverson was an amazing one-on-one scorer and ballhandler, but Wade is a better player and it isn't really debatable, sorry.

thats how I look at it
Iverson has better handles and a better outside shot than Wade and thats really it and guys are like "IVERSON IS THE BEST SCORER SINCE MJ"

05-15-2011, 07:50 AM
What exactly does Iverson have on Wade? Scoring similar PPG on significantly lower FG%?

05-15-2011, 08:11 AM
If you don't understand how or why Iverson was a better scorer than Wade than you are definitely a new basketball fan. Iverson is easily one of the best scorers of all time and that was as a 6'0 165 pound slashing guard with a streaky shot. Iverson is leaps ahead of Wade when it comes to scoring. Wade is more efficient but Iverson was by far the more explosive, consistent and dependable scorer. These 10 point games Wade has occasionally almost never happened with Iverson in his prime.

Wade is a better defender... and rebounder and that has a lot to do with his size and strength. Iverson was a better off the ball defender and better at playing passing lanes. Both equal passers/playmakers but Iverson never played next to an elite talent like just out of prime Shaq or Lebron.

05-15-2011, 08:23 AM
The only aspect Iverson even has a case for is scoring and even there he's clearly outclassed. Wade gives you 30 on close to 50% shooting while Iverson gives you 30 on 42% on a good day. How is Iverson a better scorer? I would love to see an explanation.

05-15-2011, 08:59 AM

Regular season

05-15-2011, 08:59 AM
lol iverson was not a better scorer than wade.

wade is better at getting to the ring.
better from midrange.
equal from 3.
better in the post.
and better off the catch and shoot.

what makes iverson the better scorer? id love to hear the reasons for the people claiming so.

Iverson was better catch and shoot player. in 01, he was one of the best catch and shoot player in the league.

Iverson had more range and probably better shooter than wade.

Wade's midrange jumper was great back in 06 but now its not that deadly.Iverson had great jumper almost all career.

Wade has better post of couse. Iverson is barely 6'0 and 165.

Both of them great at getting ring.Prime AI was getting his scores more around rim than his later years.Wade is more effective near to rim due to his size and strenght over iverson.

Iverson had 4 more than 30 ppg seasons.30.7,31.1,31.4 and 33.0. Wade's peak is 30.2.
At 30 years old iverson had 33 ppg,7.4 apg. Wade at 29 years old had 25.5 ppg and 4.6 apg.
For the ones who might say Wade playing next to lebron so his numbers getting lower...Iverson played with Melo at the 32 years old. (same age with today's so called too old kobe)

Wade with Lebron (at 29 years old)
25.5 ppg,6.4 rpg, 4.6 apg.
Iverson with Melo (at 32 years old)
26.4 ppg,3 rpg,7.1 apg.

Iverson has
4 scoring titles (most after Jordan & Wilt)
6th best ppg in regular season history (He was 3rd before trade to detroit.. but still has change to rise up due to Lebron's numbers going down)
2nd best ppg in playoff history.
1st at steal leading for 3 times.
Arguably one of the toughest player ever in NBA (if not most)

He did it all with being 6'0 and 165 pounds in giants league.Let's not forget he played great against mighty Bulls back in 90's.

Wade has
1 ring.
1 scoring title.

People always tend to forget Wade is at 29 and his prime years. Iverson played until 34 and his last 2 seasons were bad because of bad management and injuries.

so Iverson in 14 seasons:
26.7 ppg
3.7 rpg
6.2 apg
2.2 spg
0.2 bpg
42.5 %FG, 31.3 %3PT, 78 %FT

Wade in 8 seasons:
25.4 ppg
5.1 rpg
6.3 apg
1.8 spg
1 bpg
48.5 %FG, 29.2 %3PT, 76.9 %FT.

There is a big possiblity that Wade's career numbers will go down while he may win more rings.I assume Wade will end up at better ranking in most of media guys and fans head.

Both of them great players for sure. Wade is more all around while iverson were better scorer and thief.

Saying iverson wasn't on same level with Wade is for only ignorants.

Kobe,Wade,Iverson, Pre-Injury T-Mac were almost same level. Some of them were better scorers,some of them better passers,some of them better rebounders..but they were at same level.Anybody who is not a stan and watch early 00's and today probably would know it.

05-15-2011, 09:08 AM
Iverson was better catch and shoot player. in 01, he was one of the best catch and shoot player in the league.

Iverson had more range and probably better shooter than wade.

Wade's midrange jumper was great back in 06 but now its not that deadly.Iverson had great jumper almost all career.

Wade has better post of couse. Iverson is barely 6'0 and 165.

Both of them great at getting ring.Prime AI was getting his scores more around rim than his later years.Wade is more effective near to rim due to his size and strenght over iverson.

Iverson had 4 more than 30 ppg seasons.30.7,31.1,31.4 and 33.0. Wade's peak is 30.2.
At 30 years old iverson had 33 ppg,7.4 apg. Wade at 29 years old had 25.5 ppg and 4.6 apg.
For the ones who might say Wade playing next to lebron so his numbers getting lower...Iverson played with Melo at the 32 years old. (same age with today's so called too old kobe)

Wade with Lebron (at 29 years old)
25.5 ppg,6.4 rpg, 4.6 apg.
Iverson with Melo (at 32 years old)
26.4 ppg,3 rpg,7.1 apg.

Iverson has
4 scoring titles (most after Jordan & Wilt)
6th best ppg in regular season history (He was 3rd before trade to detroit.. but still has change to rise up due to Lebron's numbers going down)
2nd best ppg in playoff history.
1st at steal leading for 3 times.
Arguably one of the toughest player ever in NBA (if not most)

He did it all with being 6'0 and 165 pounds in giants league.Let's not forget he played great against mighty Bulls back in 90's.

Wade has
1 ring.
1 scoring title.

People always tend to forget Wade is at 29 and his prime years. Iverson played until 34 and his last 2 seasons were bad because of bad management and injuries.

so Iverson in 14 seasons:
26.7 ppg
3.7 rpg
6.2 apg
2.2 spg
0.2 bpg
42.5 %FG, 31.3 %3PT, 78 %FT

Wade in 8 seasons:
25.4 ppg
5.1 rpg
6.3 apg
1.8 spg
1 bpg
48.5 %FG, 29.2 %3PT, 76.9 %FT.

There is a big possiblity that Wade's career numbers will go down while he may win more rings.I assume Wade will end up at better ranking in most of media guys and fans head.

Both of them great players for sure. Wade is more all around while iverson were better scorer and thief.

Saying iverson wasn't on same level with Wade is for only ignorants.

Kobe,Wade,Iverson, Pre-Injury T-Mac were almost same level. Some of them were better scorers,some of them better passers,some of them better rebounders..but they were at same level.Anybody who is not a stan and watch early 00's and today probably would know it.
Wow, Iverson is ludicrously overrated. He was never on Wade, Kobe or prime T-Mac level. He doesn't do a single thing better than those guys unless you bring up minor stuff like their ball handling, gambling on defense etc.

Why are you bringing up scoring titles here? Wade didn't have the green light to chuck for 10 years like Iverson did. I also love how you bold Iverson's 3P% and FT% when they barely make a difference and ignore the grand canyon size gap between their FG%. You also need to take a look at the minutes Iverson played when looking at his numbers. He was routinely one of the league leaders because he didn't like being out of the game.

Wade is a lot better to the point where it doesn't warrant a comparison.

05-15-2011, 09:23 AM
Wade with Lebron (at 29 years old)
25.5 ppg,6.4 rpg, 4.6 apg.
Iverson with Melo (at 32 years old)
26.4 ppg,3 rpg,7.1 apg.

Playing with Lebron isn't the same as playing with Melo, Lebron is far more ball-dominant, which can easily explain why Wade's assists dropped from their normal 6-7 to under 5. Wade in a situation where he wasn't splitting playmaking duties with Lebron would have likely averaged more points and assists. Not to forget that they had to incorporate Bosh into their offensive scheme as well, putting up 18.7. In the season you're referring to with Iverson, the next scorer was Kenyon Martin at 12.5 ppg, and the majority of his baskets were off feeds from Iverson/Melo, and putbacks.

Status Quo
05-15-2011, 09:29 AM
AI was a system player. He was also the better scorer.

Wade's game is much more versatile so he can be successful in more situations and contribute in more ways.

I'll go with Wade.


05-15-2011, 09:38 AM
AI led his team to the finals, what has wade done

These dumbass ni99as.

05-15-2011, 09:46 AM
Wow, Iverson is ludicrously overrated. He was never on Wade, Kobe or prime T-Mac level. He doesn't do a single thing better than those guys unless you bring up minor stuff like their ball handling, gambling on defense etc.

Why are you bringing up scoring titles here? Wade didn't have the green light to chuck for 10 years like Iverson did. I also love how you bold Iverson's 3P% and FT% when they barely make a difference and ignore the grand canyon size gap between their FG%. You also need to take a look at the minutes Iverson played when looking at his numbers. He was routinely one of the league leaders because he didn't like being out of the game.

Wade is a lot better to the point where it doesn't warrant a comparison.

I bold wade's fg. i bold wades assist number even its only 0.1 more.

Wade had that green light for years.Shaq wasn't as profilic scorer as he was in LA years. Also until lebron and bosh unite there were some years. Also Iverson at denver used only one more shot per game.
Of course none of these ment anything when you have Heat3 in your nick probably.

05-15-2011, 09:56 AM
I bold wade's fg. i bold wades assist number even its only 0.1 more.

Wade had that green light for years.Shaq wasn't as profilic scorer as he was in LA years. Also until lebron and bosh unite there were some years. Also Iverson at denver used only one more shot per game.
Of course none of these ment anything when you have Heat3 in your nick probably.
Wade didn't have the green light to chuck when Shaq was here. It was a much more balanced offense with Shaq getting his touches and getting the shooters involved. The only years where Wade was in a AI-like situation were 2009 and 2010. If Wade really wanted to win scoring titles, he could've easily done it. He averaged 30 ppg on 49% shooting in 2009. No season by Iverson comes close to that. He was also doing this in 38.6 mpg while Iverson would play a lot more minutes.

05-15-2011, 11:11 AM
People here keep on harping about stats, but fail to see the intangibles AI brought. He instilled fear in all the teams he was facing, despite having a crappy supporting cast most of the time.

Yes, Wade is an HOF lock, but those who are saying "he is waaaaayyy better than AI" are retarded. It's a very close call, and you can make arguments for both players.

Can't we just agree that they are both great?

Eat Like A Bosh
05-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Iverson was pretty impressive for his size, so I would say maybe AI was the better pound for pound basketball player.
But Dwyane Wade is bigger, is more explosive, attacks the rim better, and is overall more efficient. Dwyane Wade can almost play a lot bigger than his size, like what he did to Kevin Garnett. Something Iverson can't do.

Efficiency wise, Wade trumps Iverson. Niether are particularly Ray Allen like shooters. But Wade is shooting nearly 50% for most of his seasons, while Iverson is shooting just a hair above 40%. The guy shooting 50% from the field is obviously better than the guy shooting 40%, unless he does something else better, for example Jason Kidd. But I wouldn't necessarily call Iverson that much better of a passer than Wade. Iverson is not a pure point.

I enjoyed watching both players, as amazing as Iverson was, I'm giving D-Wade a slight edge. Because he's bigger, more efficient overall, and is more versatile and is able to do more things. Sorry AI.:rolleyes:

05-15-2011, 11:24 AM
The only aspect Iverson even has a case for is scoring and even there he's clearly outclassed. Wade gives you 30 on close to 50% shooting while Iverson gives you 30 on 42% on a good day. How is Iverson a better scorer? I would love to see an explanation.

iverson had 5seasons over 30ppg wade hade one and hasn't been close to 30 since

05-15-2011, 11:28 AM

05-15-2011, 11:35 AM
AI was a better scorer than Wade, but Wade is more under control and durable...

Wade is the better player

Wade is a bigger stronger more controlled version of what Iverson was

05-15-2011, 11:41 AM
People here keep on harping about stats, but fail to see the intangibles AI brought. He instilled fear in all the teams he was facing, despite having a crappy supporting cast most of the time.

Yes, Wade is an HOF lock, but those who are saying "he is waaaaayyy better than AI" are retarded. It's a very close call, and you can make arguments for both players.

Can't we just agree that they are both great?

Ok. So the argument for Iverson is his "intangibles" ("Practice?"). Wade meanwhile trumps him in almost every statistical category (and EVERY advanced statistical category) known to man. Yeah, that evens out.

I can't believe I'm going to use this smilie, which I absolutely despise, but I don't know what more can be said than...:facepalm

05-15-2011, 11:49 AM
Two of my favorite players. I always felt Wade was a bigger version of Iverson so to speak. If I had to rank top SGs of all time? Iverson would be ahead of Wade for now...for now.

05-15-2011, 11:51 AM
Ok. So the argument for Iverson is his "intangibles" ("Practice?"). Wade meanwhile trumps him in almost every statistical category (and EVERY advanced statistical category) known to man. Yeah, that evens out.

I can't believe I'm going to use this smilie, which I absolutely despise, but I don't know what more can be said than...:facepalm

points ai
assists ai
steals ai
rebounds wade
blocks wade

Eat Like A Bosh
05-15-2011, 11:52 AM
Lmao what does Vince have to do with this?

05-15-2011, 01:05 PM
Iverson is really one of the hardest players to rank. It seems like you either think Iverson is an overrated chucker or one of the best scorers to ever play. Everyone's opinion is so different about him that it's just impossible to rank him.

They're are so many kids on this board that think AI was just a chucker though. Most people that say Iverson was no where one Wade's level never saw him play at his peak. I'm not saying he's better but to say he wasn't on Wade's level is just looking at stats and FG% but never got to see him take over games.

Think about Derrick Rose, low FG% but LEADS his team to victory. People now think that Rose is definitely on Wade's level or maybe even better. FG% doesn't tell the whole story about how good a player is.

05-15-2011, 01:10 PM
Iverson is really one of the hardest players to rank. It seems like you either think Iverson is an overrated chucker or one of the best scorers to ever play. Everyone's opinion is so different about him that it's just impossible to rank him.

They're are so many kids on this board that think AI was just a chucker though. Most people that say Iverson was no where one Wade's level never saw him play at his peak. I'm not saying he's better but to say he wasn't on Wade's level is just looking at stats and FG% but never got to see him take over games.

Think about Derrick Rose, low FG% but LEADS his team to victory. People now think that Rose is definitely on Wade's level or maybe even better. FG% doesn't tell the whole story about how good a player is.

Derrick Rose shot nearly 45%... thats low?

Iverson shot 42% in his MVP season and never got to the ECFs ever in his career after that.

If Iverson is better than Wade then he's better than LeBron james and Kobe. :rolleyes:

05-15-2011, 01:13 PM
AI accomplished absolutely nothing unless he had a stacked defensive team and he was the only scoring option. He needed the ball in his hands at all times.

Wade on the other hand, has had success in multiple situations. He won a title with 34 year old Shaq on the team, and a subpar performance from him in the Finals. He won 47 games last year with a team that had only 2 other players averaging double digit points and no one playing 30 MPG. Wade also led Miami to a 43-39 record and had the 2nd most 1st places votes for MVP on a team where the only scoring options that stayed on the team the entire year were rookie Beasley, Haslem, and rookie Chalmers. Wade is also doing well with LeBron James alongside of him.

Iverson is a system player. Wade will dominate no matter who is on the team and no matter how good they are.

05-15-2011, 01:18 PM
Ok. So the argument for Iverson is his "intangibles" ("Practice?"). Wade meanwhile trumps him in almost every statistical category (and EVERY advanced statistical category) known to man. Yeah, that evens out.

I can't believe I'm going to use this smilie, which I absolutely despise, but I don't know what more can be said than...:facepalm

put prime AI in place of Wade now, and the Heat would be in the exact same situation. It's CLOSE.

05-15-2011, 01:19 PM
Derrick Rose shot nearly 45%... thats low?

Iverson shot 42% in his MVP season and never got to the ECFs ever in his career after that.

If Iverson is better than Wade then he's better than LeBron james and Kobe. :rolleyes:

He's shooting 41% in the playoffs

Solid Snake
05-15-2011, 01:27 PM
Iverson = better scorer, and that's ALL he had.


05-15-2011, 01:28 PM
He's shooting 41% in the playoffs

Haha! 50% against Jamaal Crawford.

On the other hand, AI was putting up 30, 40 on the likes of:

VC, Antonio Davis, Dale Davis, Jerome Williams, Alvin Williams, Childs, Oakley

Ray Allen, Big Dog, Casell, Ervin Johnson, Brandon

Oh, and he also dropped 48 on Kobe, Shaq, Fox, Fish, Horry.

05-15-2011, 01:30 PM
put prime AI in place of Wade now, and the Heat would be in the exact same situation. It's CLOSE.

thats weaker defense at the 2 guard, less rebounding, more turnovers, less efficient scorer next to Lebron, losing their best shot blocker, ect.

05-15-2011, 01:31 PM
He's shooting 41% in the playoffs



"But but but we're in the ECF tho."

05-15-2011, 01:31 PM
wade, hes more all around.

Samurai Swoosh
05-15-2011, 01:45 PM
Two of my favorite players. I always felt Wade was a bigger version of Iverson so to speak. If I had to rank top SGs of all time? Iverson would be ahead of Wade for now...for now.
What he said ..

05-15-2011, 01:48 PM
Iverson is really one of the hardest players to rank. It seems like you either think Iverson is an overrated chucker or one of the best scorers to ever play. Everyone's opinion is so different about him that it's just impossible to rank him.

They're are so many kids on this board that think AI was just a chucker though. Most people that say Iverson was no where one Wade's level never saw him play at his peak. I'm not saying he's better but to say he wasn't on Wade's level is just looking at stats and FG% but never got to see him take over games.

Think about Derrick Rose, low FG% but LEADS his team to victory. People now think that Rose is definitely on Wade's level or maybe even better. FG% doesn't tell the whole story about how good a player is.

And they are dead wrong about that. No FG% doesn't tell the whole story about a player-- there's also other aspects of efficiency to consider plus defense, rebounding etc-- all areas in which Wade blows Iverson and Rose out of the water.

And, in case it somehow has somehow escaped you-- Wade has shown the ability to take over games every bit as well or better as Iverson on offense-- better actually, when you consider Wade can also take over as a playmaker--and Rose has not yet shown the ability to take over on the same plane as Wade or Iverson as a scorer.

And unlike Iverson or Rose, Wade can take over games on both ends of the court.

Samurai Swoosh
05-15-2011, 01:54 PM
Iverson is a system player. Wade will dominate no matter who is on the team and no matter how good they are.
This just isn't true ...

With Carmelo Anthony

2006 - 2007 (50 games)

25 ppg, 7 apg, 3 rpg, FG 45%

2007 - 2008 (82 games)

26 ppg, 7 apg, 3 rpg, FG 46%

That's a system player?

And to be fair ... when he was winning scoring titles left and right as a 5'11 SG in the NBA ... he was still playing in the tough, physical defensive era.

That all changed in 2005 / 2006 -ish ... but you get the point.

And that's no knock on my boy Wade, cause he's right there with him as it stands right now. But the defense Wade faces aren't near as physical as they were pre 2005.

Iverson mashed on those defenses. See how his FG% was alot more comprable to Rose, Kobe, Carter, McGrady, Wade in 2006, 2007, and 2008 AT THE TWIGHLIGHT of his career? It's a) because of the rule changes and b) because he finally was playing with a capable scorer beside him for once.

Lets us also not forget that in 2003 and 2004, on Team USA ... surrounded by top tier talent, and even though the USA committee was reluctant to put him on the team because the baggage he carried and what he represented with his looks ... Iverson meshed with all-stars in a competitive setting ... AND WAS THE BEST PLAYER ON THE USA TEAM BOTH YEARS.

Yes, he was the best and most consistent player on the 2004 Olympic Team ... which had everyone's favorite overrated PF, Tim Duncan ... who absolutely blew in the Olympics.

05-15-2011, 02:06 PM
And unlike Iverson or Rose, Wade can take over games on both ends of the court.

When has he? Sometimes I need my memories refreshed.

05-15-2011, 02:06 PM
And they are dead wrong about that. No FG% doesn't tell the whole story about a player-- there's also other aspects of efficiency to consider plus defense, rebounding etc-- all areas in which Wade blows Iverson and Rose out of the water.

And, in case it somehow has somehow escaped you-- Wade has shown the ability to take over games every bit as well or better as Iverson on offense-- better actually, when you consider Wade can also take over as a playmaker--and Rose has not yet shown the ability to take over on the same plane as Wade or Iverson as a scorer.

And unlike Iverson or Rose, Wade can take over games on both ends of the court.

Wade is superior defensively, but Iverson wasn't as bad as most people say. It's not like guys would pour 20+ on him every night. He was average in his prime. I'm not saying Iverson is a good defender, but he's not atrocious. You also can't expect a 6 foot shooting guard to grab a lot of rebounds.

You also have to look at the defense that was played back in Iverson's prime. You can't even touch a guy going to the basket without getting a foul called. He averaged 30+ points in an era where defense was much tougher.

Goliath Uterus
05-15-2011, 02:16 PM
wade is better at getting to the ring.

Arguable, but I would definitely side with AI, his first steps were just otherwordly, and there wasn't a defender he couldn't easily blow by in his prime.

better from midrange.

Completely false, this makes me think you've never watched IVerson.

equal from 3

Um, no.

better in the post.


and better off the catch and shoot.

Once again, no. Iverson is better at shooting than Wade, anybody who isn't biased will tell you that

[/QUOTE]what makes iverson the better scorer? id love to hear the reasons for the people claiming so.[/QUOTE]

Better shooter from everywhere, better at penetrating the lane, makes impossible shots looks easy, can take over games when it matters most, and can do all of these things with less help from his teamates.

AI"s playoff numbers say it all, 30 ppg, 2nd all time behind who? You guessed it, so the people who say it's crazy to say AI's one of the best scorers since Jordan, let me tell you this: AI is easily on e of the best scorers since Jordan. Now, Wade is easily a better defender, and has a better attitude, but if you're asking me who I would take as a player, I would have to give the edge to AI.

05-15-2011, 02:24 PM
wade and it is even not close
iverson scored lots of points but he also shoot too many times with poor field goal percentage
wade is just way better all around player than iverson

05-15-2011, 03:46 PM
It's clear there are a bunch of tards and advanced stat whores in here that never truly watched Iverson. So tell me how this sits for you. The mighty Wade led his team to a 15-67 record the year after winning the championship. That's one of the worst regular season finishes of all time. Sure he was injured for about 30 games but nonetheless he didn't carry sh**. Iverson had a team of defensive minded players centered around him that were no slouches for sure but Iverson flat out carried the Sixers a lot of times. The worst record Iverson ever mustered was 22 wins in his rookie season. Which jumped to 31 the next and 50 the one after that one.

Those saying Iverson failed to win a ring while D Wade won one listen up. Wade... put up one of the best finals performances of all time. Nobody can take that away from him. Didn't he averaged like 17 free throws a game in that series though? It was a VERY controversial series and looked borderline rigged at times.

Iverson faced the Laker dynasty at their Kobe and Shaq prime and to educate those who were too young to watch it... the Lakers had swept the playoffs until that point. Iverson flat out crushed Kobe, Tyrone Lou and Fisher. Anyone who tried to guard Iverson. Most experts and even Lakers players were expecting and claiming a sweep. Want to know what really happened?

Lakers open the game on a 21-9 run and Iverson responds by scoring 30 first half points. In the 3rd quarter Iverson lead the Sixers to a 15 point lead. The Lakers fight back with a superb 4th quarter dominated by Shaq who had 18 in the quarter. Iverson takes over in the last 2 minutes of overtime and scores 7 points to give the Sixers a game one victory. True warrior spirit. The Lakers were a monster crushing anyone in their path and little Allen Iverson who played against near prime Kobe and prime Shaq.. willed the Sixers.

The Lakers won the next 4 to win the series in 5 but I doubt any team in the history of the league besides maybe Jordan's Bulls could have beaten the Kobe and Shaq Lakers.

It's funny that in all these threads.. the only 2 remotely logical posters that stood out were GOBB and Rodman (sorry if I missed anyone). To see about 30 other morons have no clue what they are talking about is sad. It's the new generation of fans from the last 5 years. Never watch a player or even study tape/footage... go look up advanced stats on Basketball Reference.. and make sweeping statements or present things as law.

Reality is... there is a use for volume scorers. I will post the breakdown if you want but recently there was a huge advanced stats scoring breakdown that proved that some teams NEED a volume scorer more than an efficient one. They swapped Iverson for current Durant.. and the Sixers were projected for 10-15 less wins. Not everything is black and white.

05-15-2011, 03:50 PM
Btw those saying Wade is a better shooter from anywhere on the floor are full of sh**. Wade and Lebron shoot a higher percentage than Kobe from midrange and almost equal outside but who would really say they have a better shooting touch outside than Kobe?? Same concept. Numbers don't tell a full story. Iverson's shot selection was poor but Iverson was a pretty top notch midrange shooter when he was open, something you definitely cannot say about Wade.

05-15-2011, 03:54 PM
Iverson game 1 of the NBA finals in 01'. 48 points.


Shaq: "Iverson is hands down the best pound for pound player of all time".

05-15-2011, 03:56 PM
Um no dude.. just no. I didn't say only Wade got the treatment. I'm saying this era in general.. is MUCH different than 2001. Refs call every fu**ing bump a foul now even in playoff games. Reckless or not.. Iverson played in a much rougher era. Just like Jordan played in the toughest era of all time it DOES make a difference in production obviously. Do you know how good of paint enforcers/defenders prime Shaq, Mutombo, Ben Wallace and Theo Ratliff were? Imagine 4-5 Dwight Howard caliber bigs in the league that are allowed to be more physical with you?

After the rule changes, with an out of his prime Iverson was still putting up 26/7 playing alongside Melo. I shudder to think what Iverson would do if he was in his prime in this soft era :eek:

05-15-2011, 03:57 PM
It's clear there are a bunch of tards and advanced stat whores in here that never truly watched Iverson. So tell me how this sits for you. The mighty Wade led his team to a 15-67 record the year after winning the championship. That's one of the worst regular season finishes of all time. Sure he was injured for about 30 games but nonetheless he didn't carry sh**. Iverson had a team of defensive minded players centered around him that were no slouches for sure but Iverson flat out carried the Sixers a lot of times. The worst record Iverson ever mustered was 22 wins in his rookie season. Which jumped to 31 the next and 50 the one after that one.

Those saying Iverson failed to win a ring while D Wade won one listen up. Wade... put up one of the best finals performances of all time. Nobody can take that away from him. Didn't he averaged like 17 free throws a game in that series though? It was a VERY controversial series and looked borderline rigged at times.

Iverson faced the Laker dynasty at their Kobe and Shaq prime and to educate those who were too young to watch it... the Lakers had swept the playoffs until that point. Iverson flat out crushed Kobe, Tyrone Lou and Fisher. Anyone who tried to guard Iverson. Most experts and even Lakers players were expecting and claiming a sweep. Want to know what really happened?

Lakers open the game on a 21-9 run and Iverson responds by scoring 30 first half points. In the 3rd quarter Iverson lead the Sixers to a 15 point lead. The Lakers fight back with a superb 4th quarter dominated by Shaq who had 18 in the quarter. Iverson takes over in the last 2 minutes of overtime and scores 7 points to give the Sixers a game one victory. True warrior spirit. The Lakers were a monster crushing anyone in their path and little Allen Iverson who played against near prime Kobe and prime Shaq.. willed the Sixers.

The Lakers won the next 4 to win the series in 5 but I doubt any team in the history of the league besides maybe Jordan's Bulls could have beaten the Kobe and Shaq Lakers.

It's funny that in all these threads.. the only 2 remotely logical posters that stood out were GOBB and Rodman (sorry if I missed anyone). To see about 30 other morons have no clue what they are talking about is sad. It's the new generation of fans from the last 5 years. Never watch a player or even study tape/footage... go look up advanced stats on Basketball Reference.. and make sweeping statements or present things as law.

Reality is... there is a use for volume scorers. I will post the breakdown if you want but recently there was a huge advanced stats scoring breakdown that proved that some teams NEED a volume scorer more than an efficient one. They swapped Iverson for current Durant.. and the Sixers were projected for 10-15 less wins. Not everything is black and white.

Kind of funny that the only posters you call "remotely logical" are the ones who agree with you, and the rest of us are morons. And if you're going to make anti-Wade arguments, at least put a little effort into them.

Wade played the entire 08 season in need of two surgeries. He didn't dunk that year-- even on breakaways, he would do finger-rolls. He was widely advised to shut down for the season by December when it became clear that the Heat were not going to the playoffs, but he continued to play because he felt an obligation to his teammates and the fans. And that is also the only year in his career that he missed the playoffs.

05-15-2011, 04:00 PM
It's clear there are a bunch of tards and advanced stat whores in here that never truly watched Iverson. So tell me how this sits for you. The mighty Wade led his team to a 15-67 record the year after winning the championship. That's one of the worst regular season finishes of all time. Sure he was injured for about 30 games but nonetheless he didn't carry sh**. Iverson had a team of defensive minded players centered around him that were no slouches for sure but Iverson flat out carried the Sixers a lot of times. The worst record Iverson ever mustered was 22 wins in his rookie season. Which jumped to 31 the next and 50 the one after that one.

Those saying Iverson failed to win a ring while D Wade won one listen up. Wade... put up one of the best finals performances of all time. Nobody can take that away from him. Didn't he averaged like 17 free throws a game in that series though? It was a VERY controversial series and looked borderline rigged at times.

Iverson faced the Laker dynasty at their Kobe and Shaq prime and to educate those who were too young to watch it... the Lakers had swept the playoffs until that point. Iverson flat out crushed Kobe, Tyrone Lou and Fisher. Anyone who tried to guard Iverson. Most experts and even Lakers players were expecting and claiming a sweep. Want to know what really happened?

Lakers open the game on a 21-9 run and Iverson responds by scoring 30 first half points. In the 3rd quarter Iverson lead the Sixers to a 15 point lead. The Lakers fight back with a superb 4th quarter dominated by Shaq who had 18 in the quarter. Iverson takes over in the last 2 minutes of overtime and scores 7 points to give the Sixers a game one victory. True warrior spirit. The Lakers were a monster crushing anyone in their path and little Allen Iverson who played against near prime Kobe and prime Shaq.. willed the Sixers.

The Lakers won the next 4 to win the series in 5 but I doubt any team in the history of the league besides maybe Jordan's Bulls could have beaten the Kobe and Shaq Lakers.

It's funny that in all these threads.. the only 2 remotely logical posters that stood out were GOBB and Rodman (sorry if I missed anyone). To see about 30 other morons have no clue what they are talking about is sad. It's the new generation of fans from the last 5 years. Never watch a player or even study tape/footage... go look up advanced stats on Basketball Reference.. and make sweeping statements or present things as law.

Reality is... there is a use for volume scorers. I will post the breakdown if you want but recently there was a huge advanced stats scoring breakdown that proved that some teams NEED a volume scorer more than an efficient one. They swapped Iverson for current Durant.. and the Sixers were projected for 10-15 less wins. Not everything is black and white.

No one is wrong to say Wade is better than Iverson or Iverson is better than Wade. It's all opinion. Some people have made some good points for both players and just because someone thinks the opposite doesn't mean they're morons.

05-15-2011, 04:21 PM
After the rule changes, with an out of his prime Iverson was still putting up 26/7 playing alongside Melo. I shudder to think what Iverson would do if he was in his prime in this soft era :eek:


05-15-2011, 04:26 PM
No one is wrong to say Wade is better than Iverson or Iverson is better than Wade. It's all opinion. Some people have made some good points for both players and just because someone thinks the opposite doesn't mean they're morons.

I suppose ignorant would be more appropriate than morons. I understand different opinions but anyone that calls AI overrated or says Wade is light years better DID NOT watch prime Iverson. I'm 100 percent sure of that. As many others have said Wade is a lot like Iverson. Version 2.0 isn't always better in every way than the original. I have no problem with people saying Wade. What I do have a problem with is people slandering Iverson with things like "He's overrated".. "He's a glorified chucker" when it's clear as day they NEVER watched Iverson.

It pisses me off that so many pseudo fans of the NBA run around on these forums. Guys that enjoy an occasional debate or love advanced stats but don't truly appreciate, study or respect this amazing, historic sport.

05-15-2011, 04:28 PM
After the rule changes, with an out of his prime Iverson was still putting up 26/7 playing alongside Melo. I shudder to think what Iverson would do if he was in his prime in this soft era :eek:

Exactly. I have 0 doubt in my mind that prime Iverson now in this touch foul era.. would average 35-40 ppg at least for one season. I also know for a fact all the regular fouls he took from guys like Shaq putting him on his ass would be called flagrants now.

05-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Well I cant agree that Iverson is the better scorer. He apparently takes more shots than Wade and he had like 39-41% from the field...

05-15-2011, 04:33 PM
Well I cant agree that Iverson is the better scorer. He apparently takes more shots than Wade and he had like 39-41% from the field...

Would you agree with the statement that prime Kobe was the best SG in the league and for a stretch of 2-3 seasons the best player in the game? Despite Lebron, Wade and maybe 3-4 other players being more EFFICIENT scorers? Iverson wasn't the most efficient scorer but even the shooting percentages are deceiving. He actually had a great midrange touch and was unstoppable getting to the rim. What butchered his shooting percentages were double teams and getting hammered at the rim, poor shot selection. His actual shooting touch on a jumper blows away current Wade.

Iverson was a MUCH more dependable and explosive scorer than Wade.

05-15-2011, 04:36 PM
This just isn't true ...

With Carmelo Anthony

2006 - 2007 (50 games)

25 ppg, 7 apg, 3 rpg, FG 45%

2007 - 2008 (82 games)

26 ppg, 7 apg, 3 rpg, FG 46%

That's a system player?

And to be fair ... when he was winning scoring titles left and right as a 5'11 SG in the NBA ... he was still playing in the tough, physical defensive era.

That all changed in 2005 / 2006 -ish ... but you get the point.

And that's no knock on my boy Wade, cause he's right there with him as it stands right now. But the defense Wade faces aren't near as physical as they were pre 2005.

Iverson mashed on those defenses. See how his FG% was alot more comprable to Rose, Kobe, Carter, McGrady, Wade in 2006, 2007, and 2008 AT THE TWIGHLIGHT of his career? It's a) because of the rule changes and b) because he finally was playing with a capable scorer beside him for once.

Lets us also not forget that in 2003 and 2004, on Team USA ... surrounded by top tier talent, and even though the USA committee was reluctant to put him on the team because the baggage he carried and what he represented with his looks ... Iverson meshed with all-stars in a competitive setting ... AND WAS THE BEST PLAYER ON THE USA TEAM BOTH YEARS.

Yes, he was the best and most consistent player on the 2004 Olympic Team ... which had everyone's favorite overrated PF, Tim Duncan ... who absolutely blew in the Olympics.

very good points for those who never really know shitz about basketball

05-15-2011, 04:37 PM
No one is wrong to say Wade is better than Iverson or Iverson is better than Wade. It's all opinion. Some people have made some good points for both players and just because someone thinks the opposite doesn't mean they're morons.

somehow agree with u, but to some say wade is WAY better than Iverson is purely idiotic

05-15-2011, 04:38 PM
Hey good post Samurai. I missed it.. glad dude above me quoted it. I basically said something similar about MUCH tougher defenses and less reffing in Iverson's prime. With as injury prone as Wade is.. he probably would of had a career ending injury dealing with the elite defenders of the early 00's.

05-15-2011, 04:39 PM
I suppose ignorant would be more appropriate than morons. I understand different opinions but anyone that calls AI overrated or says Wade is light years better DID NOT watch prime Iverson. I'm 100 percent sure of that. As many others have said Wade is a lot like Iverson. Version 2.0 isn't always better in every way than the original. I have no problem with people saying Wade. What I do have a problem with is people slandering Iverson with things like "He's overrated".. "He's a glorified chucker" when it's clear as day they NEVER watched Iverson.

It pisses me off that so many pseudo fans of the NBA run around on these forums. Guys that enjoy an occasional debate or love advanced stats but don't truly appreciate, study or respect this amazing, historic sport.

Stop making assumptions about people who disagree with you. I began watching basketball in 1980. The first game I ever saw was Game 7 of the 1980 NBA Finals. Furthermore, I'm originally from outside of Philly, and I watched the Sixers just about every time they were on TV. I know exactly who Iverson is and is not.

And you're missing half of the equation when it comes to Wade. He is a rich man's Iverson... combined with a poor man's Jordan. A player who simultaneously plays below the defense and above the rim. He combines Iverson's ability to create off the bounce and draw contact with Jordan's ruthless efficiency, defense, and all-around game (the poor man's version of it).

I have watched both of these players hundreds of times-- probably Iverson more than Wade actually, since I only lived in Florida for a year--, and I am VERY comfortable telling you that Wade since 04-05 has been better than AI ever was.

05-15-2011, 04:42 PM
Stop making assumptions about people who disagree with you. I began watching basketball in 1980. The first game I ever saw was Game 7 of the 1980 NBA Finals. Furthermore, I'm originally from outside of Philly, and I watched the Sixers just about every time they were on TV. I know exactly who Iverson is and is not.

And you're missing half of the equation when it comes to Wade. He is a rich man's Iverson... combined with a poor man's Jordan. A player who simultaneously plays below the defense and above the rim. He combines Iverson's ability to create off the bounce and draw contact with Jordan's ruthless efficiency, defense, and all-around game (the poor man's version of it).

I have watched both of these players hundreds of times-- probably Iverson more than Wade actually, since I only lived in Florida for a year--, and I am VERY comfortable telling you that Wade since 04-05 has been better than AI ever was.

Did I call you by name? Tons of ignorant people in this thread posting about sh** they never watched. Your OPINION that Wade is better doesn't sway me one way or the other nor have I complained about that opinion by other people. What I don't like is the ignorant statements about how Wade was gobs better because it's not true no matter what you THINK. To say one is better is subjective.... but to say one is WAY better is a gross exaggeration considering Iverson had more overall team success and nearly identical prime stats in a MUCH tougher, more physical era.

They are on the same tier and I'm sure 90 percent of legit basketball fans could agree with that. To claim Wade is a tier above Iverson overall.. prime for prime is a false statement.

05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
Stop making assumptions about people who disagree with you. I began watching basketball in 1980. The first game I ever saw was Game 7 of the 1980 NBA Finals. Furthermore, I'm originally from outside of Philly, and I watched the Sixers just about every time they were on TV. I know exactly who Iverson is and is not.

And you're missing half of the equation when it comes to Wade. He is a rich man's Iverson... combined with a poor man's Jordan. A player who simultaneously plays below the defense and above the rim. He combines Iverson's ability to create off the bounce and draw contact with Jordan's ruthless efficiency, defense, and all-around game (the poor man's version of it).

I have watched both of these players hundreds of times-- probably Iverson more than Wade actually, since I only lived in Florida for a year--, and I am VERY comfortable telling you that Wade since 04-05 has been better than AI ever was.

wade with new rulez is way better than AI during the tougher defense era, got ur point

05-15-2011, 04:47 PM
wade with new rulez is way better than AI during the tougher defense era, got ur point

Lol I do find it funny that so many people here are disregarding the eras. It's exactly why very few call Bill Russell or Wilt the greatest player of all time. Jordan played against the best who have played the game. In the most physical era of all time. Against the best defenders of all time. In the era where refs let players play the most without bogus calls. Iverson came at the tail end of Jordan's Bulls career. Jordan retired after the 98 ring.. and AI was a rookie in 96. Iverson's prime of 00-01 was still in an elite league.

These teams would absolutely manhandle the teams in this era.

99-01 Blazers
00-03 Lakers
01-04 Kings
00-03 Sixers
99-05 Spurs
01-05 Pistons

05-15-2011, 04:54 PM
The era-bias here is astounding. You always hear statements thrown around about how one era is tougher or more competitive than another, which unless you can quatify that statistically, is based upon nothing more than nostalgic memory. Today's players have to contend with zones, double-teaming off-the-ball, and the only form of illegal defense that exists is defensive three-seconds. The rule changes work against them just as much as they supposedly work for them.

05-15-2011, 04:59 PM
The era-bias here is astounding. You always hear statements thrown around about how one era is tougher or more competitive than another, which unless you can quatify that statistically, is based upon nothing more than nostalgic memory. Today's players have to contend with zones, double-teaming off-the-ball, and the only form of illegal defense that exists is defensive three-seconds. The rule changes work against them just as much as they supposedly work for them.

No dude just no. Not everything can be quantified. Sometimes things just are. Anyone who's been a long time fan of basketball would tell you not all eras are created equally. You honestly believe Wilt would of put up 40 and 30 or w/e in this era? Shaq, David Robinson, Mutombo, Mourning, Ben Wallace era??? FU** NO. Sure now players can zone up but you also aren't allowed to touch anyone, hand check or any of that. Not to mention the actual physicality and volume of defense stoppers have plummeted. You seem to be in denial about this.

05-15-2011, 05:02 PM
No dude just no. Not everything can be quantified. Sometimes things just are. Anyone who's been a long time fan of basketball would tell you not all eras are created equally. You honestly believe Wilt would of put up 40 and 30 or w/e in this era? Shaq, David Robinson, Mutombo, Mourning, Ben Wallace era??? FU** NO. Sure now players can zone up but you also aren't allowed to touch anyone, hand check or any of that. Not to mention the actual physicality and volume of defense stoppers have plummeted. You seem to be in denial about this.

And they can be double-teamed off the ball! MJ is the GOAT, but I do wonder what 80s and 90s defenses would have done if they couldn't double LeBron James off-the-ball.

05-15-2011, 05:03 PM
Throw stats out the window, Wade is better. He's better offensively, imo, but what's not debatable is that he's a lot better defensively, and yes, I think an efficient scorer like Wade is much easier to build around. He has a championship ring, a legendary playoff run/finals series, and he's playing in the conference finals for the 3rd time.

05-15-2011, 05:04 PM
The era-bias here is astounding. You always hear statements thrown around about how one era is tougher or more competitive than another, which unless you can quatify that statistically, is based upon nothing more than nostalgic memory. Today's players have to contend with zones, double-teaming off-the-ball, and the only form of illegal defense that exists is defensive three-seconds. The rule changes work against them just as much as they supposedly work for them.

Somewhat true.

However, not acknowledging how much easier perimeter players have it right now compared to the 90s or the early part of this 00's is just silly.

I'd take Wade over Iverson rather easily, but prime Iverson in this league since 05 would be putting up 35 a game if wanted to on much better efficiency.

Just look at what Iverson did in 06.

33 a game on 45% shooting.....54% true shooting.

Its not random that Iverson had his best scoring year in the same year the NBA really went overboard on the new rules.

05-15-2011, 05:05 PM
Throw stats out the window, Wade is better. He's better offensively, imo, but what's not debatable is that he's a lot better defensively, and yes, I think an efficient scorer like Wade is much easier to build around. He has a championship ring, a legendary playoff run/finals series, and he's playing in the conference finals for the 3rd time.

Pretty much this.

05-15-2011, 05:06 PM
The era-bias here is astounding. You always hear statements thrown around about how one era is tougher or more competitive than another, which unless you can quatify that statistically, is based upon nothing more than nostalgic memory. Today's players have to contend with zones, double-teaming off-the-ball, and the only form of illegal defense that exists is defensive three-seconds. The rule changes work against them just as much as they supposedly work for them.

look at AI and Kobe stats, the two best scorer from 98-06, it can be quantified . Look the avg a team score compare the #s. U ARE IGNORANT! twilight AI had put up better # than Prime AI.

05-15-2011, 05:09 PM
i'm gonna make conclusion for this thread, BIGSMOKE and Jrong are two biggest pretenders acting like they've watched AI in their prime.

I respect every other ppl's opinions here.

05-15-2011, 05:10 PM
Somewhat true.

However, not acknowledging how much easier perimeter players have it right now compared to the 90s or the early part of this 00's is just silly.

I'd take Wade over Iverson rather easily, but prime Iverson in this league since 05 would be putting up 35 a game if wanted to on much better efficiency.

Just look at what Iverson did in 06.

33 a game on 45% shooting.....54% true shooting.

Its not random that Iverson had his best scoring year in the same year the NBA really went overboard on the new rules.

Very good and logical points. I said from the beginning Wade is the better all around player.. I just feel the need to defend Iverson from the misinformed posters making ignorant comments about him. The era absolutely has to do with it. Wing players are protected in this era. Imagine how many "hard" fouls would be flagrant fouls that Iverson took if he played now? Teams wouldn't be allowed to rough him up anymore.

05-15-2011, 05:13 PM
Very good and logical points. I said from the beginning Wade is the better all around player.. I just feel the need to defend Iverson from the misinformed posters making ignorant comments about him. The era absolutely has to do with it. Wing players are protected in this era. Imagine how many "hard" fouls would be flagrant fouls that Iverson took if he played now? Teams wouldn't be allowed to rough him up anymore.

Just look at Iverson's two best years getting to the ft line.

05 and 06. Shocking....LOL

Iverson was not as good of a player those years as he was earlier in his prime.

You'd definitely see Iverson bump up his scoring efficiency because it would be easier to get to the ft line and rim since the start of the 05 season.

I don't know how anyone can debate that. The NBA specifically changed the rules to make it easier on perimeter players.

Its just a fact.

05-15-2011, 05:15 PM
Just look at Iverson's two best years getting to the ft line.

05 and 06. Shocking....LOL

Iverson was not as good of a player those years as he was earlier in his prime.

You'd definitely see Iverson bump up his scoring efficiency because it would be easier to get to the ft line and rim since the start of the 05 season.

I don't know how anyone can debate that. The NBA specifically changed the rules to make it easier on perimeter players.

Its just a fact.

Even freaking league officials have flat out said they changed the rules to help make the league more exciting and cut down on hard fouls, which will prevent injuries. Like you said it's a fact.

05-15-2011, 05:16 PM
i'm gonna make conclusion for this thread, BIGSMOKE and Jrong are two biggest pretenders acting like they've watched AI in their prime.

I respect every other ppl's opinions here.

Whatever you say, kid. I watched the Sixers from the days of Moses Malone, Dr. J., Andrew Toney, Bobby Caldwell, Mo Cheeks though the years of Barkley, Hersey Hawkins, Johnny Dawkins, Ron Anderson to the years of Iverson, Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Toni Kukoc, etc. Last decade, I moved around a lot, so I have to admit that I'm not as acquainted with the Igudoala years, but I'm catching up on them now. Jrue Holiday is a player.

So you were saying, little boy?

05-15-2011, 05:18 PM
Whatever you say, kid. I watched the Sixers from the days of Moses Malone, Dr. J., Andrew Toney, Bobby Caldwell, Mo Cheeks though the years of Barkley, Hersey Hawkins, Johnny Dawkins, Ron Anderson to the years of Iverson, Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Toni Kukoc, etc. Last decade, I moved around a lot, so I have to admit that I'm not as acquainted with the Igudoala years, but I'm catching up on them now. Jrue Holiday is a player.

So you were saying, little boy?

ok maybe u are just dumb who can't see the fact that everyone's stating here.

if my team needs a dominant scorer... AI is the guy to go
if i have a somehow balanced team, i'd take Wade in a heartbeat

neither of them is way better than the other

05-15-2011, 05:19 PM
Whatever you say, kid. I watched the Sixers from the days of Moses Malone, Dr. J., Andrew Toney, Bobby Caldwell, Mo Cheeks though the years of Barkley, Hersey Hawkins, Johnny Dawkins, Ron Anderson to the years of Iverson, Stackhouse, Larry Hughes, Toni Kukoc, etc. Last decade, I moved around a lot, so I have to admit that I'm as acquainted with the Igudoala years, but I'm catching up on them now. Jrue Holiday is a player.

So you were saying, little boy?

Then you're like the 1 in 1000 Bulls fans that think Jordan was overrated except it's for the Sixers. For a professed Sixers fan to make comments that suggest AI is overrated or a chucker, nothing more or w/e else.. it's the opposite of what most Sixers fans would say. Iverson lead you guys back to being an elite team. Wade is a better all around player but to say he's light years better and it's not close doesn't sound like the words of a Sixers fan. Especially if you can't admit AI was a better, more deadly scorer.

05-15-2011, 05:19 PM
Just look at Iverson's two best years getting to the ft line.

05 and 06. Shocking....LOL

Iverson was not as good of a player those years as he was earlier in his prime.

You'd definitely see Iverson bump up his scoring efficiency because it would be easier to get to the ft line and rim since the start of the 05 season.

I don't know how anyone can debate that. The NBA specifically changed the rules to make it easier on perimeter players.

Its just a fact.

Well, he also switched to point guard in '05, prior to that he played shooting guard and played off the ball more, though I do pretty much agree with your point.

While Wade has had most of his team success with Shaq and now Lebron/Bosh, I think it's a positive that he can play with both a dominant low post player and then one of the most ball dominant perimeter players as well as another elite offensive power forward. I don't think Iverson would fit as well in those situations and that's key, imo. People talk about help all the time, but not every superstar can fit in well alongside other stars which is overlooked so much when evaluating players and using championships. That's one reason why it's so hard to win championships, you usually need an elite player and then another star or 2 to go along with them, but you need your star to be productive without taking away from his star teammate(s).

And we've seen that Wade can put a team on his back and produce at an elite level with opposing defenses only worrying about him(2009 and 2010).

05-15-2011, 05:21 PM
Well, he also switched to point guard in '05, prior to that he played shooting guard and played off the ball more, though I do pretty much agree with your point.

While Wade has had most of his team success with Shaq and now Lebron/Bosh, I think it's a positive that he can play with both a dominant low post player and then one of the most ball dominant perimeter players as well as another elite offensive power forward. I don't think Iverson would fit as well in those situations and that's key, imo. People talk about help all the time, but not every superstar can fit in well alongside other stars which is overlooked so much when evaluating players and using championships. That's one reason why it's so hard to win championships, you usually need an elite player and then another star or 2 to go along with them, but you need your star to be productive without taking away from his star teammate(s).

And we've seen that Wade can put a team on his back and produce at an elite level with opposing defenses only worrying about him(2009 and 2010).

Totally agree. I'd take Wade over Iverson for a number of reasons. Defense and team play being two of the biggest. I think Iverson is one of those rare breed of players that does not need a superstar next to him...in fact, he's worse off that way.

Iverson's best team would be like his 01 team but with a guy like ray allen or some versatile shooter/scorer that wouldn't need the ball in his hands a lot.

I was just pointing out the simple fact that perimeter scoring became easier in the NBA in the 05 season.

05-15-2011, 05:22 PM
ok maybe u are just dumb who can't see the fact that everyone's stating here.

if my team needs a dominant scorer... AI is the guy to go
if i have a somehow balanced team, i'd take Wade in a heartbeat

neither of them is way better than the other

That's what my first post says lol. I take AI if I lack scorers.. I take Wade if I need an all around player who can mesh with any team.

05-15-2011, 05:23 PM
if my team needs a dominant scorer... AI is the guy to go
if i have a somehow balanced team, i'd take Wade in a heartbeat

neither of them is way better than the other

This is pretty much it, both players bring different things to the table.

05-15-2011, 05:24 PM
Well, he also switched to point guard in '05, prior to that he played shooting guard and played off the ball more, though I do pretty much agree with your point.

While Wade has had most of his team success with Shaq and now Lebron/Bosh, I think it's a positive that he can play with both a dominant low post player and then one of the most ball dominant perimeter players as well as another elite offensive power forward. I don't think Iverson would fit as well in those situations and that's key, imo. People talk about help all the time, but not every superstar can fit in well alongside other stars which is overlooked so much when evaluating players and using championships. That's one reason why it's so hard to win championships, you usually need an elite player and then another star or 2 to go along with them, but you need your star to be productive without taking away from his star teammate(s).

And we've seen that Wade can put a team on his back and produce at an elite level with opposing defenses only worrying about him(2009 and 2010).

2 first round exit making him better player than AI as the only main scoring threat in a team for this kind of situation?

But i do agree with u wade mash better with better players. It also shows how amazing AI's ability to carrying a team.

05-15-2011, 05:25 PM
don't be so quick to call Iverson the better scorer. he averaged 26 points on 22 shots. Wade averages 25 points on 18 shots.

05-15-2011, 05:29 PM
Then you're like the 1 in 1000 Bulls fans that think Jordan was overrated except it's for the Sixers. For a professed Sixers fan to make comments that suggest AI is overrated or a chucker, nothing more or w/e else.. it's the opposite of what most Sixers fans would say. Iverson lead you guys back to being an elite team. Wade is a better all around player but to say he's light years better and it's not close doesn't sound like the words of a Sixers fan. Especially if you can't admit AI was a better, more deadly scorer.

To be honest, I give Larry Brown much more credit. And the Iverson years, to me at least, were a net-negative. He brought excitement and wins back and there was the trip to the Finals, but there were also the myriad off-the-court distractions, his inability to play with other talented players, the lack of player-development of other players, the way he held the franchise hostage until he was finally traded etc.

But, you are right, this would not be the most popular opinion in Philadelphia.

05-15-2011, 05:29 PM
don't be so quick to call Iverson the better scorer. he averaged 26 points on 22 shots. Wade averages 25 points on 18 shots.

How much more does Wade get to the line than prime 00-03 Iverson??

05-15-2011, 05:31 PM
2 first round exit making him better player than AI as the only main scoring threat in a team for this kind of situation?

But i do agree with u wade mash better with better players. It also shows how amazing AI's ability to carrying a team.

Well, Wade didn't have anywhere near the amount of defensive talent around him that Iverson did when AI was leading his team out of the first round and no more offensive talent either, so his cast was worse and I wouldn't compare Spoelstra as a coach to Larry Brown either. Wade's teams were undersized while Iverson had an elite shot blocker/paint defender like Ratliff or Mutombo and then another double/double type guy in Tyrone Hill and great perimeter defenders like Eric Snow, George Lynch and Aaron McKie.

05-15-2011, 05:33 PM
How much more does Wade get to the line than prime 00-03 Iverson??
Iverson in his prime shot 11 free throws per game one season. that's more than Wade ever has. there you go smart ass:lol

05-15-2011, 05:35 PM
Well, Wade didn't have anywhere near the amount of defensive talent around him that Iverson did when AI was leading his team out of the first round and no more offensive talent either, so his cast was worse and I wouldn't compare Spoelstra as a coach to Larry Brown either. Wade's teams were undersized while Iverson had an elite shot blocker/paint defender like Ratliff or Mutombo and then another double/double type guy in Tyrone Hill and great perimeter defenders like Eric Snow, George Lynch and Aaron McKie.

now u are really overrating AI's supporting casts. Tyrone was at the end of his career, lynch was injured during that playoff that's why sixers had no one to guard Kobe besides rookie Raja bell.

05-15-2011, 05:36 PM
Iverson in his prime shot 11 free throws per game one season. that's more than Wade ever has. there you go smart ass:lol

It was actually a serious question but good job with the failed sarcasm detector. I didn't look it up.. but I did have a suspicion that Wade got to the line more and apparently was wrong? Nonetheless Iverson= better scorer. Less efficient, more dependable, more explosive and harder to stop.

05-15-2011, 05:37 PM
Wade is the better overall player for sure. As much as I despise him, I'd take Wade. That being said, I can see why one would pick A.I. I really miss watching him play.

AI led his team to the finals, what has wade done


05-15-2011, 05:38 PM
Lol I do find it funny that so many people here are disregarding the eras. It's exactly why very few call Bill Russell or Wilt the greatest player of all time. Jordan played against the best who have played the game. In the most physical era of all time. Against the best defenders of all time. In the era where refs let players play the most without bogus calls. Iverson came at the tail end of Jordan's Bulls career. Jordan retired after the 98 ring.. and AI was a rookie in 96. Iverson's prime of 00-01 was still in an elite league.

These teams would absolutely manhandle the teams in this era.

99-01 Blazers
00-03 Lakers
01-04 Kings
00-03 Sixers99-05 Spurs
01-05 Pistons


The Sixers from 10 years ago would beat the Heat? Celtics? Bulls? THunder? Mavs? Lakers?

Old people and their "era" shit

05-15-2011, 05:39 PM
Iverson in his prime shot 11 free throws per game one season. that's more than Wade ever has. there you go smart ass:lol

that's when rule was changed which Wade plays pretty much his whole career under that rule.

he took 7 more shots per game by getting 1 more FT at same year as Wade's ft high for a season. Do you honestly think Wade took that much more beating than AI during any year of AI's career? talking about D whistle

Wade 18.8 FGA for 10.7 FTA
AI 25.3 FGA for 11.5 FTA

AI's worst fg % year he was taking 28 FGA and only went to line 9.8 FT
talking about an easy scoring era

05-15-2011, 05:42 PM
that's when rule was changed which Wade plays pretty much his whole career under that rule.

he took 7 more shots per game by getting 1 more FT at same year as Wade's ft high for a season. Do you honestly think Wade took that much more beating than AI during any year of AI's career? talking about D whistle

Wade 18.8 FGA for 10.7 FTA
AI 25.3 FGA for 11.5 FTA

AI's worst fg % year he was taking 28 FGA and only went to line 9.8 FT
talking about an easy scoring era

Good numbers. Good post.

05-15-2011, 05:42 PM
Somewhat true.

However, not acknowledging how much easier perimeter players have it right now compared to the 90s or the early part of this 00's is just silly.

I'd take Wade over Iverson rather easily, but prime Iverson in this league since 05 would be putting up 35 a game if wanted to on much better efficiency.

Just look at what Iverson did in 06.

33 a game on 45% shooting.....54% true shooting.

Its not random that Iverson had his best scoring year in the same year the NBA really went overboard on the new rules.

I think the reason why Iverson FG% went up because of Webber give Iverson more lanes and space for him to do his thing. That hole hand checking thing got series in 2004-2005 season when Iverson still shots only 42%. Iverson's FG% dropped again once Webber wasnt in game shape that next season and then his FG% went back up playing for the Nuggets with Melo.

05-15-2011, 05:42 PM

The Sixers from 10 years ago would beat the Heat? Celtics? Bulls? THunder? Mavs? Lakers?

Old people and their "era" shit

this year's celtics, thunders, lakers, i'm pretty sure. Bulls/Mavs are a toss up. Heats depend on how choke lebron is!

remember, ur bulls this years is a tailor made 01 sixers lmao

05-15-2011, 05:44 PM

The Sixers from 10 years ago would beat the Heat? Celtics? Bulls? THunder? Mavs? Lakers?

Old people and their "era" shit

Um dude.. Iverson's Sixers were basically what the Bulls are now but better. Iverson was better than Rose is now... Mutombo was WAY better than Noah and as a unit defensively the Sixers spank these Bulls. Yes Allen's Sixers could play with any of the teams you mentioned. If they could play with Shaq/Kobe Lakers at the peak.. why wouldn't they be able to? The year the Sixers went to the finals Mutombo won DPOY...

05-15-2011, 05:44 PM
I think the reason why Iverson FG% went up because of Webber give Iverson more lanes and space for him to do his thing. Iverson's FG% dropped again once Webber wasnt in game shape that next season and then his FG% went back up playing for the Nuggets with Melo.

this just proves u really dunno shitz u are talking about, when webber was traded he's been virtually playing with one leg and getting reb off his teammates and playing 0 defense, what made u think sac would trade webber for 3 unknown no potential PFs.

05-15-2011, 05:45 PM
now u are really overrating AI's supporting casts. Tyrone was at the end of his career, lynch was injured during that playoff that's why sixers had no one to guard Kobe besides rookie Raja bell.

Eric Snow guarded Kobe and Kobe said he was one of the toughest defenders he faced and look at Kobe's numbers vs Snow and then vs the other teams. He put up like 35 ppg on 47% vs Sacramento and an elite defender(Doug Christie), 33 ppg on 51%, iirc vs the league's best defensive team San Antonio and then 25 ppg on 41-42%, iirc vs Philly. Philly also had Aaron McKie to guard Kobe who was another very good defender. Hill put up 10/9 that year, a little better than his career numbers.

Wade didn't have a guy anywhere near Mutombo or Theo Ratliff's level blocking shots in 2009 or 2010 either. Nevermind that both were double digit scorers too, in fact, Mutombo averaged 14/14/3 in the 2001 playoffs and Aaron McKie also provided a more reliable offensive option at 15/5/5 than any of Wade's 2009 or 2010 teammates.

Iverson's 2001 cast was MUCH better than Wade's 2009 and 2010 casts, he also didn't have to always set up his teammates either because he had McKie and Snow, Wade didn't have another guy who could handle the ball and be a solid facilitator on the 2009 and 2010 teams.

Lets not act like Iverson got to the finals in a similar situation to Wade's in 2009 and 2010.

05-15-2011, 05:48 PM
Eric Snow guarded Kobe and Kobe said he was one of the toughest defenders he faced and look at Kobe's numbers vs Snow and then vs the other teams. He put up like 35 ppg on 47% vs Sacramento and an elite defender(Doug Christie), 33 ppg on 51%, iirc vs the league's best defensive team San Antonio and then 25 ppg on 41-42%, iirc vs Philly. Philly also had Aaron McKie to guard Kobe who was another very good defender. Hill put up 10/9 that year, a little better than his career numbers.

Wade didn't have a guy anywhere near Mutombo or Tyrone Hill's level blocking shots in 2009 or 2010 either. Nevermind that both were double digit scorers too, in fact, Mutombo averaged 14/14/3 in the 2001 playoffs and Aaron McKie also provided a more reliable offensive option at 15/5/5 than any of Wade's 2009 or 2010 teammates.

Iverson's 2001 cast was MUCH better than Wade's 2009 and 2010 casts, he also didn't have to always set up his teammates either because he had McKie and Snow, Wade didn't have another guy who could handle the ball and be a solid facilitator on the 2009 and 2010 teams.

Lets not act like Iverson got to the finals in a similar situation to Wade's in 2009 and 2010.

i can point out many ppl who guards kobe better, and who believes what kobe says anyway

battier, artest, bowen, raja bell in pheonix year? a 23 yr kobe hadn't faced enuff good defender back then.

and if george lynch wasn't injured, he'd be the one guarding kobe not snow. kobe sounded more like making excuse for being out played by AI.

when ur 3rd best playey, 2nd offerensive threat is Aaron Mckie. it's really no argument to say AI had a great supporting casts. Just a good enuff one to complement AI who's hard to build around.

Tyrone hill wasn't a shock blocker in sixers years, if you really dunno wat u are talking about u should not talk

05-15-2011, 05:50 PM
Um dude.. Iverson's Sixers were basically what the Bulls are now but better. Iverson was better than Rose is now... Mutombo was WAY better than Noah and as a unit defensively the Sixers spank these Bulls. Yes Allen's Sixers could play with any of the teams you mentioned. If they could play with Shaq/Kobe Lakers at the peak.. why wouldn't they be able to? The year the Sixers went to the finals Mutombo won DPOY...

The East was f*cking horrible back then. There was only 1 other team that won more than 50+ games and that was the Bucks. The Bulls played the Heat and Celtics 7 times... both team shits on Iverson's 01 sixers.

What was the Sixers record in 2001 Vs west teams? 16-12?

05-15-2011, 05:54 PM
Wade is a more efficient scorer, better or at least more willing passer, and a better defender.

Iverson has a higher offensive ceiling, but he routinely is so poor in terms of efficiency so who cares.

05-15-2011, 05:55 PM
The East was f*cking horrible back then. There was only 1 other team that won more than 50+ games and that was the Bucks. The Bulls played the Heat and Celtics 7 times... both team shits on Iverson's 01 sixers.

What was the Sixers record in 2001 Vs west teams? 16-12?

besides top 4 teams, east this year is horrible too. and west is weaker, u dun get ur season record by only playing ur conference, u play them both.

west was stacked back them, primie duncan, shaq/kobe, nash/nowitzki, malone/stockton, and pippen/rasheed/smith portland, webber/peja/divac

05-15-2011, 05:57 PM
all we all know what David Stern favor!

his handpicking superstars and big cities... inflated accomplishments

05-15-2011, 06:00 PM
i can point out many ppl who guards kobe better, and who believes what kobe says anyway

battier, artest, bowen, raja bell in pheonix year? a 23 yr kobe hadn't faced enuff good defender back then.

and if george lynch wasn't injured, he'd be the one guarding kobe not snow. kobe sounded more like making excuse for being out played by AI.

when ur 3rd best playey, 2nd offerensive threat is Aaron Mckie. it's really no argument to say AI had a great supporting casts. Just a good enuff one to complement AI who's hard to build around.

Tyrone hill wasn't a shock blocker in sixers years, if you really dunno wat u are talking about u should not talk

Talent wise, they weren't "great", though they complemented him very well, but they were a lot better than what Wade had in 2009 and 2010, that's not even debatable.

And again, you give Wade a guy like even Miami Shaq and you get a championship contender and as it turned out a ring, could've been 2 if not for injuries. You give Wade Lebron and Bosh and you get an instant contender, and imo, they look like the favorite.

The difference is that even though Iverson didn't play with that type of talent, I don't think he's a good fit around other elite scorers and that's why Wade is a better player, you have a better chance of winning with him, and that's the point of the game, to win. And I don't see any reason to take Iverson over Wade to carry a team either.

05-15-2011, 06:01 PM
besides top 4 teams, east this year is horrible too. and west is weaker, u dun get ur season record by only playing ur conference, u play them both.

west was stacked back them, primie duncan, shaq/kobe, nash/nowitzki, malone/stockton, and pippen/rasheed/smith portland, webber/peja/divac

The East this season was better than it was in the last 5 or 7 years. Those teams in the west were good enough for the Lakers to finish 11-0 :rolleyes: The Mavs werent that good in 2001, Jailblazers fell apart, and the Jazz were REALLY old. The Heat and Celtics would tear all of those teams up.

05-15-2011, 06:02 PM
Bigsmoke, as much as i like D-rose, he's my 3rd favorite player after MJ and AI.

look at his STATS in his mvp season, his fg% has dropped dramatically cuz his taking a bigger role on his team's scoring. you should know better without ref's whistle, it's hard for slasher like AI, Wade or Rose to have great efficient on scoring.

05-15-2011, 06:04 PM
The East this season was better than it was in the last 5 or 7 years. Those teams in the west were good enough for the Lakers to finish 11-0 :rolleyes: The Mavs werent that good in 2001, Jailblazers fell apart, and the Jazz were REALLY old. The Heat and Celtics would tear all of those teams up.

u really sure celtics this year is any better than those teams u mentioned? haven't heard jailblazers till mo cheeks era. mav didn't stand out cuz their conference was so stacked. Jazz can prolly tear apart east 4-15 this year lmao.

05-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Smoke as a fan of Derrick Rose... I would think you'd have the ultimate respect for Iverson. Both teams are built almost identically. Rose is what 6'2 200 pounds? Iverson was 5'11-6'0 and 165 doing MORE than what Rose is doing in a similar situation.

05-15-2011, 06:07 PM
league today is much weaker than before. that's why garnett is still one of better defender in this league without nothing he had in the past. it's the softest era!

05-15-2011, 06:09 PM
Wade and wouldn't think twice about it

05-15-2011, 06:10 PM
league today is much weaker than before. that's why garnett is still one of better defender in this league without nothing he had in the past. it's the softest era!

you old people are so annoying.

thats all you people with all that ":blah :blah is better than :blah :blah because of the era it played in"

lol @ saying teams in 2001 were better than 2011. The Lakers were amazing that season and thats it.

05-15-2011, 06:11 PM
league today is much weaker than before. that's why garnett is still one of better defender in this league without nothing he had in the past. it's the softest era!

Yea if 34 year old KG can still be a shut down defender in this era it definitely is soft and weaker.

05-15-2011, 06:21 PM
Yea if 34 year old KG can still be a shut down defender in this era it definitely is soft and weaker.

Karl Malone at 36 won an MVP award in this "Iverson era"

05-15-2011, 06:24 PM
Karl Malone at 36 won an MVP award in this "Iverson era"

Malone was really putting up mvp like #s. he was better than he ever was. but when u look at kg it's whole different story.... everyone who watched kg before know kg is shell of his old self and hes still dominating this league in defense

do u ever think malone may take steroid? and that was 1997 rite? a year before mcgwuire and sosa hr record setting year? players back then seems to held their prim well till their late 30's. look at today, all superstars start playing like shit when they hitting age 32-33. drug enhancement is another story.

but kid, everything u know is what u heard but not what u see.

05-15-2011, 06:30 PM
Karl Malone at 36 won an MVP award in this "Iverson era"

Jordan won finals MVP and dominated the playoffs in 98 at 36. Your point? As Shih said... players stayed in their prime longer back then. This is a more athletic, less fundamental league AND most of the elite players in the game in the last decade came straight out of HS or were one and done. Meaning they didn't go to college for 2+ years like the elite players of the 80's and 90's. I mean look at Kobe. He's 32 and is a 16 year vet and is already slowing down. It has to do with the mileage and what kind of mileage, not the years or age.

05-15-2011, 07:21 PM
wade and its not even close.

you maybe can make a case for iverson being a better scorer, but its marginal at best. imo, his inefficiency makes his scoring overrated.

but on defense, wade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iverson

and bball IQ, wade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iverson.

05-16-2011, 05:12 AM
wade and its not even close.

you maybe can make a case for iverson being a better scorer, but its marginal at best. imo, his inefficiency makes his scoring overrated.

but on defense, wade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iverson

and bball IQ, wade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iverson.

Please don't try to act analytical and sh!t when you're actually making no sense at all.

05-16-2011, 05:57 AM
Rings doesn't reliable for players like Iverson.

He played mostly with average or below average players and coaches in his prime. Only players can be considered as really good was 34-35 years old Mutombo and coach L.Brown. He won MVP,reached finals and heroic games in all playoffs and finals. When you look at players with rings..you see usually other great players around them.From Russell to Jordan, from Kobe to Wade. Kobe,Wade,Garnett,Lebron,Jordan,Wilt without great players couldn't win championship.It's no brainer.

Wade played with 32 years old Shaq with Pat Riley as coach. Now he is playing with 26 years old Lebron and 27 years old Bosh. Shaq was still considered best center in those years. Lebron is considered as best player in the league and Chris Bosh considered as franchise player.

Iverson played with mostly below average teammates and coaches but one great center while Wade has played probably 2 of top ten players of all time so far.

05-16-2011, 06:21 AM
Rings doesn't reliable for players like Iverson.

He played mostly with average or below average players and coaches in his prime. Only players can be considered as really good was 34-35 years old Mutombo and coach L.Brown. He won MVP,reached finals and heroic games in all playoffs and finals. When you look at players with rings..you see usually other great players around them.From Russell to Jordan, from Kobe to Wade. Kobe,Wade,Garnett,Lebron,Jordan,Wilt without great players couldn't win championship.It's no brainer.

Wade played with 32 years old Shaq with Pat Riley as coach. Now he is playing with 26 years old Lebron and 27 years old Bosh. Shaq was still considered best center in those years. Lebron is considered as best player in the league and Chris Bosh considered as franchise player.

Iverson played with mostly below average teammates and coaches but one great center while Wade has played probably 2 of top ten players of all time so far.

:facepalm :hammerhead:

05-16-2011, 07:09 AM
you old people are so annoying.

thats all you people with all that ":blah :blah is better than :blah :blah because of the era it played in"

lol @ saying teams in 2001 were better than 2011. The Lakers were amazing that season and thats it.

first, i'm probably a lot younger than you. it just so happened i started watching ball when i was in 3rd grade.

the physicality of the early 2000s was far more intense than today's. you could give hard, playoff fouls on a regular basis without worrying about a possible flagrant or suspension. a "declining" AI put up 26/7 on a nightly basis in 2007-08. just imagine what he would do today if he was in his prime.

05-16-2011, 07:13 AM

:facepalm :hammerhead:

Shaq is in top 10.
Lebron has great chance to be in top 10. at 26 he has already 2 mvp.And other seasons as mvp candidate. If he gets some rings he has chance to be considered in top 10. Even if he can't he is considered as best or at least top 3 player in the league. Iverson has never had such a chance.Only 34 years old Mutombo (he was still a good player but not as good as before)

08-08-2011, 12:31 PM
Right now I would say Wade will have the better career and Iverson the better peak individual season.

08-08-2011, 01:04 PM
Its close AI is easily the better scorer and Wade is the better defender there about the same as passers. I would rather have Wade cause he is easier to build around.

08-08-2011, 01:08 PM
Wade improved on Iverson's imprint on the League. Wade is so much more unselfish then Iverson. But if there was no Iverson there will be no Wade.

08-08-2011, 01:12 PM
Dwyane Wade and it is not even close. Unlike most people I don't think Iverson was a better scorer than Wade was. He scored 1.3 more ppg in his career than Wade did yet he shot 6%'s less. I'll take a guy that scores efficient over the guy that scores less efficient with just 1.3 more ppg. There is literally no area that Iverson was better than Wade in. Scoring is the only debate and I don't think Iverson was the better scorer.

08-08-2011, 01:20 PM
Look what 30 year old Iverson was able to do after the rule changes and getting good offensive teammates. In 06 he put up 33 points 7 assists and 45% fg in 07 with Denver he put up 25 points 7 assists and 45% in 08 he put up 26 points 7 assists and 46%. His first full year with Denver in 08 he put 26.4 points on 19 shot attempts Wade this year put up 25.5 points on 18 shot attempts similar efficiency.

08-08-2011, 01:24 PM
Dwyane Wade and it is not even close. Unlike most people I don't think Iverson was a better scorer than Wade was. He scored 1.3 more ppg in his career than Wade did yet he shot 6%'s less. I'll take a guy that scores efficient over the guy that scores less efficient with just 1.3 more ppg. There is literally no area that Iverson was better than Wade in. Scoring is the only debate and I don't think Iverson was the better scorer.
If young Iverson played in the late 2000s he would put up 33-35 points with 46-48%

08-08-2011, 01:27 PM
Is this a serious question?

One of the biggest chuckers of his day vs. one of the top all around players of his day

Tough call

08-08-2011, 01:34 PM
If young Iverson played in the late 2000s he would put up 33-35 points with 46-48%
If Dwyane Wade played in the early 2000s he would put up 50-55 points with 55-57% shooting. Play all the hypotheticals you want.

08-08-2011, 01:38 PM
If Dwyane Wade played in the early 2000s he would put up 50-55 points with 55-57% shooting. Play all the hypotheticals you want.
Iverson put up 33 points on 45% in 06 when the rules were soft he was 30 years old

08-08-2011, 01:40 PM
Rings doesn't reliable for players like Iverson.

He played mostly with average or below average players and coaches in his prime. Only players can be considered as really good was 34-35 years old Mutombo and coach L.Brown. He won MVP,reached finals and heroic games in all playoffs and finals. When you look at players with rings..you see usually other great players around them.From Russell to Jordan, from Kobe to Wade. Kobe,Wade,Garnett,Lebron,Jordan,Wilt without great players couldn't win championship.It's no brainer.

Wade played with 32 years old Shaq with Pat Riley as coach. Now he is playing with 26 years old Lebron and 27 years old Bosh. Shaq was still considered best center in those years. Lebron is considered as best player in the league and Chris Bosh considered as franchise player.

Iverson played with mostly below average teammates and coaches but one great center while Wade has played probably 2 of top ten players of all time so far.

:sleeping Iverson was able to work with Larry Brown "HOF coach", George Karl "HOF Coach", Melo"Top 5 scorer", Mutombo "DPOY", and was traded to a team that won 59 games before he was traded there. Not to mention that the Sixers that people said he completely carried were above .500 without him including a solid win vs the Jazz IN Utah


08-08-2011, 01:41 PM
Iverson put up 33 points on 45% in 06 when the rules were soft he was 30 years old
And his team didn't even make the playoffs...... :oldlol:

What did he put up in 04-05? 42% shooting.
06-07? 44% shooting

So he has one or two seasons shooting 45% or higher, big deal. Wade has shot that literally his entire career.

This isn't close and if you think so then you are a moron. Iverson did nothing better than Wade did. Nothing.

08-08-2011, 01:43 PM
Wade improved on Iverson's imprint on the League. Wade is so much more unselfish then Iverson. But if there was no Iverson there will be no Wade.

What makes Iverson selfish? Because he wasn't feeding Matt Geiger in the post every single trip down the court? Because he didn't swing the ball around to Aaron McKie waiting in the wings? Seriously who would blame AI for taking 30 shots a game when your teammates are Tyron Hill, George Lynch, and Eric Snow?

08-08-2011, 01:45 PM
Iverson put up 33 points on 45% in 06 when the rules were soft he was 30 years old

lol and didnt make the playoffs.:lol

players aren't in their primes when they reach 30?

08-08-2011, 01:46 PM
And his team didn't even make the playoffs...... :oldlol:

What did he put up in 04-05? 42% shooting.
06-07? 44% shooting

So he has one or two seasons shooting 45% or higher, big deal. Wade has shot that literally his entire career.

This isn't close and if you think so then you are a moron. Iverson did nothing better than Wade did. Nothing.

Iverson played basketball better than Wade. That's about it. Take Wade out of today's rules, have him play 43 MPG with no one to pass to, and let's see what his AVG and FG% are.

08-08-2011, 01:46 PM
And his team didn't even make the playoffs...... :oldlol:

What did he put up in 04-05? 42% shooting.
06-07? 44% shooting

So he has one or two seasons shooting 45% or higher, big deal. Wade has shot that literally his entire career.

This isn't close and if you think so then you are a moron. Iverson did nothing better than Wade did. Nothing.

Iverson better @ shooting from deep.

thats pretty much it. and overall ball handing

08-08-2011, 01:48 PM
Iverson played basketball better than Wade. That's about it. Take Wade out of today's rules, have him play 43 MPG with no one to pass to, and let's see what his AVG and FG% are.
I have already seen him do that from 2008-2010.

You wanna know what his numbers were?

08-09 - 30 ppg, 8 apg, 5 rpg, 2.2 spg, 1.3 bpg, with 49% shooting
09-10 - 27 ppg, 7 apg, 5 rpg, 1.8 spg, 1.1 bpg with 48% shooting

Yeah thats what I thought.

08-08-2011, 01:49 PM
Iverson better @ shooting from deep.

thats pretty much it. and overall ball handing

and is a much better midrange shooter

08-08-2011, 02:50 PM
And his team didn't even make the playoffs...... :oldlol:

What did he put up in 04-05? 42% shooting.
06-07? 44% shooting

So he has one or two seasons shooting 45% or higher, big deal. Wade has shot that literally his entire career.

This isn't close and if you think so then you are a moron. Iverson did nothing better than Wade did. Nothing.
No. AI was the crossover master. Iverson revolutionized the scoring point guard era.

As of right now, Wade is a more complete player than Iverson and just more well rounded. Wade can also play much bigger. I'll give a slight edge to Wade atm.

But don't act like it isn't close. Because prime Iverson was ballin.

08-08-2011, 02:54 PM

08-08-2011, 03:12 PM
:sleeping Iverson was able to work with Larry Brown "HOF coach", George Karl "HOF Coach", Melo"Top 5 scorer", Mutombo "DPOY", and was traded to a team that won 59 games before he was traded there. Not to mention that the Sixers that people said he completely carried were above .500 without him including a solid win vs the Jazz IN Utah


Miami Shaq was still superior than Philly Mutombo.
Lebron & Bosh combo superior than Melo.
Riley has superior career to Brown&Karl.
Philly has never able to be as good team as early 00's.What's their playoff success then?

They win one regular season game against Jazz and is it suppose to mean they were good? Cavs won some games without James.It didn't help all season though.

08-08-2011, 09:39 PM
Wade won a ring albeit with another Hall of Famer.
Not that it matters much but did Wade get a MVP trophy?

Hmm...The stats are close but much respect goes to Allen Illy in Philly.

08-08-2011, 10:52 PM
Wade by a country mile. Wade is a far better all around player than Iverson and much more efficient. I don't really buy the argument that Iverson was a much better scorer than Wade. I think that Wade is a much more willing passer than Iverson and could have averaged similar points if he increased his shots. Wade is on a different level.


08-08-2011, 11:21 PM
No. AI was the crossover master. Iverson revolutionized the scoring point guard era. As of right now, Wade is a more complete player than Iverson and just more well rounded. Wade can also play much bigger. I'll give a slight edge to Wade atm. But don't act like it isn't close. Because prime Iverson was ballin.

Iverson is much harder to build around. He's man to man defense isnt anything special and extremely inefficient.

08-08-2011, 11:25 PM
Miami Shaq was still superior than Philly Mutombo.
Lebron & Bosh combo superior than Melo.
Riley has superior career to Brown&Karl.
Philly has never able to be as good team as early 00's.What's their playoff success then?

They win one regular season game against Jazz and is it suppose to mean they were good? Cavs won some games without James.It didn't help all season though.

The Sixers were over .500 without Iverson... the Cavs werent without Lebron. and they were better after Iverson was traded when he was sent to Denver including making the playoffs in 2008 with a full season without Iverson.

and his 01 sixers team was only beating crappy teams that wouldnt make the playoffs in the west? and it took them 7 games to take out 2 of them... not impressive at all.

08-08-2011, 11:32 PM
Wade won a ring albeit with another Hall of Famer. Not that it matters much but did Wade get a MVP trophy? Hmm...The stats are close but much respect goes to Allen Illy in Philly.

only their PPG and steals were close.

08-09-2011, 04:45 AM
The Sixers were over .500 without Iverson... the Cavs werent without Lebron. and they were better after Iverson was traded when he was sent to Denver including making the playoffs in 2008 with a full season without Iverson.

and his 01 sixers team was only beating crappy teams that wouldnt make the playoffs in the west? and it took them 7 games to take out 2 of them... not impressive at all.

Finals>first round.

They had poor squad certainly..but still they have won 2nd best record in season.And reached finals.And only team beat 01 Lakers in playoffs.

Mutombo,Hill,Lynch,Mckie,Snow,Jumaine Jones,Matt Geiger.. How this team can be good without Iverson.

08-09-2011, 04:59 AM
Wade, 2011 Finals: Goes up for a game winning runner three. He looks ok upon release. But when he sees the shot missed, he immediately grabs his eye like it's been shot, and moans to the ref while grimacing on the floor.

AI, 2001 East Finals: Gets elbowed in the mouth by a Bucks player (Ray Allen I think), almost knocking his teeth off. He is bleeding from the mouth. Worried that the refs will pull him out of the game since the rules state that a bleeding player can't be on the court, he spits the blood under his jersey and continues to play. Also, he had nearly 20 different injuries at that point.

Who would you rather have?

08-09-2011, 04:59 AM
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

08-09-2011, 10:34 AM
Finals>first round.

They had poor squad certainly..but still they have won 2nd best record in season.And reached finals.And only team beat 01 Lakers in playoffs.

Mutombo,Hill,Lynch,Mckie,Snow,Jumaine Jones,Matt Geiger.. How this team can be good without Iverson.

A lot of teams that get far wouldn't be good without their best player.

It wasn't a poor team, they outrebounded opponents by 4 rpg, they were a top 5 defensive team and you mentioned a lot of guys who were really good defenders. Mutombo was the defensive player of the year that season and Snow, McKie and Lynch were all known as good defenders, in fact, Snow made the all-defensive second team a few years later and Kobe praised his defense and called him the player who defended him the toughest, he also praised Aaron McKie's defense. And lets not act like those guys didn't contribute in other ways either. Snow led the team in assists during the regular season with over 7 per game and McKie was second on the team with 5.

McKie was also voted the 6th man of the year, but he also averaged 15/5/7 as a starter during the regular season and 15/5/5 in the playoffs. Mutombo also raised his game in the playoffs and averaged 14 points, 14 rebounds and 3 blocks.

They could've used better shooters, but I hate when people act like this was a team of scrubs. They were well coached and played hard every night. Iverson carried them a lot offensively, but people always forget that this was an elite defensive team and rebounding team. He was getting help, but because people don't see a 20 ppg scorer listed next to him on basketball-reference, they don't realize that.

That team was in no way coimparable to Wade's 2009 Heat.

Not only did Wade not have any more offensive talent next to him on the 2009 Heat, but Spoelstra is nowhere near the coach that Larry Brown is, Miami was a pretty average defensive team(and Wade helped more at that end than Iverson did) and unlike Philly who had good size in the frontcourt, Miami lacked size. They certainly didn't have the league's best rebounder, or a defensive player of the year blocking shots. In fact, Miami was out-rebounded by opponents by 2.4 boards per game.

And you think that Wade's job would be easier with defensive players like Snow, McKie, Lynch and Bell on the perimeter?

Comparing the team success of Wade in 2009 to Iverson in 2001 is just stupid.

08-09-2011, 11:59 AM
A lot of teams that get far wouldn't be good without their best player.

It wasn't a poor team, they outrebounded opponents by 4 rpg, they were a top 5 defensive team and you mentioned a lot of guys who were really good defenders. Mutombo was the defensive player of the year that season and Snow, McKie and Lynch were all known as good defenders, in fact, Snow made the all-defensive second team a few years later and Kobe praised his defense and called him the player who defended him the toughest, he also praised Aaron McKie's defense. And lets not act like those guys didn't contribute in other ways either. Snow led the team in assists during the regular season with over 7 per game and McKie was second on the team with 5.

McKie was also voted the 6th man of the year, but he also averaged 15/5/7 as a starter during the regular season and 15/5/5 in the playoffs. Mutombo also raised his game in the playoffs and averaged 14 points, 14 rebounds and 3 blocks.

They could've used better shooters, but I hate when people act like this was a team of scrubs. They were well coached and played hard every night. Iverson carried them a lot offensively, but people always forget that this was an elite defensive team and rebounding team. He was getting help, but because people don't see a 20 ppg scorer listed next to him on basketball-reference, they don't realize that.

That team was in no way coimparable to Wade's 2009 Heat.

Not only did Wade not have any more offensive talent next to him on the 2009 Heat, but Spoelstra is nowhere near the coach that Larry Brown is, Miami was a pretty average defensive team(and Wade helped more at that end than Iverson did) and unlike Philly who had good size in the frontcourt, Miami lacked size. They certainly didn't have the league's best rebounder, or a defensive player of the year blocking shots. In fact, Miami was out-rebounded by opponents by 2.4 boards per game.

And you think that Wade's job would be easier with defensive players like Snow, McKie, Lynch and Bell on the perimeter?

Comparing the team success of Wade in 2009 to Iverson in 2001 is just stupid.

I said finals>first round about Philly with Iverson and without Iverson

Team success is quite irrelavent in Wade vs Iverson comparision.Prime Iverson's teammates nothing next to Wade's.

Prime Iverson's best teammate was Mutombo.
Wade's teammates were/are Shaq,Lebron,Bosh.

Its stupid to compare these as well.While Heat's first round loss after championship..and this years loss in finals remembered as failures, Sixers' finals remembered as success due to difference between those teams value.

08-09-2011, 12:05 PM
Give me Dwayne Wade.

08-09-2011, 12:07 PM
If you're talking about scoring, then AI. However, D-Wade is the closes we've seen to MJ in terms of slashing/defense.


Keep the jokes coming kid.

08-09-2011, 12:07 PM
I said finals>first round about Philly with Iverson and without Iverson

Team success is quite irrelavent in Wade vs Iverson comparision.Prime Iverson's teammates nothing next to Wade's.

Prime Iverson's best teammate was Mutombo.
Wade's teammates were/are Shaq,Lebron,Bosh.

Its stupid to compare these as well.While Heat's first round loss after championship..and this years loss in finals remembered as failures, Sixers' finals remembered as success due to difference between those teams value.

:facepalm Nobody even talks about that and for good reason. Miami had an aging cast around Wade, and everyone knows that Wade was injured and probably shouldn't have even been playing.

Wade is a proven champion as the best player on his team, that's not irrelevant. I'm not saying that there was any year where you'd expect Iverson to win, but lets keep that run in perspective. I mean look at the Toronto series, they beat Toronto by one point, and that Raptor team was Vince Carter+ a worse cast than what Iverson had. It shows what you could do in the east at the time.

The championship isn't the deciding factor between who is the better player, Wade has been a better player regardless. Iverson was a top 5 player for 1 year, but Wade has been year after year.

08-09-2011, 01:16 PM
Finals>first round. They had poor squad certainly..but still they have won 2nd best record in season.And reached finals.And only team beat 01 Lakers in playoffs. Mutombo,Hill,Lynch,Mckie,Snow,Jumaine Jones,Matt Geiger.. How this team can be good without Iverson.

and those are good players.

2001 Mutombo >>> anybody LeBron ever played with before leaving Cleveland.

Hill made the All Star team before and give you like 12/10 each night, Snow lock down players, and what about Aaron McKie aka 6th man of the year.

The Sixers took home like every award that season "MVP, Coach of the year, defensive player of the year, 6th man" but his team was just plain garbage... :rolleyes:

Who did Wade had in 09 and 2010 that was better than Iverson's 2001 roster... and lets not forget Iverson's deep Nuggets team that didnt do shit.

08-09-2011, 01:19 PM
and those are good players.

2001 Mutombo >>> anybody LeBron ever played with before leaving Cleveland.

Hill made the All Star team before and give you like 12/10 each night, Snow lock down players, and what about Aaron McKie aka 6th man of the year.

The Sixers took home like every award that season "MVP, Coach of the year, defensive player of the year, 6th man" but his team was just plain garbage... :rolleyes:

Who did Wade had in 09 and 2010 that was better than Iverson's 2001 roster... and lets not forget Iverson's deep Nuggets team that didnt do shit.

They werent deep at all.

Injuries killed their front court.

But I'll take Wade over AI and West.

08-09-2011, 02:03 PM
and those are good players.

2001 Mutombo >>> anybody LeBron ever played with before leaving Cleveland.

Hill made the All Star team before and give you like 12/10 each night, Snow lock down players, and what about Aaron McKie aka 6th man of the year.

The Sixers took home like every award that season "MVP, Coach of the year, defensive player of the year, 6th man" but his team was just plain garbage... :rolleyes:

Who did Wade had in 09 and 2010 that was better than Iverson's 2001 roster... and lets not forget Iverson's deep Nuggets team that didnt do shit.

I didn't say 2009 heat was better than 2001 Sixers..so its quite irrelavent. I said philly's success with Iverson (finals) were much greater than they are without him..(first round loss)

Anyway,Philly played good hustle and defense...But let's not act like Snow,Hill,Mckie were good players.Average players at best.

2001 philly had one of the worst cast for finalists.Without Iverson they would be something like this years Cavs.

08-09-2011, 02:17 PM
People forget that in the days of PRIME SHAQ there was a healthy debate on who the most dominant player in the league was. People forget just how unstoppable AI was at one time. Wade has never even smelled that level of dominance.

Forget efficiency! Teams never game plan around Wade as they did around Iverson. Every team Iverson ever played, their whole game plan was to stop AI somehow. If teams played Wade like that, I doubt his career scoring average would be higher than 19 ppg. Buncha kids on these boards. :roll:

08-09-2011, 02:36 PM
People forget that in the days of PRIME SHAQ there was a healthy debate on who the most dominant player in the league was. People forget just how unstoppable AI was at one time. Wade has never even smelled that level of dominance.

Forget efficiency! Teams never game plan around Wade as they did around Iverson. Every team Iverson ever played, their whole game plan was to stop AI somehow. If teams played Wade like that, I doubt his career scoring average would be higher than 19 ppg. Buncha kids on these boards. :roll:

06 finals ask the Mavericks what their defensive game-plan:rolleyes: was and then come tell me how that worked out.

08-09-2011, 02:41 PM
:facepalm Nobody even talks about that and for good reason. Miami had an aging cast around Wade, and everyone knows that Wade was injured and probably shouldn't have even been playing.

Wade is a proven champion as the best player on his team, that's not irrelevant. I'm not saying that there was any year where you'd expect Iverson to win, but lets keep that run in perspective. I mean look at the Toronto series, they beat Toronto by one point, and that Raptor team was Vince Carter+ a worse cast than what Iverson had. It shows what you could do in the east at the time.

The championship isn't the deciding factor between who is the better player, Wade has been a better player regardless. Iverson was a top 5 player for 1 year, but Wade has been year after year.

It just proves my point more.Saying Wade = 1 , Iverson = 0 is stupid, Wade had Shaq vs 2006 Mavs.. Iverson had Mutombo vs 2001 Lakers. (which swept everyteam in West)

Sixers weren't good team, they have always lacked scoring options (similar to this years Bulls but worse cast) and it showed in playoffs more. They played with amazing heart,hustle and defensive system.They were only depend on Iverson at offense. They didn't even have really good shooters.

Anyway, personally i don't see wade is better than prime Iverson.

08-09-2011, 06:45 PM
ShaqAttack3234 owning ****** like good ol' days :cheers: :pimp:

08-09-2011, 06:50 PM
They werent deep at all. Injuries killed their front court. But I'll take Wade over AI and West.

Melo and Camby were their healthy in both of those years.

08-09-2011, 06:53 PM
People forget that in the days of PRIME SHAQ there was a healthy debate on who the most dominant player in the league was. People forget just how unstoppable AI was at one time. Wade has never even smelled that level of dominance.

Forget efficiency! Teams never game plan around Wade as they did around Iverson. Every team Iverson ever played, their whole game plan was to stop AI somehow. If teams played Wade like that, I doubt his career scoring average would be higher than 19 ppg. Buncha kids on these boards. :roll:

I could only think of 3 years where I think Iverson was a top 5 player in the NBA. 2000,2001, and in 2005 "Maybe"

08-09-2011, 06:54 PM
Wade is better, and no, it's not really close. My only thing with him though is that he ditched his GREAT midrange game he developed in 2009. Dude is the definition of a streaky shooter and that may be giving him too much credit.

08-09-2011, 07:00 PM
Melo and Camby were their healthy in both of those years.
Didnt Nene have cancer? Torn ACL? I'm pretty sure he was injured both of those years.

They had Carter/AI/Melo/Martin/Camby and bench of JR Smith/Kleiza/trash

Not shallow but nothing I would consider deep. Still, those teams had enough to go far.

08-09-2011, 09:19 PM
Didnt Nene have cancer? Torn ACL? I'm pretty sure he was injured both of those years.

They had Carter/AI/Melo/Martin/Camby and bench of JR Smith/Kleiza/trash

Not shallow but nothing I would consider deep. Still, those teams had enough to go far.

well... i see that Rodman post kept saying "Iverson never had a scorer" when he had Melo. but whatever, shits always better in the past i guess... :rolleyes:

08-09-2011, 10:57 PM
well... i see that Rodman post kept saying "Iverson never had a scorer" when he had Melo. but whatever, shits always better in the past i guess... :rolleyes:

I'm talking about prime iverson.Not 32 years old version.You don't think he was same player even he had good stats there,i guess.

Well, that Denver team wasn't championship caliber team as well. Their had major flaws at defense.

Still nothing close to Shaq & Wade or Wade,Lebron & Bosh.

Shits dont get better in past,they are just forgotten in these days..

08-09-2011, 11:08 PM
Iverson>> D whistle. Wade has been a top 5 player for like 5 years and dude is still irrelevant as fvck.

08-09-2011, 11:09 PM
Iverson without a doubt, clear cut leader on the team. Guy was clutch and for his size dominated other teams. Guys offense was so good we forgave his lack of defense.

08-09-2011, 11:10 PM
ShaqAttack3234 owning ****** like good ol' days :cheers: :pimp:

08-10-2011, 05:36 AM
Iverson without a doubt, clear cut leader on the team. Guy was clutch and for his size dominated other teams. Guys offense was so good we forgave his lack of defense.

Exactly. Put aside both their Ds and look at the offense.

AI could score AT WILL on almost any given day. Teams would constantly double, triple team him yet he would still put up 25-40+ every night. Whereas Wade would struggle on certain nights and would rely on the whistle.

Screw "efficiency." When it comes to offense, they're not even close.