View Full Version : The real reason Wilt Chamberlain & Muhammad Ali didn't fight.

Abraham Lincoln
11-12-2009, 04:32 AM

Apparently Ali's boxing manager Jabir Herbert Muhammad backed out due to the mere visual intimidation of Chamberlain, fearing an upset. :cheers:


11-12-2009, 04:35 AM
Yeah, that's the one...

just like how Wilt once beat a mountain lion with his bare hands...
just like how he slept with the ridiculous amount of women he claimed...

When will you realize that Wilt is a mental midget who always needed to hype himself up around others to feel secure? This guy never gives speaks highly of another player without somehow mentioning he could have done it better if in the same position or if he cared. It's always something with this man...

11-12-2009, 04:42 AM
ali would have beat that ass

11-12-2009, 04:45 AM
ali would have beat that ass

11-12-2009, 05:43 AM
heard wilt ****s gold

11-12-2009, 05:51 AM
Apparently Ali's boxing manager Jabir Herbert Muhammad backed out due to the mere visual intimidation of Chamberlain, fearing an upset. :cheers:

So Ali's manager didnt want Ali to fight Chamberlain because he was tall? kinda weak. Ali wouldve KO'd Wilt though. With all due respect to one of the greatest basketball players ever, but Ali was the heavyweight World Champion..

11-12-2009, 05:55 AM
The reason was because Ali lost to Frazier. Wilt doesn't want to fight somebody who was not the champion.

11-12-2009, 05:56 AM
So Ali's manager didnt want Ali to fight Chamberlain because he was tall? kinda weak. Ali wouldve KO'd Wilt though. With all due respect to one of the greatest basketball players ever, but Ali was the heavyweight World Champion..

This. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably thought Kimbo Slice would dominate MMA.

11-12-2009, 07:40 AM
Yeah, Ali would have whooped that big ass. He wasn't just a heavyweight champ, he was The Greatest. All due respect to the Big Dipper, of course, whose own greatness has made him something of modern day mythic hero.

Is it weird that Wilt's feet don't look that much bigger than Ali's in that shot?

11-12-2009, 09:25 AM
Ali would have murdered him. Wilt's not even the GOAT in his own sport, Ali is the GOAT athlete.

Story Up
11-12-2009, 09:53 AM
The reason was because Ali lost to Frazier. Wilt doesn't want to fight somebody who was not the champion.

If his NBA career is any implication, he would have definitely lost the "title" fight to Ali.

11-12-2009, 10:01 AM
Ali would have murdered him. Wilt's not even the GOAT in his own sport, Ali is the GOAT athlete.

First thing you said is not set in stone,and the second thing you said is just flat out wrong.

11-12-2009, 12:07 PM
A lot of people think Ali would win easily but lets not forget Wilt has about 100 pounds and a massive height and reach advantage over Ali. And he was actually a top athlete with great conditioning.

We all saw what happened between Shaq and De La Hoya. We saw how size does give someone with no boxing skills a great advantage, even someone as slow as Shaq.

11-12-2009, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the vid :cheers:

11-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Yeah, that's the one...

just like how Wilt once beat a mountain lion with his bare hands...
just like how he slept with the ridiculous amount of women he claimed...

When will you realize that Wilt is a mental midget who always needed to hype himself up around others to feel secure? This guy never gives speaks highly of another player without somehow mentioning he could have done it better if in the same position or if he cared. It's always something with this man...

I tend to think you're right and that Wilt does some serious exaggerating.

The only player he ever said was better than himsel was Russell, he admitted the Celtics won because of Russell and that he couldn't have as much because of how much better Bill made everyone else.

11-14-2009, 06:11 PM
Wilt would have been murdered in the ring. I'm sorry but any pro fighter, let alone one of the greatest of all time would absolutely kill an amatuer no matter how fit they are. Ali would rip a few body shots in and Wilt would be bending over like a *****.

Rafael Delaget
11-14-2009, 06:16 PM
Jabir Herbert Muhammad


GOAT name

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 09:13 PM
You guys don't know too much about fighting, do you? Most of you happen to think that someone being tall, muscular and black must work against someone else who knows martial arts/boxing/Krav Maga/Sambo/whatever and has a decade of training.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if I had to I would most likely kill Shaq in 5-6 seconds. For someone better than me in Muay Thai/KM/Sambo it would take only 3 seconds.

And I'm not kidding. Traditional boxing at least has some rules. There is a ring, a glove and there are certain things you cannot do. But a real fight? Kick to the groin, knees, hitting the throat, etc.?

These tall black dudes are great basketball players, but come on. Unless they are trained and trained formany years, they cannot do sh!t against someone a lot smaller but trained for many years. Size does matter -- if you know technique.

Without technique and expertise in fighting you are like Sun Yue in basketball. Very tall, yes. And useless, too.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 09:19 PM
Wilt would have been murdered in the ring. I'm sorry but any pro fighter, let alone one of the greatest of all time would absolutely kill an amatuer no matter how fit they are. Ali would rip a few body shots in and Wilt would be bending over like a *****.


And someone not abiding by the rules of boxing would do even better. Even in televised cagefight there are some rules. There are some things you simply cannot do.

In a real fight there are no rules. It is not fair. It is a life or death thing. If you are trained for situations like that (Krav Maga and Sambo are very good, but a combination of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu works as well), if you are trained at these things (and by trained I mean many years, many days a week, real life situations, etc.)... you are not going to give Shaq (or Wilt) a chance of even trying to throw his first punch. If he connects... very bad for you because he is strong as a bull.

But he will not connect. Unless he trains for many years.

11-14-2009, 09:21 PM
It's like Fedor beating on Hong choi man. Being big doesn't mean ****

11-14-2009, 09:26 PM
Ali would have scored 100 punches on Wilt. xD

11-14-2009, 09:29 PM
You guys don't know too much about fighting, do you? Most of you happen to think that someone being tall, muscular and black must work against someone else who knows martial arts/boxing/Krav Maga/Sambo/whatever and has a decade of training.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if I had to I would most likely kill Shaq in 5-6 seconds. For someone better than me in Muay Thai/KM/Sambo it would take only 3 seconds.

And I'm not kidding. Traditional boxing at least has some rules. There is a ring, a glove and there are certain things you cannot do. But a real fight? Kick to the groin, knees, hitting the throat, etc.?

These tall black dudes are great basketball players, but come on. Unless they are trained and trained formany years, they cannot do sh!t against someone a lot smaller but trained for many years. Size does matter -- if you know technique.

Without technique and expertise in fighting you are like Sun Yue in basketball. Very tall, yes. And useless, too.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Shut up you clown, shaq would destroy you

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 09:39 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Shut up you clown, shaq would destroy you

Not a chance, sorry.

Watch this, Bobb Sapp vs. Mirko CroCop:


And they have some rules there. I've been training in Krav Maga for many years after having done Muay Thai for many years and have some (not too much but some) training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'm not as good as the guy in this next video (well, I'm not nearly as good as him to be exact), but still: watch this and tell me if Shaq has a chance against this guy:




If you think Shaq has a chance, I don't know what to tell you. Look, it's not about me. It's about whether you are trained or not. You have to work really hard to make it to the NBA. (Yeah, we're talking about practice.)

Why do you think a big body has a chance w/o training? Sorry, but no. Forget about me. Watch the thing.

noob cake
11-14-2009, 09:41 PM
You guys don't know too much about fighting, do you? Most of you happen to think that someone being tall, muscular and black must work against someone else who knows martial arts/boxing/Krav Maga/Sambo/whatever and has a decade of training.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if I had to I would most likely kill Shaq in 5-6 seconds. For someone better than me in Muay Thai/KM/Sambo it would take only 3 seconds.

And I'm not kidding. Traditional boxing at least has some rules. There is a ring, a glove and there are certain things you cannot do. But a real fight? Kick to the groin, knees, hitting the throat, etc.?

These tall black dudes are great basketball players, but come on. Unless they are trained and trained formany years, they cannot do sh!t against someone a lot smaller but trained for many years. Size does matter -- if you know technique.

Without technique and expertise in fighting you are like Sun Yue in basketball. Very tall, yes. And useless, too.

1) Shaq would murder you
2) Sun Yue doesn't suck at Basketball
3) Everything else you said is true though

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 09:47 PM
1) Shaq would murder you
2) Sun Yue doesn't suck at Basketball
3) Everything else you said is true though

We will not fight, Shaq and me. And it is rather unimportant. I know what I know and I'll let you think what you think.

I happen to be an instructor in Krav Maga.

That's all.

Everyone feel free to imagine how Shaq would kill me. It's nice to imagine, I know. :oldlol:

11-14-2009, 09:47 PM
Not a chance, sorry.

Watch this, Bobb Sapp vs. Mirko CroCop:


And they have some rules there. I've been training in Krav Maga for many years after having done Muay Thai for many years and have some (not too much but some) training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'm not as good as the guy in this next video (well, I'm not nearly as good as him to be exact), but still: watch this and tell me if Shaq has a chance against this guy:




If you think Shaq has a chance, I don't know what to tell you. Look, it's not about me. It's about whether you are trained or not. You have to work really hard to make it to the NBA. (Yeah, we're talking about practice.)

Why do you think a big body has a chance w/o training? Sorry, but no. Forget about me. Watch the thing.

Two people- Brock Lesnar and Tim Sylvia /thread.

And honestly you're trying to use bob Sapp as a point? He's considered a running joke- and he's matched up against Cro Cop, who's considered to be one of the greatest MMA fighters.

And then what? Some ****ing Krav maga choreographed demonstrations? yeah that looks mighty impressive, but so does a Jet Lii performance :rolleyes:

You've just made yourself look like a total douche, fights don't work out like they do in demos.

11-14-2009, 09:49 PM
Size matters to an extent.
For example with this Ali v Wilt fight, it only takes one mistake from Ali and a good punch from this giant, and its career over.

Same goes for morale who says he can take Shaq. If anyone 7 foot 320 pounds and conditioned takes one hit then gets a take down, and your only 5'8 150, he can basically lie on top of you and go to work - and your done. Sometimes ppl are straight up TOO BIG. But if you have a little size and strength and excellent technique, its more than possible.

People bring up Fedor/Hong. Big difference... Fedor is immensely powerful (stronger than Ali) and was allowed to submit Choi.

11-14-2009, 09:51 PM
Size matters to an extent.
For example with this Ali v Wilt fight, it only takes one mistake from Ali and a good punch from this giant, and its career over.

Same goes for morale who says he can take Shaq. If anyone 7 foot 320 pounds and conditioned takes one hit then gets a take down, and your only 5'8 150, he can basically lie on top of you and go to work - and your done. Sometimes ppl are straight up TOO BIG. But if you have a little size and strength and excellent technique, its more than possible.

People bring up Fedor/Hong. Big difference... Fedor is immensely powerful (stronger than Ali) and was allowed to submit Choi.

Not only that but Fedor is the greatest MMA fighter of all time

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 09:53 PM
You've just made yourself look like a total douche, fights don't work out like they do in demos.

No, they don't. That's the reason you will never ever see any competition using Krav Maga or Sambo techniques. Those are for self defense and killing opponents. Not a sport.

Krav Maga is used by the special forces of the Israeli Army, the CIA and other organizations. Close quarter combat. You won't see anything but a demo on the internet. They are not showing how it's used for killing people. That was the original purpose of KM. defend yourself and kill the opponent ASAP, because there is the next one.

Whatever. I'm sure you know more about this than me. Forgive me for trying to tell you anything about it. Yes, Shaq would kill me. Even you would. Or a 5 year old, really tall kid.


11-14-2009, 09:54 PM
No, they don't. That's the reason you will never ever see any competition using Krav Maga or Sambo techniques. Those are for self defense and killing opponents. Not a sport.

Krav Maga is used by the special forces of the Israeli Army, the CIA and other organizations. Close quarter combat. You won't see anything but a demo on the internet. They are not showing how it's used for killing people. That was the original purpose of KM. defend yourself and kill the opponent ASAP, because there is the next one.

Whatever. I'm sure you know more about this than me. Forgive me for trying to tell you anything about it. Yes, Shaq would kill me. Even you would. Or a 5 year old, really tall kid.



Hurr durr, you moron. Stop talking out your ass.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:00 PM
if you have a little size and strength and excellent technique, its more than possible.

I actually had to try it in reality against people almost as tall and I think maybe stronger than Shaq. Against 6-10, 300 pound (but untrained) guys. I'm 6'1, 220. They had no chance. But I have had more than 12 years of practice by now. 4-5 days a week, 2-3 hours a day.

And the original question had nothing to do with me. It was Abe imagining Wilt could have a chance against Ali IN BOXING.

It's a pipedream at best. My story was just an illustration. I'm unimportant in this story. Training is important though.

But I think I'll quit debating this, because it makes no sense whatsoever. I don't really want to convince you guys. If someone here thinks he has a chance against me, PM me. I'm in Europe, but we can organize something. And yes, you can be 7 feet tall and 300 pounds, too.


11-14-2009, 10:02 PM
I actually had to try it in reality against people almost as tall and I think maybe stronger than Shaq. Against 6-10, 300 pound (but untrained) guys. I'm 6'1, 220. They had no chance. But I have had more than 12 years of practice by now. 4-5 days a week, 2-3 hours a day.

And the original question had nothing to do with me. It was Abe imagining Wilt could have a chance against Ali IN BOXING.

It's a pipedream at best. My story was just an illustration. I'm unimportant in this story. Training is important though.

But I think I'll quit debating this, because it makes no sense whatsoever. I don't really want to convince you guys. If someone here thinks he has a chance against me, PM me. I'm in Europe, but we can organize something. And yes, you can be 7 feet tall and 300 pounds, too.


I'll ring up Brock Lesnar, he'll have a crack.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:02 PM

Hurr durr, you moron. Stop talking out your ass.

1) They had rules
2) Fedor is trained in Sambo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

And as I said, Sambo is powerful. Fedor would kill me in 2 seconds. Maybe 1 second. But Shaq is no Fedor. Neither was Wilt.

11-14-2009, 10:04 PM
1) They had rules
2) Fedor is trained in Sambo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

And as I said, Sambo is powerful. Fedor would kill me in 2 seconds. Maybe 1 second. But Shaq is no Fedor. Neither was Wilt.

You said that you won't find Sambo in any competitions, which is completely untrue. cause if you had actually looked at the ****ing link, you'd know that Sambo has a big following in Russia- With a national comp every year. In that comp no BJJ and the like is allowed, only the Sambo fighting style.

So please, stop talking out of your ass.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:05 PM
I'll ring up Brock Lesnar, he'll have a crack.

Brock Lesnar would have a very good chance against me and I think he may just win. He is very big and he knows *some* technique. (I know more thechiniqe but I'm a lot smaller. In this case, size and strength start to matter though.) So if Lesnar is a regular poster on ISH, I may be in trouble.

Is he?

11-14-2009, 10:10 PM
Brock Lesnar would have a very good chance against me and I think he may just win. He is very big and he knows *some* technique. (I know more thechiniqe but I'm a lot smaller. In this case, size and strength start to matter though.) So if Lesnar is a regular poster on ISH, I may be in trouble.

Is he?

I dno, maybe, maybe not. But I'll just go find someone huge and get theme to come along. It'll be enough.

Also size and strength always matter, that's why there are weight divisions.

Honest to god some people......

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:16 PM
You said that you won't find Sambo in any competitions, which is completely untrue. cause if you had actually looked at the ****ing link, you'd know that Sambo has a big following in Russia- With a national comp every year. In that comp no BJJ and the like is allowed, only the Sambo fighting style.

So please, stop talking out of your ass.

I said you won't find real life situation Krav Maga competitions at the expert level. Watch some of those guys and what they are doing.

But I have a better idea. Go to a club teaching Krav Maga and Brazilian JiuJitsu nand Sambo. Train for 2-3 years aeach. Pass your G5 exam in KM (10th overall exam by the IKMF). Then I will ask you one more time if you thin you yoiurself don't have a chance against Shaq.

If you train hard for 5 years, your opinion will change. I promise you that.

But really... peace guys. It was just my 2 cants about somehting I have more than a little experience and expretise in. I never said I would take out Fedor or guys like that. Not a chance. I'd le losing before the first round ends.

But Shaq? Shaq is slow and doesn't even know who to punch, let alone kick. Two quick kicks to the groin eand the knee and an elbow to his throat, finished with another groin kick... He es too big and untrained to react. And even if your are strong, your joints break, your throat breaks and you eye is popped out in less than 20 seconds.

Fighting an untrained opponent (like Shaq) is actually a cakewalk. I tried similar types in reality. It works. And there is a reason I can already teach it.

11-14-2009, 10:27 PM
I said you won't find real life situation Krav Maga competitions at the expert level. Watch some of those guys and what they are doing.

But I have a better idea. Go to a club teaching Krav Maga and Brazilian JiuJitsu nand Sambo. Train for 2-3 years aeach. Pass your G5 exam in KM (10th overall exam by the IKMF). Then I will ask you one more time if you thin you yoiurself don't have a chance against Shaq.

If you train hard for 5 years, your opinion will change. I promise you that.

But really... peace guys. It was just my 2 cants about somehting I have more than a little experience and expretise in. I never said I would take out Fedor or guys like that. Not a chance. I'd le losing before the first round ends.

But Shaq? Shaq is slow and doesn't even know who to punch, let alone kick. Two quick kicks to the groin eand the knee and an elbow to his throat, finished with another groin kick... He es too big and untrained to react. And even if your are strong, your joints break, your throat breaks and you eye is popped out in less than 20 seconds.

Fighting an untrained opponent (like Shaq) is actually a cakewalk. I tried similar types in reality. It works. And there is a reason I can already teach it.
Dude if you actually are this highly trained in your sport then stop arguing over a message board with some random people, it makes you look insecure. You want to prove people wrong, show a video of yourself or pictures, otherwise you're gonna look like the internet tough guy. And don't pretend you don't care, you already posted like 4 lengthy responses.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:29 PM
[QUOTE=zabuza666]I dno, maybe, maybe not. But I'll just go find someone huge and get theme to come along. It'll be enough.
Also size and strength always matter, that's why there are weight divisions.

11-14-2009, 10:30 PM
Brock Lesnar would have a very good chance against me and I think he may just win. He is very big and he knows *some* technique. (I know more thechiniqe but I'm a lot smaller. In this case, size and strength start to matter though.) So if Lesnar is a regular poster on ISH, I may be in trouble.

Is he?
dude did you suggest theres a chance you could beat Brock Lesnar, cus cmon this makes you look really insecure.

11-14-2009, 10:31 PM
Yeah..... if thats true..... his manager is an idiot. Its not like boxing is just a sport you don't need any skill in. Wilt would have gotten killed.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:31 PM
You want to prove people wrong, show a video of yourself or pictures, otherwise you're gonna look like the internet tough guy.

Fair enough. I'm in Hungary, but some of the instructor trainings are captured. I'll try find something where I participate. (I have photos taken of me if soemone doesn't know what I look like.)

So it's a good idea, and I will search for it. Might take a whle till I find it, even if I do.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 10:44 PM
dude did you suggest theres a chance you could beat Brock Lesnar, cus cmon this makes you look really insecure.

I may have a small chance, even if it sounds crazy. I've been doing it for 12 years, mixed martial arts. A rather small chance I would have against Lesnar, but still a chance (like 85-90% vs- 15-10% on his part.) But Lesnar is huge, Lesnar is strong and Lesnar has *some training*. Not very much, but at least some. I think I'd lose against him. But I'm not the (imaginary) world champion in KM either, only an ordinary instructor, G5 level. Planning to become E1 (expert level) by 2011.

Lesnar would probably lose vs. Eyal Yanilov or Haim Giddon though. Fedor would have a chance against them that I give you. Fedor is very well trained in many different martial arts, Sambo and Brazilian JiuJitsu included. Shaq is not trained. Difference.

Haim Giddon:


11-14-2009, 10:57 PM
The Lesnar fight would be interesting. I think I woud lose against him easil for the time being (with a slight chance of winning), but I never said otherwise. Gimme 5 more years of training, and I'll have a beter chance against him. I saw his fights, but I think CroCop and Fedor are better As are some K1 guys like Hoost.

But Shaq is NO CONTEST for anyone after 3-5 years of training while Shaq plays in the NBA.

Don't believe me guys. Join a club and try it yourself.

Lesnar would flat out destroy Crocop.


In Krav Maga there aren't divisions. It is an ARMY thing. For special forces. No division there. You have two purposes: 1) staying alive 2) killing the other gay ASAP, like 3 seconds.

Here is another very powerful system: Systema Spetznatz:


Works wonders. Try it. But I suggest you start with Krav Maga. That is ideal for real life situatoins and you are pretty decent after 3 years (4-5 days a week, 2-3 hours of practice a day, plus running 3-5 miles 5 days a week and hit the wightroom 3 times a week for 50 minutes each.

If you try it, you will quickly get what I'm talking about. YOu will find out first and foremost how slow Shaq is, and that he has very little coordination in a fight situation.

But see for yourfelf, really.

Just a quick question, if Krav Maga was as lethal and deadly as you say it is, why the **** would they let average *********s like you learn/teach it?

Martial arts are seriously ****ing overrated. Don't get me wrong I truly value technique and I know that technique will play a huge part in who wins a fight, I'm simply not naive enough to think it overrules the total strength and size advantages that some people have over others.

Also technique with regards to knife fighting would make a huge ****ing difference, so stop trying to lump hand to hand combat with knife fights.

big baller
11-14-2009, 10:58 PM
Ali would of kicked his sorry ass.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:07 PM
why the **** would they let average *********s like you learn/teach it?

Because I train solders and special forces in my country. I'm an avg mofo at ISH, but why do I have to be an avg mofo at everything?

I rarely post any more here (save for the last few days) -- I just don't have the time.

I'm also a part of this movement: www.theoildrum.com , working as a physicist on energy depletion. I have a username there, too. I'm avg at many things and cannot do sh!t at other things. E.g: even though I had been playing organized basketball for over a decade (8-21), and the 12th man on the worst teams roster would beat me one on one 21:0. I cannot even dunk any more. I'm 36.

But I'm not avg at everything I do.

Make a google search on Krav Maga, Sambo, Systema Spetznaz and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Go to a gym near you and find it out for yourself. You wil learn some things very quickly, I promise you. In 2-3 years you can take Shaq.

Yes, you can. Everyone posting here can if they seriously train for several years. No kidding.

11-14-2009, 11:09 PM
why the **** would they let average *********s like you learn/teach it?

Because I train solders and special forces in my country. I'm and avg mofo at ISH, but why do I have to be an avg mofo at everything?

I rarely post any more -- I just don't have the time.

I'm also a part of this movement: www.theoildrum.com , working as a physicist on energy depletion. I have a username there, too. I'm avg at many things and cannot do sh!t at other things. E.g: even though I had been playing organized basketball for over a decade (8-21), and the 12th man on the worst teams roster would beat me one on one 21:0. I cannot even dunk any more. I'm 36.

But I'm not avg at everything I do.

I don't want your life story champ.

To put it bluntly you're full of ****, and completely naive regarding hand to hand combat.

11-14-2009, 11:14 PM
Ali would win. Only people that would choose Wilt are the goons that thinks Shaq is an ass kicker.

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:17 PM
I don't want your life story champ.

To put it bluntly you're full of ****, and completely naive regarding hand to hand combat.

OK. Let's just leave it at that. I'm naive. OK. You win.

11-14-2009, 11:23 PM
OK. Let's just leave it at that. I'm naive. OK. You win.


One last quick question, if you're so "average run of the mill" at this stuff like you've claimed multiple times; why is the military asking you to train their soldiers/special forces and not one of these masters you keep talking about? Hell it doesn't have to be a master, why wouldn't they ask one of those E1 people?

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:35 PM

One last quick question, if you're so "average run of the mill" at this stuff like you've claimed multiple times; why is the military asking you to train their soldiers/special forces and not one of these masters you keep talking about? Hell it doesn't have to be a master, why wouldn't they ask one of those E1 people?

Because there are only 2 E1 masters of Krav Maga in my country (Hungary). Peter Lakatos and Matyas Tobias. It is a small country, 10 million people only. There is one E2 master, Tal Kvores. Here is a video of them:


3 people cannot teach every soldier and policeman. So some G2-G5 people are involved, too. Your question was still valid though: It would be a lot better if there were more E-level guys in my country. Unfortunately there aren't as of now.

And I need at least 2 years to get to that level. IF I can make it. (Not a given at all.)

11-14-2009, 11:36 PM
OK. Let's just leave it at that. I'm naive. OK. You win.
Ha! How can you claim to be able to beat Shaq if you just lost to a random guy on the internet?

11-14-2009, 11:38 PM
Wow this thread turned dumb fast

elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:48 PM
Ha! How can you claim to be able to beat Shaq if you just lost to a random guy on the internet?

It was words and I decided to stop arguing. Makes no sense. He can win the debate in ISH, no big deal.

You may think this thread was about me claiming I'm the sh!t. It's probably partially my fault. I shouldn't have put myself into the equation, so sorry for that.

The point I wanted to get accross is this: Regardless of your size, if you are not well trained in smething (be it basketball or fighting) you will lose pretty quickly against someone having more than a decade of experience.

And you still don't have to believe me that. See for yourself. Such things don't and cannot have a result in a virtual environment like ISH. Go to a gym, take up Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Sambo. Practice 2-3 years each, at least. After having done that you will know what this debate was about. If you do Muay Thai and K1 for some years, you may find out even sooner.


elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:50 PM
Wow this thread turned dumb fast

Yes, because the original idea did hold lots of water, didn't it? Wilt would just have destroyed Ali at his peak in BOXING.


elementally morale
11-14-2009, 11:59 PM
OK. Here I am losing against Eyal Yanilov in a demonstration. Eyal is the head instructor of IKMF and is light years ahead of me. He is someone I can never be as good as, no matter how hard I try. (I'm the younger, shorter guy in the video.)


11-15-2009, 12:25 AM
Yes, because the original idea did hold lots of water, didn't it? Wilt would just have destroyed Ali at his peak in BOXING.


Dumb thread got dumber, there are you happy?

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 12:32 AM
Dumb thread got dumber, there are you happy?

I'm happy every time I can make something dumb look even dumber, yes. Does that answer your question?

I'm not on some crusade here to be considered anything. I'm here for fun, learning basketball from more knowledgable posters and sometimes telling my opinion. I rarely want to convince anybody through words. Hell, I'm not even posting these last few years. I was reading but hardly made a comment for like 2-3 years now, save for the last week or so.

And as I know myself, I think I'll go back to read-only mode soon enough, again. Getting into heated verbal discussiobs is not really my cup of tea any more.

So you can relax, you don't have to wait too long until I stop bothering you. Instead there will be even more KB <<< Mickey Mouse threads coming. If you are impatient, feel free to add me to your ignore list. I don't give a damn.

Peace, bro.

11-15-2009, 12:49 AM
I'm happy every time I can make something dumb look even dumber, yes. Does that answer your question?

I'm not on some crusade here to be considered anything. I'm here for fun, learning basketball from more knowledgable posters and sometimes telling my opinion. I rarely want to convince anybody through words. Hell, I'm not even posting these last few years. I was reading but hardly made a comment for like 2-3 years now, save for the last week or so.

And as I know myself, I think I'll go back to read-only mode soon enough, again. Getting into heated verbal discussiobs is not really my cup of tea any more.

So you can relax, you don't have to wait too long until I stop bothering you. Instead there will be even more KB <<< Mickey Mouse threads coming. If you are impatient, feel free to add me to your ignore list. I don't give a damn.

Peace, bro.

You don't need to write a lengthy response to everything anyone says, and my comment wasn't directed at you specifically, just the general contents of the thread seeing as it degenerated into a pretty ridiculous and lengthy argument about trivialities. I have nothing against you having something you enjoy doing in life and fulfilling yourself, more power to you.

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 12:51 AM
You don't need to write a lengthy response to everything anyone says, and my comment wasn't directed at you specifically, just the general contents of the thread seeing as it degenerated into a pretty ridiculous and lengthy argument about trivialities. I have nothing against you having something you enjoy doing in life and fulfilling yourself, more power to you.

It wasn't intended to be long, but I can see your point, so here is a shorter version: OK. :oldlol:

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 05:26 AM
technique with regards to knife fighting would make a huge ****ing difference, so stop trying to lump hand to hand combat with knife fights.

It's obvious you don't know Krav Maga and it's OK: You don't have to. However, KM has a HEAVY focus on knife attacks, gun attacks, hand granade, terrorist attacks, multiple attackers, attacks in the dark, 3 guys coming at you, one with bare hands one with a knife and one with a baseball bat, hostage situations, etc.

It is a counter terrorist and military technique. It focuses on:

1) defending yourself
2) doing the most possible harm in the least possible time
3) getting away from the scene ASAP

There is a reason it is used by the Israli Army, the Army of Poland, multiple other armies, branches of the CIA, etc. You guys may not know it, but special forces of the US Marines are also thought KM. Some soldiers are taught Muay Thai, the Soviet Army special forces were taught Sambo and the military version (Systema Spetznatz). Point 2) in an unofficial form means: KILL him before he kills you.

I'm not hyping this thing in any way or form, and I'm not hyping myself in the least. Actually I'm AGAINST fighting. I apologize for having made myself a part of the equation yesterday. I was telling you the truth but I still shouldn't have done that. Sorry.

One last thing: Krav Maga (or any other technique) is no panacea in itself. Even if you are an expert, fighting someone without rules is dangerous. Especially against someone with a knife, baseball bat or gun. KM (or any forms of any [combined] martial arts) is not magic. It helps you a lot and with years of training you will have a good chance against anybody. But yes, you can die on the spot as well. Every single sane person knowing lots of martial arts tends to AVOID physical conflict. Even run away if possible.

As big an expert as one may be (and after 12 years I'd still not call myself an expert) you are never safe in a fight. Even the best ones get injured in real life situations. Just like the best soldiers of special forces die on the spot some of the time. Combining multiple techniques helps a lot, but you are still vulnerable. If you train a lot you will find that out. The more you train the less you want to participate in a real fight -- if you are a sane person.

Fedor Emilianenko is a special case. He doesn't no KM (or maybe he does know but he doesn't show) but he is trained in many many things and is an exceptional fighter. I have to think Fedor would have a chance against anybody in the world one on one. He may not beat anyone... some of the time even Muhammad Ali lost. It happens to the best of them. One tiny level below and they are beating each other quite randomly. Anyone can win on any given day. (That's what you have betting for... the outcome is not 100%). Fedor knows Sambo. He knows Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He learned some Muay Thai. He is an exceptional wrestler... and he is a crazy good competitor.

But please don't believe that being very tall and strong is automatic victory. It is not, and if you happen to be taller and stronger than your opponent, you may overlook his potential abilities and the danger you are in. Shaq would NOT have a chance against ANY of you guys if you trained hard for 5 years and Shaq would not. You could take him and take him easily. Shaq wan't even a member of a gang, he has almost no or absolutely no experience in real fights. But he is a rich basketball player, so why should he? A Bruce Bowen or Ron Artest type would be a much much bigger threat than Shaq. If those two put the work in (they obviously didn't have the time to do it really hard in the last decade), but if they put in work they could be dangerous fighters. That would be a point where size DOES matter. Especially with Artest.

Sorry for this long post, but I just wanted to make things clear. Please guys: Avoid fights if you can. Fighting someone in a real life situation is very dangerous. If you are a fighting type of aguy, please select a gym and learn how to fight. Being muscular alone will not help you much against trained and often mean-spirited people.

Thanks for your attention (if there was any). :oldlol:

11-15-2009, 05:56 AM
Ali have a better chance of winning, but it won't be an overwhelming victory like some might think. In fact, if Wilt execute a great gameplan properly, it's not unlikely he could win.

Boxing is not real life fighting. It consist of certain rules that makes it very advantageous for people with heavier and taller bodies. That's why there are weight classes.

Given that Wilt had about 100 pounds, an enormous height and reach advantage, plus being the world's top athlete on top of that, all he needed was a great trainer and execute a great gameplan. Depending on how quickly he learn and how good he execute the strategy, he might just won or at least make it through 12 rounds.

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 06:05 AM
all he needed was a great trainer and execute a great gameplan

That and at least a few years of training. Not 10 years but at least 1-2 years. After that he just MIGHT have had SOME chance against Ali. Size DOES matter if you know SOME technique. The more size you have the less technique you may need. But even with the size of a Wilt/Shaq/Sapp/etc., you DO need to learn the basics of fighting.

Boxing basics are not that hard to learn. 2 years is enough. You will not become world champion in 2 years but you will know *something*. The problems with boxing in real life situations are:

- IRL there are no gloves
- no rules
- no ring
- no referee
- you don't use your legs
- you are not trained to fight multiple attackers at the same time
- you don't know what to do against a knife/baseball bat/gun
- you re not trained to attack the most vulnerable parts of the body (e.g.: knee joints, throat, groins, etc.)

But I agree with what you said. Wilt with a few years of HEAVY training could have had SOME chance against Ali. But only by being tall and strong alone and practicin for 3 weeks... no chance. And Shaq would have even less chance due to him being slow. Sure, if he can hit you directly you may just die there. But if you are trained, Shaq can not hit you in his present form.

Now... if he decides to train for 5 years... then I don't want to meet Shaq. :oldlol:

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 06:08 AM

Actually, I think Wilt would have had far more trouble against someone like George Foreman or prime Mike Tyson. Ali, as great as he was, was not very strong and usually didn't hit very hard. Foreman or Tyson on the other hand... And Foreman was a big body. It would have been tough for an untrained Wilt to survive 20 seconds against George Foreman.

11-15-2009, 06:49 AM
I wasn't talking about 2 years of training, more like about 4-5 months or so like they planned.

Lets remember that Wilt was already freakishly strong, and was widely regarded as the #1 athlete of all time. I have no doubt a good punch from this freak would KO anyone. On top of that, lets remember he has an enormous reach, weight, height advantage. And he push people stronger than Ali (weight and height wise) around everyday in training.


Wilt had every single boxing advantage on paper except of course: boxing technique, speed, reflexes and experience. With a great trainer and a great strategy, he could have overcome those disadvantages.

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 07:02 AM
I wasn't talking about 2 years of training, more like about 4-5 months or so like they planned.


Wilt had every single boxing advantage on paper except of course: boxing technique, speed, reflexes and experience. With a great trainer and a great strategy, he could have overcome those disadvantages.

I would say there is VERY little chance 4-5 months of training is enough if you have no former fighting experience. There are few things I call impossible in this world, so I won't say zero chance. More like 2-5%. Not much.

Foreman was very big and freakishly strong, too. And Ali beat him. Not with ease... but Foreman was a well-trained boxer himself.

11-15-2009, 07:53 AM
I would say there is VERY little chance 4-5 months of training is enough if you have no former fighting experience. There are few things I call impossible in this world, so I won't say zero chance. More like 2-5%. Not much.

Foreman was very big and freakishly strong, too. And Ali beat him. Not with ease... but Foreman was a well-trained boxer himself.
But see, Foreman was Ali's own size. Wilt was in a whole different size chart. Like five notch higher. That very different. These weight-height things don't matter much in real life fight amongst expert but in boxing, they matter a lot.

elementally morale
11-15-2009, 01:52 PM
These weight-height things don't matter much in real life fight amongst expert but in boxing, they matter a lot.

That's true. If there are set rules... every inch and ounce counts. In a cagefight or MMA-fight, not so much. In real life situations it means even less. Size and strength DO matter in IRL-fights but I don't care how tall you are, I'm sure I can reach your knee with a kick. Not your thigh but the knee-joint. Once that is kicked well, you are going to become a lot shorter. :oldlol:

Anyway, I doubt Wilt would have had a chance. It's like saying LeBron could win over Usain Bolt if he dedicated a few months to sprinting. Or that MJ is so talented an athlete, he could become a world-class baseball-player ... errr... golfer all of a sudden.

Do you believe that? I don't.

11-15-2009, 02:14 PM
Anyway, I doubt Wilt would have had a chance. It's like saying LeBron could win over Usain Bolt if he dedicated a few months to sprinting. Or that MJ is so talented an athlete, he could become a world-class baseball-player ... errr... golfer all of a sudden.

Do you believe that? I don't.
That's not a fair comparison because those sports don't really emphasize height - weight like boxing. There's a reason for so many very close weight classes in boxing.

08-12-2014, 02:34 AM
That's not a fair comparison because those sports don't really emphasize height - weight like boxing. There's a reason for so many very close weight classes in boxing.

If you guys know anything about wrestling, you know technique matters immensely. Wilt would get absolutely shat upon by someone like 6'5" 290lb Rulon Gardner. Wilt has half a foot and maybe 15, 20 lbs... doesn't mean shit against an olympian wrestler.

08-12-2014, 02:39 AM
If you guys know anything about wrestling, you know technique matters immensely. Wilt would get absolutely shat upon by someone like 6'5" 290lb Rulon Gardner. Wilt has half a foot and maybe 15, 20 lbs... doesn't mean shit against an olympian wrestler.
why the bump

08-12-2014, 02:41 AM
Jim Brown told a story once.

He told Ali he wanted to box him to see how he would do.

Ali said well why don't you try to hit me.

Brown swung furiously and Ali just swatted away his punches without even moving, and Brown realized how stupid he had been.

If Jim Brown couldn't even land a hit don't try to tell me a 7 footer with laughable reflexes in comparison could do anything.

08-12-2014, 02:44 AM
Jim Brown told a story once.

He told Ali he wanted to box him to see how he would do.

Ali said well why don't you try to hit me.

Brown swung furiously and Ali just swatted away his punches without even moving, and Brown realized how stupid he had been.

If Jim Brown couldn't even land a hit don't try to tell me a 7 footer with laughable reflexes in comparison could do anything.
Jim Brown said Ali's agent pulled out because he feared an upset was possible. That is all. Where are you drawing all this other shit from, are you responding to anyone in particular, or just your own internal voices?

08-12-2014, 02:44 AM
Foreman would have murdered Wilt too. He had arguably the strongest punch in boxing history and was massive.

08-12-2014, 02:45 AM
Jim Brown said Ali's agent pulled out because he feared an upset was possible. That is all. Where are you drawing all this other shit from, are you responding to anyone in particular, or just your own internal voices?

He said it in an interview, google it.

08-12-2014, 02:45 AM
Foreman would have murdered Wilt too. He had arguably the strongest punch in boxing history and was massive.
Again, who are you arguing with?

08-12-2014, 02:46 AM
He said it in an interview, google it.
I don't need to google shit. You are babbling on arguing with absolutely no one. I'm just pointing this out, in case you hadn't noticed.

08-12-2014, 02:53 AM
I don't need to google shit. You are babbling on arguing with absolutely no one. I'm just pointing this out, in case you hadn't noticed.

I'm commenting on the topic at hand, I don't need a 20 year old obsessed with a man who lived the prime of his life 40 years before he was born to tell me anything.

Your as sensitive about Wilt as a schoolgirl on her cycle....:roll:

The man was not your father, get over it.

08-12-2014, 02:56 AM
I'm commenting on the topic at hand, I don't need a 20 year old obsessed with a man who lived the prime of his life 40 years before he was born to tell me anything.

Your as sensitive about Wilt as a schoolgirl on her cycle....:roll:

The man was not your father, get over it.

08-12-2014, 02:58 AM
why the bump

Seemed relevant considering the other topic. Actually, I was trying to find discussions on the net about Chamberlain fighting people but it brought me back here :oldlol:

08-12-2014, 02:58 AM
Just confirming your juvenile mentality. I need not say anymore, life is going to hit you like an Ali punch eventually.

08-12-2014, 03:02 AM
I'll never for the life of me understand why other Lakers fans on this board dislike Wilt so much. I don't see this phenomenon anywhere else.

I wasn't alive in the early 70s but you'd think he killed the franchise with how he's treated on here (though I think most of it is in reaction to jlauber/LAZ).

08-12-2014, 03:03 AM
lol pls

Ali wouldve beaten 2 Wilts in the same ring

08-12-2014, 03:09 AM
Just confirming your juvenile mentality. I need not say anymore, life is going to hit you like an Ali punch eventually.
You are a joke when it comes to discussing anything related to Wilt, always have been. Salty and will always dodge the topics or points that paint Wilt in positive light. The OP points to a link where Jim Brown states Ali's agent pulled out of the fight for fear of possible upset. Nothing more, nothing less. You proceed to throw out irrelevant projections simply to talk shit on Wilt ...the OP hurt your feelings I guess. But sure, I'm guilty of being juvenile, I certainly wasn't mirroring you're own juvenile activity or anything


08-12-2014, 03:35 AM
Wilt needs to train for a decade to refine his boxing skills just to be able to match Clay's craftiness. Needs to spar with top heavyweights, all the time. Wilt's physical prowess without years of world class training would be nullified. easily. This is Ali we're talkin about fools not some heavyweight scrub.

08-12-2014, 03:38 AM
Just to confirm could Wilt beat him in a street fight?


08-12-2014, 03:43 AM
Just to confirm could Wilt beat him in a street fight?


Kali wouldn't last two rounds because of his heart and gas tank. With that muscle and mass you friggin need a heart made of machine for high rates and oxygen consumption.

08-12-2014, 03:43 AM
Wilt needs to train for a decade to refine his boxing skills just to be able to match Clay's craftiness. Needs to spar with top heavyweights, all the time. Wilt's physical prowess without years of world class training would be nullified. easily. This is Ali we're talkin about fools not some heavyweight scrub.
And yet it was still considered dangerous enough to fight even a totally amateur Wilt that Ali's agent called it off. Was Ali a better boxer than Wilt? Abso****inglutely, laughably so. He'd win by points by a mile, could even knock Wilt out.

...But could Ali catch an unlucky punch? ... Yes ... and the risk of physical damage or knock out in the freak chance that a solid punch lands is HUGE when the deliverer of said punch is an athletically world-class, 300lbs physical marvel with a 92 inch reach and 11.5 inch hands. And Wilt isn't a boxer, if he loses his reputation isn't at much of a risk... If Ali lost in some fluke upset, his reputation as the greatest ever would be at stake. Ali had little to gain and a lot to lose fighting Wilt.

08-12-2014, 03:48 AM
Ok what about a steel cage fight to the death between Peak Wilt and a Silverback??



08-12-2014, 03:54 AM
And yet it was still considered dangerous enough to fight even a totally amateur Wilt that Ali's agent called it off. Was Ali a better boxer than Wilt? Abso****inglutely, laughably so. He'd win by points by a mile, could even knock Wilt out.

...But could Ali catch an unlucky punch? ... Yes ... and the risk of physical damage or knock out in the freak chance that a solid punch lands is HUGE when the deliverer of said punch is an athletically world-class, 300lbs physical marvel with a 92 inch reach and 11.5 inch hands. And Wilt isn't a boxer, if he loses his reputation isn't at much of a risk... If Ali lost in some fluke upset, his reputation as the greatest ever would be at stake. Ali had little to gain and a lot to lose fighting Wilt.

Punching is more on refined technique and form. You need to train it over and over and over and over again just to deliver quality punches/flurries. Trust me :oldlol: throwing punches isn't that simple once you're inside the ring. Considered dangerous? lelz. Wilt needs to set up his punches before he could throw a power punch (with years of training), and it's not landing on Ali. Ali was born to box, wilt eh..

08-12-2014, 05:45 AM
If he doesn't even have the ball to face a mountain lion, of course he wouldn't fight Wilt.:oldlol:

08-12-2014, 05:47 AM
I'll ring up Brock Lesnar, he'll have a crack.
Lesnar was an NCAA division I wrestling champion. Not to mention skills he acquired in UFC. This is incomparable to the level of fighting training Wilt or Shaq had gone through.

When it comes to Wilt fighting Ali, I think Wilt would need a lot of training to have a real chance. A couple of months wouldn't do in my opinion. Having advantage on paper, a game plan and good tactics sure helps, but once you're starting to get hit, plans become hard to execute.

Also I don't believe there's a real chance any amateur boxer could land a lucky shot on a pro. They've seen it all and Ali had a great balance, great timing and also a decent chin. It could happen, but I don't believe it ever would. This would be fun to watch though, Wilt was a great all around athlete and Ali wasn't the strongest puncher.

Orlando Magic
08-12-2014, 06:37 AM
Just confirming your juvenile mentality. I need not say anymore, life is going to hit you like an Ali punch eventually.

Did life hit you? Because you sure as shit acted like a child on this very board every time Kobe was brought up within the past decade in addition to often bringing him up yourself.

08-12-2014, 06:39 AM
I don't think Wilt connects one punch.

Someone said it pretty early into the thread. Boxing is in big part mental, and Wilt is a diva.

There's a bunch of reasons why the agent called it off, most likely because what are the gains for Ali? It's a lose-lose combat that makes no sense whatsoever.

08-12-2014, 07:03 AM
I don't think Wilt connects one punch.

Someone said it pretty early into the thread. Boxing is in big part mental, and Wilt is a diva.

There's a bunch of reasons why the agent called it off, most likely because what are the gains for Ali? It's a lose-lose combat that makes no sense whatsoever.

last time I checked we're not in a lebron thread :confusedshrug:

08-12-2014, 07:31 AM
last time I checked we're not in a lebron thread :confusedshrug:

Wilt was as insecure as they came man.

He needed constant back patting.

And constant whore banging.

08-12-2014, 07:38 AM
I'll never for the life of me understand why other Lakers fans on this board dislike Wilt so much. I don't see this phenomenon anywhere else.

I wasn't alive in the early 70s but you'd think he killed the franchise with how he's treated on here (though I think most of it is in reaction to jlauber/LAZ).

You REALLY dont know?

They're not real Laker fans, but stans of a player.

08-12-2014, 07:54 AM
You REALLY dont know?

They're not real Laker fans, but stans of a player.

Some are stans, and some of it is in reaction to LAZ, but in general most other Lakers fans on here seem to have a negative opinion of him. Maybe I'm wrong or they fall into one of those two categories, just how it comes off to me. :confusedshrug:

Stringer Bell
08-15-2014, 09:47 PM
One story has Angelo Dundee standing on a chair an said "try to hit me" to show how difficult it would be to hit Wilt. Another story has Ali yelling "TIMBER!!!" to Wilt to mess with his head.

Whatever the case, I find it extremely difficult to believe that a professional trained boxer, one of the greatest ones mind you, having problems with someone with little experience just because he's 7 foot tall.

There's been really tall boxers before. Nicolay Valuev is at least 7 feet and 300 lbs. He actually won a world title. He's basically one of the worst world-title holders ever. He fought Evander Holyfield, who was about 100 years old and was in his heavyweight prime in the early to mid 90s. Holyfield beat Valuev, only to be robbed by the judges.

Mike "The Giant" White was a couple inches short of 7 feet, but nothing more than a journeyman fighter. Ed "Too Tall" Jones was about 6'10 and remarked on how incredibly difficult boxing is.

Having great athleticism and size can only get you so far when you are so inexperienced in a sport. Boxing is extremely hard and has so many little nuances necessary to excel at the highest level. Wilt would have been outclassed. He was an all-time great in basketball, not boxing.

He would have needed years of training.

08-15-2014, 09:54 PM
'67 Ali vs. '88 Tyson. That's a fight I would die to watch.

08-15-2014, 09:55 PM
Ok what about a steel cage fight to the death between Peak Wilt and a Silverback??


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
This made me laugh.
Thanks dubeta :cheers:

08-16-2014, 02:48 AM
Wilt landing a career ending punch on Ali is a ridiculous suggestion, boxing is not two random dudes punching each other. Some of you have so much disrespect for boxing, Wilt didn't even know how to hold up his guard let alone punching Ali into abyss.

08-16-2014, 02:52 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
This made me laugh.
Thanks dubeta :cheers:
:roll: :cheers:

08-16-2014, 03:34 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
This made me laugh.
Thanks dubeta :cheers:

08-17-2014, 02:58 AM

Great thread

08-17-2014, 03:16 AM
lol that one dude who said Shaq has no chance against him

08-17-2014, 04:41 PM
Ok what about a steel cage fight to the death between Peak Wilt and a Silverback??


Wilt would win easily