View Full Version : I Thought the Miami Heat have a strict No Headband Policy/Rule?

10-10-2010, 01:13 AM
So why the hell is LeBron running around playing games still wearing his headband? Does he not have respect for Miami and their rules?

That's a direct slap in the face to Pat Riley, it shows blatant disrespect and total disregard for his rules. Who cares if it's LeBron James? Rules are rules. What makes him so much better than anyone else?

Eddie House is on his team, and he's not allowed to wear his headband but LeBron is? What a joke. I really would like some answers as to why LeBron is getting all this special treatment. Besides headbands make the players look like street thugs and drug dealers, and LeBron definitely isn't a thug or a drug dealer. Dude is from the straight burbs.

10-10-2010, 01:14 AM
just depends on who it is i suppose. riley let JO wear his while he was there.

10-10-2010, 01:15 AM
didn't qrich wear one too?

10-10-2010, 01:35 AM
didn't qrich wear one too?
Nope, not with the Heat.

Like jbot said, JO wore one the past couple of seasons.

And Eddie House is also wearing a headband. He had one on during the 1st game against the Pistons.

10-10-2010, 01:38 AM
I never understood the headband bans that teams put. Sweat in the eyes is no fun.

10-10-2010, 01:41 AM
so they let house and bron wear them this season?

10-10-2010, 01:48 AM
Why do they have that rule? When i play basketball, my always gets hurt because of my sweat.

10-10-2010, 01:50 AM
If its like the Magic they are allowed to wear headbands as long as they wear them in practice too. The reason is to stop them from wearing them just for a fashion statement.

10-10-2010, 02:01 AM
Lebron doesn't look good without the headband.

He should keep it on.

no homo.

White Chocolate
10-10-2010, 02:12 AM
I never knew Riley had a no headband policy. I know Scott Skiles had one and Ben Wallace didn't take too kindly to it.

10-10-2010, 02:14 AM
What if its not a fashion statement, but a game superstition thing?

10-10-2010, 02:16 AM
LeBron's hairline took Riley out to dinner and had a serious talk about the policy. They agreed that the headbands would be good for team image after all

10-10-2010, 02:18 AM
Well I guess, Riley has to let LeBron go if hes not going to follow the rules :confusedshrug:

10-10-2010, 02:23 AM
bleh lol

10-10-2010, 02:29 AM
If its like the Magic they are allowed to wear headbands as long as they wear them in practice too. The reason is to stop them from wearing them just for a fashion statement.

Yup, JO was supposedly able to prove he only needed it functionally and not as a fashion statement. I'm guessing LeBron didn't need to do the same thing. A team that bends over a table and hires your buddies isn't a team that's going to quibble over head bands.

10-10-2010, 02:44 AM
Yup, JO was supposedly able to prove he only needed it functionally and not as a fashion statement. I'm guessing LeBron didn't need to do the same thing. A team that bends over a table and hires your buddies isn't a team that's going to quibble over head bands.
Which buddies of his did the heat hire?

10-10-2010, 04:09 AM
Who cares if it's LeBron James? Rules are rules. What makes him so much better than anyone else?

When the issue is his worth to a basketball team...playing basketball better than anyone else makes him better than anyone else. Every team in the league would alter such a policy for the chance at Lebron.

All of them.

With no exceptions.

It would just be common sense. We can get a guy who will generate a hundred million a year, double out value, get us more attention than we know what to do with, and win games....but we are gonna create hard feelings over telling him not to wear a headband?


If he doesnt wear it it wont be because he got forced into it. He could probably have told Riley he would sign if he fired the coach and brought in Doug Moe.

To get Lebron on your team many rules can be bent. Especially petty ones in no way related to basketball playing.

10-10-2010, 04:20 AM
sweat in the eyes burnsssssssss... especially if you're wearing contact lenses!

but i get the feeling thats not the reason lebron wears em :lol

10-10-2010, 04:28 AM
So why the hell is LeBron running around playing games still wearing his headband? Does he not have respect for Miami and their rules?

That's a direct slap in the face to Pat Riley, it shows blatant disrespect and total disregard for his rules. Who cares if it's LeBron James? Rules are rules. What makes him so much better than anyone else?

Eddie House is on his team, and he's not allowed to wear his headband but LeBron is? What a joke. I really would like some answers as to why LeBron is getting all this special treatment. Besides headbands make the players look like street thugs and drug dealers, and LeBron definitely isn't a thug or a drug dealer. Dude is from the straight burbs.

Didn't Jermaine Oneal wear one too?

You failed at a reason to hate on Lebron, idiot.

10-10-2010, 05:35 AM
Didn't Jermaine Oneal wear one too?

You failed at a reason to hate on Lebron, idiot.


I don't see any sweat getting in LeBron's eyes there.. But he's acting like he is in urgent need of a headband.

I'm tired of all these NBA teams bending over backwards for him and the fans being like "Well it's LeBron, so he gets the free pass."

I don't care who it is, you could be Michael Jordan's mom, you still aren't going to get any special treatment just because of your name. A rule is a rule, and the Heat should stick with their zero tolerance policy on NO HEADBANDS, or force LeBron to take a paycut, and sit on the bench until he wants to learn how to not sweat in his eyes. He's sending out a bad image to the kids when he wears the headband.

There are towel boys on the team, he can wipe the sweat at every timeout if sweat becomes an issue, but rules are rules and they shouldn't just bend them for LeBron just because he's a crybaby.

10-10-2010, 05:54 AM
^So you're just gonna skip over the fact that the Heat Let Jermaine O'Neal wear a headband for the past couple of seasons?

10-10-2010, 05:58 AM
Unsuccessful is unsuccessful

10-10-2010, 06:06 AM

I don't see any sweat getting in LeBron's eyes there.. But he's acting like he is in urgent need of a headband.

I'm tired of all these NBA teams bending over backwards for him and the fans being like "Well it's LeBron, so he gets the free pass."

I don't care who it is, you could be Michael Jordan's mom, you still aren't going to get any special treatment just because of your name. A rule is a rule, and the Heat should stick with their zero tolerance policy on NO HEADBANDS, or force LeBron to take a paycut, and sit on the bench until he wants to learn how to not sweat in his eyes. He's sending out a bad image to the kids when he wears the headband.

There are towel boys on the team, he can wipe the sweat at every timeout if sweat becomes an issue, but rules are rules and they shouldn't just bend them for LeBron just because he's a crybaby.

JO wore a headband

are you fuking retarded? lol

10-10-2010, 06:14 AM
What about Jermaine O'Neal? They ran him out of town because he wouldn't stop wearing his headband. That's why he got traded and he's no longer there. He's no longer an issue.

So why are you all bringing up irrelevant players? So because JO was breaking the rules and wore one, that all of a sudden makes it okay for LeBron to void the rules and wear one too?

Fine, but I better see LeBron get ran out of town and traded just like Jermaine O'neal too if he wants to continue to break the rules and wear a headband. If LeBron has a problem with it, he can take his sweaty forehead back to Cleveland.

LeBron is ruining the clean image of the Heat and tarnishing their reputation, all the while blatantly breaking the rules. We have Bosh, we don't need LeBron if he's going to think he can come down to Miami, and act like he's running the whole show. We'll win a title without him.

10-10-2010, 06:23 AM
What about Jermaine O'Neal? They ran him out of town because he wouldn't stop wearing his headband. That's why he got traded and he's no longer there. He's no longer an issue.

So why are you all bringing up irrelevant players? So because JO was breaking the rules and wore one, that all of a sudden makes it okay for LeBron to void the rules and wear one too?

Fine, but I better see LeBron get ran out of town and traded just like Jermaine O'neal too if he wants to continue to break the rules and wear a headband. If LeBron has a problem with it, he can take his sweaty forehead back to Cleveland.

LeBron is ruining the clean image of the Heat and tarnishing their reputation, all the while blatantly breaking the rules. We have Bosh, we don't need LeBron if he's going to think he can come down to Miami, and act like he's running the whole show. We'll win a title without him.
Lets see how many people fall for the bait this time. The bait's clear as day but fishes will still be all over it. :lol

10-10-2010, 06:35 AM
Lets see how many people fall for the bait this time. The bait's clear as day but fishes will still be all over it. :lol

a always assumed trolls became trolls gradually, but it seems this one is trolling right from the very start, and hes a pretty successful troll so far

10-10-2010, 07:37 AM
It's Lebron's team now. He follow his own rules

Next year, they probably change their name for the Miami 'Bron

10-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Well since Lebron doesnt want to shave his head (anyways that will automatically make the haters go: "Oh look! He is trying to look like Jordan!") i suggest he keeps it on... his hairline is receeding, so.. :oldlol:

emsteez forreal
10-10-2010, 09:33 AM
when has the heat ever had that rule? i remember the bulls having it with scott skiles, not sure now. i think the rule is to prevent people from wearing their headbands like idiots, a la tim thomas


(pic courtesy of stroshow's photobucket)

10-10-2010, 10:38 AM
What about Jermaine O'Neal? They ran him out of town because he wouldn't stop wearing his headband. That's why he got traded and he's no longer there.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

10-10-2010, 10:38 AM
what a moron

All Net
10-10-2010, 10:43 AM
It's Lebron.....

10-10-2010, 11:41 AM
He's the chosen one.

code green
10-10-2010, 11:47 AM
can't stand lebron's guts, but i agree with the people saying the "no headband rule" is ridiculous. nothing worse than getting sweat in your eyes during a game.

Go Getter
10-10-2010, 11:59 AM
So headbands make you look like a thug now huh?

10-10-2010, 12:05 PM

I don't see any sweat getting in LeBron's eyes there.. But he's acting like he is in urgent need of a headband.

I'm tired of all these NBA teams bending over backwards for him and the fans being like "Well it's LeBron, so he gets the free pass."

I don't care who it is, you could be Michael Jordan's mom, you still aren't going to get any special treatment just because of your name. A rule is a rule, and the Heat should stick with their zero tolerance policy on NO HEADBANDS, or force LeBron to take a paycut, and sit on the bench until he wants to learn how to not sweat in his eyes. He's sending out a bad image to the kids when he wears the headband.

There are towel boys on the team, he can wipe the sweat at every timeout if sweat becomes an issue, but rules are rules and they shouldn't just bend them for LeBron just because he's a crybaby.

First of all, :roll: at JO getting run out of town.

It's funny how you didn't have a problem with any of LeBron's actions prior to him joining the Heat but now a headband is a problem.

So apparently this is an appropriate way to talk to your mother


And it's okay to vent your frustrations out on your own fans.


But those are both just a few of the good examples that LeBron has set for kids. It's his dismissive attitude towards a non-written headband code that has been a don't-ask-don't-tell policy for the last 5 years that thrusts him into the forefront of rebellious teenage behavior. Shame on him. The only way he can make it up is if the Heat as team come together collectively and not win championships.

10-10-2010, 12:06 PM
You all don't know jack.. LeBron came into the NBA right out of Highschool.. Melo had a season of college ball under his belt.

Rookie of the year goes to LeBron, hands down bar none. Only player in the history of the NBA, besides Kobe Bryant to get drafted right out of High school.

Not even Michael Jordan can say he did that. That alone is worth LeBron taking home the ROY honors.

Did you just say that LeBron is the only player other than Kobe to get drafted out of high school? You really need to learn your history.
I meant get drafted at #1 right out of highschool you fool.

D.Wade is overrated. He's not even a top 10 player in the league. I could easily list 15 other players right now who are better than him. D.Wade is top 15-20 at best.

:roll: :roll:

This is a joike right? Name me even 7 players better than Wade. And Kobe best at everything? :lol Obvious troll is obvious
Kobe Bryant
Lebron James
Carmelo Anthony
Kevin Durant
Rajon Rondo
Steve Nash
Shaq (Wade couldn't have won a championship without him, but Shaq won several without Wade.)

This is probably the dumbest guy on this forum. I don't get why he's not been banned yet. I will post these quotes along with any other stupid shit he says in all this guys threads until one of us get banned.

I seriously can not stand ignorance.

10-10-2010, 12:17 PM
I really would like some answers as to why LeBron is getting all this special treatment.

Because he's LeBron James.

10-10-2010, 12:34 PM
i don't understand the headband thing as a fashion statement. maybe it's because i was not born in the 90s. mike never wore a stupid looking headband. neither did chuck, zeke, nique, magic, or any guy from that era. not even drexler or malone and they needed rogaine badly. only the goofy looking woody harrelson types brought that gay headband style to the courts. if you wear a headband, you better have serious game. same as wearing high socks. otherwise, you're a clown.

10-10-2010, 12:34 PM
I don't care who it is, you could be Michael Jordan's mom, you still aren't going to get any special treatment just because of your name.

Good that you think that...reality says otherwise.

Magic got a coach fired.

Bill Russell didnt even practice.

Jimmy Johnson will tell you flat out...he had different rules for Troy Aikman.

Michael Jordan punched a teammate and didnt get suspended.

Thats how it goes. I can imagine someone sayinbg "Well those guys won titles" but Lebron is probably more desired in the league right now than anyone who actually has won a title so....

10-10-2010, 12:38 PM
I'm a good judger of swag
Dont you know Lebron's swag ? :oldlol:

10-10-2010, 12:41 PM
Good that you think that...reality says otherwise.

Magic got a coach fired.

Bill Russell didnt even practice.

Jimmy Johnson will tell you flat out...he had different rules for Troy Aikman.

Michael Jordan punched a teammate and didnt get suspended.

Thats how it goes. I can imagine someone sayinbg "Well those guys won titles" but Lebron is probably more desired in the league right now than anyone who actually has won a title so....

Magic got a coach fired? The Orlando Magic can fire any coach they want, what the hell does that matter and what does it have to do with LeBron wearing headbands?

Jimmy Johnson is a Nascar driver, so I have no idea why you even brought him and Troy Aikman up, or even why you put them in the same sentence.

I've seen Kobe drop a peoples elbow on Sasha Vujacic and nothing happened, so stop acting like the Jordan slapping a teammate and not getting suspended is an isolated incident.

You obviously don't follow a lot of sports, you really are all over the place, trying to sound educated and acting like you watch a lot of sports, when clearly you're so far out of the loop I couldn't even begin to start educating you on the major sports in this country, because it'd be hopeless. I don't think you have the mental capacity to even begin to understand my sports.

10-10-2010, 12:55 PM
Magic got a coach fired? The Orlando Magic can fire any coach they want, what the hell does that matter and what does it have to do with LeBron wearing headbands?

Jimmy Johnson is a Nascar driver, so I have no idea why you even brought him and Troy Aikman up, or even why you put them in the same sentence.

I've seen Kobe drop a peoples elbow on Sasha Vujacic and nothing happened, so stop acting like the Jordan slapping a teammate and not getting suspended is an isolated incident.

You obviously don't follow a lot of sports, you really are all over the place, trying to sound educated and acting like you watch a lot of sports, when clearly you're so far out of the loop I couldn't even begin to start educating you on the major sports in this country, because it'd be hopeless. I don't think you have the mental capacity to even begin to understand my sports.

Magic Johnson.:facepalm

10-10-2010, 12:59 PM

Real Men Wear Green
10-10-2010, 01:16 PM
Magic Johnson.:facepalm
Just confirming the fact OP is a trolling idiot with little knowledge of NBA history.

10-10-2010, 01:50 PM
The Magic bit killed me. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Oh well, at least it's school again tomorrow.

10-10-2010, 01:57 PM
I am pretty sure my Bulls have a no headband policy. Does anyone have any idea how many teams have such a rule?

10-10-2010, 02:01 PM
Magic Johnson.:facepalm

:roll: :roll: :roll:

10-10-2010, 02:10 PM
So headbands make you look like a thug now huh?

of course


emsteez forreal
10-10-2010, 02:16 PM
I am pretty sure my Bulls have a no headband policy. Does anyone have any idea how many teams have such a rule?

i think that was just scott skiles' rule.

10-10-2010, 02:17 PM
But those are both just a few of the good examples that LeBron has set for kids. It's his dismissive attitude towards a non-written headband code that has been a don't-ask-don't-tell policy for the last 5 years that thrusts him into the forefront of rebellious teenage behavior. Shame on him. The only way he can make it up is if the Heat as team come together collectively and not win championships.

Well I never knew LeBron needed the headband because of his hairline. No wonder it looks like he's wearing that mofo higher and higher every season. Won't be long before he's rocking that ish like a chinstrap. But that's besides the point.

It's still sending the wrong message to kids. It's telling kids it's wrong to grow up with a F'd up hairline, and you should wear headbands to job interviews to cover it up, because you should be so ashamed of it.

LeBron needs to embrace his hairline. If it's not for sweat, and only for his hairline, then he should not be allowed to wear it. He needs to accept the hairline god gave him. If he doesn't want to do that, then he needs to take his whack ass to the European Basketball league wear having a F'd up hairline is more than acceptable.

Having a jacked hairline is no excuse to need to wear a headband. I bet if he stops wearing that headband his hair will grow back anyway. Enforcing the headband ban, will only benefit LeBron in the long run. Do not allow him to wear it anymore. It's pushing his sh*t back.

10-10-2010, 02:27 PM
So why the hell is LeBron running around playing games still wearing his headband? Does he not have respect for Miami and their rules?

That's a direct slap in the face to Pat Riley, it shows blatant disrespect and total disregard for his rules. Who cares if it's LeBron James? Rules are rules. What makes him so much better than anyone else?

Eddie House is on his team, and he's not allowed to wear his headband but LeBron is? What a joke. I really would like some answers as to why LeBron is getting all this special treatment. Besides headbands make the players look like street thugs and drug dealers, and LeBron definitely isn't a thug or a drug dealer. Dude is from the straight burbs.

I can't tell if you really want players to respect the rules or if you just hate LeBron. Despite your thug argument the fact is headbands are made to collect sweat.

10-10-2010, 02:30 PM
its not like he's wearing it over his ears super low like a G lmao, he's got that thing riding high. I wouldn't worry about it if I was Miami.

10-10-2010, 02:35 PM
Magic got a coach fired? The Orlando Magic can fire any coach they want, what the hell does that matter and what does it have to do with LeBron wearing headbands?

Jimmy Johnson is a Nascar driver, so I have no idea why you even brought him and Troy Aikman up, or even why you put them in the same sentence.

I've seen Kobe drop a peoples elbow on Sasha Vujacic and nothing happened, so stop acting like the Jordan slapping a teammate and not getting suspended is an isolated incident.

You obviously don't follow a lot of sports, you really are all over the place, trying to sound educated and acting like you watch a lot of sports, when clearly you're so far out of the loop I couldn't even begin to start educating you on the major sports in this country, because it'd be hopeless. I don't think you have the mental capacity to even begin to understand my sports.
:lol :lol :oldlol: :roll: :lol :roll: :oldlol: :oldlol: :lol :applause:

That made my day

10-10-2010, 02:37 PM
I can't tell if you really want players to respect the rules or if you just hate LeBron. Despite your thug argument the fact is headbands are made to collect sweat.

Yeah but LeBron wears it so high it makes the purpose of the sweatband obsolete. What about all the sweat under his headband that it can't catch? Usually if you want to keep sweat out of your eyes, you wear it right above your eyebrows, not on top of your head.

LeBron is a wannabe thug, and wears it only to portray an image that he's a gangster and grew up in the streets. When the truth is he grew up in the burbs of Ohio. He's trying to earn some street cred by wearing the headband, he might have you all fooled, because you all are even more suburb'd out than he is. But he's not fooling me.

I'm from Compton, I maintain contact with the streets constantly. I talk to my people, and they all tell me LeBron is fakin the front with that sweatband bullsh*t. Then you nerds have the audacity to sit here and tell me, "But LeBron needs it to keep the sweat out of his eyes bro! Otherwise he won't be able to play cuz the sweat will burn his retinas man." Shut the hell up you parrots.

I busted a nut in my girls eye and made her deal with it. If she can do that, then LeBron can deal with having a little sweat get into his eyes. But he has to obey the Miami Heat's rules. I don't give a damn about his stature in the industry, no one player is bigger than the game itself, or bigger than any 1 team. LeBron needs to deal with it like my girl does.

10-10-2010, 02:38 PM
Yeah but LeBron wears it so high it makes the purpose of the sweatband obsolete. What about all the sweat under his headband that it can't catch? Usually if you want to keep sweat out of your eyes, you wear it right above your eyebrows, not on top of your head.

LeBron is a wannabe thug, and wears it only to portray an image that he's a gangster and grew up in the streets. When the truth is he grew up in the burbs of Ohio. He's trying to earn some street cred by wearing the headband, he might have you all fooled, because you all are even more suburb'd out than he is. But he's not fooling me.

I'm from Compton, I maintain contact with the streets constantly. I talk to my people, and they all tell me LeBron is fakin the front with that sweatband bullsh*t. Then you nerds have the audacity to sit here and tell me, "But LeBron needs it to keep the sweat out of his eyes bro! Otherwise he won't be able to play cuz the sweat will burn his retinas man." Shut the hell up you parrots.

I busted a nut in my girls eye and made her deal with it. If she can do that, then LeBron can deal with having a little sweat get into his eyes. But he has to obey the Miami Heat's rules. I don't give a damn about his stature in the industry, no one player is bigger than the game itself, or bigger than any 1 team. LeBron needs to deal with it like my girl does.

Bullshit, people from Compton can't afford computers :hammerhead:

10-10-2010, 02:54 PM
Bullshit, people from Compton can't afford computers :hammerhead:

What do you think happens when thugs like me go into suburbs like yours you nerd?

We go shoppin. Or should I say we go coppin?

Either way, we go in there for one purpose, and that's to confiscate as much property as possible.

10-10-2010, 03:00 PM
Magic got a coach fired? The Orlando Magic can fire any coach they want, what the hell does that matter and what does it have to do with LeBron wearing headbands?

Jimmy Johnson is a Nascar driver, so I have no idea why you even brought him and Troy Aikman up, or even why you put them in the same sentence.

I've seen Kobe drop a peoples elbow on Sasha Vujacic and nothing happened, so stop acting like the Jordan slapping a teammate and not getting suspended is an isolated incident.

You obviously don't follow a lot of sports, you really are all over the place, trying to sound educated and acting like you watch a lot of sports, when clearly you're so far out of the loop I couldn't even begin to start educating you on the major sports in this country, because it'd be hopeless. I don't think you have the mental capacity to even begin to understand my sports.

We are nearing the end times.....

10-10-2010, 03:14 PM
What do you think happens when thugs like me go into suburbs like yours you nerd?

We go shoppin. Or should I say we go coppin?

Either way, we go in there for one purpose, and that's to confiscate as much property as possible.

Dayum dude, i didn't know uneducated ******s like you knew big words like confiscate.

So how does your internet bill and cable look? Or do you steal that too? :facepalm

10-10-2010, 03:15 PM
Dayum dude, i didn't know uneducated ******s like you knew big words like confiscate.

So how does your internet bill and cable look? Or do you steal that too? :facepalm

Wireless adapters homie. Picked it up at a hood convention. Gets free internet catching signals within a 2 mile radius. I got this ish on lock.

10-10-2010, 03:32 PM
LOL, I'm a grown ass man, f I wanna wear a headband I will wear one.

10-10-2010, 04:04 PM
it's lebrons team, he can do whatever he wants :lol