View Full Version : Allen Iverson takes leave from Grizzlies for personal issue. Will he return? Retire?

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11-07-2009, 02:42 PM

LOS ANGELES -- Even Allen Iverson is worried whether his tumultuous debut week with the Memphis Grizzlies has poisoned his relationship with another coach.

Iverson came off the bench for Memphis for the third straight game Friday night, scoring eight points in 22 minutes during the Grizzlies' 114-98 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers.

The 10-time All-Star says he has no interest in being a reserve or playing for a rebuilding team, and he immediately made his displeasure public with several barbed comments in the days following his season debut Monday.

Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins says he understands his new veteran guard's perspective, but even Iverson thinks the two are off to a rocky start.

"I think that's probably the worst part of all this," Iverson said Friday. "That while all this is going on, we have never talked to each other. That's probably why it's at this point right now. We've just never had a conversation, so it's probably going to always be hard for me and him to see eye-to-eye, because we've never even talked to each other. Obviously that's what you do if you're trying to accomplish the same goal."

Before and after the Grizzlies' fourth straight loss, Iverson showed bemused frustration at the trouble his words have caused since he returned from a torn right hamstring. Yet he doesn't back down from them: The Answer wants to start, and he also insists nobody told him the Grizzlies would be rebuilding after a 24-58 season.

And Iverson, who was passed Kobe Bryant for 16th place on the NBA's career scoring list Friday night, apparently doesn't feel it's his job to figure out a role in which he can help the Grizzlies.

"I'm not trying to figure out how to contribute to no team," Iverson said. "I contribute to a team by just playing. That's it. I don't have to figure it out. Obviously, they signed me for a reason. They've been watching me play this game for 13 years, and they know what I do on the basketball court, so I don't have to figure out how I'm going to play or anything like that. I just go out and play basketball."

Iverson believes his comments have caused a stir mostly because of his long history of provocative opinions and actions, from his infamous disdain for practice to a few lesser stirs in Denver and Detroit last season.

"When I hear anything about the Memphis Grizzlies, I don't hear you guys [media] talk about anything other than the situation with me coming off the bench," Iverson said. "I mean, there's got to be something else with this team to talk about besides that. But I guess that sells a lot better than anything else when it comes to this team."

Before the game, Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley shook hands with Iverson in the locker room Friday night and could be heard chatting about plans for a meeting with the veteran guard.

Heisley, who flew into Los Angeles earlier in the day, backed Hollins in the perceived dispute this week, saying the coach would handle the Grizzlies' rotation and calling Iverson's comments "inappropriate," according to The Commercial Appeal.

"Do I say all the right things all the time? I doubt it," Iverson said. "But the ultimate goal is to win games. That's the only thing it's about."

Hollins refused to speak about Iverson earlier in the week, but said Friday he has no problem with Iverson's pointed words. He also doesn't intend to have a special chat with Iverson.

"Every player has his opinion of his self-worth and what he expects, but I have to coach the whole team," Hollins said. "There's no need to talk to A.I. He's a competitor, and we're going to be fine. ... He has a right to say what he wants to say, and I have a right to say what I want."

Iverson got his first game action with the Grizzlies on Monday night in Sacramento, and he played 27 minutes off the bench against Golden State on Wednesday. Iverson entered Friday's game with 6:36 left in the first quarter, but played sparingly and spent much of the night yapping at the officials from the bench with a towel over his head.

"It's something that I never did in my life, so obviously it's a big adjustment," Iverson said of coming off the bench.

Memphis has one of the NBA's most intriguing young backcourts with Mike Conley and O.J. Mayo, but that talent hasn't translated into many victories. The Grizzlies have endured three straight losing seasons with 68 total victories following three straight trips to the playoffs.

Hollins realizes Iverson's role easily could change depending on injuries and the starters' effectiveness, but he doesn't seem inclined to promise a starting job to Iverson or any player.

"Roles change, positions change," Hollins said. "He's a prideful person that believes in himself. Every player wants to play a starting role, and a player of his caliber especially.

11-07-2009, 02:53 PM
What a terrible coach. But to be fair. I don't think anyone's coached 4 cancers all on the same team (3 on the starting lineup).

11-07-2009, 02:55 PM
What an idiot. Like the article says, what the hell did he think he was signing up for? If Iverson says he did not know the grizzlies were rebuilding he is either retarded or flat our lying. I cant wait until next year when this clown is forced into retirement.

11-07-2009, 02:56 PM
Over/under games until he demands a trade - 19.5

11-07-2009, 02:57 PM
I gotta say props to Lionel Hollins for sticking to his guns here. I'm sorry but the signing made zero sense to me, other than maybe to get bums on seats and sell some extra jerseys, but from a basketball standpoint? I just can't figure it out.

The 10-time All-Star says he has no interest in being a reserve or playing for a rebuilding team, and he immediately made his displeasure public with several barbed comments in the days following his season debut Monday.

The Answer wants to start, and he also insists nobody told him the Grizzlies would be rebuilding after a 24-58 season.

I'm sorry AI, but C'MON SON. No disrespect to any Grizzlies fans here, but a 24-58 team last season, that has changed very little other than Zach Randolph and a few young rookies, will not be in contention for a championship. It's a young team, with some growing pains at the moment. Not rebuilding? Jesus AI...c'mon now.

Or did/does AI believe he would single handedly elevate them into elite status with the Lakers and co if he's given his 40+ minutes he wants? :confusedshrug:

11-07-2009, 02:58 PM
Over/under games until he demands a trade - 19.5

under (ask to be released)

11-07-2009, 03:39 PM
I'm Tired Of Ai

11-07-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm Tired Of Ai
Me too. I am done with Allen Iverson. He is no longer one of my favorite players ever. I am over him now.

11-07-2009, 03:51 PM
I give credit to the coach. It takes a lot to stand your ground and be the actual coach of the team. Too often are coaches manipulated and forced to change their game plan. But he is making a point here. The players are not above the coach. Which is something all the players must understand if they are to have a successful season. I think people around the league have had enough of his crap. He is going to find it very difficult to get a job next season. AI does not respect the team. And he can talk about wanting to win all he wants. If he is really focused on winning, he will just do what he is told to do and not complain to cause a rift in the locker room.

You don't have to agree with the coach but any successful team needs you to follow their lead and be on the same page. When you don't do this, you are killing your team before they get on the court.

11-07-2009, 03:58 PM
What an idiot. Like the article says, what the hell did he think he was signing up for? If Iverson says he did not know the grizzlies were rebuilding he is either retarded or flat our lying. I cant wait until next year when this clown is forced into retirement.


He explained what he felt he was coming to Memphis for. He explains the way he thinks which differs from most people. Opening question "AI what are your expectations with the Grizzlies?" and his reply? To win, simple as that. He goes on to say when people talk about the Grizzlies that they claim just getting to the playoffs is enough/a successful season. AI way of thinkin is he wouldnt have signed there if he felt that way. Sign there just to make the playoffs and be satisfied. His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is. Just like when he was 26 and some said by 30-31 he will be a shell of himself. They were proven wrong. Now at 34, AI is nothing more than Bobby Jackson. AI has lost some speed because he doesnt get to the lane/basket as quick as he used too thus drawing contact/fouls. And defensively cant recover vs quicker PGs. But he isnt going to watch Ray Allen start at SG and he come off the bench in spot duty or whenever the coach decides to put him in.

While fans can disagree with AI feelings. Atleast acknowledge and understand where he is coming from. You guys FAIL to do that. He Philly on bad terms avg 43mpg. He went to Denver and STARTED avg 42mpg 25ppg 7ast 3rb and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Following season in Denver he STARTED every game (82 out of 82) avg 42mpg 26ppg 7apg 3rbs and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Now keep in mind AI was 31 and 32yrs old. He's 34yrs old now.

Are you with me? You take those numbers across the board and ask yourself. As a reasonable fan can I expect a guy whose been a starter his entire career avg over 40mpg that recently his stint in Denver produced that to suddenly become a role player and take on a specific "role"? Can I see any starting player in the NBA today suddenly taking over such a role overnight? You guys severely underestimate the pride these guys have. And saying AI should just swallow his pride after i laid out what he just did? Its comical to say the least. I doubt you in his shoes would be so willing to become a damn role player off the bench.

But I know I know everyone is Mr. Rogers and its a beautiful day in the neighborhood right? Lets atleast be realistic. You dont have to agree with every word AI says but atleast when you speak on the dude say "I understand where he is coming from". Alot of people dont, some do and just dont like the guy so they refuse to acknowledge it. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would EVER come off the damn bench. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would ever be a role player. I know I knoqw, Kobe at 34 wouldnt have lost ANYTHING. I dont even see Kobe at 36 accepting a similar role (not a starter, off the bench pick a role Bean). And some fans would probably side with Kobe. Why? Because in thier eyes he hasnt lost anything. Bias? Telling the truth? Anyones guess.

I'm sure someones counter is Kobe helps teams win at 34, 36yrs of age whereas AI is a cancer no one found a cure for and hurts teams. Gotcha. I got all that. Just like I got when AI at 31 would be a shell of himself some fans said (they faces are on milk cartons).

You're not gonna find many players in the NBA swallowing thier pride. I bet you Ray Allen would not sit with his hands folded on the Memphis bench. I bet you Vince Carter wouldnt. Mike Bibby wouldnt. Andre Miller wouldnt. Yanno Mr. Team player, makes everyone better. Yeah him. He's not coming off the bench nor is he finding a "role" while sitting on it either. Baron Davis wouldnt allow the Clippers to let him come off the bench nor would he on Memphis. I mean why cant you sell Baron the idea that since 04-05 season he has played more than 68gms 1 time? how about you point him to the nearest injury report and how his name dominates it? Leads the league in hurts. So coming off the bench to preserve himself would be a nice idea. Even play some SG because well Baron your efficiency has been shyt.

Or how about Wash coming to Gilbert and saying we win with you not starting. The unit looks cohesive and it ball movement is seen. So you can be our 6th man. Yeah Gilbert would totally eat that up. :rolleyes:

But im willing to bet fans here can give an argument to why those names i listed have a valid gripe. But cant understand why AI has issues with becoming a role player in Memphis. It cant be Mike Conley a player not better than AI is starting over him? A guy taken so high in the draft my noe is currently bleeding. Yet he has proven what? To give fantasy owners pts near seasons end? Whoa!

Wake up.

11-07-2009, 03:59 PM
it's probably going to always be hard for me and him to see eye-to-eye

Should be pretty easy since Iverson will be sitting on the bench at the coach's level.

11-07-2009, 04:14 PM

He explained what he felt he was coming to Memphis for. He explains the way he thinks which differs from most people. Opening question "AI what are your expectations with the Grizzlies?" and his reply? To win, simple as that. He goes on to say when people talk about the Grizzlies that they claim just getting to the playoffs is enough/a successful season. AI way of thinkin is he wouldnt have signed there if he felt that way. Sign there just to make the playoffs and be satisfied. His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is. Just like when he was 26 and some said by 30-31 he will be a shell of himself. They were proven wrong. Now at 34, AI is nothing more than Bobby Jackson. AI has lost some speed because he doesnt get to the lane/basket as quick as he used too thus drawing contact/fouls. And defensively cant recover vs quicker PGs. But he isnt going to watch Ray Allen start at SG and he come off the bench in spot duty or whenever the coach decides to put him in.

While fans can disagree with AI feelings. Atleast acknowledge and understand where he is coming from. You guys FAIL to do that. He Philly on bad terms avg 43mpg. He went to Denver and STARTED avg 42mpg 25ppg 7ast 3rb and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Following season in Denver he STARTED every game (82 out of 82) avg 42mpg 26ppg 7apg 3rbs and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Now keep in mind AI was 31 and 32yrs old. He's 34yrs old now.

Are you with me? You take those numbers across the board and ask yourself. As a reasonable fan can I expect a guy whose been a starter his entire career avg over 40mpg that recently his stint in Denver produced that to suddenly become a role player and take on a specific "role"? Can I see any starting player in the NBA today suddenly taking over such a role overnight? You guys severely underestimate the pride these guys have. And saying AI should just swallow his pride after i laid out what he just did? Its comical to say the least. I doubt you in his shoes would be so willing to become a damn role player off the bench.

But I know I know everyone is Mr. Rogers and its a beautiful day in the neighborhood right? Lets atleast be realistic. You dont have to agree with every word AI says but atleast when you speak on the dude say "I understand where he is coming from". Alot of people dont, some do and just dont like the guy so they refuse to acknowledge it. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would EVER come off the damn bench. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would ever be a role player. I know I knoqw, Kobe at 34 wouldnt have lost ANYTHING. I dont even see Kobe at 36 accepting a similar role (not a starter, off the bench pick a role Bean). And some fans would probably side with Kobe. Why? Because in thier eyes he hasnt lost anything. Bias? Telling the truth? Anyones guess.

I'm sure someones counter is Kobe helps teams win at 34, 36yrs of age whereas AI is a cancer no one found a cure for and hurts teams. Gotcha. I got all that. Just like I got when AI at 31 would be a shell of himself some fans said (they faces are on milk cartons).

You're not gonna find many players in the NBA swallowing thier pride. I bet you Ray Allen would not sit with his hands folded on the Memphis bench. I bet you Vince Carter wouldnt. Mike Bibby wouldnt. Andre Miller wouldnt. Yanno Mr. Team player, makes everyone better. Yeah him. He's not coming off the bench nor is he finding a "role" while sitting on it either. Baron Davis wouldnt allow the Clippers to let him come off the bench nor would he on Memphis. I mean why cant you sell Baron the idea that since 04-05 season he has played more than 68gms 1 time? how about you point him to the nearest injury report and how his name dominates it? Leads the league in hurts. So coming off the bench to preserve himself would be a nice idea. Even play some SG because well Baron your efficiency has been shyt.

Or how about Wash coming to Gilbert and saying we win with you not starting. The unit looks cohesive and it ball movement is seen. So you can be our 6th man. Yeah Gilbert would totally eat that up. :rolleyes:

But im willing to bet fans here can give an argument to why those names i listed have a valid gripe. But cant understand why AI has issues with becoming a role player in Memphis. It cant be Mike Conley a player not better than AI is starting over him? A guy taken so high in the draft my noe is currently bleeding. Yet he has proven what? To give fantasy owners pts near seasons end? Whoa!

Wake up.
I'm not arguing at all but I'll take a stab at it. But let me first say that Lionel Hollins is one of the worst coaches ever in the league. If it weren't for Sidney Lowe he would be the worst.

First, Iverson pretty much missed all of training camp and the preseason due to not being signed then injury. As you know training camp is when you learn all of the plays and there's not a ton of time for catch up once the season begins. So Iverson's been back for two games. To me, it's not unreasonable that he's not starting. This isn't a coach for whom he's played for the last five years. This is a new team with a new coach and I think that any coach has to figure how to work him into the lineup.

Second, for Iverson to be effective he needs the ball in his hands most of the time. This isn't a knock on him, this is just how it is. He doesn't move well without the ball and he's certainly not a spot up shooter. That being said, at this point in his career teams aren't comfortable with him doing that. Especially teams that weren't built around him. Stats wise he had a nice year in Denver, but you have to realize why they let him go. He's just not a great team player. That's not bad it's just not his strength. It's difficult to develop younger players when he is dominating the ball so much. This isn't a secret. Why were there no GMs in the league lining up to sign him? Because they know how he plays. Again it's not bad, and has worked in the past but it's more difficult for him to come in as a free agent and then have a team figure out how they can use him instead of build around him from his early years. In addition he has always had a problem practicing and creates lots of distractions, some deserved some not deserved. I am not bashing him one bit. I am trying to explain what I think that the rest of the teams GMs are thinking about him. GMs will sign any player that they think can help their team. They don't give a **** about rep or whatever. That's why guys like JR Rider and Roy Tarpley could get shots after they'd done stuipd ****. The fact that no teams really wanted to sign him should tell everyone something.

11-07-2009, 04:19 PM
...His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is...

That's a valid argument. But, AI has his mind made up, and that's immature.

He was a rookie once. He really can't grasp the significance of other young players developing their skills?

He's on MEM for a reason. His skill set didn't benefit the last two contenders he played for. :confusedshrug:

11-07-2009, 04:23 PM
but you have to realize why they let him go. He's just not a great team player.

They let him go because Karl wanted a ball distributing PG. He wanted one when he had Andre Miller. Billups was the perfect fit. A guy with range, solid defender and one who can run an offense distributing the ball in the process.

11-07-2009, 04:26 PM
They let him go because Karl wanted a ball distributing PG. He wanted one when he had Andre Miller. Billups was the perfect fit. A guy with range, solid defender and one who can run an offense distributing the ball in the process.
Right, but Miller has no range and isn't a good defender. Billups is more of a passer than AI but far from a prototypical PG. Now how about Detroit? And why were there no contenders waiting to sign him? Or any other teams for that matter?

11-07-2009, 04:32 PM
That's a valid argument. But, AI has his mind made up, and that's immature.

He was a rookie once. He really can't grasp the significance of other young players developing their skills?

He's on MEM for a reason. His skill set didn't benefit the last two contenders he played for. :confusedshrug:

There are alot of pro athletes who feel they are still starters material. And allowing a rookie/prospect to develop in front of them? Isnt an option. If Derrick Rose was in front of Allen Iverson would AI react the same? Probably, I dont know. Only then would I agree that you're not gonna unseat the youngin because you were in his shoes upon entering the league. But Mike Conley? The way he is playing the coach might have no choice but to bench him. Mike is not a prospect you swallow pride and allow to develop while sitting on the bench. Sorry. Derrick Rose? Yeah.

I dont know if AI is immature. I can see where he is coming from tho. He definately didnt sign with Memphis to sit on the bench thats for sure. He made that very clear in the press conference ontop of his goals this season with the Grizzlies. You can argue yourself he is stubborn to think him starting will help Grizzlies win. But he is confident in his abilities that he does give them a chance. I cant really knock his confidence whether you agree or disagree. People call him selfish but all he talks about is winning. And not being satisfied with just making the playoffs.

Well i guess if the Grizzlies and/or thier fans wanted national exposure? They are getting it because it damn sure isnt coming from tv. :lol

11-07-2009, 04:37 PM
Right, but Miller has no range and isn't a good defender. Billups is more of a passer than AI but far from a prototypical PG. Now how about Detroit? And why were there no contenders waiting to sign him? Or any other teams for that matter?

Chances are other teams couldnt promise he would be the starter/see significant minutes. I heard Miami had an interest but just my assumption having not looked into the report. He didnt end up there because Riley said Mario Chalmers wouldnt lose his job if you were added. Thus AI was turned off by it. Could be the theme with most contenders. Cant think of one that needs AI. Boston? Orlando? Clevland? L.A? Dallas? S.A?

11-07-2009, 04:38 PM

He explained what he felt he was coming to Memphis for. He explains the way he thinks which differs from most people. Opening question "AI what are your expectations with the Grizzlies?" and his reply? To win, simple as that. He goes on to say when people talk about the Grizzlies that they claim just getting to the playoffs is enough/a successful season. AI way of thinkin is he wouldnt have signed there if he felt that way. Sign there just to make the playoffs and be satisfied. His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is. Just like when he was 26 and some said by 30-31 he will be a shell of himself. They were proven wrong. Now at 34, AI is nothing more than Bobby Jackson. AI has lost some speed because he doesnt get to the lane/basket as quick as he used too thus drawing contact/fouls. And defensively cant recover vs quicker PGs. But he isnt going to watch Ray Allen start at SG and he come off the bench in spot duty or whenever the coach decides to put him in.

While fans can disagree with AI feelings. Atleast acknowledge and understand where he is coming from. You guys FAIL to do that. He Philly on bad terms avg 43mpg. He went to Denver and STARTED avg 42mpg 25ppg 7ast 3rb and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Following season in Denver he STARTED every game (82 out of 82) avg 42mpg 26ppg 7apg 3rbs and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Now keep in mind AI was 31 and 32yrs old. He's 34yrs old now.

Are you with me? You take those numbers across the board and ask yourself. As a reasonable fan can I expect a guy whose been a starter his entire career avg over 40mpg that recently his stint in Denver produced that to suddenly become a role player and take on a specific "role"? Can I see any starting player in the NBA today suddenly taking over such a role overnight? You guys severely underestimate the pride these guys have. And saying AI should just swallow his pride after i laid out what he just did? Its comical to say the least. I doubt you in his shoes would be so willing to become a damn role player off the bench.

But I know I know everyone is Mr. Rogers and its a beautiful day in the neighborhood right? Lets atleast be realistic. You dont have to agree with every word AI says but atleast when you speak on the dude say "I understand where he is coming from". Alot of people dont, some do and just dont like the guy so they refuse to acknowledge it. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would EVER come off the damn bench. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would ever be a role player. I know I knoqw, Kobe at 34 wouldnt have lost ANYTHING. I dont even see Kobe at 36 accepting a similar role (not a starter, off the bench pick a role Bean). And some fans would probably side with Kobe. Why? Because in thier eyes he hasnt lost anything. Bias? Telling the truth? Anyones guess.

I'm sure someones counter is Kobe helps teams win at 34, 36yrs of age whereas AI is a cancer no one found a cure for and hurts teams. Gotcha. I got all that. Just like I got when AI at 31 would be a shell of himself some fans said (they faces are on milk cartons).

You're not gonna find many players in the NBA swallowing thier pride. I bet you Ray Allen would not sit with his hands folded on the Memphis bench. I bet you Vince Carter wouldnt. Mike Bibby wouldnt. Andre Miller wouldnt. Yanno Mr. Team player, makes everyone better. Yeah him. He's not coming off the bench nor is he finding a "role" while sitting on it either. Baron Davis wouldnt allow the Clippers to let him come off the bench nor would he on Memphis. I mean why cant you sell Baron the idea that since 04-05 season he has played more than 68gms 1 time? how about you point him to the nearest injury report and how his name dominates it? Leads the league in hurts. So coming off the bench to preserve himself would be a nice idea. Even play some SG because well Baron your efficiency has been shyt.

Or how about Wash coming to Gilbert and saying we win with you not starting. The unit looks cohesive and it ball movement is seen. So you can be our 6th man. Yeah Gilbert would totally eat that up. :rolleyes:

But im willing to bet fans here can give an argument to why those names i listed have a valid gripe. But cant understand why AI has issues with becoming a role player in Memphis. It cant be Mike Conley a player not better than AI is starting over him? A guy taken so high in the draft my noe is currently bleeding. Yet he has proven what? To give fantasy owners pts near seasons end? Whoa!

Wake up.

I dont care about what type of player Iverson used to be, or what type of player he thinks he is, none of that matters now.

Bottom line: He signed with the ONLY team that expressed ANY interest in him, a team full of youngsters that only won 25 games last season. Anybody with half a brain knows memphis was not going to win many games this season. AI should have talked with coaches and staff at memphis about his future role and the goals of the team if he has such a big problem with being anything other than "the man". After what happened last season in detroit he should have explicitly said im not signing unless I can be a starter, instead of signing and then acting like a spoiled brat the moment he is told he is coming off the bench.

11-07-2009, 04:39 PM

He explained what he felt he was coming to Memphis for. He explains the way he thinks which differs from most people. Opening question "AI what are your expectations with the Grizzlies?" and his reply? To win, simple as that. He goes on to say when people talk about the Grizzlies that they claim just getting to the playoffs is enough/a successful season. AI way of thinkin is he wouldnt have signed there if he felt that way. Sign there just to make the playoffs and be satisfied. His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is. Just like when he was 26 and some said by 30-31 he will be a shell of himself. They were proven wrong. Now at 34, AI is nothing more than Bobby Jackson. AI has lost some speed because he doesnt get to the lane/basket as quick as he used too thus drawing contact/fouls. And defensively cant recover vs quicker PGs. But he isnt going to watch Ray Allen start at SG and he come off the bench in spot duty or whenever the coach decides to put him in.

While fans can disagree with AI feelings. Atleast acknowledge and understand where he is coming from. You guys FAIL to do that. He Philly on bad terms avg 43mpg. He went to Denver and STARTED avg 42mpg 25ppg 7ast 3rb and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Following season in Denver he STARTED every game (82 out of 82) avg 42mpg 26ppg 7apg 3rbs and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Now keep in mind AI was 31 and 32yrs old. He's 34yrs old now.

Are you with me? You take those numbers across the board and ask yourself. As a reasonable fan can I expect a guy whose been a starter his entire career avg over 40mpg that recently his stint in Denver produced that to suddenly become a role player and take on a specific "role"? Can I see any starting player in the NBA today suddenly taking over such a role overnight? You guys severely underestimate the pride these guys have. And saying AI should just swallow his pride after i laid out what he just did? Its comical to say the least. I doubt you in his shoes would be so willing to become a damn role player off the bench.

But I know I know everyone is Mr. Rogers and its a beautiful day in the neighborhood right? Lets atleast be realistic. You dont have to agree with every word AI says but atleast when you speak on the dude say "I understand where he is coming from". Alot of people dont, some do and just dont like the guy so they refuse to acknowledge it. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would EVER come off the damn bench. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would ever be a role player. I know I knoqw, Kobe at 34 wouldnt have lost ANYTHING. I dont even see Kobe at 36 accepting a similar role (not a starter, off the bench pick a role Bean). And some fans would probably side with Kobe. Why? Because in thier eyes he hasnt lost anything. Bias? Telling the truth? Anyones guess.

I'm sure someones counter is Kobe helps teams win at 34, 36yrs of age whereas AI is a cancer no one found a cure for and hurts teams. Gotcha. I got all that. Just like I got when AI at 31 would be a shell of himself some fans said (they faces are on milk cartons).

You're not gonna find many players in the NBA swallowing thier pride. I bet you Ray Allen would not sit with his hands folded on the Memphis bench. I bet you Vince Carter wouldnt. Mike Bibby wouldnt. Andre Miller wouldnt. Yanno Mr. Team player, makes everyone better. Yeah him. He's not coming off the bench nor is he finding a "role" while sitting on it either. Baron Davis wouldnt allow the Clippers to let him come off the bench nor would he on Memphis. I mean why cant you sell Baron the idea that since 04-05 season he has played more than 68gms 1 time? how about you point him to the nearest injury report and how his name dominates it? Leads the league in hurts. So coming off the bench to preserve himself would be a nice idea. Even play some SG because well Baron your efficiency has been shyt.

Or how about Wash coming to Gilbert and saying we win with you not starting. The unit looks cohesive and it ball movement is seen. So you can be our 6th man. Yeah Gilbert would totally eat that up. :rolleyes:

But im willing to bet fans here can give an argument to why those names i listed have a valid gripe. But cant understand why AI has issues with becoming a role player in Memphis. It cant be Mike Conley a player not better than AI is starting over him? A guy taken so high in the draft my noe is currently bleeding. Yet he has proven what? To give fantasy owners pts near seasons end? Whoa!

Wake up.

Iverson can still play at a high level, there is no question about that. But in case you forgot, Iverson was a free-agent this summer. He could have signed with any team in the league. He could have gone to a contender to try and compete for a championship. However, there was one problem, few teams showed interest in him. Not only did teams not want him starting on their roster, but they didn't even want him playing on their roster. Why is that?

Out of all those guys you mentioned, most of them can find starting positions on differen't teams around the league. Iverson has shown this summer, that he can't do that. That alone should have changed his attitude, but it didn't. The guy is a scorer, plain and simple. He is not a leader, team-player, or defender. Coming off the bench makes sense for him. That is only reason I truly believe he needs to shut his mouth, and stop complaining.

Guys that could be starters, but have put their ego aside to come off the bench:
Ben Gordon
Manu Ginobili
Jason Terry
Rasheed Wallace
Lamar Odom

11-07-2009, 04:50 PM
I dont care about what type of player Iverson used to be, or what type of player he thinks he is, none of that matters now.

Bottom line: He signed with the ONLY team that expressed ANY interest in him, a team full of youngsters that only won 25 games last season. Anybody with half a brain knows memphis was not going to win many games this season. AI should have talked with coaches and staff at memphis about his future role and the goals of the team if he has such a big problem with being anything other than "the man". After what happened last season in detroit he should have explicitly said im not signing unless I can be a starter, instead of signing and then acting like a spoiled brat the moment he is told he is coming off the bench.

All of it matters. The fact you choose to ignore it makes you no different than AI refusing to take a role while finding a seat on the bench. The irony.

Bottomline is you say anyone with half a brain knows Memphis wont win as many games this season. Thats why you're a FAN and he is a PROFESSIONAL basketball player. AI doesnt think like you do. Obviously you didnt watch the press conference. You sit and predict what will happen. Some of these guys dont do that.

And i have no clue what was said in negotiations with AI being added. Memphis had a reason for bringing him in. AI is wrong for putting this into the media knowing they are sharks lookin for the taste of blood. If he is guilty of anything its not keeping his comments to himself. I cant defend him for going to the media to vent not once but twice. He's dead wrong for that.

But it seems like he is the only person that cares about winning in Memphis. Perhaps he chose the wrong destination. Thought he was coming to a team that wanted to win. Wasnt content with losing nor predicting "We arent gonna win close to what we did last year.".

11-07-2009, 04:55 PM
Iverson, shut up and do your damn job. You should be glad you are getting paid millions to play a ****in game while others are not so fortunate. And what do seriously expect being on the grizzlies? a championship? :roll: just do your job, get your check, and stfu like the rest of em'

11-07-2009, 04:57 PM
AI should of just gone to the Bobcats. OJ Mayo is a superstar in the making and having Iverson would just mess up his growth

11-07-2009, 04:58 PM
All of it matters. The fact you choose to ignore it makes you no different than AI refusing to take a role while finding a seat on the bench. The irony.

Bottomline is you say anyone with half a brain knows Memphis wont win as many games this season. Thats why you're a FAN and he is a PROFESSIONAL basketball player. AI doesnt think like you do. Obviously you didnt watch the press conference. You sit and predict what will happen. Some of these guys dont do that.

And i have no clue what was said in negotiations with AI being added. Memphis had a reason for bringing him in. AI is wrong for putting this into the media knowing they are sharks lookin for the taste of blood. If he is guilty of anything its not keeping his comments to himself. I cant defend him for going to the media to vent not once but twice. He's dead wrong for that.

But it seems like he is the only person that cares about winning in Memphis. Perhaps he chose the wrong destination. Thought he was coming to a team that wanted to win. Wasnt content with losing nor predicting "We arent gonna win close to what we did last year.".

Like I said before, NONE OF THAT MATTERS. Bottom line, only one team in the NBA expressed any interest in signing AI this season. AI should have talked with team officials about his future role and the goals of the team if he feels so adamantly that things have to be his way.

11-07-2009, 04:59 PM
Having watched every Memphis game possible so far, I can tell you why he is a role player.

1. He is a defensive liabilty - even worse than Mayo.
2. On offense he is way too ball dominant.
3. Is he good at pinch hitting... some instant offence.

Mayo is the SG here - and he is better than AI right now. AI fans need to grasp this. Conley runs an offence, and tries to set the tone and get Mayo, Gay, Z-bo and Gasol shots. AI does not do that when he plays atm.

Someone mentioned Allen, Carter wouldn't come off the bench at Memphis? I don't know how you make that judgement. Neither have the long history of AI publically calling out the coach. Dude thinks he is always hard done by. Proof is there.

Coach > Player. Respect the leadership. Play your role and play it hard. Play within team concept. Earn more mins the right way. Mature as a player.

11-07-2009, 04:59 PM
Chances are other teams couldnt promise he would be the starter/see significant minutes. I heard Miami had an interest but just my assumption having not looked into the report. He didnt end up there because Riley said Mario Chalmers wouldnt lose his job if you were added. Thus AI was turned off by it. Could be the theme with most contenders. Cant think of one that needs AI. Boston? Orlando? Clevland? L.A? Dallas? S.A?

That's what I'm saying. It's not a knock on him, it's just that no teams feel like dealing with him, not at this stage in his career. He put up nice numbers in Denver but he wasn't a good fit. Denver is better without him. That's it. He's not really a good fit for a team unless that team is built specifically for him. Again that's not bad, it just the way it is with him. Some people change their game later in their career and transition into a different player. He didn't. Look at Larry Nance who relied largely on his athleticism when he was young but then later became a good shooter and really good all around player. With AI what you got in year three is basically what you get now and that doesn't seem like it's working for teams.

I am a Sixers fan. I think that he was great for them and he has been a great player. However, what he has done in the past doesn't give him the right to ***** and moan to the media about a couple of games when he's coming to a new team. He complains about his treatment by the media but yet instead of handling his problem internally he chooses to air the team's dirty laundry in the media. That is immature and only feeds into the existing negative perception of him. It makes him look like a petulant spoiled baby. It also seems hard to believe that he didn't think that they may have him come off the bench. He's talking out of both sides of his mouth. He says that he'll do anything for a championship but in the same breath says that he won't come off the bench. It seems like he has no respect for his coach and if that's the case he shouldn't have signed there. The problem is that he wasn't getting any real offers anywhere else so he took the only real offer he could get and it's gotten him nowhere quickly.

11-07-2009, 05:02 PM
It's just sad to see the state of Iverson now.....I'm thinking he isn't gunna find what he is looking for in the NBA right now. Dude should just retire.

11-07-2009, 05:08 PM
Someone mentioned Allen, Carter wouldn't come off the bench at Memphis? I don't know how you make that judgement. Neither have the long history of AI publically calling out the coach. Dude thinks he is always hard done by. Proof is there.

Yeah Allen and Carter would have no issues coming off the bench. :rolleyes:

Neither need to have history of calling out the coach. Both are productive starters in the NBA who at this point in thier careers dont feel they lack something to where they arent starting material. Neither would compromise if they were in Memphis.

The point is there are NBA players who in the same situation wouldnt accept coming off the bench/picking a role. I doubt you can get Shaq to come off the bench.

11-07-2009, 05:09 PM
Like I said before, NONE OF THAT MATTERS. Bottom line, only one team in the NBA expressed any interest in signing AI this season. AI should have talked with team officials about his future role and the goals of the team if he feels so adamantly that things have to be his way.

Who knows if that was the case or not? :confusedshrug: Sorry Memphis fans cant accept a player with high expectations.

If anything doesnt matter its Memphis even have a damn basketball franchise. Thats the bottomline.

11-07-2009, 05:22 PM
The point is there are NBA players who in the same situation wouldnt accept coming off the bench/picking a role. I doubt you can get Shaq to come off the bench.
I don't thinks its a good point, as some vets accept it and others don't. It depends how mature and professional they are. Whenever a guy doesn't accept it, the people give the same response - shut up and play your role. Unless the player above them is a clearly worse player.
Thats the problem - Conley is a better PG and Mayo is a better SG. Not in terms of individual ability. But they are in terms of effective team bball.
Coach want 12 ppg in 25 mins - respect the coach and provide it. AI isn't the coach. He isn't making the decisions. He doesn't know whats best. Same applies for any player that thinks that they know whats best. They are there to play for the leadership.

11-07-2009, 05:24 PM
And if Shaq played for Lakers/Magic/Rockets - he would come off the bench. He has matured and knows it isn't about him in his mid 30's. He understands that a team mentality wins games.

11-07-2009, 05:29 PM
And if Shaq played for Lakers/Magic/Rockets - he would come off the bench. He has matured and knows it isn't about him in his mid 30's. He understands that a team mentality wins games.

He wouldnt come off the bench in Memphis. Miss me with that maturedm, knows it isnt about him. Same guy who left L.A because he undertands the team mentality to win games right? Ok. You are better off deleting this post and sticking to your recent.

And oh you were right about Elton Brand on the Sixers altho i'm not sure if that was you to be honest. But I'm guessing it was.

11-07-2009, 05:35 PM
He's proving to be a negative influence and his contract is relatively small... Do they cut him? If so, does anyone else want him? Not that Iverson is a negative player, but he is currently not helping his team too much.

11-07-2009, 05:35 PM
At LA he wasn't mature. As I said he has matured. That's why he has taken a back seat this season, and also for the Heat, and also for the Suns whenever Amare played. Is that not correct?
He would start at Memphis as Gasol is not as good. Coach wouldn't be a coach if he couldn't see that. But if Bynum or Dwight played the 5 at Memphis I think he would accept it. agree to disagree

11-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Yeah that was me talking about Brand.

11-07-2009, 05:37 PM
I hope so, go to carlotte

11-07-2009, 05:38 PM
If he gets waived... New Orleans needs to jump on him off the waiver wire.

If Byron Scott is still obsessed with playing a small backcourt....
Paul + Iverson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul + Brown.

11-07-2009, 05:40 PM
At LA he wasn't mature. As I said he has matured. That's why he has taken a back seat this season, and also for the Heat, and also for the Suns whenever Amare played. Is that not correct?
He would start at Memphis as Gasol is not as good. Coach wouldn't be a coach if he couldn't see that. But if Bynum or Dwight played the 5 at Memphis I think he would accept it. agree to disagree

Disagree, nothing leads me to believe Shaq would take a backseat.

And kudos for calling the Elton Brand shyt.

11-07-2009, 05:41 PM
I don't think Charlotte wanted him.
A lot of teams would love him as the 6th man, but the last week has really damaged his stock. Maybe he would accept being 6th man for a contender... like LA or Denver. I think he would, the dude is about winning.

11-07-2009, 05:45 PM
I think the problem is the losing. I have no doubt that AI would accept this role for LA.
He should not have come into this negative environment. He probably thought he could turn it around, but he aint 27 anymore. I can see why he accepted the challenge. He would have the same issue at bobcats.. Brown probably knew this so he didnt go after him.

11-07-2009, 05:49 PM
I think the problem is the losing. I have no doubt that AI would accept this role for LA.
He should not have come into this negative environment. He probably thought he could turn it around, but he aint 27 anymore. I can see why he accepted the challenge. He would have the same issue at bobcats.. Brown probably knew this so he didnt go after him.

I agree with that...the problem is losing.

11-07-2009, 05:51 PM
I think the issue is the minutes more than the bench. I think the issue is this probably was never discussed before hand, that's on both AI/agent and Memphis. I read on Insider a few days ago that the word is there was no talk about what AI's role would be(off bench/starting), only that he'd have a chance to earn starting spot(which is what he said he wanted). I think if they gave him consistent minutes this wouldn't be as big of an issue and losing isn't helping. I don't think he signs if he's told he's gonna be a 20-25 mpg bench player.

11-07-2009, 05:52 PM
he would be a starter in new orlean so he should sign there.

Big One
11-07-2009, 05:52 PM
i think he is really misunderstood, i mean i doubt he would ***** liek this if his team were winning, but when your team is getting blown out and you are still backing up mike ****ing conley id be pissed too.

now if memphis were rolling on teams like the nuggs and lakers do, he would have nothing to complain about by coming off the bench and knowing his role.

same thing happened in detroit he said he has no prob coming off the bench as long as the team is winning, i doubt he cares about individual accolades anymore i mean hes done just about evreything.

11-07-2009, 05:53 PM
I don't think Charlotte wanted him.
A lot of teams would love him as the 6th man, but the last week has really damaged his stock. Maybe he would accept being 6th man for a contender... like LA or Denver. I think he would, the dude is about winning.

I think Charlotte and LB did want him, there were just other issues, that's why there were rumors that he had a deal in place with them during the offseason.

Samurai Swoosh
11-07-2009, 05:57 PM
He shouldn't have been in Memphis in the 1st place.

He should play for the Knicks. They're not going anywhere soon, and in D'Antoni's style of play he can still put up good numbers.

11-07-2009, 05:58 PM
...Do they cut him? If so, does anyone else want him?

Give it a couple of months, when the season starts to get serious and injuries create vacancies on contending teams.

11-07-2009, 05:59 PM
If Memphis was smart, they'd cut him. But we're talking about Memphis here.

11-07-2009, 06:04 PM
i think he is really misunderstood, i mean i doubt he would ***** liek this if his team were winning, but when your team is getting blown out and you are still backing up mike ****ing conley id be pissed too.

now if memphis were rolling on teams like the nuggs and lakers do, he would have nothing to complain about by coming off the bench and knowing his role.

same thing happened in detroit he said he has no prob coming off the bench as long as the team is winning, i doubt he cares about individual accolades anymore i mean hes done just about evreything.

He refused to come off the bench in Detroit. They made him for like three games and he quit. Had nothing to do with winning.

Iverson went to Memphis according to him because he wanted to. Memphis is a bad team, he was not going to change that. He got beat out by a guy with more upside on a team that knows it can't compete yet. Iverson should have never signed there and probably wouldn't have if anyone else wanted him.

It's over until he grows up, so it's over.

A truly great player in his prime, a truly delusional man now.

11-07-2009, 06:04 PM
He needs to talk to his coach instead of talking to the media.

Stupid move AI. I think it wrong the situation Iverson has been in ever since Denver...but you don't talk to the media about your failure to talk to your coach.

11-07-2009, 06:27 PM
I don't think the Hornets would want to spend money at all :banghead:

But AI will be great for Charlotte, and have Bell as 6th man

11-07-2009, 06:37 PM
I think he would, the dude is about winning.

LOL no he's not.

Why do people keep insisting on this????

The dude is about Allen Iverson, and only Allen Iverson. Period.

11-07-2009, 06:43 PM
I don't think Charlotte wanted him.
A lot of teams would love him as the 6th man, but the last week has really damaged his stock. Maybe he would accept being 6th man for a contender... like LA or Denver. I think he would, the dude is about winning.
He's reminding me a lot of Favre right now, He just wants someone to accept him as an all-star player, I don't think he has that in him anymore, but maybe we don't know because Iverson has always been injured and probably faking injuries.

11-07-2009, 06:45 PM
I hope so, go to carlotte
He's married.

11-07-2009, 06:57 PM
He's reminding me a lot of Favre right now, He just wants someone to accept him as an all-star player, I don't think he has that in him anymore, but maybe we don't know because Iverson has always been injured and probably faking injuries.
The Favre comparison is way off. Favre is still incredible at his age. Iverson is a sad shadow of his former self.

oh the horror
11-07-2009, 07:01 PM
The Favre comparison is way off. Favre is still incredible at his age. Iverson is a sad shadow of his former self.

Really? From what ive seen, AI is still putting up good numbers with very limited minutes. Its his attitude that is the problem.

11-07-2009, 07:07 PM
He's married.


11-07-2009, 08:01 PM
They should nip it in the bud. This is not working at all. Not sure why he chose Memphis knowing they got OJ and Conley eating up the back court minutes.

11-07-2009, 08:07 PM
They wont waive him right now, but if it just become worse over the next 10 games, they should. I doubt they will though, they were dumb enough to sign him knowing he wanted playing time. Iverson himself, said he wanted to play a contender, so he signs with Memphis? It will end up being a boring mess for us fans

11-07-2009, 08:14 PM
LOL no he's not.

Why do people keep insisting on this????

The dude is about Allen Iverson, and only Allen Iverson. Period.

Yeah AI isnt about winning. :rolleyes:

oh the horror
11-07-2009, 08:17 PM
We can only work with the info that we're given, and I will say that thus far he is seeming to have the same issues he has had when he is being disruptive to a team. So its only logical to assume he is once again being a pain in the ass.

What i DONT like though are people assuming and making up pretend scenarios to fill in the blanks of what they dont know.

11-07-2009, 08:25 PM
Yeah AI isnt about winning. :rolleyes:
AI is about winning his way. If he was winning with a supporting role, he wouldn't be satisfied. Why do you think it didn't work out in Detroit?

11-07-2009, 08:39 PM
AI is about winning his way. If he was winning with a supporting role, he wouldn't be satisfied. Why do you think it didn't work out in Detroit?
It didn't work out in Detroit for several reasons that aren't AI's fault.

So you're saying if AI's team was 55-27 and the first seed in his conference going into the playoffs for example, he wouldn't be satisfied?

11-07-2009, 08:43 PM
This could be the end of Allen Iverson.

He should have brought his concerns directly to his organization instead of free styling them to the media. You can't complain that coach hasn't talked to you by talking to the media about it. Clearly your mouth works, talk to your d*** coach.:banghead:

I hate to see his career like this.

Abraham Lincoln
11-07-2009, 08:46 PM
AI is about winning his way. If he was winning with a supporting role, he wouldn't be satisfied. Why do you think it didn't work out in Detroit?
As is damn near every legend the sport has ever seen, save for exceptions like Bill Russell. Problem being that Allen is disadvantaged as a 34 year old 5'11 SG.

11-07-2009, 09:11 PM
Really? From what ive seen, AI is still putting up good numbers with very limited minutes. Its his attitude that is the problem.

^^^ This +1 :applause:

His past attitude will keep contending teams of the NBA away from signing him in the event he was released. Imagine him and Phil Jackson clashing on the sidelines. Jerry Sloan would try to fist fight Iverson. The Nuggets as a team would gang rape him.

Just will not work out, shame because I loved watching Iverson.

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20091107/capt.2267344347bb40c8ad6806916cd91072.grizzlies_la kers_basketball_las103.jpg

11-07-2009, 09:16 PM
lol @ the people who were defending him yesterday

He should just retire

11-07-2009, 09:24 PM
Really? From what ive seen, AI is still putting up good numbers with very limited minutes. Its his attitude that is the problem.

Last year Iverson shot 41.6% from the field, 28.6% from 3 for Detroit. He is a low percentage chucker.

11-07-2009, 09:44 PM

He explained what he felt he was coming to Memphis for. He explains the way he thinks which differs from most people. Opening question "AI what are your expectations with the Grizzlies?" and his reply? To win, simple as that. He goes on to say when people talk about the Grizzlies that they claim just getting to the playoffs is enough/a successful season. AI way of thinkin is he wouldnt have signed there if he felt that way. Sign there just to make the playoffs and be satisfied. His goals are alot bigger.

He doesnt want to come off the bench.
He doesnt want to be a role player.
He doesnt want to sit and watch critical moments in a game.

Why? Because AI full of pride feels at 34 he is capable of being a starter and helping a team win. He doesnt feel he is at a point where he needs to take on a "role" isolated to 1 thing and be utilized whenever a situation calls for it. He doesnt want to come off the bench various times in a game. He wants to start. He wants to win. Fans dont get that because you have your minds made up what kind of player AI is. Just like when he was 26 and some said by 30-31 he will be a shell of himself. They were proven wrong. Now at 34, AI is nothing more than Bobby Jackson. AI has lost some speed because he doesnt get to the lane/basket as quick as he used too thus drawing contact/fouls. And defensively cant recover vs quicker PGs. But he isnt going to watch Ray Allen start at SG and he come off the bench in spot duty or whenever the coach decides to put him in.

While fans can disagree with AI feelings. Atleast acknowledge and understand where he is coming from. You guys FAIL to do that. He Philly on bad terms avg 43mpg. He went to Denver and STARTED avg 42mpg 25ppg 7ast 3rb and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Following season in Denver he STARTED every game (82 out of 82) avg 42mpg 26ppg 7apg 3rbs and was efficient doing something alot of whiny bball fans knock him for. Now keep in mind AI was 31 and 32yrs old. He's 34yrs old now.

Are you with me? You take those numbers across the board and ask yourself. As a reasonable fan can I expect a guy whose been a starter his entire career avg over 40mpg that recently his stint in Denver produced that to suddenly become a role player and take on a specific "role"? Can I see any starting player in the NBA today suddenly taking over such a role overnight? You guys severely underestimate the pride these guys have. And saying AI should just swallow his pride after i laid out what he just did? Its comical to say the least. I doubt you in his shoes would be so willing to become a damn role player off the bench.

But I know I know everyone is Mr. Rogers and its a beautiful day in the neighborhood right? Lets atleast be realistic. You dont have to agree with every word AI says but atleast when you speak on the dude say "I understand where he is coming from". Alot of people dont, some do and just dont like the guy so they refuse to acknowledge it. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would EVER come off the damn bench. I dont think Kobe Bryant at 34 would ever be a role player. I know I knoqw, Kobe at 34 wouldnt have lost ANYTHING. I dont even see Kobe at 36 accepting a similar role (not a starter, off the bench pick a role Bean). And some fans would probably side with Kobe. Why? Because in thier eyes he hasnt lost anything. Bias? Telling the truth? Anyones guess.

I'm sure someones counter is Kobe helps teams win at 34, 36yrs of age whereas AI is a cancer no one found a cure for and hurts teams. Gotcha. I got all that. Just like I got when AI at 31 would be a shell of himself some fans said (they faces are on milk cartons).

You're not gonna find many players in the NBA swallowing thier pride. I bet you Ray Allen would not sit with his hands folded on the Memphis bench. I bet you Vince Carter wouldnt. Mike Bibby wouldnt. Andre Miller wouldnt. Yanno Mr. Team player, makes everyone better. Yeah him. He's not coming off the bench nor is he finding a "role" while sitting on it either. Baron Davis wouldnt allow the Clippers to let him come off the bench nor would he on Memphis. I mean why cant you sell Baron the idea that since 04-05 season he has played more than 68gms 1 time? how about you point him to the nearest injury report and how his name dominates it? Leads the league in hurts. So coming off the bench to preserve himself would be a nice idea. Even play some SG because well Baron your efficiency has been shyt.

Or how about Wash coming to Gilbert and saying we win with you not starting. The unit looks cohesive and it ball movement is seen. So you can be our 6th man. Yeah Gilbert would totally eat that up. :rolleyes:

But im willing to bet fans here can give an argument to why those names i listed have a valid gripe. But cant understand why AI has issues with becoming a role player in Memphis. It cant be Mike Conley a player not better than AI is starting over him? A guy taken so high in the draft my noe is currently bleeding. Yet he has proven what? To give fantasy owners pts near seasons end? Whoa!

Wake up.


oh the horror
11-07-2009, 09:48 PM
I dont see what is the big deal about him sitting down with his coaching staff? Dude is 34, and yet acts like hes in his early 20s....Doesnt he know, that given his resume, and his age, that any coach is willing to sit down with him?

What the hell is the chore about that? Why does he find it to be "hard?"

11-07-2009, 10:03 PM
Allen Iverson has been granted permission by Grizzlies owner Michael Heasley to leave the team.The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported the story on Saturday.
Iverson had a meeting with Heisley Friday night after the team lost 114-98 to the Lakers.
He has come off the bench in each of the three games he has played this season and has made his displeasure public.


Is he going to retire?

11-07-2009, 10:06 PM

Is he going to retire?

It would be sad to see a first-ballot Hall of Fame player like Iverson fade into the sunset in this way. I know he wants to be the #1 option, or at least a starter, for the rest of his career. Even though I hate the way he's handled the last year or so, I still want to see him such it up, accept his role, and latch onto a contender for one last run towards a title. After that, retire with dignity and begin your life after basketball.

11-07-2009, 10:08 PM
What are the terms of this? Are they still paying him or what?

If true, he pretty much guaranteed himself not be signed for a contending team since each of their starting line ups are set.

11-07-2009, 10:08 PM
This sucks.

I hate the Hadaddi loving Grizzlies. :(

11-07-2009, 10:08 PM
I dont see what is the big deal about him sitting down with his coaching staff? Dude is 34, and yet acts like hes in his early 20s....Doesnt he know, that given his resume, and his age, that any coach is willing to sit down with him?

What the hell is the chore about that? Why does he find it to be "hard?"

Why hasnt the coach sat down with AI/called him into the office? :confusedshrug:

Pretty lame for both sides to be revealing neither have communicated much. AI isnt the only grown man/professional. I'm sure if he missed practice and did something out of conduct the coach would call him in. Maybe not. I dont see how you're on a team and coach/player doesnt communicate. Weird. Unless its one of those i come to work, its whatever and I coach you its whatever too type deals. I'd think someone would have taken the initiative by now.

11-07-2009, 10:08 PM
Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:

11-07-2009, 10:09 PM
3 threads so far. Good job. Can someone make a 4th? 3 is odd.

Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:

and watch you remain a moron. :roll:


11-07-2009, 10:10 PM
This guy couldn't accept his role so much that he quit the team. How pathetic is that. What team would sign him?

11-07-2009, 10:10 PM
I think it was a mutually retarded decision from both AI and Grizzlies to sign him to the team. Do the Grizz really need him anyways? They are the only team in the league with three players averaging 20 ppg, and their best most up and coming player is the same position as Iverson. Half the reason he's on the team is to sell tickets, but what Memphis fan is going to want to see AI when the dude is dissapointed with his role from day one? Just seems like a doomed relationship tbh. What's the over/under on AI's one year contract being bought out or traded I wonder. Couple of months?.. I'm not saying "it's over" for AI and the Grizz though, anything can happen, it's can all be turned around, I'm just not optimistic.

11-07-2009, 10:10 PM
Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:
Good one. :rolleyes:

11-07-2009, 10:11 PM
Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:
It amazes me how retarded you really are.

11-07-2009, 10:11 PM
3 threads so far. Good job. Can someone make a 4th? 3 is odd.

and watch you remain a moron. :roll:

Where do you think the cAnswer will go next?

11-07-2009, 10:12 PM
3 threads so far. Good job. Can someone make a 4th? 3 is odd.

and watch you remain a moron. :roll:


There were three threads about Iverson actually leaving the team? I didn't know.

11-07-2009, 10:13 PM
Blame it on the refs. For a long while, their calls must've had AI thinking he was the best thing to happen to the L since high tops. Now he can't understand what's going on.

Seriously, though, he can still play & needs to accept his current reality. People act like he can't play no more. That's BS. If he makes the adjustments he can still be a difference maker.

11-07-2009, 10:13 PM
Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:

Even when you are joking around this sounds stupid.

11-07-2009, 10:13 PM
Retire now

11-07-2009, 10:14 PM

Is he going to retire?

Bro, post the actual link. The story comes from ESPN not from RealGM.

11-07-2009, 10:15 PM
Even when you are joking around this sounds stupid.
in truth I see a 5-6 game win streak on the horizon

11-07-2009, 10:15 PM
Iverson took leave of his senses a long time ago.

11-07-2009, 10:18 PM
god....didnt think this would happen, this soon anyway....iverson never was a good fit for this team..

11-07-2009, 10:21 PM
Wow. Just wow....

11-07-2009, 10:56 PM
Wow. I didn't expect it to get this bad until 20 or so games into the season.

AI does everything at full speed, I guess.

11-07-2009, 11:01 PM
i sorta wanna defend iverson, but how can i?

11-07-2009, 11:10 PM
your mother's breast

Love the avatar.

11-07-2009, 11:34 PM
man can't believe I actually thought this guy was getting an unfair share of blame in Detroit. I hope this is the final nail in the coffin for his career. Can't stand superstars who refuse to age gracefully.

11-07-2009, 11:35 PM
i sorta wanna defend iverson, but how can i?
Exactly my thoughts as well

11-07-2009, 11:46 PM
Time to retire. Honestly. He's done.

11-07-2009, 11:56 PM
Just an ugly ending to AI's career. But am I surprised at his behaviour?.......not really to be honest.

11-08-2009, 12:26 AM
Just an ugly ending to AI's career. But am I surprised at his behaviour?.......not really to be honest.

He approached his future the same way he approached his past, with blind bravado and revisionist interpretations.

11-08-2009, 12:27 AM
I don't know where he could go. I guess maybe the Bobcats?

11-08-2009, 12:30 AM
I don't know where he could go. I guess maybe the Bobcats?

He should have signed their to begin with. Not sure if the Bobcats really wanted him, but that seems like the perfect situation for him.

Pretty sad how he's basically ruined his career. Dude just can't accept that he's not a star player any more.

11-08-2009, 12:32 AM

11-08-2009, 01:00 AM
im sorry to say this but allen iverson is still a beast. i mean he's not what he used to be but seriously before he went to detroit he was averaging 19 points and 7 assists and the season before that as a nugget he was on 26 and 7. he's not declining he's just been getting dicked around.

just get him bobcats or new york, reunite larry hughes and allen iverson or bobcats u know ur losing this season u may aswell try AI and let him retire. its bull**** he brings in so many fans, yet the coaches dick him when he still has talent left.

11-08-2009, 01:32 AM
3 threads so far. Good job. Can someone make a 4th? 3 is odd.

and watch you remain a moron. :roll:


Senseless blind faith.

We all know that he is one of the most amazing individual athletes that has ever lived, but the last three years or so have been a joke.

Abraham Lincoln
11-08-2009, 01:42 AM
^ So you don't dispute this post that he objected to?

Watch the Grizzlies go on to become a top 6 team in the West now:roll:

Samurai Swoosh
11-08-2009, 01:44 AM
im sorry to say this but allen iverson is still a beast. i mean he's not what he used to be but seriously before he went to detroit he was averaging 19 points and 7 assists and the season before that as a nugget he was on 26 and 7. he's not declining he's just been getting dicked around.
Only truth spoken in this thread.


White Chocolate
11-08-2009, 01:45 AM
This guy is ****ing pathetic. Can't swallow his pride and accept a different role. 3 games in and he's already basically history. Even if you're an Iverson fan, how can you defend this? He's throwing a temper tantrum like a little kid. "Wahhhhhh, I wanna start. Wahhhhhh, I wanna play 40 minutes a night. Wahhhhhh".

He has the credentials to make the HOF on the first ballot, and he is now absolutely ruining his legacy. There's no way you can defend this.

11-08-2009, 01:46 AM
^ So you don't dispute this post that he objected to?

I do, and even if the Grizz do improve, it has nothing to do with Iverson leaving. However, my post has to do with the response.

We know that even if Iverson kills his mother on national TV, this fool GOBB will still defend him. Blind faith.

11-08-2009, 02:26 AM
This guy is ****ing pathetic. Can't swallow his pride and accept a different role. 3 games in and he's already basically history. Even if you're an Iverson fan, how can you defend this? He's throwing a temper tantrum like a little kid. "Wahhhhhh, I wanna start. Wahhhhhh, I wanna play 40 minutes a night. Wahhhhhh".

He has the credentials to make the HOF on the first ballot, and he is now absolutely ruining his legacy. There's no way you can defend this.

Yeah bro, he's my favorite player of all-time but he's getting annoying as hell.

11-08-2009, 02:31 AM
Senseless blind faith.

We all know that he is one of the most amazing individual athletes that has ever lived, but the last three years or so have been a joke.

It's partly his fault. But most of the blame should be attributed to the SITUATIONS he was in. Put Kobe, Vince, etc in the same dilemma and you would probably get the same reactions.

Stop analyzing his personality and try looking at the situations he was in for a second.

11-08-2009, 02:32 AM
normally in these situations i would side with the logical thought that says you should accept your role on the team etc etc etc. but ive actually seen whats going on in memphis games recently so ill just paste my post from the other thread here....

i will start by saying this, a.i is a bit of a ball hog and therefore does not fit with the 3 other massive black holes on memphis, its a shame a.i is kicking up such a fuss this early on and i dont condone this behaviour but....

that said, i have actually watched the grizzlies games a.i has played in, here are the facts...

1. a.i is arguably the best player on the memphis grizzlies, he is still completely unstoppable and given the 40 mpg he wants and probably deserves he is still a 26/7 guy

2. hollins is the worst coach in the nba, the man is a ****ing disgrace, it almost seems like hes deliberatly tanking the games at times- taking a.i out in the 4th who is abusing deffenders after making 4 straight buckets for conley who has been stinking it up all game(kings game) was what started this.

3. mike conley(as much as i like him) is a massive scrub compared with a.i and doesnt even belong on the same court as allen, i can only imagine the horrific domination that iverson has been inflicting on him in practise- i would pay to see that.

4. everyone in the game threads have been saying the same thing when iverson is getting benched for conley, its a ****ing joke to be honest.

i really hope iverson can find a team that inst deliberatly tanking and can accomodate him because he is still a premier scorer in the nba, no question. he is difficult i grant you but should one of the the greatest scorers in nba history have to be subjected to coming off the bench and not finishing games as the demented coach goes with an utter scrub like mike conley instead? im thinking the grizz never told a.i they had no interst in winning games this year and are instead trying to stock pile draft picks.....

11-08-2009, 02:35 AM
normally in these situations i would side with the logical thought that says you should accept your role on the team etc etc etc. but ive actually seen whats going on in memphis games recently so ill just paste my post from the other thread here....

i will start by saying this, a.i is a bit of a ball hog and therefore does not fit with the 3 other massive black holes on memphis, its a shame a.i is kicking up such a fuss this early on and i dont condone this behaviour but....

that said, i have actually watched the grizzlies games a.i has played in, here are the facts...

1. a.i is arguably the best player on the memphis grizzlies, he is still completely unstoppable and given the 40 mpg he wants and probably deserves he is still a 26/7 guy

2. hollins is the worst coach in the nba, the man is a ****ing disgrace, it almost seems like hes deliberatly tanking the games at times- taking a.i out in the 4th who is abusing deffenders after making 4 straight buckets for conley who has been stinking it up all game(kings game) was what started this.

3. mike conley(as much as i like him) is a massive scrub compared with a.i and doesnt even belong on the same court as allen, i can only imagine the horrific domination that iverson has been inflicting on him in practise- i would pay to see that.

4. everyone in the game threads have been saying the same thing when iverson is getting benched for conley, its a ****ing joke to be honest.

i really hope iverson can find a team that inst deliberatly tanking and can accomodate him because he is still a premier scorer in the nba, no question. he is difficult i grant you but should one of the the greatest scorers in nba history have to be subjected to coming off the bench and not finishing games as the demented coach goes with an utter scrub like mike conley instead? im thinking the grizz never told a.i they had no interst in winning games this year and are instead trying to stock pile draft picks.....

Exactly. AI made it clear FROM THE START that he was playing to win. Apparently, that was what the Grizz management assured him - that this was not a tanking or developmental year for them. Seriously, this marriage was doomed from the start.

11-08-2009, 02:38 AM
not good for his reputation.
was hoping he would shrug it off and come off the bench or any other way the grizz needed him to do.

twisted way of doing this. completely befuddled by whats happened to a player of iverson's caliber in the last few years. its like the whole league has suddenly got together and sort of boycotted Iverson

11-08-2009, 02:44 AM
normally in these situations i would side with the logical thought that says you should accept your role on the team etc etc etc. but ive actually seen whats going on in memphis games recently so ill just paste my post from the other thread here....

i will start by saying this, a.i is a bit of a ball hog and therefore does not fit with the 3 other massive black holes on memphis, its a shame a.i is kicking up such a fuss this early on and i dont condone this behaviour but....

that said, i have actually watched the grizzlies games a.i has played in, here are the facts...

1. a.i is arguably the best player on the memphis grizzlies, he is still completely unstoppable and given the 40 mpg he wants and probably deserves he is still a 26/7 guy

2. hollins is the worst coach in the nba, the man is a ****ing disgrace, it almost seems like hes deliberatly tanking the games at times- taking a.i out in the 4th who is abusing deffenders after making 4 straight buckets for conley who has been stinking it up all game(kings game) was what started this.

3. mike conley(as much as i like him) is a massive scrub compared with a.i and doesnt even belong on the same court as allen, i can only imagine the horrific domination that iverson has been inflicting on him in practise- i would pay to see that.

4. everyone in the game threads have been saying the same thing when iverson is getting benched for conley, its a ****ing joke to be honest.

i really hope iverson can find a team that inst deliberatly tanking and can accomodate him because he is still a premier scorer in the nba, no question. he is difficult i grant you but should one of the the greatest scorers in nba history have to be subjected to coming off the bench and not finishing games as the demented coach goes with an utter scrub like mike conley instead? im thinking the grizz never told a.i they had no interst in winning games this year and are instead trying to stock pile draft picks.....

Mike Conley passes. AI jacks shots. AI is the Grizzlies best player when he's making them but there haven't been enough games to show his off days. AI would be fine on a team without scoring but the Grizzlies have too many guns for AI to fit as their PG. I actually think M. Conley has TJ Ford like game but really needs to work on his jumper and body. His D isn't bad either.

They coudl've used AI tonight though. I think his veteran leadership and getting fouled would've helped them beat the Clips.

11-08-2009, 03:47 AM
This reminds me of marbury...Will AI start doing live video sessions now???

11-08-2009, 04:06 AM
^^^ This +1 :applause:

His past attitude will keep contending teams of the NBA away from signing him in the event he was released. Imagine him and Phil Jackson clashing on the sidelines. Jerry Sloan would try to fist fight Iverson. The Nuggets as a team would gang rape him.

Just will not work out, shame because I loved watching Iverson.

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20091107/capt.2267344347bb40c8ad6806916cd91072.grizzlies_la kers_basketball_las103.jpg

If Phil and Rodman were able to get along, I don't see how he and AI couldn't. The Nugs loved him and vice versa, they were just a glue guy (Billups) short of being a contender. As for Sloan, screw him. Who would want to play in Utah?

11-08-2009, 04:20 AM
The thing i can't figure out about guys like Iverson is, why did he never take the time to learn how to play "off the ball?" Out of all the years he's played in the league, if he simply took the time to develop some kind of game without the ball in his hands, teams would still have a need for him.

11-08-2009, 05:07 AM
LMAO is that a joke. In his prime AI was awesome off the ball. See his MVP year.

11-08-2009, 05:10 AM
LMAO is that a joke. In his prime AI was awesome off the ball. See his MVP year.
Are you joking? His MVP year where Eric Snow was the second best offensive player on his team? When Iverson shot like 30 shots a game at 39%?

11-08-2009, 05:30 AM
I used to love Iverson, been to 3 Sixer games here in Dallas and seen him play...alot of fun to watch...

that being said, I deeply and truely feel like he is probably the single most overrated NBA player ever...or at least the last 30 years or so...

Iverson has such a crazy group of little nut hugger thug wannabes that is upsetting to me...and it is obvious that they like him for his tats/hair/style/ect...and they don't really look at his game, they just yap about how amazing he is and what an increadable athlete he is...their gangsta vision turns a blind eye to Iverson's flaws...

if this was Nash...everyone would be cursing his name, yapping about how he didn't deserve MVPs...ect...

Iverson?...naw, he's not overrated..."we are just sad that such an amazing legend had to end it this way"...:rolleyes:

11-08-2009, 05:33 AM
ehh...Wade may be more overrated now that I think about it...

Abraham Lincoln
11-08-2009, 05:39 AM
LMAO is that a joke. In his prime AI was awesome off the ball. See his MVP year.
Indeed, how short folks memory can be is depressing.

11-08-2009, 07:40 AM
http://memphisbluebears.com/files/2009/07/iverson.jpg = http://www.bestweekever.tv/bwe/images/2008/08/olajuwon.JPG

or is there enough time for him to still claw his way back to some level of dignity?

11-08-2009, 07:42 AM
$20 says he is going to Europe

11-08-2009, 07:46 AM

Just hatin

11-08-2009, 07:49 AM
Honestly though, i think he has it in him to be a starter on a decent team but his reputation has killed most chances of that. Though I'm not the one who watches him train everyday so maybe he just doesn't fit in with the starters or something.

11-08-2009, 07:54 AM
HELL no. :rolleyes:

11-08-2009, 07:54 AM
Honestly though, i think he has it in him to be a starter on a decent team but his reputation has killed most chances of that. Though I'm not the one who watches him train everyday so maybe he just doesn't fit in with the starters or something.

He can. It's just that he was in really terrible situations the past 2 years, so everyone's perspective of him is screwed.

11-08-2009, 07:57 AM
If Byron Scott wants 2 save his arse AI is his last chance 2 do that. Imho, hire Iverson and make him starter 4 orleans.

11-08-2009, 08:00 AM
If Byron Scott wants 2 save his arse AI is his last chance 2 do that. Imho, hire Iverson and make him starter 4 orleans.

same thing i was thinking. AI would be a great upgrade over anyone on the wings for the Hornets.

11-08-2009, 08:07 AM
He can. It's just that he was in really terrible situations the past 2 years, so everyone's perspective of him is screwed.

I think most GMs wouldn't want to take the risk because AI has been piss poor at handling the situations.

11-08-2009, 08:46 AM
Practice? Practice? Not a game, not a game, we're talking bout practice.

11-08-2009, 09:54 AM
Honestly though, i think he has it in him to be a starter on a decent team but his reputation has killed most chances of that. Though I'm not the one who watches him train everyday so maybe he just doesn't fit in with the starters or something.
No, it's his actions not his reputation. His reputation didn't whine to the media after his first game. Get it? Does he deserve better than this? Yeah but he's not doing anything to help himself. He is acting like a child.

11-08-2009, 09:58 AM
Predictable ending to a great career.

11-08-2009, 10:25 AM
Hes obviously not staying at Memphis after being upset 5 games into the season. He doesn't want to play bench, coach is not starting him either.

No serious contender would consider him, even rebuilding teams fear he will mess up the team's chemistry.

Where does he goes next? Or is it the end?

11-08-2009, 10:28 AM
he should commit suicide! HES THE WORST PLAYER EVER!

11-08-2009, 10:30 AM
Hes obviously not staying at Memphis after being upset 5 games into the season. He doesn't want to play bench, coach is not starting him either.

No serious contender would consider him, even rebuilding teams fear he will mess up the team's chemistry.

Where does he goes next? Or is it the end?

He's done. Who would take him?

11-08-2009, 10:39 AM
Not a hall-of-famer, sorry. He's a quicker Mike James with open reign. Never developed even one new skill after entering the league. Was never a team player. Always put himself above the team. Still has the maturity of a 17 year old. None of those things scream "hall of fame" to me. Not even close.

11-08-2009, 10:43 AM
He's still good. But his ego is eating him up.

11-08-2009, 10:54 AM
Not a hall-of-famer, sorry. He's a quicker Mike James with open reign. Never developed even one new skill after entering the league. Was never a team player. Always put himself above the team. Still has the maturity of a 17 year old. None of those things scream "hall of fame" to me. Not even close.

And yet he will be in the HOF and you can complain all about it.

11-08-2009, 11:51 AM
He should go reunite for Larry and play for the Bobcats. They're perfect for him, a 5 man lineup of solid defenders with no go to scorer. It would be like the 76ers all over again.
He could put p 18-20pts a game and help them get to the playoffs.

11-08-2009, 11:55 AM
he should commit suicide! HES THE WORST PLAYER EVER!
I honestly do not understand the hate for this guy.
He is an alltime great, looking at his size and the impact he has had on this game. Pound for pound he is one of the greatest to ever play this game.

seriously why do you hate on the guy.

11-08-2009, 12:08 PM
I honestly do not understand the hate for this guy.
He is an alltime great, looking at his size and the impact he has had on this game. Pound for pound he is one of the greatest to ever play this game.

seriously why do you hate on the guy.

false, he's a career loser with an out-of-control sense of entitlement.

11-08-2009, 12:11 PM
I honestly do not understand the hate for this guy.
He is an alltime great, looking at his size and the impact he has had on this game. Pound for pound he is one of the greatest to ever play this game.

seriously why do you hate on the guy.

Because he's a douchebag.

11-08-2009, 12:20 PM

Just a few years ago everybody loved the guy.

11-08-2009, 12:23 PM

11-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Iverson should just retire, his time has come oh and LOL at the people who still support this guy, can't believe he has fans what has he done to deserve fans? oh yeah a couple of scoring titles and thats it(oh because he was a pretty highlight type of guy?:roll:AI, Carter and T-mac are the same people if you really think about, never accomplished anything.

11-08-2009, 12:34 PM
he should commit suicide! HES THE WORST PLAYER EVER!

fck u

11-08-2009, 12:35 PM
he's done

11-08-2009, 12:37 PM
I am not an iverson fan by any means. This doesn't mean I need to hate on the guy...Who am I to hate on a proffesional athlete.

He accomplished alot actually, just not a nba title.
Not everybody has the privilege of holding that trophy at the end of the year.

Barkley, malone and many other all time greats never won a ring, this does not make them bad players.

You should consider focusing on different things in life, in stead of hating on a nba all star.

11-08-2009, 12:49 PM
it would be sweeter if this happend to kobe. oh well rest in piece iverhog

elementally morale
11-08-2009, 12:49 PM
AI has a problem. He is too good not to start and play plenty of minutes, but at the same time he is not good enough to be the starter of teams, playing lots of minutes.

It sounds crazy, but I think it isn't.

AI not shooting and dominating the ball the way he does is no AI. If he doesn't do that [i.e.: playing his normal game], there are better players than him on any roster. If he does play his game however, the team will lose and the propects won't get enough playing time.

I think AI should retire. But he will not. He should, because it's only downhill from here on out. He either plays heavy minutes and the team he does that for loses 50 games, or he acepts being a backup (e.g.: Lakers) and is literally carried to a *tainted* title. Not good.

I never liked the way AI played the game. I hated it. I hated it even in 2000. I thought it was horrible. But I'm still kind of sad to see this happening. He still is a very good player and a decent human being. With many problems, as it seems.

There is no shame in retiring at this point. Or going to Europe. It was a nice career, AI. I personally hated it, but I could see it was nice. But it ain't any more.

11-08-2009, 12:54 PM
I am not an iverson fan by any means. This doesn't mean I need to hate on the guy...Who am I to hate on a proffesional athlete.

He accomplished alot actually, just not a nba title.
Not everybody has the privilege of holding that trophy at the end of the year.

Barkley, malone and many other all time greats never won a ring, this does not make them bad players.

You should consider focusing on different things in life, in stead of hating on a nba all star.

barkley vs iverson = one made their ego publicly obvious

sry allen, you gotta retire. don't let your ego hit you on the way out

11-08-2009, 01:00 PM
Set your big MFing ego aside or GTFO.

11-08-2009, 01:02 PM
Duhon for Iverson and Gay?

11-08-2009, 01:13 PM
If Byron Scott wants 2 save his arse AI is his last chance 2 do that. Imho, hire Iverson and make him starter 4 orleans.

I made that suggestion before the season even started.

I think NY could use him. They can trade Duhon to memphis for A.I. and Gay

11-08-2009, 01:16 PM
Heck no if he started for a team that put the ball in his hands he would be the old Iverson. He prolly has the best condition body even with the injuries in the league because he has little body fat and real light. Its more of a mental thing my opionon.

11-08-2009, 01:37 PM
I liked his style of play busting guys and crossin them over makin them fall on ther as. But he should retire he making himself and the NBA look silly. He killing his 76er legacy. He should have not signed with that team in the first place. The NBA want him out you can tell and he givin them what they want.
He remind me of Mike Tyson a lil bit with the while sob stories. You want to play just do what the teams ask of you and there wont be any problems.

e's Nikees
11-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Oh man comee on AI...

11-08-2009, 03:53 PM
This has Stephon Marbury written all over it. If they cannot resolve their issues, I wouldnt be surprised if Memphis just sat him the whole year

11-08-2009, 03:55 PM
Im one of A.I's biggest fans, but he is def looking like a fool doing this. I will say he changed the NBA with the accepting of tats and all. And for his size and what he overcame before the NBA showed a lot of people to beat adversity. But Iverson needs to be mature, and I dont know if that will ever happen.

11-08-2009, 04:09 PM
In case you guys haven't seen this. They make it seem like hes gone for good. If he has, I think he has 0 chance with any team unless Larry Brown gets desperate.

White Chocolate
11-08-2009, 04:11 PM
In case you guys haven't seen this. They make it seem like hes gone for good. If he has, I think he has 0 chance with any team unless Larry Brown gets desperate.

As long as the Bobcats are hovering around .500, they won't need him. .500 is enough for a playoff spot in the East.

11-08-2009, 04:13 PM
As long as the Bobcats are hovering around .500, they won't need him. .500 is enough for a playoff spot in the East.
Yeah, thats pretty much what I was thinking, especially since 90% of the lower half of the league got worse this season, but if they start sucking it up, there is no doubt in my mind that Brown would be willing to gamble on Iverson instead of taking a chance of losing his job in Charlotte.

11-08-2009, 04:50 PM
How anyone can defend this clown is mind boggling. It took him exactly one game to start publicly crying about PT and now after just a few games he quits on his team. Even "if" he was right to want more PT he was 100% WRONG to start crying to the media so fast. It's flat out pathetic and anyone defending his bull**** has no understanding of professionalism, team play or respect.

11-08-2009, 04:53 PM
How anyone can defend this clown is mind boggling. It took him exactly one game to start publicly crying about PT and now after just a few games he quits on his team. Even "if" he was right to want more PT he was 100% WRONG to start crying to the media so fast. It's flat out pathetic and anyone defending his bull**** has no understanding of professionalism, team play or respect.
:oldlol: No one was defending him. At least no post that I read. The closest thing to coming to AI's defense was the fact that we didnt know if something really happened.

11-08-2009, 04:54 PM
How anyone can defend this clown is mind boggling. It took him exactly one game to start publicly crying about PT and now after just a few games he quits on his team. Even "if" he was right to want more PT he was 100% WRONG to start crying to the media so fast. It's flat out pathetic and anyone defending his bull**** has no understanding of professionalism, team play or respect.
I don't think anybody is defending the idiot right now, but are defending him from idiots who say he was a cancer in his prime from 00-05, or even on the Nuggets. The only time hes been a problem is since he went to the Pistons when he went crazy because he thought he was still a superstar, and wasn't treated like one.

11-08-2009, 05:13 PM
Basketball has given Iverson an outlet, providing him with fame and fortune that other people would die to have. And he's throwing it away because he's not starting. He's disrespecting the game of basketball and it's sad to see.

Seriously, how can you put this guy in the hall of fame if this turns out to be his last go around? How would his acceptance speech go?

11-08-2009, 05:19 PM
Well in all fairness the sport of basketball doesn't have a reputation to stand on with or without AI.

11-08-2009, 05:32 PM
I literally just looked at all the depth charts and found no good fits on any team close to contention.

Guys like Manu Ginobili and Jason Terry embrace a role as a scorer off the bench. Allen refuses to do so. And now no good team is going to jeopardize their winning for potential chemistry damage.

The sad part is Allen can still play and be good. He just can't accept a different role. Like a lot of fans, I want to see him do well. Sadly, I think he's done.

Abraham Lincoln
11-08-2009, 05:43 PM
Basketball has given Iverson an outlet, providing him with fame and fortune that other people would die to have. And he's throwing it away because he's not starting. He's disrespecting the game of basketball and it's sad to see.

Seriously, how can you put this guy in the hall of fame if this turns out to be his last go around? How would his acceptance speech go?
My God. :banghead:

11-08-2009, 05:46 PM
:oldlol: No one was defending him. At least no post that I read. The closest thing to coming to AI's defense was the fact that we didnt know if something really happened.

this stuff does not sound like defending him to you?

Maybe he would accept being 6th man for a contender... like LA or Denver. I think he would, the dude is about winning.

which is why he started crying after a weeks worth of games in Detroit helping to nuke their season and completely knock them out of contender status.

i think he is really misunderstood, i mean i doubt he would ***** liek this if his team were winning, but when your team is getting blown out and you are still backing up mike ****ing conley id be pissed too.

Does not matter if he was upset. he starting crying to the media AFTER ONE GAME. "Oh its not AI's fault, his crying is just misunderstood" :oldlol:

It didn't work out in Detroit for several reasons that aren't AI's fault.

So you're saying if AI's team was 55-27 and the first seed in his conference going into the playoffs for example, he wouldn't be satisfied?

perhaps if he hadn't quit on Detroit they would have actually been decent?

Blame it on the refs. For a long while, their calls must've had AI thinking he was the best thing to happen to the L since high tops. Now he can't understand what's going on.

Seriously, though, he can still play & needs to accept his current reality. People act like he can't play no more. That's BS. If he makes the adjustments he can still be a difference maker.

He doesn't want to adjust. He has said several times he will only play his way and that means he is a starter and dominates the ball. LOTS of players can put up high scoring on crap FG% BTW.

im sorry to say this but allen iverson is still a beast. i mean he's not what he used to be but seriously before he went to detroit he was averaging 19 points and 7 assists and the season before that as a nugget he was on 26 and 7. he's not declining he's just been getting dicked around.

just get him bobcats or new york, reunite larry hughes and allen iverson or bobcats u know ur losing this season u may aswell try AI and let him retire. its bull**** he brings in so many fans, yet the coaches dick him when he still has talent left.

Again with the its not his fault its the coaches fault he crys to the media and wrecks team chemistry when he can't dictate how the team uses him. :hammerhead:

what say you Samuri?

Only truth spoken in this thread.


I see you are clueless too.

It's partly his fault. But most of the blame should be attributed to the SITUATIONS he was in. Put Kobe, Vince, etc in the same dilemma and you would probably get the same reactions.

Stop analyzing his personality and try looking at the situations he was in for a second.

A true winner is able to adjust to his situation and make the best of it. AI is the neighborhood kid that *****es when he isn't the team captain with the first pick so he takes his ball and goes home.

normally in these situations i would side with the logical thought that says you should accept your role on the team etc etc etc. but ive actually seen whats going on in memphis games recently so ill just paste my post from the other thread here....

i will start by saying this, a.i is a bit of a ball hog and therefore does not fit with the 3 other massive black holes on memphis, its a shame a.i is kicking up such a fuss this early on and i dont condone this behaviour but....

that said, i have actually watched the grizzlies games a.i has played in, here are the facts...

1. a.i is arguably the best player on the memphis grizzlies, he is still completely unstoppable and given the 40 mpg he wants and probably deserves he is still a 26/7 guy

2. hollins is the worst coach in the nba, the man is a ****ing disgrace, it almost seems like hes deliberatly tanking the games at times- taking a.i out in the 4th who is abusing deffenders after making 4 straight buckets for conley who has been stinking it up all game(kings game) was what started this.

3. mike conley(as much as i like him) is a massive scrub compared with a.i and doesnt even belong on the same court as allen, i can only imagine the horrific domination that iverson has been inflicting on him in practise- i would pay to see that.

4. everyone in the game threads have been saying the same thing when iverson is getting benched for conley, its a ****ing joke to be honest.

i really hope iverson can find a team that inst deliberatly tanking and can accomodate him because he is still a premier scorer in the nba, no question. he is difficult i grant you but should one of the the greatest scorers in nba history have to be subjected to coming off the bench and not finishing games as the demented coach goes with an utter scrub like mike conley instead? im thinking the grizz never told a.i they had no interst in winning games this year and are instead trying to stock pile draft picks.....

Ahh, a quite large defense. However, NONE of this excuses the way he is acting. Get that through your skull.

in response here comes the lead member of the funky bunch

Exactly. AI made it clear FROM THE START that he was playing to win. Apparently, that was what the Grizz management assured him - that this was not a tanking or developmental year for them. Seriously, this marriage was doomed from the start.

FAIL. For what feels like the millionth time, there is ZERO excuse for popping off to the media after one game. Guess what? He didn't have to say I do at the alter when he looked across and saw a mama Grizzly Bear staring him down.

but at least you are persistent

He can. It's just that he was in really terrible situations the past 2 years, so everyone's perspective of him is screwed.

again with the its not his fault crap. HE made those situations worse with his crying. HE refused to listen to his coach and suck it up which is the very definition of cancer. He signed up for Memphis. HE started crying to the media after his first game back. He has only himself to blame.

I honestly do not understand the hate for this guy.
He is an alltime great, looking at his size and the impact he has had on this game. Pound for pound he is one of the greatest to ever play this game.

seriously why do you hate on the guy.

You need it explained? Umm... have you not been paying attention?

I don't think anybody is defending the idiot right now, but are defending him from idiots who say he was a cancer in his prime from 00-05, or even on the Nuggets. The only time hes been a problem is since he went to the Pistons when he went crazy because he thought he was still a superstar, and wasn't treated like one.

Not one person mentioned his time with the 76ers in a negative light in this thread save for the dude that said AI never learned how to play off the ball.

11-08-2009, 05:51 PM
perhaps if he hadn't quit on Detroit they would have actually been decent?

If Iverson is the cancer everyone makes him out to be, then the Pistons getting Gordon, Wallace and Villanueva to replace AI should mean they got better. But they didn't, they're 3-4. Their best players are aging and they need(ed) to overhaul their roster. Anybody could tell after the first month or two of him being there, they weren't going to win a title. It all went down hill the moment Billups left. 'Decent' isn't good enough for AI. He wants a title. He said just making the playoffs doesn't satisfy him, he wants it all. Whether he was there or not it wasn't going to happen. Why play for a team that said you would start and then put your on the bench, PLUS the fact that they're getting old and Wallace and Billups left? Ai is 34, he doesn't have the time to sit around and see if 'maybe' the Pistons will turn into contenders in a couple of years, because it sure as hell wasn't going to happen last year and it won't happen this year , either.

11-08-2009, 05:59 PM
Not one person mentioned his time with the 76ers in a negative light in this thread save for the dude that said AI never learned how to play off the ball.
Thats because its idiotic to say he was a cancer in his prime years. Plain and simple.

11-08-2009, 06:00 PM
If Iverson is the cancer everyone makes him out to be, then the Pistons getting Gordon, Wallace and Villanueva to replace AI should mean they got better. But they didn't, they're 3-4. Their best players are aging and they need(ed) to overhaul their roster. Anybody could tell after the first month or two of him being there, they weren't going to win a title. It all went down hill the moment Billups left. 'Decent' isn't good enough for AI. He wants a title. He said just making the playoffs doesn't satisfy him, he wants it all. Whether he was there or not it wasn't going to happen. Why play for a team that said you would start and then put your on the bench, PLUS the fact that they're getting old and Wallace and Billups left? Ai is 34, he doesn't have the time to sit around and see if 'maybe' the Pistons will turn into contenders in a couple of years, because it sure as hell wasn't going to happen last year and it won't happen this year , either.

and that attitude is why NO true contender will want him. Maybe the idiot could have rejuvenated his career becoming a great 6th man. too bad he wasn't willing to ride it out. Comparing last years Pistons to this years is a worthless comparison BTW b/c (A) the season is too young to do so and (B) Charlie V's defense is bad enough to completely negate his offense making his replacement of Sheed as an upgrade very debatable.

11-08-2009, 06:02 PM
Thats because its idiotic to say he was a cancer in his prime years. Plain and simple.

and nobody did so why are you defending his defenders for a defense of something that didn't happen?

11-08-2009, 06:06 PM
and nobody did so why are you defending his defenders for a defense of something that didn't happen?

Not one person mentioned his time with the 76ers in a negative light in this thread save for the dude that said AI never learned how to play off the ball.
I misread this as you were saying "People should be thinking of Iverson's career as a 76ers in a negative way, but they aren't"
My bad, and there usually are a thousand people hating on Iverson over his career for really stupid things, like his fg%, even though he was fairly efficient at scoring in his best years. Not shooting a high %, but taking a relatively normal amount of shots to get 30+ points on a nightly basis.

11-08-2009, 06:16 PM
I misread this as you were saying "People should be thinking of Iverson's career as a 76ers in a negative way, but they aren't"
My bad, and there usually are a thousand people hating on Iverson over his career for really stupid things, like his fg%, even though he was fairly efficient at scoring in his best years. Not shooting a high %, but taking a relatively normal amount of shots to get 30+ points on a nightly basis.

no worries.

Lakas Fan Yo
11-08-2009, 11:11 PM
$20 says he is going to Europe

There have been a bunch of reports that Olympiacos is going to cut Von Wafer (who has played awful so far) and will sign Iverson to replace him. If Olympiacos does this you can guarantee that they will have a disaster season and the final nail in the coffin will be set for AI. Both the NBA and the Euroleague will have him black listed.

11-08-2009, 11:26 PM
He's blacklisted from the NBA at this point. I can see european teams being interesting (especially the russian teams), but I think his ego might not allow him to go there.

11-08-2009, 11:33 PM
Allen Iverson, the greatest player never to be a greatest player.

11-08-2009, 11:55 PM
AI would be starting if he was good enough to start.

But if he can't accept being a backup, then AI needs to go to Europe or retire.

11-09-2009, 01:19 AM
Damn I was really rooting for AI to come back this year.

OK...dude wants to be a starter not take a bench role etc.....yes he is all about self...

But the real question here is why the hell did the Griz sign him?
I don't get it? To sell tickets? They know his history and what he wanted...he just wants to start and play ball as a starter...makes no sense why they signed him.

11-09-2009, 02:33 AM
Iverson wants to be the star of a team....

The knicks dont expect anything out of this season and just want 1 year contacts.

NY mine as well just get this guy for cheap and let the fans appreciate his skills

Idc what people think about him. He is still an amazing player to watch

Why not let this guy run the city for a year?

It seems like a win win

Lakas Fan Yo
11-09-2009, 03:06 AM
AI would be starting if he was good enough to start.

But if he can't accept being a backup, then AI needs to go to Europe or retire.

He wouldn't start on any European team that could afford him.

11-09-2009, 03:17 AM
Sadly I think Iverson is done in the NBA. He wants to start and be a big part of the offense, but no team is going to go for that.

It's sad because AI is still really good, and most likely will be really good for at least a couple more years.

NY kinda makes sense for this season only, and when you consider the type of offense it would be. But idk, I think his rep is damaged beyond repair.

11-09-2009, 04:01 AM
Sadly I think Iverson is done in the NBA. He wants to start and be a big part of the offense, but no team is going to go for that.

It's sad because AI is still really good, and most likely will be really good for at least a couple more years.

NY kinda makes sense for this season only, and when you consider the type of offense it would be. But idk, I think his rep is damaged beyond repair.

This is exactly the case. AI would only be useful this year before the Knicks prepare to catch Lebron. Even if they don't get Lebron, AI wont be the player they need or want in 2010 This is the perfect year for him on NY bc he will get PT and he can bring a little life in NY. But yea, last thing the Knicks need is a headcase

Abraham Lincoln
11-09-2009, 05:53 AM

Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley is insistent that guard Allen Iverson left the team Saturday to return to his home in Atlanta for personal reasons, not because he's upset about not starting.

"I'm the guy who said he could go. It's a real family issue that I don't think should be reported," Heisley told The(Memphis) Commercial Appeal.

Iverson had eight points and three assists in 21 minutes as a reserve in Friday's loss at the Los Angeles Lakers. He worked out with the team Saturday before leaving.

"It's a personal issue that they asked for permission to go attend to," said coach Lionel Hollins, who met with Iverson and his manager. "It was granted, and it's indefinite."

11-09-2009, 05:54 AM
Allen Iverson will be hoisting the Larry O'Brien trophy at the end of this season.

11-09-2009, 06:45 AM
He's always been about scoring. maybe he can still play as good as most, but his me first attidude will not work.

Nero Tulip
11-09-2009, 06:56 AM
He wouldn't start on any European team that could afford him.

I agree. If he doesn't want to be on the bench then why would he go to Olympiacos? And why would they want him? He'd have a limited role there at best.

11-09-2009, 08:57 AM
I agree. If he doesn't want to be on the bench then why would he go to Olympiacos? And why would they want him? He'd have a limited role there at best.

knicks dont want duhon leading their team...best case scenario...move him to the bench and trade robinson for AI...ang give AI his starting gig

the trade will have to be completed after dec 15th...but thats just a month away.. A GM needs to see this...maybe a possible one year solution..

Nate doesnt mind coming off the bench and AI can start...solved...grizz are back to being a growing team and the knicks can continue their offense and no defense routine...AI fits perfectly

11-09-2009, 09:28 AM
he could go and get his numbers but then will be out of a job next year and won't be winning very much

11-09-2009, 10:10 AM
he could go and get his numbers but then will be out of a job next year and won't be winning very much

If Iverson is in NY would it be possible for him to average 40ppg? he can get to the plateau of 27000 points and retire among the top 10 scorers which i think is his target.

11-09-2009, 10:13 AM
AI hates practice, and D'Antoni's practices don't last 1 hour. Match made in heaven. I wouldn't mind having him here for a year. Might as well have an exciting player rather than watch Duhon and the rest of the squad brick 3s.

11-09-2009, 10:15 AM
If Iverson is in NY would it be possible for him to average 40ppg? he can get to the plateau of 27000 points and retire among the top 10 scorers which i think is his target.
he didn't 40 in his prime i don't think he'd get it now

11-09-2009, 10:38 AM
he didn't 40 in his prime i don't think he'd get it now

yea but its the run and gun style...and he may take the opportunity to show the world he can still score...coz theres nothing else he can do outside of that.

11-09-2009, 10:53 AM
It does makes a lot of sense for this year, but I don't think Iverson is risking to get the same treatment Marbs got from D'Antoni.

11-09-2009, 11:01 AM

Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley is insistent that guard Allen Iverson left the team Saturday to return to his home in Atlanta for personal reasons, not because he's upset about not starting.

"I'm the guy who said he could go. It's a real family issue that I don't think should be reported," Heisley told The(Memphis) Commercial Appeal.

Iverson had eight points and three assists in 21 minutes as a reserve in Friday's loss at the Los Angeles Lakers. He worked out with the team Saturday before leaving.

"It's a personal issue that they asked for permission to go attend to," said coach Lionel Hollins, who met with Iverson and his manager. "It was granted, and it's indefinite."

I really hope this is true. It's sad to see a player of Iverson's caliber taking the Marbury path. :(

11-09-2009, 11:30 AM
If the breaking news reports are true dealing with AI pondering retirement, then his season is done anyway. Personally, I feel like if you ever "ponder" retirement then how the hell you going to get up the energy to get back on the daily grind and try to get back in the starting lineup? I hope he retires so he can salvage something of a legacy, either way, I feel his stay in Memphis could have hit the wall already.

11-09-2009, 11:35 AM
Anyone know what the "personal issue" is?

11-09-2009, 11:46 AM
Anyone know what the "personal issue" is?
hes depressed cause hes not starting.

11-09-2009, 12:34 PM

Sounds like hes lost his desire to play basketball if hes not winning, the main problem is his role because he wants to contribute and doesn't want to be on the bench during crunch time but also because he isn't on a team thats winning.

If you put Iverson on a winning team as a 6th Man, but keep him on the floor during crunch time like Jason Terry, I dont think he'd be complaining.

Once again, Iverson needs to go the 76ers. Lou Williams is a good talent, but he seems better off as a 6th Man than a starter due to his inconsistent play and how easily he disappears during crunch time.

The 76ers need a legit #2 scoring option to take pressure off of Iguodala.

11-09-2009, 12:36 PM
He should just retire. No team is dumb enough to have him on the court during crunch time.

11-09-2009, 12:37 PM
I will tell what people are going to say in this thread:
Good Riddance
Ball Hog
"I cant believe people are defending him"
disgrace to basketball

Now with that post we can pretty much end this thread.

11-09-2009, 12:42 PM
I blame the pathetic "country" of Canada.

11-09-2009, 12:43 PM
Good riddance to a selfish stupid idiot cancer ball hog disgrace to basketball, I cant believe people are defending him

11-09-2009, 12:45 PM
He better not

11-09-2009, 12:47 PM
Will be a shame to see him go:(

11-09-2009, 12:52 PM
I blame the pathetic "country" of Canada.

Why Canada is pathetic??

And why do you blame my country?

11-09-2009, 12:54 PM
What a turdy way to retire.

11-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Good riddance (i mean it).

11-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Since the Grizzlies made a big deal in signing him, go ahead and start AI and then let him finish. They are going to lose anyway and Conley is not that much.

Let them lose and then the fans and media will be like - it's time to hang it up AI.

Better that way, than the team doing it themselves.

Let gameplay show AI that he no longer can be a starter and finish games. Or let him have a chance to win games.

Either way, let gameplay decide.

11-09-2009, 12:58 PM
Since the Grizzlies made a big deal in signing him, go ahead and start AI and then let him finish. They are going to lose anyway and Conley is not that much.

Let them lose and then the fans and media will be like - it's time to hang it up AI.

Better that way, than the team doing it themselves.

Let gameplay show AI that he no longer can be a starter and finish games. Or let him have a chance to win games.

Either way, let gameplay decide.

What would have to happen for him to think that? As long as he is starting and getting 20 shots a game, nothing else matters to him. He's played on plenty of awful teams and never complained then. Shooting <40% from the field, he's done that too.... there isn't anything that's going to convince him that he's done. The reason he came to Memphis was because of the perception that he would get his free reign back (what he wants).

11-09-2009, 12:59 PM
CYA AI:violin:





11-09-2009, 01:10 PM
ai is a loser, he couldve been coming off the bench for a contender, he went to memphis because he wanted to start, so he can further pad his stats. he cares nothing about winning titles, he only cares about himself. sad that he is like 35 and still hasnt grown up.

11-09-2009, 01:15 PM
It'll be a sad day for me if AI is no longer a ball player.

11-09-2009, 01:20 PM
i srsly just wanna see him play.

11-09-2009, 01:21 PM
i srsly just wanna see him play.

And the same for me too W43.

11-09-2009, 01:22 PM
retirement is only to get out of the stupid grizzlies contract. by next season, he will have 2-3 more teams wanting him back. AI's career is NOT done yet.

Mister JT
11-09-2009, 01:23 PM
What I'm getting from Iverson's attitude is that he does not respect the game enough. Basketball is a team game and often players need to sacrifice for the good of the team. His ego is just too big to think about players other than himself.

Why can't he act like a veteran that his younger teammates can look up to? Maybe someday when guys like Gay and Mayo become older and look back on their careers, they can say that AI was a huge part in their growth and maturity as players.

If he comes back to the Grizzlies or with a contending team, I hope he can accept whatever role the coach wants for him. Gary Payton accepted a lesser role on the Heat after playing all the time for the Sonics. He even came of the bench most times for Miami. Even Jordan came off the bench in some games for the Wizards.

Real Men Wear Green
11-09-2009, 01:28 PM
Before everyone rushes to judge, positively or negatively, isn't anyone curios as to what the "family issue" is all about? Iverson is a drama queen and a whiner, but he's not a quitter. I'd want to know what's going on there before I said something harsh about the man.

Real Men Wear Green
11-09-2009, 01:30 PM
retirement is only to get out of the stupid grizzlies contract. by next season, he will have 2-3 more teams wanting him back. AI's career is NOT done yet.
That, I'm not sure about. If he sat out this season, that's a year of rust on an old player who teams doubt will fit in well on their roster. I doubt there will be many suitors under that condition.

11-09-2009, 01:31 PM
I will tell what people are going to say in this thread:
Good Riddance
Ball Hog
"I cant believe people are defending him"
disgrace to basketball

Now with that post we can pretty much end this thread.


Good riddance to that idiot cancer or as we call him here canswer. He's nothing but a Ballhog, selfish is a nice word to describe him, stupid is a nice word to describe his IQ. " I cant believe people are still defending him" He's a disgrace to basketball...etc .

11-09-2009, 01:32 PM
That, I'm not sure about. If he sat out this season, that's a year of rust on an old player who teams doubt will fit in well on their roster. I doubt there will be many suitors under that condition.

Yeah, it didn't work out for Starbury... So I doubt AI could pull it off.

11-09-2009, 01:46 PM
Reading AI's comments it seems he wants to start, signficant minutes to prove people wrong. He feels slighted and everyone counting him out. Perhaps he should worry less about whats said about him and more about wanting to be apart of a title team. Or maybe not getting any love from those teams is what has sparked his I wanna prove em wrong attitude? :confusedshrug:

I dont see the guy retiring.

And AI back to the Sixers? No thanks. I dont see why you are constantly a moron.

11-09-2009, 04:28 PM
If Iverson quits on the team that will just prove what many of us have believed all along. Iverson isn't all about winning. Iverson is all about Iverson.

11-09-2009, 04:35 PM
Griz owner: No indication Iverson to quit

Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley has shot down the idea that Allen Iverson is mulling retirement as he takes an indefinite leave of absence for a personal matter.

Frustration stemming from his reserve role combined with the stress related to a recent family issue has caused Iverson to consider hanging up his jersey for good, The Commercial Appeal of Memphis reported Monday morning.

But Heisley said there was no indication of such consideration by the 34-year-old guard, and the owner told the newspaper that "if he was going to retire, he'd tell me first."

Iverson returned to his home in Atlanta late last week with Heisley's permission.

"I expect him to come back," Heisley said. "If he does retire, I'll be tremendously disappointed. I feel bad because I don't think that's the way he should go out."


11-09-2009, 04:39 PM
Before everyone rushes to judge, positively or negatively, isn't anyone curios as to what the "family issue" is all about? Iverson is a drama queen and a whiner, but he's not a quitter. I'd want to know what's going on there before I said something harsh about the man.

Maybe i'm naive but i believe them that its a family issue. Its just bad timing where the media and fans can relate it to AI's issues with the team. I have a feeling AI will be back and eventually probably starting. Maybe coming off the bench and them letting him close out the games.

11-09-2009, 05:14 PM
Before everyone rushes to judge, positively or negatively, isn't anyone curios as to what the "family issue" is all about? Iverson is a drama queen and a whiner, but he's not a quitter. I'd want to know what's going on there before I said something harsh about the man.

Are you kidding? Did you watch what happened in Detroit last year? And now a day or two after this huge blow-up there's a convenient "family issue" that no one will talk about... :(

At the end it shows that no matter how good someone is, they can always think they're better.

11-09-2009, 05:30 PM
Are you kidding? Did you watch what happened in Detroit last year? And now a day or two after this huge blow-up there's a convenient "family issue" that no one will talk about... :(

At the end it shows that no matter how good someone is, they can always think they're better.
Maybe there is a family issue. That still doesn't excuse the way he has acted. If he wants respect he shouldn't air the team's dirty laundry in public, not after three games at least. The problem is that he's done nothing to help his reputation. What GM would want him now if he's complaining after his first game back, then goes on a tirade just a few games later? Why would anyone wonder why it was difficult for him to find a job this summer. He was a great player but he is just shooting himself in the foot. It's mind boggling.

oh the horror
11-09-2009, 05:33 PM
I hate to say it, but I think everyone is right about this guy. He is acting like a royal ass right now.

11-09-2009, 05:38 PM
Nice to know last year in Detroit wasnt a fluke and that when the going gets tough, AI quits.

Yep, he is definitely the punk kid in the neighborhood that takes his ball home when he isn't made team captain with first pick.

oh the horror
11-09-2009, 05:45 PM
What Im still confused about is why did the Grizzlies sign this guy? They didnt KNOW he wanted to start immediately? I dont get this situation at all.

11-09-2009, 05:58 PM

And the same for me too W43.

Make that four of us.

White Chocolate
11-09-2009, 06:00 PM
He is completely destroying his legacy with his actions. There's a reason contenders don't want to sign him, even if it's for 10-15 MPG. Iverson is done.

11-09-2009, 06:37 PM
What Im still confused about is why did the Grizzlies sign this guy? They didnt KNOW he wanted to start immediately? I dont get this situation at all.My guess is that AI told the Griz that he was going to do whatever it took for them to be a better team. Translated, that meant that as long as he was starting, and was allowed to do whatever he wanted, he would only b!tch and moan a few times a week.

11-09-2009, 06:39 PM
all these internet nerds talkin **** about iverson. gotta love it. this guy was one of the greatest scorers in his prime. where is the **** talk comin from?? oh ya a bunch of chumps who have never played competitively

11-09-2009, 06:46 PM
What a strange ending to his career, to say the least. (if this holds up)

This kind of stuff makes me feel old. I remember him in college, I remember when he was drafted, I remember him as a rising star, and in his prime. Careers go by fast these days. He's 34? I thought the only guys that retired were "old." Guys whom I couldn't quite remember from college or early on in their careers because I was too young. The way time flies by these days, those young guys who I still picture in my mind as being young, high fliers, are in reality, aging/aged vets.

Samurai Jack
11-09-2009, 06:50 PM
he will be back. people needs to stop this mob mentality and think about what the game would be missing if he leaves.

people say that he is selfish and that he wants to start. look back at any 10X time allstar and tell me would they want to come off the bench behind a scrub. what do you think they would say? would they happily accept while the team is losing? did you watch the kings game? conley played like trash and if ai and mayo played together, they would have won.

ai can still play at an all-star level. why would he want to come off the bench?

also, dont bring up sixth men like terry because he tried to start and couldnt.

he should have approached this better, but to say that he is wrong is bs and every single one of you know that.

now people are saying"he doesnt care about winning" sh*t, if they were winning, ai would not care about his minutes. the griz are fukin 1-6. he just knows that he is better than conley and could help the team play much better than they are now.

Samurai Jack
11-09-2009, 06:54 PM
What a strange ending to his career, to say the least. (if this holds up)

This kind of stuff makes me feel old. I remember him in college, I remember when he was drafted, I remember him as a rising star, and in his prime. Careers go by fast these days. He's 34? I thought the only guys that retired were "old." Guys whom I couldn't quite remember from college or early on in their careers because I was too young. The way time flies by these days, those young guys who I still picture in my mind as being young, high fliers, are in reality, aging/aged vets.

what do you think about this whole situation? also, if you were a coach, would you start conley or iverson?

11-09-2009, 07:01 PM
what do you think about this whole situation? also, if you were a coach, would you start conley or iverson?

It seemed like an awkward arrangement from the start. Memphis is better off starting the young guys and seeing what they have going forward. I think a guy like Iverson could accept a bench role for a contending team, but noone signed him. That, to me, sends a loud message as to what people currently think about the guy. He's kinda caught between a rock and a hard place.

Alot of it he did to himself, but part of it is just the fact that teams aren't very interested in a 34-year old who needs the ball in his hands.

I have a hard time believing that if this is the end of his Memphis days, that NOONE will give him a look whatsoever. Occurances in the weeks and months ahead may make it necessary for a team to give him a look. Injuries may happen what what not.

11-09-2009, 07:15 PM
im a little confused. why would the grizzlies and iverson not talk about his role on the team during negotiations?

i've always wanted to support ai because he plays so hard and i've tried to base my offensive game after him, but this is getting sad. i think he needs to just retire so his legacy isn't tarnished even more.

11-09-2009, 07:32 PM
Knicks should just bite the bullet and go for it. Do a AI and Hunter for Duhon. How much worse can it get for Knicks? Who knows, maybe it works out or at least excites Garden crowd.

oh the horror
11-09-2009, 07:56 PM
Whats funny is that they probably would have HAD him starting within a few more games if he would have just let his play dictate the outcome of all of this, rather than complaining within ONE game.

11-09-2009, 07:59 PM
Whats funny is that they probably would have HAD him starting within a few more games if he would have just let his play dictate the outcome of all of this, rather than complaining within ONE game.

exactly. i don't think conley would have been able to handle that starting spot knowing it wasn't secure at all.

11-09-2009, 08:10 PM
This is pretty much what happened last season.

It was obvious that Iverson couldn't handle the point guard position when the Pistons tried to start him there. Small ball was a disaster. When Rip got benched, Rip was still outplaying Iverson even in limited minutes.

It was obvious from day one IMO that Iverson should've went to the bench but his ego never allowed it. After two games off the bench he quits the team. I gotta laugh that he can't even crack the Grizzlies starting lineup.

So what if he a top alltime scorer. His entire game is based on him controlling the ball every possession of the game. Of course he is gonna score some points, but he is not a shooter. If you pass him the ball and he is wide open he will miss the shot. No doubt he is a great penatrator and disher if a team was set up to play like that around him he could probably be good still, but at his age, size and with his attitude no team is ever going to do that for him again.

If he can't accept a role off the bench somewhere he is done in the NBA.

11-09-2009, 10:58 PM
what issues are they talking about..

11-09-2009, 10:58 PM
too many to list but top 3

1. He's selfish
2. Refuses to come off the bench even for a title even at that age
3. Canswer.(practice man? "how the hell am i going to make my teammates better by practicing?")

11-09-2009, 10:59 PM
theres been too many iverson threads on ish that probably the issue

11-09-2009, 11:00 PM
He thinks he's better and more important than everybody else.